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This file is part of Warzone 2100.
Copyright (C) 2008 Freddie Witherden
Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Warzone 2100 Project
Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef WIDGET_H_
#define WIDGET_H_
// TODO: Make this cross platform (MSVC)
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "internal-cairo.h"
#include "../../ivis_opengl/GLee.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "geom.h"
#include "keycode.h"
#include "clipboard.h"
#include "font.h"
* Forward declarations
typedef struct _classInfo classInfo;
typedef struct _widget widget;
typedef struct _widgetVtbl widgetVtbl;
typedef struct _event event;
typedef struct _eventMouse eventMouse;
typedef struct _eventMouseBtn eventMouseBtn;
typedef struct _eventKey eventKey;
typedef struct _eventText eventText;
typedef struct _eventTimer eventTimer;
typedef struct _eventToolTip eventToolTip;
typedef struct _eventReposition eventReposition;
typedef struct _eventResize eventResize;
typedef struct _eventMisc eventMisc;
* Function signature for event handler callbacks. All callback functions must
* be of this form.
* @param self The widget that received/handled the event.
* @param evt A pointer to the event structure. Depending on the value of
* evt->type it may be necessary to cast this to derived event
* structure (e.g., evtMouse or evtMisc).
* @param handlerId The (unique) id of this event handler. This can be used to:
* - Remove the event handler from the widgets event table;
* which can be done by calling widgetRemoveEventHandler.
* This will result in the event handlers destruct method
* being called, so long as such a method exists.
* - Set the *userData pointer by using
* widgetSetEventHandlerUserData.
* @param userData The user-data associated with the callback; this is stored
* and passed verbatim.
* @return True if the callback executed without error, otherwise false.
typedef bool (*callback) (widget *self, const event *evt, int handlerId,
void *userData);
typedef struct _eventTableEntry eventTableEntry;
* Information about the `type' (class) of a widget
struct _classInfo
const struct _classInfo *parentType;
const char *ourType;
* The valid event types
typedef enum
// Mouse events
// Keyboard events
// Text input events
// Drag events
// Timer events
// Tool-tip events
// Resize and reposition
// Misc
// Destroy
} eventType;
* The possible mouse states as understood by the events system
typedef enum
} mouseButton;
* Possible drag states
typedef enum
/// No active drag
/// Drag offer pending acceptance/declination
/// Offer was accepted
/// Offer was declined
/// Drag is currently active
} dragStates;
* Event structures
* The 'base' event structure. All events can be cast to this
struct _event
// The time at which the event took place
int time;
// The type of the event
eventType type;
* The event structure used for mouse motion events
struct _eventMouse
struct _event event;
/// Location of the mouse
point loc;
/// Previous location of the mouse
point previousLoc;
* The event structure used for mouse button events
struct _eventMouseBtn
struct _event event;
/// Location
point loc;
/// Button pressed
mouseButton button;
* The event structure used for keyboard events
struct _eventKey
struct _event event;
/// The keycode of the key which was pressed
eventKeycode keycode;
/// Active modifier keys
bool ctrl;
bool shift;
bool alt;
* The event structure for text input events
struct _eventText
struct _event event;
/// The text that was typed, UTF-8 encoded
const char *utf8;
* The event structure for timer events
struct _eventTimer
struct _event event;
* The event structure for tool-tip events
struct _eventToolTip
struct _event event;
widget *target;
* The event structure for resize events
struct _eventResize
struct _event event;
/// The previous size of the widget
size oldSize;
* The event structure for reposition events
struct _eventReposition
struct _event event;
/// The previous position of the widget relative to its parent
point oldPosition;
/// The previous position of the widget relative to the screen
point oldAbsolutePosition;
* The event structure for miscellaneous events
struct _eventMisc
struct _event event;
* Event table structure
struct _eventTableEntry
/// The unique id of the event handler
int id;
/// The event for which the handler is registered for
eventType type;
/// The method to call
bool (*callback)(widget*, const event*, int, void*);
/// The method to call when removing the event handler
bool (*destructor)(widget*, const event*, int, void*);
/// Pointer to user supplied data to pass to callback
void *userData;
/// The time when the event was last called (for debugging and timer events)
int lastCalled;
/// For timer events only; how often the event should fire; in ms
int interval;
* Possible types of widget animation
typedef enum
/// Must be the last member
} animationType;
typedef struct
/// The animation type represented by this keyframe
animationType type;
/// The time this keyframe represents in ms
int time;
/// Animation specific information
/// Where to translate ourself to, relative to our parent
point translate;
/// Number of degrees to rotate the widget by
float rotate;
/// Scale factor to scale the widget by
size scale;
/// Alpha value to use
float alpha;
} data;
} animationFrame;
* The widget classes virtual method table
struct _widgetVtbl
bool (*handleEvent) (widget *self, const event *evt);
bool (*addChild) (widget *self, widget *child);
void (*removeChild) (widget *self, widget *child);
bool (*fireCallbacks) (widget *self, const event *evt);
bool (*fireTimerCallbacks) (widget *self, const event *evt);
int (*addEventHandler) (widget *self, eventType type,
callback handler,
callback destructor,
void *userData);
int (*addTimerEventHandler) (widget *self, eventType type,
int interval, callback handler,
callback destructor,
void *userData);
void (*removeEventHandler) (widget *self, int id);
point (*animationInterpolateTranslate) (widget *self,
animationFrame k1,
animationFrame k2,
int time);
float (*animationInterpolateRotate) (widget *self,
animationFrame k1,
animationFrame k2,
int time);
point (*animationInterpolateScale) (widget *self,
animationFrame k1,
animationFrame k2,
int time);
float (*animationInterpolateAlpha) (widget *self,
animationFrame k1,
animationFrame k2,
int time);
void (*focus) (widget *self);
void (*blur) (widget *self);
void (*acceptDrag) (widget *self);
void (*declineDrag) (widget *self);
void (*enable) (widget *self);
void (*disable) (widget *self);
void (*show) (widget *self);
void (*hide) (widget *self);
size (*getMinSize) (widget *self);
size (*getMaxSize) (widget *self);
void (*resize) (widget *self, int w, int h);
void (*reposition) (widget *self, int x, int y);
void (*enableGL) (widget *self);
void (*disableGL) (widget *self);
void (*beginGL) (widget *self);
void (*endGL) (widget *self,
bool finishedDrawing);
void (*composite) (widget *self);
void (*doDraw) (widget *self);
void (*doDrawMask) (widget *self);
bool (*doLayout) (widget *self);
void (*destroy) (widget *self);
struct _widget
// Private/protected members
widgetVtbl *vtbl;
* The list of registered event handlers
vector *eventVtbl;
* The child widgets of ourself
vector *children;
* The widgets parent widget
widget *parent;
* If a mouse button is currently depressed on the widget
bool hasMouseDown;
* The tool-tip of the widget
const char *toolTip;
* If the widgets tool-tip is currently visible
bool toolTipVisible;
* Current drag state
dragStates dragState;
* The widgets cairo drawing context
cairo_t *cr;
* The id of the OpenGL texture to which self->cr is mapped
GLuint textureId;
* The id of the OpenGL framebuffer used for rendering GL content
GLuint fboId;
* The id of the OpenGL depthbuffer attached to the FBO
GLuint depthbufferId;
* The widgets mouse-event mask
cairo_t *maskCr;
// Public members
* The id of the widget
const char *id;
* The class (or subclass) that widget is (used for type checking)
const struct _classInfo *classInfo;
* Arbitrary user-defined data
void *pUserData;
int32_t userData;
* The offset of the widget relative to its parent
point offset;
* How many degrees to rotate the widget about the z-axis
float rotate;
* How much to scale the widget by in the x- and y-axis; the deformation is
* non vector
point scale;
* Alpha value to multiply the cairo context by when compositing
float alpha;
* The size of the widget
struct _point size;
* If the widget currently has keyboard focus
bool hasFocus;
* If the mouse is currently over the widget
bool hasMouse;
* If the widget is currently enabled or not
bool isEnabled;
* If the widget is visible or not
bool isVisible;
* If the widget is dirty (i.e., needs to be re-drawn)
bool needsRedraw;
* If the widget uses an mouse event mask
bool maskEnabled;
* If the widget supports OpenGL content
bool openGLEnabled;
* If we are in a widgetBeginGL ... widgetEndGL block
bool openGLInProgress;
* If the texture needs syncing with the Cairo context
bool textureNeedsUploading;
* Type information
extern const classInfo widgetClassInfo;
* Helper macros
#define WIDGET(self) ((widget *) (self))
#define WIDGET_GET_VTBL(self) ((WIDGET(self))->vtbl)
#define WIDGET_CHECK_METHOD(self, method) (assert(WIDGET_GET_VTBL(self)->method))
* Protected methods
void widgetInit(widget *instance, const char *id);
void widgetDestroyImpl(widget *instance);
bool widgetAddChildImpl(widget *self, widget *child);
void widgetRemoveChildImpl(widget *self, widget *child);
bool widgetFireCallbacksImpl(widget *self, const event *evt);
bool widgetFireTimerCallbacksImpl(widget *self, const event *evt);
int widgetAddEventHandlerImpl(widget *self, eventType type,
callback handler, callback destructor,
void *userData);
int widgetAddTimerEventHandlerImpl(widget *self, eventType type, int interval,
callback handler, callback destructor,
void *userData);
void widgetRemoveEventHandlerImpl(widget *self, int id);
point widgetAnimationInterpolateTranslateImpl(widget *self, animationFrame k1,
animationFrame k2, int time);
float widgetAnimationInterpolateRotateImpl(widget *self, animationFrame k1,
animationFrame k2, int time);
point widgetAnimationInterpolateScaleImpl(widget *self, animationFrame k1,
animationFrame k2, int time);
float widgetAnimationInterpolateAlphaImpl(widget *self, animationFrame k1,
animationFrame k2, int time);
void widgetAcceptDragImpl(widget *self);
void widgetDeclineDragImpl(widget *self);
void widgetEnableImpl(widget *self);
void widgetDisableImpl(widget *self);
void widgetShowImpl(widget *self);
void widgetHideImpl(widget *self);
void widgetFocusImpl(widget *self);
void widgetBlurImpl(widget *self);
void widgetResizeImpl(widget *self, int w, int h);
void widgetRepositionImpl(widget *self, int x, int y);
bool widgetHandleEventImpl(widget *self, const event *evt);
void widgetCompositeImpl(widget *self);
void widgetEnableGLImpl(widget *self);
void widgetDisableGLImpl(widget *self);
void widgetBeginGLImpl(widget *self);
void widgetEndGLImpl(widget *self, bool finishedDrawing);
* Public static methods
* Checks to see if it is legal to cast self to instanceOf. Or, put in OO terms
* checks if self `is a' instanceOf instance.
* @param self The widget to check the class of.
* @param instanceOf The class we are interested in.
* @return True if it is legal to cast, false otherwise.
bool widgetIsA(const widget *self, const classInfo *instanceOf);
* Creates and fills out a new event structure using the information provided.
* This is strictly a convenience method to make it easier to generate new
* events.
* The event structure returned is the building block of all other, more complex
* events (such as mouse and keyboard events).
* @param type The type of the newly created event.
* @return A complete event structure.
event widgetCreateEvent(eventType type);
* Public static, implementation defined methods
* This method should return the number of milliseconds since an undefined
* epoch.
* @return The number of milliseconds since the epoch.
int widgetGetTime(void);
* Public methods
* Draws the widget along with its child widgets.
* @param self The widget to be drawn.
void widgetDraw(widget *self);
* Composites the widget self onto the frame-buffer. In addition this method is
* also responsible for transforming the widget for the purposes of animation.
* Finally this method will loop over the child widgets of self and call
* widgetComposite on each one.
* @param self The widget (along with its children to composite.
void widgetComposite(widget *self);
* Enables the widgets mask.
* @param self The widget whose mask to enable.
void widgetEnableMask(widget *self);
* Disables the widgets mouse-event mask.
* @param self The widget whose mask to disable.
void widgetDisableMask(widget *self);
* Recursively searches the child widgets of self for a widget whose ->id is
* id. If no widget with such an id exists NULL is returned.
* @param self The widget to start the search from.
* @param id The id of the desired widget.
* @return A pointer to the widget if found, NULL otherwise.
widget *widgetFindById(widget *self, const char *id);
* Returns the absolute position of the widget (ie, a position that is not
* relative to any other widget.
* @param self The widget to get the position of.
* @return The absolute position of self.
point widgetAbsolutePosition(const widget *self);
* Returns the absolute bounding rectangle of the widget.
* @param self The widget to get the bounds of.
* @return The absolute bounds of self.
rect widgetAbsoluteBounds(const widget *self);
* Transverses up the hierarchy until it finds parent-less widget (known as
* the root widget). A pointer to this widget is returned.
* @param self The widget to find the root widget of.
* @return A pointer to the root widget.
widget *widgetGetRoot(widget *self);
* Attempts to add child as a child widget of self. The exact location of the
* widget (as well as its dimensions) are decided based off of the min & max
* sizes of the child.
* @param self The widget to add the child widget to.
* @param child The widget to be added.
* @return true if child was successfully added, false otherwise.
bool widgetAddChild(widget *self, widget *child);
* Attempts to remove child from the list of child widgets. If the child widget
* is found anywhere in the hierarchy it is removed and its destructor called.
* A convenient way of using this method is as follows:
* widgetRemoveChild(self, widgetFindById(self, "id_to_remove"));
* @param self The widget to remove child from.
* @param child The child widget to remove.
void widgetRemoveChild(widget *self, widget *child);
* Adds handler to self's event handler table, registering it to respond to
* events of type. An unique id is assigned to the event when it is added. This
* id can be used at a later date to widgetRemoveEventHandler to remove the
* event.
* The userData pointer is passed verbatim to handler via the userData
* parameter. If no user data is required then NULL can be passed.
* It is perfectly legal for there to be multiple event handlers installed for
* a single event type. When this is the case the event handlers are fired in
* the order in which they were added.
* @param self The widget to add the event handler to.
* @param type The type of event that handler should respond to.
* @param handler The function to call when the event type fires.
* @param destructor The function to call when the event handler is removed.
* @param userData User specified data pointer to pass to handler.
* @return The id of the newly added event.
int widgetAddEventHandler(widget *self, eventType type, callback handler,
callback destructor, void *userData);
* Similar to widgetAddEventHandler in many respects, except that it is designed
* to add timer event handlers (EVT_TIMER_SINGLE_SHOT and EVT_TIMER_PERSISTENT).
* @param self The widget to add the timer event handler to.
* @param type The type of the timer to register the handler for.
* @param interval The duration in ms to wait.
* @param handler The function to call when the event fires.
* @param destructor The function to call when the event handler is removed.
* @param userData User specified data pointer to pass to handler.
* @return The id of the newly added event.
int widgetAddTimerEventHandler(widget *self, eventType type, int interval,
callback handler, callback destructor,
void *userData);
* Removes the event from the events table at offset id.
* @param self The widget to remove the event handler from.
* @param id The id of the event to be removed.
void widgetRemoveEventHandler(widget *self, int id);
* Returns if id is that of a valid event handler.
* @param self The widget to check if id is a valid event handler for.
* @param id The id in question.
bool widgetIsEventHandler(const widget *self, int id);
* Returns the user-data for the event whose id is id.
* @param self The widget to whom the event handler is registered to.
* @param id The id of the event handler to fetch the user-data for.
* @return The user-data for the event handler, or NULL if the eventId is
* invalid.
void *widgetGetEventHandlerUserData(const widget *self, int id);
* Sets the user-data for the event handler with an id of id registered to self
* to userData.
* @param self The widget to whom the event handler is registered to.
* @param id The id of the widget to set the user-data for.
* @param userData The new user-data for the event handler
void widgetSetEventHandlerUserData(widget *self, int id, void *userData);
* Accepts the current drag offer, if any. Should no drag offer be on the table
* then the results are undefined.
* @param self The widget to accept the drag offer for.
void widgetAcceptDrag(widget *self);
* Declines the current drag offer. Like with widgetAcceptDrag the results are
* undefined if there is no drag offer .
* @param self The widget to decline the drag offer for.
void widgetDeclineDrag(widget *self);
int widgetAddAnimation(widget *self, int nframes,
const animationFrame *frames);
* Enables the current widget along with all of its child widgets. If the
* widget is currently enabled but one or more of its child widgets are not
* then they will also be enabled.
* If, however, the parent widget is disabled then this method is effectively
* a no-op.
* @param self The widget to enable.
void widgetEnable(widget *self);
* Disables the current widget along with all of its child widgets. If the
* widget is currently disabled then this method is a no-op.
* @param self The widget to disable.
void widgetDisable(widget *self);
* Shows the current widget (makes it visible). This is a no-op if the widget is
* already shown.
* @param self The widget to show.
void widgetShow(widget *self);
* Hides the current widget. Again, this is a no-op if the widget is already
* hidden.
* @param self The widget to hide.
void widgetHide(widget *self);
* Destroys the widget and frees *all* memory associated with it.
* @param self The widget to destroy.
void widgetDestroy(widget *self);
* Returns a pointer to the widget farthest down the hierarchy which currently
* has focus. If self does not currently have focus then NULL is returned.
* Should none of self's child widgets have focus (but it does) then self is
* returned.
* @param self The widget to get the farthest down focused child of.
* @return A pointer to the widget, or NULL if self is not focused.
widget *widgetGetCurrentlyFocused(widget *self);
* Very much the same as widgetGetCurrentlyFocused except that it returns a
* pointer to the widget farthest down the hierarchy which currently has the
* mouse over it. Like with widgetGetCurrentlyFocused should self not have the
* mouse over it, NULL is returned.
* @param self The widget to get the farthest down moused-over child of.
* @param A pointer to the widget, or NULL if self does not have the mouse.
widget *widgetGetCurrentlyMousedOver(widget *self);
* If the widget is capable of holding keyboard focus and does not currently
* hold it then this method will bring it into focus. Should ->parent not be
* focused then widgetFocus(self->parent) will be called to focus it.
* This method will also blur any widgets which will no longer be in focus as a
* result of self being focused. In addition it takes responsibility for firing
* the EVT_FOCUS callbacks for self.
* @param self The widget to focus.
void widgetFocus(widget *self);
* Blurs the current widget (removes keyboard focus from it). Before self is
* blurred any child widget with focus is blurred first. Finally the EVT_BLUR
* event handlers for self are fired.
* @param self The widget to blur.
void widgetBlur(widget *self);
* Returns the minimum size that the widget can be.
* @param self The widget to return the minimum size of.
* @return The minimum (x,y) size of the widget.
size widgetGetMinSize(widget *self);
* Returns the maximum size that the widget can be.
* @param self The widget to return the maximum size of.
* @return The maximum (x,y) size of the widget.
size widgetGetMaxSize(widget *self);
* Sets the size of the widget to (x,y). x and y are subject to the following
* conditions:
* widgetGetMinSize().x <= x <= widgetGetMaxSize().x and
* widgetGetMinSize().y <= y <= widgetGetMaxSize().y.
* This method should not be invoked directly on non-root widget; setting the
* dimensions of a widget remains the exclusive responsibility of the parent.
* @param self The widget to resize.
* @param w The new size of the widget in the x-axis.
* @param h The new size of the widget in the y-axis.
void widgetResize(widget *self, int w, int h);
* Sets the offset of the widget, relative to its parent widget to (x,y).
* @param self The widget to reposition.
* @param w The new x-offset of the widget.
* @param h The new y-offset of the widget.
void widgetReposition(widget *self, int x, int y);
* This is the main event dispatching function. Its purpose is to take an event,
* evt and decide what course of action needs to be taken (if any). It is
* responsible for setting widget-states such as hasMouse and hasFocus and for
* deciding if evt is relevant to any child widgets of self.
* @param self The widget to handle the event.
* @param evt The event itself.
* @param True if the event was `handled', false otherwise.
bool widgetHandleEvent(widget *self, const event *evt);
* Sets the tool-tip for the widget to tip. Since this method makes a copy of
* tip there is no need for the caller to retain it. Should one wish to disable
* tool-tips for this widget NULL should be passed in-place of tip.
* @param self The widget to set the tool-tip for.
* @param tip The tool-tip to set for the widget.
void widgetSetToolTip(widget *self, const char *tip);
* Returns a pointer to the widgets tool-tip text. Should the widget not have a
* tool-tip, NULL is returned.
* @param self The widget to get the tool-tip for.
* @return A pointer to the widgets tool-tip.
const char *widgetGetToolTip(widget *self);
* Allows the widget to host OpenGL content. This is done by creating a
* framebuffer object for the widget which is then used for rendering.
* If GL support is already enabled then this function is a no-op.
* @param self The widget to enable OpenGL rendering on.
void widgetEnableGL(widget *self);
* Disables OpenGL content support for the widget.
* If GL support is not enabled then this function is a no-op.
* @param self The widget to disable OpenGL rendering on.
void widgetDisableGL(widget *self);
* Protected methods
* A protected `pure virtual' method which is called to draw the widget.
* @param self The widget that should draw itself.
void widgetDoDraw(widget *self);
* Configures the mask context (self->maskCr) for drawing and then delegates the
* drawing to widgetDoDrawMask. This method is required as the mask context
* requires some additional initialisation to a regular Cairo context.
* @param self The widget whose mask to draw.
void widgetDrawMask(widget *self);
* A protected `pure virtual` method which is called to draw the widgets mouse-
* event mask.
* @param self The widget that should draw its mask.
void widgetDoDrawMask(widget *self);
* A protected `pure virtual' method which is called to lay out any child
* widgets of self.
* This method may fail (return false) if self is not large enough to hold all
* of its children.
* @param self The widget whose children should be layed out.
* @return True if the widgets children were successfully layed out, false
* otherwise.
bool widgetDoLayout(widget *self);
* Fires all of the event handlers registered for evt->type on the widget self.
* @param self The widget to fire the callbacks on.
* @param evt The event to fire the callbacks for.
bool widgetFireCallbacks(widget *self, const event *evt);
* Fires all of the timer event handles for the widget self.
* @param self The widget to fire the timer callbacks on.
* @param evt The event to fire the callbacks for.
bool widgetFireTimerCallbacks(widget *self, const event *evt);
* Checks to see if the point loc is masked or not by the widgets mouse-event
* mask.
* @param self The widget to check the mask of.
* @param loc The point (x,y) to check the mask status of.
* @return true if loc is masked; false otherwise;
bool widgetPointMasked(const widget *self, point loc);
* Asks the root widget to show the tool-tip of self.
* @param self The widget to show the tool-tip for.
void widgetShowToolTip(widget *self);
* Asks the root widget to hide the tool-tip of self.
* @param self The widget to hide the tool-tip for.
void widgetHideToolTip(widget *self);
* Sets up the widget for OpenGL rendering. Any OpenGL calls made after a call
* to this function (but before a call to widgetEndGL) will affect the widgets
* local framebuffer object (FBO).
* This function takes care of storing the current OpenGL states and updating
* the viewport and projection matrix so that the framebuffer is ready for use.
* It is illegal to call this function on a widget that does not have OpenGL
* rendering enabled (self->openGLEnabled). Furthermore, any call to
* widgetBeginGL must be accompanied by a call to widgetEndGL.
* @param self The widget to begin rendering GL content to.
void widgetBeginGL(widget *self);
* Finishes any active OpenGL rendering to the widget. It is analogous to glEnd.
* If finishedDrawing is false then the texture (which the FBO has rendered to)
* will be copied back to the Cairo context to allow for further drawing. This
* has performance implications.
* Otherwise, if it is true then the is no texture copy, however the result of
* attempting to use the Cairo context is undefined.
* @param self The widget to end GL rendering on.
* @param finishedDrawing If any further drawing is to be performed on the
* widget.
void widgetEndGL(widget *self, bool finishedDrawing);
point widgetAnimationInterpolateTranslate(widget *self,
animationFrame k1, animationFrame k2,
int time);
float widgetAnimationInterpolateRotate(widget *self,
animationFrame k1, animationFrame k2,
int time);
point widgetAnimationInterpolateScale(widget *self,
animationFrame k1, animationFrame k2,
int time);
float widgetAnimationInterpolateAlpha(widget *self,
animationFrame k1, animationFrame k2,
int time);
#endif /*WIDGET_H_*/