
310 lines
9.7 KiB

__author__ = "Kevin Gillette"
__version__ = "1.0"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# pie_common v0.1 by Kevin Gillette (kage)
# v1.0 --
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
from Blender import *
verbose = (Registry.GetKey('General') or dict()).get('verbose', True)
class FatalError(Exception):
def scalar_value(val, type=None):
if hasattr(val, 'val'):
val = val.val
if type is 'bool': val = bool(val)
return val
def default_value(ui, key):
return ui.getData('defaults/user').get(key, ui.getData('defaults/script').get(key))
def save_defaults(ui):
defaults = ui.getData('defaults/script')
for opt in ui.getData('optlist'):
name = opt['name']
defaults[name] = scalar_value(opt['val'], opt['opts'])
if 'tooltips' not in defaults: defaults['tooltips'] = dict()
if 'limits' not in defaults: defaults['limits'] = dict()
Registry.SetKey('warzone_pie', defaults, True)
Draw.PupMenu("Defaults saved")
tc_unit_size = 100
def get_teamcolor_meta(uvs):
for coord in uvs[:3]:
if coord[0] not in (0.0, 1.0) or coord[1] not in (0.0, 1.0): break
else: return None
width, height = uvs[0]
frames = round((uvs[1][0] - width) * tc_unit_size)
delay = round((uvs[2][1] - height) * tc_unit_size)
return [frames, delay, width, height]
def create_teamcolor_meta(nbPoints, width, height, frames, delay=10):
offsetU = width + frames / tc_unit_size
offsetV = height + delay / tc_unit_size
offsets = range(nbPoints - 3)
uv = [Mathutils.Vector(width, height),
Mathutils.Vector(offsetU, height),
Mathutils.Vector(offsetU, offsetV)]
uv.extend([Mathutils.Vector(width, offsetV + 0.01 * i) for i in offsets])
return uv
class BeltFedUI:
def __init__(self, debug_gui=False):
self._persistent_data = dict()
self._volatile_data = dict()
self._beltlinks = [[None, None, lambda self, val: True, None]] # used for bootstrapping
self._linknames = dict()
self._index = -1
self._skipui = False
self._debug_gui = debug_gui
self._debug_messages = {
'fatal-error': ["FATAL ERROR: ", 0],
'error': ["ERROR: ", 0],
'warning': ["Warning: ", 0],
'notice': ["", 0]
self._debug_buffer = "" # also includes notices
self._error_list = list()
def debug(self, message, type="notice", lineno=None):
if type not in self._debug_messages:
raise ValueError("not a correct message type")
if lineno: message += " line: %i" % lineno
tobj = self._debug_messages[type]
tobj[1] += 1
lbuf = tobj[0] + message
if verbose: print lbuf
self._debug_buffer += lbuf + "\n"
if type != "notice": self._error_list.append(lbuf)
if type == 'fatal-error':
raise FatalError()
def append(self, process, draw=None, event=None, scrl_range=None, name=None):
if self._index >= 0:
raise ValueError("cannot append a beltlink after process has started")
if (draw or event) and not (draw and event):
raise TypeError("Both draw and event should be callable or both should be None")
self._beltlinks.append([process, draw, event, scrl_range])
if name: self._linknames[name] = len(self._beltlinks)
def setScrollRange(self, min, max):
if self._index < 0:
raise ValueError("cannot set the scroll range before the process has started.")
if min == max:
self._beltlinks[self._index][3] = None
if min > max:
raise ValueError("min must be less than max")
self._beltlinks[self._index][3] = (min, max)
def skipUI(self):
self._skipui = True
def jumpToNamedLink(name):
if self._index < 0: raise ValueError("must first start the ui process")
if name in self._linknames:
self._index = self._linknames[name]
return True
return False
def Run(self):
if self._index < 0:
if self._debug_gui:
self.append(self._error_process, self._error_draw, self._error_evt,
[None, None], "debug")
self._index = 0
raise ValueError("process has already started")
def _process(self):
func = self._beltlinks[self._index][0]
if callable(func):
return func(self)
return None
def _draw(self):
def _evt(self, val=None):
retval = self._beltlinks[self._index][2](self, val)
if retval is False:
self.debug("Import aborted")
elif retval is True:
beltlen = len(self._beltlinks)
while retval is True:
self._volatile_data = dict()
self._index += 1
self._skipui = False
if self._index >= beltlen: return
retval = self._process()
except FatalError:
if not self.jumpToNamedLink('debug'): self._index = beltlen
if retval is None and self._beltlinks[self._index][1] and \
not self._skipui:
if self._beltlinks[self._index][3]:
input_handler = self._handle_mousewheel
input_handler = None
Draw.Register(self._draw, input_handler, self._evt)
def _handle_mousewheel(self, evt, val):
offset = 0
if evt is Draw.WHEELDOWNMOUSE: offset = 1
elif evt is Draw.WHEELUPMOUSE: offset = -1
if offset:
scroll = self.getData('scroll-position', 0)
scroll += offset
min, max = self._beltlinks[self._index][3]
if (min is None or scroll >= min) and (max is None or scroll <= max):
self.setData('scroll-position', scroll)
def setData(self, key, value, persist=False):
if persist: self._persistent_data[key] = value
else: self._volatile_data[key] = value
def getData(self, key, default=None):
if key in self._volatile_data:
return self._volatile_data[key]
if key in self._persistent_data:
return self._persistent_data[key]
return default
def __contains__(key):
return key in self._volatile_data or key in self._persistent_data
def _error_process(self, shim):
if self._error_list:
numerrors = len(self._error_list)
rows = min(numerrors, 20)
self.setData('num-errors', numerrors)
self.setData('rows', rows)
self.setScrollRange(0, numerrors - rows)
def _error_draw(self, shim):
Draw.PushButton("Save log", 1, 31, 10, 140, 30, "Save the log to a file, and then continue with loading")
Draw.PushButton("Finish", 0, 289, 10, 140, 30, "Do not save the errors, and continue with loading")
BGL.glClearColor(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1)
BGL.glColor3f(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
BGL.glRecti(5, 5, 455, 405)
BGL.glColor3f(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
BGL.glRecti(10, 45, 450, 365)
BGL.glRecti(175, 15, 285, 35)
BGL.glRecti(15, 370, 440, 400)
rows, scroll = self.getData('rows'), self.getData('scroll-position', 0)
numerrors = self.getData('num-errors')
Draw.Label("%i-%i of %i" % (scroll, scroll + rows, numerrors),
176, 16, 108, 18)
start = scroll
end = start + rows
BGL.glColor3i(0, 0, 0)
counter = 0
while start + counter < end:
BGL.glRasterPos2i(11, 355 - counter * 16)
Draw.Text(self._error_list[start + counter])
counter += 1
BGL.glColor3i(0, 0, 0)
text = ("Processing Errors", "large")
BGL.glRasterPos2i(int((426 - Draw.GetStringWidth(*text)) / 2 + 15), 381)
def _error_evt(self, shim, val):
if val == 0:
return True
if val == 1:
filename = self.getData('filename').rsplit('.', 1)[0] + ".log"
Window.FileSelector(self._dump_log, 'Save import log', filename)
errpage = self.getData('error-page')
if val == 2: self.setData('error-page', errpage - 1)
elif val == 3: self.setData('error-page', errpage + 1)
def _dump_log(self, filename):
f = open(filename, "w")
def normalizeObjectName(name):
pos = name.rfind('.')
if name[pos + 1:].isdigit(): name = name[:pos]
return name
def validate(levels):
""" expects levels pre-sorted by object name, and assumes that all passed
objects have names starting with LEVEL_ and are children of a PIE_ object
errors = list()
if not levels:
errors.append(('error', "no levels were found"))
i = 0
for level in levels:
i += 1
name = level.getName()
invalid = True
listed_num = int(normalizeObjectName(name)[6:])
if listed_num is i: invalid = False
except ValueError:
if invalid:
errors.append(('warning', "expected level %i" % i))
i += 1
if level.getType() != "Mesh":
errors.append(('error', "%s must be a mesh object" % name))
mesh = level.getData(mesh=True)
num = len(mesh.faces)
if num > 512:
errors.append(('error', "more than 512 faces found in %s (%i found)" %
(name, num)))
num = len(mesh.verts)
if num > 768:
errors.append(('error', "more than 768 verts found in %s (%i found)" %
(name, num)))
for j, face in enumerate(mesh.faces):
num = len(face.verts)
if num > 6:
errors.append(('error', "more than 6 verts found in face %i of %s (%i found)" %
(j, name, num)))
return errors