
866 lines
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This file is part of Warzone 2100.
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Warzone Resurrection Project
Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef VECTOR_H
#define VECTOR_H
#include "wzglobal.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include "fixedpoint.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "math_ext.h"
typedef struct { int x, y; } Vector2i;
typedef struct { float x, y; } Vector2f;
typedef struct { int x, y, z; } Vector3i;
typedef struct { float x, y, z; } Vector3f;
typedef struct { uint16_t x, y, z; } Vector3uw; // Only used for basedef.h BASE_ELEMENTS1.
* Create a Vector from x and y
* Needed for MSVC which doesn't support C99 struct assignments.
* \param x,y Coordinates
* \return New Vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2i Vector2i_Init(const int x, const int y)
Vector2i dest = { x, y };
return dest;
* Convert an integer vector to float
* \param v Vector to convert
* \return Float vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2f Vector2i_To2f(const Vector2i v)
Vector2f dest = { (float)v.x, (float)v.y };
return dest;
* \return true if both vectors are equal
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST bool Vector2i_Compare(const Vector2i a, const Vector2i b)
return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y;
* Add op2 to op1.
* \param[in] op1,op2 Operands
* \return Result
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2i Vector2i_Add(const Vector2i op1, const Vector2i op2)
Vector2i dest = {
op1.x + op2.x,
op1.y + op2.y
return dest;
* Substract op2 from op1.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Result
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2i Vector2i_Sub(const Vector2i op1, const Vector2i op2)
Vector2i dest = {
op1.x - op2.x,
op1.y - op2.y
return dest;
* Multiply a vector with a scalar.
* \param v Vector
* \param s Scalar
* \return Product
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2i Vector2i_Mult(const Vector2i v, const int s)
Vector2i dest = { v.x * s, v.y * s };
return dest;
* Calculate the scalar product of op1 and op2.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Scalarproduct of the 2 vectors
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST int Vector2i_ScalarP(const Vector2i op1, const Vector2i op2)
return op1.x * op2.x + op1.y * op2.y;
* Calculate the length of a vector.
* \param v Vector
* \return Length
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST int Vector2i_Length(const Vector2i v)
return sqrtf( (float)Vector2i_ScalarP(v, v) );
* Checks to see if vector v is inside the circle whose centre is at point c
* with a radius of r.
* This function makes use of the following equation:
* (x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2 = r^2 which is used for drawing a circle of radius r
* with a centre (a, b). However we can also use it to see if a point is in a
* circle, which is the case so long as RHS > LHS.
* \param v Vector to test
* \param c Vector containing the centre of the circle
* \param r The radius of the circle
* \return If v falls within the circle
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST bool Vector2i_InCircle(const Vector2i v, const Vector2i c, const unsigned int r)
Vector2i delta = Vector2i_Sub(v, c);
// Explictily cast to "unsigned int" because this number never can be
// negative, due to the fact that these numbers are squared. Still GCC
// warns about a comparison of a comparison between an unsigned and a
// signed integer.
return (unsigned int)((delta.x * delta.x) + (delta.y * delta.y)) < (r * r);
* Create a Vector from x and y
* Needed for MSVC which doesn't support C99 struct assignments.
* \param x,y Coordinates
* \return New Vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2f Vector2f_Init(const float x, const float y)
Vector2f dest = { x, y };
return dest;
* Convert a float vector to integer
* \param v Vector to convert
* \return Float vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2i Vector2f_To2i(const Vector2f v)
Vector2i dest = { (int)v.x, (int)v.y };
return dest;
* Add op2 to op1.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Result
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2f Vector2f_Add(const Vector2f op1, const Vector2f op2)
Vector2f dest = {
op1.x + op2.x,
op1.y + op2.y
return dest;
* Substract op2 from op1.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Result
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2f Vector2f_Sub(const Vector2f op1, const Vector2f op2)
Vector2f dest = {
op1.x - op2.x,
op1.y - op2.y
return dest;
* Multiply a vector with a scalar.
* \param v Vector
* \param s Scalar
* \return Product
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2f Vector2f_Mult(const Vector2f v, const float s)
Vector2f dest = { v.x * s, v.y * s };
return dest;
* Calculate the scalar product of op1 and op2.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Scalarproduct of the 2 vectors
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST float Vector2f_ScalarP(const Vector2f op1, const Vector2f op2)
return op1.x * op2.x + op1.y * op2.y;
* Calculate the length of a vector.
* \param v Vector
* \return Length
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST float Vector2f_Length(const Vector2f v)
return sqrtf( Vector2f_ScalarP(v, v) );
* Normalise a Vector
* \param v Vector
* \return Normalised vector, nullvector when input was nullvector or very small
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2f Vector2f_Normalise(const Vector2f v)
float length = Vector2f_Length(v);
if (length == 0.0f)
Vector2f dest = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
return dest;
Vector2f dest = { v.x / length, v.y / length };
return dest;
* Rotate v
* \param v vector to rotate
* \param degrees the amount of degrees to rotate in counterclockwise direction
* \return Result
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2f Vector2f_Rotate2f(Vector2f v, float degrees)
Vector2f result;
float radians = (degrees / 360) * 2 * 3.14;
result.x = v.x*cos(radians) - v.y*sin(radians);
result.y = v.x*sin(radians) + v.y*cos(radians);
return result;
* Finds a point that lies in between two other points, a starting and ending
* point.
* \param from Vector representing the starting point.
* \param to Vector representing the ending point.
* \param s The distance travelled along the line between vectors \c from and
* \c to expressed as a number ranging from 0.f to 1.f.
* \return a Vector that's \c s along the line between \c from and \to
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2i Vector2i_LinearInterpolate(const Vector2i from, const Vector2i to, const float s)
assert(s >= 0.f && s <= 1.f);
return Vector2i_Add(from, Vector2f_To2i(Vector2f_Mult(Vector2i_To2f(Vector2i_Sub(to, from)), s)));
* Finds a point that lies in between two other points, a starting and ending
* point.
* \param from Vector representing the starting point.
* \param to Vector representing the ending point.
* \param s The distance travelled along the line between vectors \c from and
* \c to expressed as a number ranging from 0.f to 1.f.
* \return a Vector that's \c s along the line between \c from and \to
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2f Vector2f_LinearInterpolate(const Vector2f from, const Vector2f to, const float s)
assert(s >= 0.f && s <= 1.f);
return Vector2f_Add(from, Vector2f_Mult(Vector2f_Sub(to, from), s));
* Print a vector to stdout
static inline void Vector3f_Print(const Vector3f v)
printf("V: x:%f, y:%f, z:%f\n", v.x, v.y, v.z);
* Set the vector field by field, same as v = (Vector3f){x, y, z};
* Needed for MSVC which doesn't support C99 struct assignments.
* \param x,y,z Values to set to
* \return New vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3f_Init(const float x, const float y, const float z)
Vector3f dest = { x, y, z };
return dest;
* Convert a float vector to integer
* \param v Vector to convert
* \return Float vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3i Vector3f_To3i(const Vector3f v)
Vector3i dest = { (int)v.x, (int)v.y, (int)v.z };
return dest;
* Convert a float vector to short
* \param v Vector to convert
* \return Short vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3uw Vector3f_To3uw(const Vector3f v)
Vector3uw dest = { (uint16_t)v.x, (uint16_t)v.y, (uint16_t)v.z };
return dest;
* \return true if both vectors are equal
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST bool Vector3f_Compare(const Vector3f a, const Vector3f b)
return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y && a.z == b.z;
* Add op2 to op1.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Result
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3f_Add(const Vector3f op1, const Vector3f op2)
Vector3f dest = {
op1.x + op2.x,
op1.y + op2.y,
op1.z + op2.z
return dest;
* Substract op2 from op1.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Result
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3f_Sub(const Vector3f op1, const Vector3f op2)
Vector3f dest = {
op1.x - op2.x,
op1.y - op2.y,
op1.z - op2.z
return dest;
* Multiply a vector with a scalar.
* \param v Vector
* \param s Scalar
* \return Product
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3f_Mult(const Vector3f v, const float s)
Vector3f dest = { v.x * s, v.y * s, v.z * s };
return dest;
* Calculate the scalar product of op1 and op2.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Scalarproduct of the 2 vectors
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST float Vector3f_ScalarP(const Vector3f op1, const Vector3f op2)
return op1.x * op2.x + op1.y * op2.y + op1.z * op2.z;
* Calculate the crossproduct of op1 and op2.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Crossproduct
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3f_CrossP(const Vector3f op1, const Vector3f op2)
Vector3f dest = {
op1.y * op2.z - op1.z * op2.y,
op1.z * op2.x - op1.x * op2.z,
op1.x * op2.y - op1.y * op2.x
return dest;
* Calculate the length of a vector.
* \param v Vector
* \return Length
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST float Vector3f_Length(const Vector3f v)
return sqrtf( Vector3f_ScalarP(v, v) );
* Normalise a Vector
* \param v Vector
* \return Normalised vector, nullvector when input was nullvector or very small
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3f_Normalise(const Vector3f v)
float length = Vector3f_Length(v);
if (length == 0.0f)
Vector3f dest = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
return dest;
Vector3f dest = { v.x / length, v.y / length, v.z / length };
return dest;
* Much the same as Vector2i_InCircle except that it works in 3-axis by discarding the z-component and with
* circles.
* \param v Vector to test
* \param c Vector containing the centre of the circle
* \param r The radius of the circle
* \return If v falls within the circle
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST bool Vector3f_InCircle(const Vector3f v, const Vector3f c, const float r)
Vector3f delta = Vector3f_Sub(v, c);
// Explictily cast to "unsigned int" because this number never can be
// negative, due to the fact that these numbers are squared. Still GCC
// warns about a comparison of a comparison between an unsigned and a
// signed integer.
return (delta.x * delta.x) + (delta.y * delta.y) < (r * r);
* Much the same as Vector2i_InCircle except that it works in 3-axis and with
* spheres.
* The equation used is also ever so slightly different:
* (x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2 + (z - c)^2 = r^2. Notice how it is still squared and
* _not_ cubed!
* \param v Vector to test
* \param c Vector containing the centre of the sphere
* \param r The radius of the sphere
* \return If v falls within the sphere
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST bool Vector3f_InSphere (const Vector3f v, const Vector3f c, const float r)
Vector3f delta = Vector3f_Sub(v, c);
// Explictily cast to "unsigned int" because this number never can be
// negative, due to the fact that these numbers are squared. Still GCC
// warns about a comparison of a comparison between an unsigned and a
// signed integer.
return (delta.x * delta.x) + (delta.y * delta.y) + (delta.z * delta.z) < (r * r);
* Compute the forward vector, a body's local Z axis, for a set of Euler angles
* (pitch, yaw and roll).
* \param v Vector containing the pitch, yaw and roll in its x, y and z members
* respectively. These rotations need to be expressed in radians.
* \return Forward vector.
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3f_EulerToForwardVector(const Vector3f v)
Vector3f dest = {
cosf(v.x) * sinf(v.y),
cosf(v.x) * cosf(v.y)
return dest;
* Compute the up vector, a body's local Y axis, for a set of Euler angles
* (pitch, yaw and roll).
* \param v Vector containing the pitch, yaw and roll in its x, y and z members
* respectively. These rotations need to be expressed in radians.
* \return Up vector.
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3f_EulerToUpVector(const Vector3f v)
Vector3f dest = {
sinf(v.x) * sinf(v.y) * cosf(v.z) - sinf(v.z) * cosf(v.z),
cosf(v.x) * cosf(v.z),
sinf(v.x) * cosf(v.y) * cosf(v.z) + sinf(v.y) * sinf(v.z)
return dest;
* Finds a point that lies in between two other points, a starting and ending
* point.
* \param from Vector representing the starting point.
* \param to Vector representing the ending point.
* \param s The distance travelled along the line between vectors \c from and
* \c to expressed as a number ranging from 0.f to 1.f.
* \return a Vector that's \c s along the line between \c from and \to
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3f_LinearInterpolate(const Vector3f from, const Vector3f to, const float s)
assert(s >= 0.f && s <= 1.f);
return Vector3f_Add(from, Vector3f_Mult(Vector3f_Sub(to, from), s));
* Set the vector field by field, same as v = (Vector3i){x, y, z};
* Needed for MSVC which doesn't support C99 struct assignments.
* \param x,y,z Coordinates
* \return New Vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3i Vector3i_Init(const int x, const int y, const int z)
Vector3i dest = { x, y, z };
return dest;
* Convert an integer vector to float
* \param v Vector to convert
* \return Float vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3i_To3f(const Vector3i v)
Vector3f dest = { (float)v.x, (float)v.y, (float)v.z };
return dest;
* Convert an integer vector to short
* \param v Vector to convert
* \return Short vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3uw Vector3i_To3uw(const Vector3i v)
Vector3uw dest = { (uint16_t)v.x, (uint16_t)v.y, (uint16_t)v.z };
return dest;
* Convert a vector of degree angles into radians.
* \param v Vector to convert
* \return Radian vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3f_ToRadians(const Vector3f v)
Vector3f dest = {
return dest;
* Convert a vector of fixed-point, wannabe-floats (used on the PSX, and
* unfortunately on the PC as well), to real floats expressed in real degrees.
* \param v Rotation vector in "wannabe-float" degrees
* \return Float vector in real degrees
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3iPSX_To3fDegree(const Vector3i v)
return Vector3f_Mult(Vector3i_To3f(v),
// Required to multiply by this to undo the PSX fixed point fract stuff
360.f / (float)DEG_360);
* \return true if both vectors are equal
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST bool Vector3i_Compare(const Vector3i a, const Vector3i b)
return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y && a.z == b.z;
* Add op2 to op1.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Result
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3i Vector3i_Add(const Vector3i op1, const Vector3i op2)
Vector3i dest = {
op1.x + op2.x,
op1.y + op2.y,
op1.z + op2.z
return dest;
* Substract op2 from op1.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Result
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3i Vector3i_Sub(const Vector3i op1, const Vector3i op2)
Vector3i dest = {
op1.x - op2.x,
op1.y - op2.y,
op1.z - op2.z
return dest;
* Multiply a vector with a scalar.
* \param v Vector
* \param s Scalar
* \return Product
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3i Vector3i_Mult(const Vector3i v, const int s)
Vector3i dest = { v.x * s, v.y * s, v.z * s };
return dest;
* Divide a vector with a scalar.
* \param v Vector
* \param s Scalar
* \return Product
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3i Vector3i_Div(const Vector3i v, const int s)
Vector3i dest = { v.x / s, v.y / s, v.z / s };
return dest;
* Calculate the scalar product of op1 and op2.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Scalarproduct of the 2 vectors
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST unsigned int Vector3i_ScalarP(const Vector3i op1, const Vector3i op2)
return op1.x * op2.x + op1.y * op2.y + op1.z * op2.z;
* Calculate the length of a vector.
* \param v Vector
* \return Length
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST float Vector3i_Length(const Vector3i v)
return sqrtf( Vector3i_ScalarP(v, v) );
* Normalise a Vector
* \param v Vector
* \return Normalised vector, nullvector when input was nullvector or very small
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3i Vector3i_Normalise(const Vector3i v)
float length = Vector3i_Length(v);
if (length == 0.0f)
Vector3i dest = { 0, 0, 0 };
return dest;
Vector3i dest = { v.x / length, v.y / length, v.z / length };
return dest;
* Much the same as Vector2i_InCircle except that it works in 3-axis by discarding the z-component and with
* circles.
* \param v Vector to test
* \param c Vector containing the centre of the circle
* \param r The radius of the circle
* \return If v falls within the circle
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST bool Vector3i_InCircle(const Vector3i v, const Vector3i c, const unsigned int r)
Vector3i delta = Vector3i_Sub(v, c);
// Explictily cast to "unsigned int" because this number never can be
// negative, due to the fact that these numbers are squared. Still GCC
// warns about a comparison of a comparison between an unsigned and a
// signed integer.
return (unsigned int)((delta.x * delta.x) + (delta.y * delta.y)) < (r * r);
* Much the same as Vector2i_InCircle except that it works in 3-axis and with
* spheres.
* The equation used is also ever so slightly different:
* (x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2 + (z - c)^2 = r^2. Notice how it is still squared and
* _not_ cubed!
* \param v Vector to test
* \param c Vector containing the centre of the sphere
* \param r The radius of the sphere
* \return If v falls within the sphere
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST bool Vector3i_InSphere (const Vector3i v, const Vector3i c, const unsigned int r)
Vector3i delta = Vector3i_Sub(v, c);
// Explictily cast to "unsigned int" because this number never can be
// negative, due to the fact that these numbers are squared. Still GCC
// warns about a comparison of a comparison between an unsigned and a
// signed integer.
return (unsigned int)((delta.x * delta.x) + (delta.y * delta.y) + (delta.z * delta.z)) < (r * r);
* Finds a point that lies in between two other points, a starting and ending
* point.
* \param from Vector representing the starting point.
* \param to Vector representing the ending point.
* \param s The distance travelled along the line between vectors \c from and
* \c to expressed as a number ranging from 0.f to 1.f.
* \return a Vector that's \c s along the line between \c from and \to
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3i Vector3i_LinearInterpolate(const Vector3i from, const Vector3i to, const float s)
assert(s >= 0.f && s <= 1.f);
return Vector3i_Add(from, Vector3f_To3i(Vector3f_Mult(Vector3i_To3f(Vector3i_Sub(to, from)), s)));
* Print a vector to stdout
static inline void Vector3uw_Print(const Vector3uw v)
printf("V: x:%u, y:%u, z:%u\n", v.x, v.y, v.z);
* Set the vector field by field, same as v = (Vector3uw){x, y, z};
* Needed for MSVC which doesn't support C99 struct assignments.
* \param x,y,z Coordinates
* \return New Vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3uw Vector3uw_Init(const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const unsigned int z)
Vector3uw dest = { x, y, z };
return dest;
* Convert an short vector to int
* \param v Vector to convert
* \return Short vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3i Vector3uw_To3i(const Vector3uw v)
Vector3i dest = { (int)v.x, (int)v.y, (int)v.z };
return dest;
* Convert an short vector to int
* \param v Vector to convert
* \return Short vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3uw_To3f(const Vector3uw v)
Vector3f dest = { (float)v.x, (float)v.y, (float)v.z };
return dest;
#endif // VECTOR_H