
1269 lines
38 KiB

This file is part of Warzone 2100.
Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive
Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Warzone 2100 Project
Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/** @file wzapp.cpp
* Qt-related functions.
#include <QtGui/QImage>
#include <QtGui/QBitmap>
#include <QtGui/QPainter>
#include <QtGui/QMouseEvent>
#include <QtGui/QMessageBox>
#include <QtGui/QIcon>
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QtGui/QClipboard>
// Get platform defines before checking for them.
// Qt headers MUST come before platform specific stuff!
#include "wzapp_qt.h"
#if defined(WZ_CC_MSVC)
#include "wzapp.h.moc" // this is generated on the pre-build event.
#include "lib/exceptionhandler/dumpinfo.h"
#include "lib/framework/file.h"
#include "lib/ivis_opengl/piestate.h"
#include "lib/ivis_opengl/pieclip.h"
#include "lib/ivis_opengl/screen.h"
#include "lib/framework/wzapp.h"
#include "src/main.h"
#include "src/configuration.h"
#include "lib/gamelib/gtime.h"
#include <deque>
/* The possible states for keys */
typedef enum _key_state
KEY_PRESSRELEASE, ///< When a key goes up and down in a frame
KEY_DOUBLECLICK, ///< Only used by mouse keys
KEY_DRAG, ///< Only used by mouse keys
typedef struct _input_state
KEY_STATE state; ///< Last key/mouse state
UDWORD lastdown; ///< last key/mouse button down timestamp
Vector2i pressPos; ///< Location of last mouse press event.
Vector2i releasePos; ///< Location of last mouse release event.
/// constant for the interval between 2 singleclicks for doubleclick event in ms
/** The current state of the keyboard */
/** How far the mouse has to move to start a drag */
/** Which button is being used for a drag */
static MOUSE_KEY_CODE dragKey;
/** The start of a possible drag by the mouse */
static SDWORD dragX, dragY;
/** The current mouse button state */
static INPUT_STATE aMouseState[MOUSE_BAD];
static MousePresses mousePresses;
/** The input string buffer */
struct InputKey
InputKey(UDWORD key_ = 0, utf_32_char unicode_ = 0) : key(key_), unicode(unicode_) {}
utf_32_char unicode;
static std::deque<InputKey> inputBuffer;
static QColor fontColor;
static uint16_t mouseXPos = 0, mouseYPos = 0;
static bool mouseInWindow = false;
static CURSOR lastCursor = CURSOR_ARROW;
static bool crashing = false;
unsigned screenWidth = 0; // Declared in frameint.h.
unsigned screenHeight = 0; // Declared in frameint.h.
static void inputAddBuffer(UDWORD key, utf_32_char unicode);
static int WZkeyToQtKey(int code);
void WzMainWindow::loadCursor(CURSOR cursor, char const *name)
cursors[cursor] = new QCursor(QPixmap::fromImage(QImage(name, "PNG")));
WzMainWindow::WzMainWindow(QSize resolution, const QGLFormat &format, QWidget *parent) : QtGameWidget(resolution, format, parent)
myself = this;
notReadyToPaint = true;
for (int i = 0; i < CURSOR_MAX; cursors[i++] = NULL) ;
// Mac apps typically don't have window icons unless document-based.
#if !defined(WZ_OS_MAC)
setWindowIcon(QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(QImage("wz::images/warzone2100.png", "PNG"))));
loadCursor(CURSOR_EMBARK, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_embark.png");
loadCursor(CURSOR_DEST, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_dest.png");
loadCursor(CURSOR_DEFAULT, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_default.png");
loadCursor(CURSOR_BUILD, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_build.png");
loadCursor(CURSOR_SCOUT, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_scout.png");
loadCursor(CURSOR_DISEMBARK, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_disembark.png");
loadCursor(CURSOR_ATTACK, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_attack.png");
loadCursor(CURSOR_GUARD, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_guard.png");
loadCursor(CURSOR_FIX, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_fix.png");
loadCursor(CURSOR_SELECT, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_select.png");
// loadCursor(CURSOR_REPAIR, 64, 160, buffer); // FIX ME: This IS in infac.img, but the define is MIA
loadCursor(CURSOR_SEEKREPAIR, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_repair.png"); // FIX ME: This is NOT in infac.img!
loadCursor(CURSOR_PICKUP, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_pickup.png");
loadCursor(CURSOR_NOTPOSSIBLE, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_notpos.png");
loadCursor(CURSOR_MOVE, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_move.png");
loadCursor(CURSOR_LOCKON, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_lockon.png");
// loadCursor(CURSOR_ECM, 224, 160, buffer); // FIX ME: Not defined yet!
loadCursor(CURSOR_JAM, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_ecm.png"); // FIX ME: This is NOT in infac.img, and is using IMAGE CURSOR ECM ?
loadCursor(CURSOR_ATTACH, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_attach.png");
loadCursor(CURSOR_BRIDGE, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_bridge.png");
loadCursor(CURSOR_BOMB, "wz::images/intfac/image_cursor_bomb.png");
// Reused (unused) cursors
cursors[CURSOR_ARROW] = new QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
cursors[CURSOR_MENU] = new QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
cursors[CURSOR_BOMB] = new QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
cursors[CURSOR_EDGEOFMAP] = new QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
cursors[CURSOR_SIGHT] = new QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
cursors[CURSOR_TARGET] = new QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
cursors[CURSOR_UARROW] = new QCursor(Qt::SizeVerCursor);
cursors[CURSOR_DARROW] = new QCursor(Qt::SizeVerCursor);
cursors[CURSOR_LARROW] = new QCursor(Qt::SizeHorCursor);
cursors[CURSOR_RARROW] = new QCursor(Qt::SizeHorCursor);
// Fonts
regularFont.setFamily("DejaVu Sans");
boldFont.setFamily("DejaVu Sans");
smallFont.setFamily("DejaVu Sans");
// Want focusOutEvent messages.
// set radix character (again) to the period (".")
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
#if !defined(WZ_OS_MAC)
// Want áéíóú inputMethodEvent messages.
setAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled, true);
// But not on the Mac (no ALT+H on US Extended Keyboards)
setAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled, false);
for (int i = 0; i < CURSOR_MAX; delete cursors[i++]) ;
WzMainWindow *WzMainWindow::instance()
assert(myself != NULL);
return myself;
void WzMainWindow::initializeGL()
#if 0
// Re-enable when Qt's font rendering is improved.
void WzMainWindow::drawPixmap(int XPos, int YPos, QPixmap *pix)
QPainter painter(context()->device());
painter.drawPixmap(XPos, YPos, *pix);
rendStatesRendModeHack(); // rendStates.rendMode = REND_ALPHA;
pie_SetRendMode(REND_OPAQUE); // beat state machinery into submission
void WzMainWindow::resizeGL(int width, int height)
screenWidth = width;
screenHeight = height;
scaledFont.setFamily("DejaVu Sans");
scaledFont.setPixelSize(12 * height / 480);
glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
glOrtho(0, width, height, 0, 1, -1);
glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
void WzMainWindow::paintGL()
if (notReadyToPaint)
if (crashing)
// Tell the input system about the start of another frame
update(); // add a new paint event for constant redraws
void WzMainWindow::setCursor(CURSOR index)
void WzMainWindow::setCursor(QCursor cursor)
WzMainWindow *WzMainWindow::myself = NULL;
void WzMainWindow::setFontType(enum iV_fonts fontID)
switch (fontID)
case font_regular:
case font_large:
case font_small:
case font_scaled:
void WzMainWindow::setFontSize(float size)
QFont theFont = font();
void WzMainWindow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
mouseXPos = clip(event->x(), 0, width() - 1);
mouseYPos = clip(event->y(), 0, height() - 1);
mouseInWindow = mouseXPos == event->x() && mouseYPos == event->y();
/* now see if a drag has started */
if ((aMouseState[dragKey].state == KEY_PRESSED ||
aMouseState[dragKey].state == KEY_DOWN)
&& (abs(dragX - mouseXPos) > DRAG_THRESHOLD ||
abs(dragY - mouseYPos) > DRAG_THRESHOLD))
aMouseState[dragKey].state = KEY_DRAG;
MOUSE_KEY_CODE WzMainWindow::buttonToIdx(Qt::MouseButton button)
switch (button)
case Qt::LeftButton:
idx = MOUSE_LMB;
debug(LOG_INPUT, "MOUSE_LMB clicked");
case Qt::RightButton:
idx = MOUSE_RMB;
debug(LOG_INPUT, "MOUSE_RMB clicked");
case Qt::MidButton:
idx = MOUSE_MMB;
debug(LOG_INPUT, "MOUSE_MMB clicked");
case Qt::XButton1:
idx = MOUSE_MMB;
debug(LOG_INPUT, "MOUSE_MMB (Xbutton1) clicked");
case Qt::XButton2:
idx = MOUSE_MMB;
debug(LOG_INPUT, "MOUSE_MMB (Xbutton2) clicked");
case Qt::NoButton:
idx = MOUSE_BAD;
debug(LOG_INPUT, "NoButton (strange case ?");
break; // strange case
return idx;
// TODO consider using QWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent() for double-click
void WzMainWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
mouseXPos = event->x();
mouseYPos = event->y();
Qt::MouseButtons presses = event->buttons(); // full state info for all buttons
MOUSE_KEY_CODE idx = buttonToIdx(event->button()); // index of button that caused event
if (idx == MOUSE_BAD)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "bad mouse idx"); // FIXME remove
return; // not recognized mouse button
MousePress mousePress;
mousePress.action = MousePress::Press;
mousePress.key = idx;
mousePress.pos = Vector2i(mouseXPos, mouseYPos);
aMouseState[idx].pressPos.x = mouseXPos;
aMouseState[idx].pressPos.y = mouseYPos;
if (aMouseState[idx].state == KEY_UP
|| aMouseState[idx].state == KEY_RELEASED
|| aMouseState[idx].state == KEY_PRESSRELEASE)
if (!presses.testFlag(Qt::MidButton)) //skip doubleclick check for wheel
// whether double click or not
if (realTime - aMouseState[idx].lastdown < DOUBLE_CLICK_INTERVAL)
aMouseState[idx].state = KEY_DOUBLECLICK;
aMouseState[idx].lastdown = 0;
aMouseState[idx].state = KEY_PRESSED;
aMouseState[idx].lastdown = realTime;
else //mouse wheel up/down was used, so notify. FIXME.
aMouseState[idx].state = KEY_PRESSED;
aMouseState[idx].lastdown = 0;
if (idx == MOUSE_LMB || idx == MOUSE_RMB || idx == MOUSE_MMB)
dragKey = idx;
dragX = mouseX();
dragY = mouseY();
void WzMainWindow::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
int direction = event->delta();
if (direction > 0)
aMouseState[MOUSE_WUP].state = KEY_PRESSED;
aMouseState[MOUSE_WUP].lastdown = realTime;
aMouseState[MOUSE_WDN].state = KEY_PRESSED;
aMouseState[MOUSE_WDN].lastdown = realTime;
void WzMainWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
mouseXPos = event->x();
mouseYPos = event->y();
MOUSE_KEY_CODE idx = buttonToIdx(event->button());
if (idx == MOUSE_BAD)
return; // not recognized mouse button
MousePress mousePress;
mousePress.action = MousePress::Release;
mousePress.key = idx;
mousePress.pos = Vector2i(mouseXPos, mouseYPos);
aMouseState[idx].releasePos.x = mouseXPos;
aMouseState[idx].releasePos.y = mouseYPos;
if (aMouseState[idx].state == KEY_PRESSED)
aMouseState[idx].state = KEY_PRESSRELEASE;
else if (aMouseState[idx].state == KEY_DOWN
|| aMouseState[idx].state == KEY_DRAG
|| aMouseState[idx].state == KEY_DOUBLECLICK)
aMouseState[idx].state = KEY_RELEASED;
static unsigned int setKey(int code, bool pressed)
if (pressed)
if (aKeyState[code].state == KEY_UP ||
aKeyState[code].state == KEY_RELEASED ||
aKeyState[code].state == KEY_PRESSRELEASE)
// whether double key press or not
aKeyState[code].state = KEY_PRESSED;
aKeyState[code].lastdown = 0;
if (aKeyState[code].state == KEY_PRESSED)
aKeyState[code].state = KEY_PRESSRELEASE;
else if (aKeyState[code].state == KEY_DOWN)
aKeyState[code].state = KEY_RELEASED;
return code;
void WzMainWindow::realHandleKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *event, bool pressed)
unsigned int lastKey;
bool isKeypad = event->modifiers() & Qt::KeypadModifier;
switch (event->text().size())
case 0:
debug(LOG_INPUT, "Key%s 0x%04X, isKeypad=%d", pressed ? "Down" : "Up ", event->key(), isKeypad);
case 1:
debug(LOG_INPUT, "Key%s 0x%04X, isKeypad=%d, 0x%04X", pressed ? "Down" : "Up ", event->key(), isKeypad, event->text().unicode()[0].unicode());
case 2:
debug(LOG_INPUT, "Key%s 0x%04X, isKeypad=%d, 0x%04X, 0x%04X", pressed ? "Down" : "Up ", event->key(), isKeypad, event->text().unicode()[0].unicode(), event->text().unicode()[1].unicode());
case 3:
debug(LOG_INPUT, "Key%s 0x%04X, isKeypad=%d, 0x%04X, 0x%04X, ...", pressed ? "Down" : "Up ", event->key(), isKeypad, event->text().unicode()[0].unicode(), event->text().unicode()[1].unicode());
if (!isKeypad)
switch (event->key())
case Qt::Key_Shift : lastKey = setKey(KEY_LSHIFT, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Control : lastKey = setKey(KEY_LCTRL, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Alt : lastKey = setKey(KEY_LALT, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_AltGr : lastKey = setKey(KEY_RALT, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Meta : lastKey = setKey(KEY_LMETA, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Escape : lastKey = setKey(KEY_ESC, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Backspace : lastKey = setKey(KEY_BACKSPACE, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_QuoteLeft : lastKey = setKey(KEY_BACKQUOTE, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_1 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_1, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_2 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_2, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_3 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_3, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_4 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_4, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_5 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_5, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_6 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_6, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_7 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_7, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_8 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_8, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_9 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_9, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_0 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_0, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Minus : lastKey = setKey(KEY_MINUS, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Equal : lastKey = setKey(KEY_EQUALS, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Backtab:
case Qt::Key_Tab : lastKey = setKey(KEY_TAB, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Q : lastKey = setKey(KEY_Q, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_W : lastKey = setKey(KEY_W, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_E : lastKey = setKey(KEY_E, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_R : lastKey = setKey(KEY_R, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_T : lastKey = setKey(KEY_T, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Y : lastKey = setKey(KEY_Y, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_U : lastKey = setKey(KEY_U, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_I : lastKey = setKey(KEY_I, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_O : lastKey = setKey(KEY_O, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_P : lastKey = setKey(KEY_P, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_BracketLeft : lastKey = setKey(KEY_LBRACE, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_BracketRight : lastKey = setKey(KEY_RBRACE, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Enter : lastKey = setKey(KEY_RETURN, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Return : lastKey = setKey(KEY_RETURN, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_A : lastKey = setKey(KEY_A, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_S : lastKey = setKey(KEY_S, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_D : lastKey = setKey(KEY_D, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_F : lastKey = setKey(KEY_F, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_G : lastKey = setKey(KEY_G, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_H : lastKey = setKey(KEY_H, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_J : lastKey = setKey(KEY_J, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_K : lastKey = setKey(KEY_K, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_L : lastKey = setKey(KEY_L, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Semicolon : lastKey = setKey(KEY_SEMICOLON, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_QuoteDbl : lastKey = setKey(KEY_QUOTE, pressed); break; // ?
case Qt::Key_Apostrophe : lastKey = setKey(KEY_BACKQUOTE, pressed); break; // ?
case Qt::Key_Backslash : lastKey = setKey(KEY_BACKSLASH, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Z : lastKey = setKey(KEY_Z, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_X : lastKey = setKey(KEY_X, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_C : lastKey = setKey(KEY_C, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_V : lastKey = setKey(KEY_V, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_B : lastKey = setKey(KEY_B, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_N : lastKey = setKey(KEY_N, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_M : lastKey = setKey(KEY_M, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Comma : lastKey = setKey(KEY_COMMA, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Period : lastKey = setKey(KEY_FULLSTOP, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Slash : lastKey = setKey(KEY_FORWARDSLASH, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Space : lastKey = setKey(KEY_SPACE, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_CapsLock : lastKey = setKey(KEY_CAPSLOCK, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_F1 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_F1, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_F2 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_F2, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_F3 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_F3, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_F4 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_F4, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_F5 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_F5, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_F6 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_F6, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_F7 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_F7, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_F8 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_F8, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_F9 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_F9, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_F10 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_F10, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_NumLock : lastKey = setKey(KEY_NUMLOCK, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_ScrollLock : lastKey = setKey(KEY_SCROLLLOCK, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_F11 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_F11, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_F12 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_F12, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Home : lastKey = setKey(KEY_HOME, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Up : lastKey = setKey(KEY_UPARROW, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_PageUp : lastKey = setKey(KEY_PAGEUP, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Left : lastKey = setKey(KEY_LEFTARROW, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Right : lastKey = setKey(KEY_RIGHTARROW, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_End : lastKey = setKey(KEY_END, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Down : lastKey = setKey(KEY_DOWNARROW, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_PageDown : lastKey = setKey(KEY_PAGEDOWN, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Insert : lastKey = setKey(KEY_INSERT, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Delete : lastKey = setKey(KEY_DELETE, pressed); break;
debug(LOG_WARNING, "Ignoring normal key %d.\n", event->key());
lastKey = 0;
else // Is keypad.
switch (event->key())
case Qt::Key_Asterisk : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_STAR, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_0 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_0, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_1 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_1, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_2 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_2, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_3 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_3, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_4 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_4, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_5 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_5, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_6 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_6, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_7 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_7, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_8 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_8, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_9 : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_9, pressed); break;
#ifndef WZ_OS_MAC // Anything except mac
case Qt::Key_Home : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_7, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Up : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_8, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_PageUp : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_9, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Left : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_4, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Clear : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_5, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Right : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_6, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_End : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_1, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Down : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_2, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_PageDown : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_3, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Insert : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_0, pressed); break;
#else // Mac-specific, arrow keys are numpad on the mac.
case Qt::Key_Home : lastKey = setKey(KEY_HOME, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Up : lastKey = setKey(KEY_UPARROW, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_PageUp : lastKey = setKey(KEY_PAGEUP, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Left : lastKey = setKey(KEY_LEFTARROW, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Clear : lastKey = setKey(KEY_DELETE, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Right : lastKey = setKey(KEY_RIGHTARROW, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_End : lastKey = setKey(KEY_END, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Down : lastKey = setKey(KEY_DOWNARROW, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_PageDown : lastKey = setKey(KEY_PAGEDOWN, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Insert : lastKey = setKey(KEY_INSERT, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Delete : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_FULLSTOP, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Plus : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_PLUS, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Minus : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_MINUS, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Period : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_FULLSTOP, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Slash : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KP_BACKSLASH, pressed); break; // HACK Shouldn't there be a KEY_KP_SLASH? Most keypads only have a forwardslash key.
case Qt::Key_Enter : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KPENTER, pressed); break;
case Qt::Key_Return : lastKey = setKey(KEY_KPENTER, pressed); break;
debug(LOG_WARNING, "Ignoring keypad key %d.\n", event->key());
lastKey = 0;
if (pressed)
inputAddBuffer(lastKey, event->text().unicode()->unicode());
void WzMainWindow::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
realHandleKeyEvent(event, false);
void WzMainWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
realHandleKeyEvent(event, true);
void WzMainWindow::inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent *event)
// Foward all "committed" characters. Should be more advanced than that, but better than nothing.
for (int i = 0; i < event->commitString().size(); ++i)
inputAddBuffer(' ', event->commitString()[i].unicode());
void WzMainWindow::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *event)
debug(LOG_INPUT, "Main window lost focus.");
void WzMainWindow::close()
/*** ***/
/*** C interface ***/
/*** ***/
void wzQuit()
void wzScreenFlip()
int wzGetTicks()
return WzMainWindow::instance()->ticks();
/*** Mouse and keyboard support ***/
void wzShowMouse(bool visible)
if (!visible)
void wzSetCursor(CURSOR index)
ASSERT(index < CURSOR_MAX, "Attempting to load non-existent cursor: %u", (unsigned int)index);
if (lastCursor != index)
lastCursor = index;
void wzGrabMouse()
void wzReleaseMouse()
void wzDelay(unsigned int delay)
bool wzActiveWindow()
return WzMainWindow::instance()->underMouse();
uint16_t mouseX()
return mouseXPos;
uint16_t mouseY()
return mouseYPos;
bool wzMouseInWindow()
return mouseInWindow;
Vector2i mousePressPos_DEPRECATED(MOUSE_KEY_CODE code)
return aMouseState[code].pressPos;
Vector2i mouseReleasePos_DEPRECATED(MOUSE_KEY_CODE code)
return aMouseState[code].releasePos;
void setMousePos(uint16_t x, uint16_t y)
if (getMouseWarp())
WzMainWindow::instance()->cursor().setPos(x, y);
/* This returns true if the mouse key is currently depressed */
bool mouseDown(MOUSE_KEY_CODE code)
return (aMouseState[code].state != KEY_UP);
/* This returns true if the mouse key was double clicked */
bool mouseDClicked(MOUSE_KEY_CODE code)
return (aMouseState[code].state == KEY_DOUBLECLICK);
/* This returns true if the mouse key went from being up to being down this frame */
bool mousePressed(MOUSE_KEY_CODE code)
return ((aMouseState[code].state == KEY_PRESSED) ||
(aMouseState[code].state == KEY_DOUBLECLICK) ||
(aMouseState[code].state == KEY_PRESSRELEASE));
/* This returns true if the mouse key went from being down to being up this frame */
bool mouseReleased(MOUSE_KEY_CODE code)
return ((aMouseState[code].state == KEY_RELEASED) ||
(aMouseState[code].state == KEY_DOUBLECLICK) ||
(aMouseState[code].state == KEY_PRESSRELEASE));
/* Check for a mouse drag, return the drag start coords if dragging */
bool mouseDrag(MOUSE_KEY_CODE code, UDWORD *px, UDWORD *py)
if (aMouseState[code].state == KEY_DRAG)
*px = dragX;
*py = dragY;
return true;
return false;
void keyScanToString(KEY_CODE code, char *ascii, UDWORD maxStringSize)
QString ourString;
QByteArray ba;
const QKeySequence ks = WZkeyToQtKey(code); // convert key to something Qt understands
ourString = ks.toString(QKeySequence::NativeText); // and convert it to a QtString
ba = ourString.toLatin1(); // convert that to a byte array
snprintf(ascii, maxStringSize, "%s", ba.data()); // and use that data as the text for the key
#if defined(WZ_OS_MAC) // Yet another mac hack, since these are normally shown as symbols, NOT text.
if ( (code == KEY_LALT) || (code == KEY_RALT) )
snprintf(ascii, maxStringSize, "Alt +");
else if ( (code == KEY_LCTRL) || (code == KEY_RCTRL) ) // apparently, ctrl = cmd and cmd = ctrl on macs.
snprintf(ascii, maxStringSize, "Cmd +");
else if ( code == KEY_ESC )
snprintf(ascii, maxStringSize, "Esc");
/* Initialise the input module */
void inputInitialise(void)
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < KEY_MAXSCAN; i++)
aKeyState[i].state = KEY_UP;
for (i = 0; i < MOUSE_BAD; i++)
aMouseState[i].state = KEY_UP;
dragX = screenWidth / 2;
dragY = screenHeight / 2;
dragKey = MOUSE_LMB;
/* add count copies of the characater code to the input buffer */
static void inputAddBuffer(UDWORD key, utf_32_char unicode)
inputBuffer.push_back(InputKey(key, unicode));
/* Clear the input buffer */
void inputClearBuffer(void)
/* Return the next key press or 0 if no key in the buffer.
* The key returned will have been remaped to the correct ascii code for the
* windows key map.
* All key presses are buffered up (including windows auto repeat).
UDWORD inputGetKey(utf_32_char *unicode)
if (inputBuffer.empty())
return 0;
UDWORD retVal = inputBuffer.front().key;
if (retVal == 0)
retVal = ' '; // Don't return 0 if we got a virtual key, since that's interpreted as no input.
if (unicode != NULL)
*unicode = inputBuffer.front().unicode;
return retVal;
MousePresses const &inputGetClicks()
return mousePresses;
* This is called once a frame so that the system can tell
* whether a key was pressed this turn or held down from the last frame.
void inputNewFrame(void)
unsigned int i;
/* Do the keyboard */
for (i = 0; i < KEY_MAXSCAN; i++)
if (aKeyState[i].state == KEY_PRESSED)
aKeyState[i].state = KEY_DOWN;
else if (aKeyState[i].state == KEY_RELEASED ||
aKeyState[i].state == KEY_PRESSRELEASE)
aKeyState[i].state = KEY_UP;
/* Do the mouse */
for (i = 0; i < MOUSE_BAD; i++)
if (aMouseState[i].state == KEY_PRESSED)
aMouseState[i].state = KEY_DOWN;
else if (aMouseState[i].state == KEY_RELEASED
|| aMouseState[i].state == KEY_DOUBLECLICK
|| aMouseState[i].state == KEY_PRESSRELEASE)
aMouseState[i].state = KEY_UP;
* Release all keys (and buttons) when we lose focus
// FIXME This seems to be totally ignored! (Try switching focus while the dragbox is open)
void inputLoseFocus()
unsigned int i;
/* Lost the window focus, have to take this as a global key up */
for(i = 0; i < KEY_MAXSCAN; i++)
aKeyState[i].state = KEY_UP;
for (i = 0; i < MOUSE_BAD; i++)
aMouseState[i].state = KEY_UP;
/* This returns true if the key is currently depressed */
bool keyDown(KEY_CODE code)
return (aKeyState[code].state != KEY_UP);
/* This returns true if the key went from being up to being down this frame */
bool keyPressed(KEY_CODE code)
return ((aKeyState[code].state == KEY_PRESSED) || (aKeyState[code].state == KEY_PRESSRELEASE));
/* This returns true if the key went from being down to being up this frame */
bool keyReleased(KEY_CODE code)
return ((aKeyState[code].state == KEY_RELEASED) || (aKeyState[code].state == KEY_PRESSRELEASE));
/*** Thread support ***/
WZ_THREAD *wzThreadCreate(int (*threadFunc)(void *), void *data)
return new WZ_THREAD(threadFunc, data);
int wzThreadJoin(WZ_THREAD *thread)
int ret = thread->ret;
delete thread;
return ret;
void wzThreadStart(WZ_THREAD *thread)
void wzYieldCurrentThread()
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040500
WZ_MUTEX *wzMutexCreate()
return new WZ_MUTEX;
void wzMutexDestroy(WZ_MUTEX *mutex)
delete mutex;
void wzMutexLock(WZ_MUTEX *mutex)
void wzMutexUnlock(WZ_MUTEX *mutex)
WZ_SEMAPHORE *wzSemaphoreCreate(int startValue)
return new WZ_SEMAPHORE(startValue);
void wzSemaphoreDestroy(WZ_SEMAPHORE *semaphore)
delete semaphore;
void wzSemaphoreWait(WZ_SEMAPHORE *semaphore)
void wzSemaphorePost(WZ_SEMAPHORE *semaphore)
/*** Font support ***/
// Font and text drawing support based on Qt postponed until we can get it working properly on
// all platforms, and with decent speed, and without clobbering existing OpenGL states.
#if 0
void iV_SetFont(enum iV_fonts FontID)
void iV_TextInit()
void iV_TextShutdown()
void iV_font(const char *fontName, const char *fontFace, const char *fontFaceBold)
unsigned int iV_GetTextWidth(const char* string)
return WzMainWindow::instance()->fontMetrics().width(QString::fromUtf8(string), -1);
unsigned int iV_GetCountedTextWidth(const char* string, size_t string_length)
return WzMainWindow::instance()->fontMetrics().width(QString::fromUtf8(string), string_length);
unsigned int iV_GetTextHeight(const char* string)
return WzMainWindow::instance()->fontMetrics().boundingRect(QString::fromUtf8(string)).height();
unsigned int iV_GetCharWidth(uint32_t charCode)
return WzMainWindow::instance()->fontMetrics().width(QChar(charCode));
int iV_GetTextLineSize()
return WzMainWindow::instance()->fontMetrics().lineSpacing();
int iV_GetTextAboveBase(void)
return -WzMainWindow::instance()->fontMetrics().ascent();
int iV_GetTextBelowBase(void)
return -WzMainWindow::instance()->fontMetrics().descent();
void iV_SetTextColour(PIELIGHT colour)
fontColor = QColor(colour.byte.r, colour.byte.g, colour.byte.b, colour.byte.a);
void iV_DrawTextRotated(const char* string, float XPos, float YPos, float rotation)
QPainter painter(WzMainWindow::instance()->context()->device());
if (rotation != 0.f)
painter.translate(XPos, YPos);
painter.drawText(0, 0, QString::fromUtf8(string));
painter.drawText(XPos, YPos, QString::fromUtf8(string));
rendStatesRendModeHack(); // rendStates.rendMode = REND_ALPHA;
pie_SetRendMode(REND_OPAQUE); // beat state machinery into submission
void iV_SetTextSize(float size)
QString wzGetSelection()
QString aText;
QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
aText = clipboard->text(QClipboard::Selection); // try X11 specific buffer first
if (aText.isEmpty()) aText = clipboard->text(QClipboard::Clipboard); // if not, try generic clipboard
return aText;
void wzFatalDialog(const char *text)
crashing = true;
QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "Fatal error", text);
static int WZkeyToQtKey(int code)
if (code >= Qt::Key_0 && code <= Qt::Key_AsciiTilde)
return code; // maps 1:1
else if (code >= KEY_F1 && code <= KEY_F12)
return (Qt::Key_F1 + ( code - KEY_F1 ));
else if (code >= KEY_KP_0 && code <= KEY_KP_9)
return (Qt::Key_0 + ( code - KEY_KP_0 ));
else if (code >= Qt::Key_Exclam && code <= Qt::Key_Slash)
return code; // maps 1:1
else if (code == KEY_ESC)
return Qt::Key_Escape;
else if (code == KEY_TAB)
return Qt::Key_Tab;
else if (code == KEY_BACKSPACE)
return Qt::Key_Backspace;
else if (code == KEY_RETURN)
return Qt::Key_Return;
else if (code == KEY_KPENTER)
return Qt::Key_Enter;
else if (code == KEY_INSERT)
return Qt::Key_Insert;
else if (code == KEY_DELETE)
return Qt::Key_Delete;
//else if (code ==
// return Qt::Key_Pause
//else if (code ==
// return Qt::Key_Print
//else if (code ==
// return Qt::Key_SysReq
//else if (code ==
// return Qt::Key_Clear
else if (code == KEY_KP_STAR)
return Qt::Key_Asterisk;
else if (code == KEY_KP_PLUS)
return Qt::Key_Plus;
else if (code == KEY_KP_MINUS)
return Qt::Key_Minus;
else if (code == KEY_KP_BACKSLASH)
return Qt::Key_Backslash;
else if (code == KEY_HOME)
return Qt::Key_Home;
else if (code == KEY_END)
return Qt::Key_End;
else if (code == KEY_LEFTARROW)
return Qt::Key_Left;
else if (code == KEY_UPARROW)
return Qt::Key_Up;
else if (code == KEY_RIGHTARROW)
return Qt::Key_Right;
else if (code == KEY_DOWNARROW)
return Qt::Key_Down;
else if (code == KEY_PAGEUP)
return Qt::Key_PageUp;
else if (code == KEY_PAGEDOWN)
return Qt::Key_PageDown;
else if (code == KEY_RSHIFT || code == KEY_LSHIFT)
return Qt::SHIFT; //Qt::Key_Shift;
else if (code == KEY_LCTRL || code == KEY_RCTRL)
return Qt::CTRL; //Qt::Key_Control;
else if (code == KEY_LMETA || code == KEY_RMETA)
return Qt::META; //Qt::Key_Meta;
else if (code == KEY_LALT || code == KEY_RALT)
return Qt::ALT; //Qt::Key_Alt;
else if (code == KEY_MAXSCAN)
// this just means that there is no key defined, so we print a "?" instead
return Qt::Key_Question;
else if (code == KEY_SPACE)
return Qt::Key_Space;
ASSERT(false, "We missed mapping a key, code is %d, map it to input.h, then qnamespace.h", code);
return 0; // nothing found (should never happen)