
16 lines
603 B

20 432 75 165 "Ah, Commander, so good of you to join us here at Nexus base."
20 432 175 320 "It was very useful having Gamma Team set up here in the mountains."
0 0 175 320 "Their absorption was such a pleasure."
20 432 325 400 "Thank you for all those useful technologies you've recovered."
20 432 405 510 "You and not those fools in the New Paradigm and the Collective."
20 432 530 620 "I'm now activating all your synaptic links so that your forces can meld with Nexus."
20 432 630 720 "Your forces are now mine! Welcome to Nexus."
//" for me. Had I known you'd be so useful, I'd have hired "