
179 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of the Warzone 2100 Resurrection Project.
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Warzone 2100 Resurrection Project
# Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# import from __future__
from __future__ import with_statement
# Get the things we need.
import struct
from pkg_resources import parse_version
from game import *
__all__ = ['Protocol', 'BinaryProtocol']
def _encodeCString(string, buf_len):
# If we haven't got a string return an empty one
if not string:
return str('\0' * buf_len)
# Make sure the string fits
string = string[:buf_len - 1]
# Add a terminating NUL and fill the rest of the buffer with NUL bytes
string = string.ljust(buf_len, "\0")
# Make sure *not* to use a unicode string
return str(string)
def _swap_endianness(i):
return struct.unpack(">I", struct.pack("<I", i))
class Protocol(object):
# Size of a single game is undefined at compile time
size = None
def encodeSingle(data):
def encodeMultiple(data):
def decodeSingle(data, game = Game(None)):
def decodeMultiple(data):
class BinaryProtocol(Protocol):
# Binary struct format to use (GAMESTRUCT)
gameFormat = {}
# >= 2.0 data
name_length = 64
host_length = 16
gameFormat['2.0'] = struct.Struct('!%dsII%ds6I' % (name_length, host_length))
# >= 2.2 data
misc_length = 64
extra_length = 255
versionstring_length = 64
modlist_length = 255
gameFormat['2.2'] = struct.Struct(gameFormat['2.0'].format + '%ds%ds%ds%ds10I' % (misc_length, extra_length, versionstring_length, modlist_length))
countFormat = struct.Struct('!I')
size = property(fget = lambda self: self.gameFormat.size)
def __init__(self, version = '2.2'):
# Size of a single game = sizeof(GAMESTRUCT)
if parse_version('2.0') <= parse_version(version) < parse_version('2.2'):
self.gameFormat = BinaryProtocol.gameFormat['2.0']
elif parse_version('2.2') <= parse_version(version):
self.gameFormat = BinaryProtocol.gameFormat['2.2']
self.version = version
def _encodeName(self, game):
return _encodeCString(game.description, self.name_length)
def _encodeHost(self, game):
return _encodeCString(game.host, self.host_length)
def _encodeMisc(self, game):
return _encodeCString(game.misc, self.misc_length)
def _encodeExtra(self, game):
return _encodeCString(game.extra, self.extra_length)
def _encodeVersionString(self, game):
return _encodeCString(game.multiplayerVersion, self.versionstring_length)
def encodeSingle(self, game):
if parse_version('2.0') <= parse_version(self.version) < parse_version('2.2'):
maxPlayers = game.maxPlayers
currentPlayers = game.currentPlayers
# Workaround the fact that the 2.0.x versions don't
# perform endian swapping
if parse_version('2.0') <= parse_version(self.version) < parse_version('2.1'):
maxPlayers = _swap_endianness(maxPlayers)
currentPlayers = _swap_endianness(currentPlayers)
return self.gameFormat.pack(
game.size or self.size, game.flags,
maxPlayers, currentPlayers, game.user1, game.user2, game.user3, game.user4)
elif parse_version('2.2') <= parse_version(self.version):
return self.gameFormat.pack(
game.size or self.size, game.flags,
game.maxPlayers, game.currentPlayers, game.user1, game.user2, game.user3, game.user4,
game.lobbyVersion, game.game_version_major, game.game_version_minor, game.private,
game.pure, game.Mods, game.future1, game.future2, game.future3, game.future4)
def encodeMultiple(self, games):
message = self.countFormat.pack(len(games))
for game in games:
message += self.encodeSingle(game)
return message
def decodeSingle(self, data, game = Game(None), offset = None):
decData = {}
if offset != None:
unpack = lambda buffer: self.gameFormat.unpack_from(buffer, offset)
unpack = self.gameFormat.unpack
if parse_version('2.0') <= parse_version(self.version) < parse_version('2.2'):
(decData['name'], game.size, game.flags, decData['host'], game.maxPlayers, game.currentPlayers,
game.user1, game.user2, game.user3, game.user4) = unpack(data)
elif parse_version('2.2') <= parse_version(self.version):
(decData['name'], game.size, game.flags, decData['host'], game.maxPlayers, game.currentPlayers,
game.user1, game.user2, game.user3, game.user4,
game.misc, game.extra, decData['multiplayer-version'], game.modlist, game.lobbyVersion,
game.game_version_major, game.game_version_minor, game.private, game.pure, game.Mods, game.future1,
game.future2, game.future3, game.future4) = unpack(data)
# Workaround the fact that the 2.0.x versions don't perform
# endian swapping
if parse_version('2.0') <= parse_version(self.version) < parse_version('2.1'):
game.maxPlayers = _swap_endianness(game.maxPlayers)
game.currentPlayers = _swap_endianness(game.currentPlayers)
for strKey in ['name', 'host', 'multiplayer-version']:
decData[strKey] = decData[strKey].strip("\0")
game.misc = game.misc.strip("\0")
game.extra = game.extra.strip("\0")
game.modlist = game.modlist.strip("\0")
return game
def decodeMultiple(self, data):
(count,) = self.countFormat.unpack_from(data)
return [self.decodeSingle(data, offset=(size * i + self.countFormat.size)) for i in xrange(count)]