
129 lines
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** Persistence library **
** Version 1.0 RC8 **
** By Guangcong Luo - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Zarel **
** released under CC0 and public domain **
* Meant for PHP 4.0.4 and up. I've tried to make it work in
* PHP 3, but I've never tested it, so use it in PHP 3 at
* your own risk.
**[ Description ]***********************************************
* Creates a new global variable called $_PERSIST, stored in
* persist.inc.php . If you call persist_update(),
* persist.inc.php will be updated to store the new
* value of $_PERSIST.
* Since you'll probably want to store more than one variable, use
* $_PERSIST as an array.
* Make sure PHP has permissions to edit persist.inc.php (If all else
* fails, CHMOD to 777).
* The location and name of persist.inc.php, as well as the name of
* $_PERSIST, can be set either before persist.lib.php is called or
* below.
* Example code:
* <?php
* $persist_path = 'includes/custom.inc.php';
* $persist_name = 'CUSTOM';
* include 'persist.lib.php';
* echo $CUSTOM['value'];
* $CUSTOM['value'] = 'New value';
* persist_update();
* echo $CUSTOM['value'];
* ?>
* If a script does not need to update the value of $_PERSIST, it can
* simply include persist.inc.php instead of persist.lib.php .
**[ Function reference ]****************************************
* persist_update()
* Updates stored $_PERSIST.
if (!isset($persist_name) || !$persist_name)
// $persist_name is the name of the variable you want to persist.
// Do not add $ before it; it will be added automatically.
// Defaults to _PERSIST (Which would be the variable $_PERSIST)
$persist_name = '_PERSIST';
if (!isset($persist_path) || !$persist_path)
// $persist_path is URL of whatever file contains the data you want to
// persist.
// Defaults to persist.inc.php in the directory containing
// persist.lib.php (as opposed to the directory the script is running
// in).
$persist_path = substr(__FILE__,0,strrpos(__FILE__,'/')+1).strtolower(substr($persist_name,0,1)==='_'?substr($persist_name,1):$persist_name).'.inc.php';
@include_once $persist_path;
function persist_update($name='', $path='')
// Updates $_PERSIST
global $persist_name,$persist_path;
if (!$name) $name = $persist_name;
if (!$path && $name == $persist_name) $path = $persist_path;
if (!$path || !file_exists($path)) $path = substr(__FILE__,0,strrpos(__FILE__,'/')+1).strtolower(substr($name,0,1)==='_'?substr($name,1):$name).'.inc.php';
// Open persist.inc.php and start editing it
if (!is_writable($path)) return false;
$res = fopen($path,"w");
if (!$res) return false;
fwrite($res,"<?php\n\$".$name." = ".persist_tophp($GLOBALS[$name]).";\n?>\n");
return true;
function persist_tophp($var, $pre='')
// Recursive function to create array
// It really needs a better name
if (is_null($var)) // NULL
return 'NULL';
if (is_bool($var)) // Boolean
return ($var?'TRUE':'FALSE');
if (is_int($var) || is_float($var)) // Number
return ''.$var;
if (is_string($var)) // String
return "'".php_escape($var)."'";
if (is_array($var)) //Array
if (empty($var)) return 'array()';
$buf = "array(\n";
$nleft = count($var); $i = -1; reset($var);
// Recurse (Whee!)
while (($cur = each($var)) !== FALSE)
$buf .= $pre."\t";
if (!is_int($cur[0]))
{ $buf .= "'".php_escape($cur[0])."' => ";
$i = FALSE;
else if ($i===FALSE || $cur[0] != ++$i)
{ $buf .= $cur[0].' => ';
$i = ($i!==FALSE&&$cur[0]>$i?$cur[0]:FALSE);
$buf .= persist_tophp($cur[1], $pre."\t");
if (--$nleft) $buf .= ',';
$buf .= "\n";
return $buf.$pre.')';
return "unserialize('".php_escape(serialize($var))."')";
function php_escape($str)
return strtr($str,array("\\" => "\\\\", "'" => "\\'"));
if (isset($_REQUEST['forceupdate'])) if (persist_update()) echo 'SUCCESS'; else echo 'ERROR';