
504 lines
12 KiB

#include <lib3ds/file.h>
#include <lib3ds/mesh.h>
#include <lib3ds/vector.h>
#include <lib3ds/material.h>
#include "qwzm.h"
// Load PIE files
#define iV_IMD_TEX 0x00000200
#define iV_IMD_XNOCUL 0x00002000
#define iV_IMD_TEXANIM 0x00004000
typedef struct {
int index[MAX_POLYGON_SIZE];
int texCoord[MAX_POLYGON_SIZE][2];
int vertices;
int frames, rate, width, height; // animation data
bool cull;
typedef struct {
int x, y, z;
void QWzmViewer::loadPIE(QString inputFile)
const bool swapYZ = false;
const bool reverseWinding = false;
const bool invertUV = false;
const bool assumeAnimation = false;
int num, x, y, z, levels, level;
char s[200];
const char *input = inputFile.toAscii().constData();
FILE *fp = fopen(input, "r");
if (!fp)
qWarning("Cannot open \"%s\" for reading: %s", input, strerror(errno));
num = fscanf(fp, "PIE %d\n", &x);
if (num != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "Bad PIE file %s\n", input);
num = fscanf(fp, "TYPE %d\n", &x); // ignore
if (num != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "Bad TYPE directive in %s\n", input);
num = fscanf(fp, "TEXTURE %d %s %d %d\n", &z, s, &x, &y);
if (num != 4)
fprintf(stderr, "Bad TEXTURE directive in %s\n", input);
num = fscanf(fp, "LEVELS %d\n", &levels);
if (num != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "Bad LEVELS directive in %s\n", input);
// Recreate model
if (psModel)
psModel = NULL;
psModel = createModel(levels, 0);
if (!psModel)
qFatal("Out of memory");
strcpy(psModel->texPath, s);
for (level = 0; level < levels; level++)
MESH *psMesh = &psModel->mesh[level];
int j, points, faces, facesWZM, faceCount, pointsWZM, pointCount, textureArrays = 1;
WZ_FACE *faceList;
num = fscanf(fp, "\nLEVEL %d\n", &x);
if (num != 1 || level + 1 != x)
fprintf(stderr, "Bad LEVEL directive in %s, was %d should be %d.\n", input, x, level + 1);
num = fscanf(fp, "POINTS %d\n", &points);
if (num != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "Bad POINTS directive in %s, level %d.\n", input, level);
posList = (WZ_POSITION*)malloc(sizeof(WZ_POSITION) * points);
for (j = 0; j < points; j++)
if (swapYZ)
num = fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d\n", &posList[j].x, &posList[j].z, &posList[j].y);
num = fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d\n", &posList[j].x, &posList[j].y, &posList[j].z);
if (num != 3)
fprintf(stderr, "Bad POINTS entry level %d, number %d\n", level, j);
num = fscanf(fp, "POLYGONS %d", &faces);
if (num != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "Bad POLYGONS directive in %s, level %d.\n", input, level);
facesWZM = faces; // for starters
faceList = (WZ_FACE*)malloc(sizeof(WZ_FACE) * faces);
pointsWZM = 0;
for (j = 0; j < faces; ++j)
int k;
unsigned int flags;
num = fscanf(fp, "\n%x", &flags);
if (num != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "Bad POLYGONS texture flag entry level %d, number %d\n", level, j);
if (!(flags & iV_IMD_TEX))
fprintf(stderr, "Bad texture flag entry level %d, number %d - no texture flag!\n", level, j);
if (flags & iV_IMD_XNOCUL)
faceList[j].cull = true;
facesWZM++; // must add additional face that is faced in the opposite direction
faceList[j].cull = false;
num = fscanf(fp, "%d", &faceList[j].vertices);
if (num != 1 || faceList[j].vertices < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Bad POLYGONS vertices entry level %d, number %d\n", level, j);
assert(faceList[j].vertices <= MAX_POLYGON_SIZE); // larger polygons not supported
assert(faceList[j].vertices >= 3); // points and lines not supported
if (faceList[j].vertices > 3)
// since they are triangle fans already, we get to do easy tessellation
facesWZM += (faceList[j].vertices - 3);
if (faceList[j].cull)
facesWZM += (faceList[j].vertices - 3); // double the number of extra faces needed
pointsWZM += faceList[j].vertices;
// Read in vertex indices and texture coordinates
for (k = 0; k < faceList[j].vertices; k++)
num = fscanf(fp, "%d", &faceList[j].index[k]);
if (num != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "Bad vertex position entry level %d, number %d\n", level, j);
if (flags & iV_IMD_TEXANIM)
num = fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d", &faceList[j].frames, &faceList[j].rate, &faceList[j].width, &faceList[j].height);
if (num != 4)
fprintf(stderr, "Bad texture animation entry level %d, number %d.\n", level, j);
if (faceList[j].frames <= 1)
fprintf(stderr, "Level %d, polygon %d has a single animation frame. That makes no sense.\n", level, j);
if (textureArrays < faceList[j].frames)
textureArrays = faceList[j].frames;
faceList[j].frames = 0;
faceList[j].rate = 0;
faceList[j].width = 1; // to avoid division by zero
faceList[j].height = 1;
for (k = 0; k < faceList[j].vertices; k++)
num = fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &faceList[j].texCoord[k][0], &faceList[j].texCoord[k][1]);
if (num != 2)
fprintf(stderr, "Bad texture coordinate entry level %d, number %d\n", level, j);
if (textureArrays == 8 && !assumeAnimation) // guesswork
psMesh->teamColours = true;
psMesh->teamColours = false;
// Calculate position list. Since positions hold texture coordinates in WZM, unlike in Warzone,
// we need to use some black magic to transfer them over here.
pointCount = 0;
psMesh->vertices = pointsWZM;
psMesh->faces = facesWZM;
psMesh->vertexArray = (GLfloat*)malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) * psMesh->vertices * 3);
psMesh->indexArray = (GLuint*)malloc(sizeof(GLuint) * psMesh->vertices * 3);
psMesh->textureArrays = textureArrays;
for (j = 0; j < textureArrays; j++)
psMesh->textureArray[j] = (GLfloat*)malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) * psMesh->vertices * 2);
for (z = 0, j = 0; j < faces; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < faceList[j].vertices; k++, pointCount++)
int pos = faceList[j].index[k];
// Generate new position
psMesh->vertexArray[z++] = posList[pos].x;
psMesh->vertexArray[z++] = posList[pos].y;
psMesh->vertexArray[z++] = posList[pos].z;
// Use the new position
faceList[j].index[k] = pointCount;
// Handle texture animation or team colours. In either case, add multiple texture arrays.
for (z = 0; z < textureArrays; z++)
for (x = 0, j = 0; j < faces; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < faceList[j].vertices; k++)
// This works because wrap around is only permitted if you start the animation at the
// left border of the texture. What a horrible hack this was.
int framesPerLine = 256 / faceList[j].width;
int frameH = z % framesPerLine;
int frameV = z / framesPerLine;
double width = faceList[j].texCoord[k][0] + faceList[j].width * frameH;
double height = faceList[j].texCoord[k][1] + faceList[j].height * frameV;
double u = width / 256.0f;
double v = height / 256.0f;
if (invertUV)
v = 1.0f - v;
psMesh->textureArray[z][x++] = u;
psMesh->textureArray[z][x++] = v;
faceCount = 0;
for (z = 0, j = 0; j < faces; j++)
int k, key, previous;
key = faceList[j].index[0];
previous = faceList[j].index[2];
if (reverseWinding || faceList[j].cull)
GLuint *v = &psMesh->indexArray[z];
z += 3;
v[0] = key;
v[1] = previous;
v[2] = faceList[j].index[1];
if (!reverseWinding || faceList[j].cull)
GLuint *v = &psMesh->indexArray[z];
z += 3;
v[0] = key;
v[2] = previous;
v[1] = faceList[j].index[1];
// Generate triangles from the Warzone triangle fans (PIEs, get it?)
for (k = 3; k < faceList[j].vertices; k++)
if (reverseWinding || faceList[j].cull)
GLuint *v = &psMesh->indexArray[z];
z += 3;
v[0] = key;
v[2] = previous;
v[1] = faceList[j].index[k];
if (!reverseWinding || faceList[j].cull)
GLuint *v = &psMesh->indexArray[z];
z += 3;
v[0] = key;
v[1] = previous;
v[2] = faceList[j].index[k];
previous = faceList[j].index[k];
// We only handle texture animation here, so leave bone heap animation out of it for now.
if (textureArrays == 1 || (textureArrays == 8 && !assumeAnimation))
psMesh->frames = 0;
psMesh->frames = textureArrays;
psMesh->frameArray = (FRAME*)malloc(sizeof(FRAME) * psMesh->frames);
for (j = 0; j < textureArrays; j++)
FRAME *psFrame = &psMesh->frameArray[j];
psFrame->timeSlice = (float)faceList[j].rate;
psFrame->textureArray = j;
psFrame->translation.x = 0;
psFrame->translation.y = 0;
psFrame->translation.z = 0;
psFrame->rotation.x = 0;
psFrame->rotation.y = 0;
psFrame->rotation.z = 0;
num = fscanf(fp, "\nCONNECTORS %d", &psMesh->connectors);
if (num == 1 && psMesh->connectors > 0)
psMesh->connectorArray = (CONNECTOR *)malloc(sizeof(CONNECTOR) * psMesh->connectors);
for (j = 0; j < psMesh->connectors; j++)
CONNECTOR *conn = &psMesh->connectorArray[j];
int a, b, c;
num = fscanf(fp, "\n%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c);
if (num != 3)
fprintf(stderr, "Bad CONNECTORS directive in %s entry level %d, number %d\n", input, level, j);
conn->pos.x = a;
conn->pos.y = b;
conn->pos.z = c;
conn->type = 0; // generic type of connector, only type supported in PIE
void QWzmViewer::load3DS(QString input)
const bool swapYZ = true;
const bool reverseWinding = true;
const bool invertUV = true;
const float scaleFactor = 1.0f;
Lib3dsFile *f = lib3ds_file_load(input.toAscii().constData());
Lib3dsMaterial *material = f->materials;
int meshes = 0;
Lib3dsMesh *m;
int meshIdx;
if (!f)
qWarning("Loading 3DS file %s failed", input.toAscii().constData());
for (meshes = 0, m = f->meshes; m; m = m->next, meshes++) ; // count the meshes
if (psModel)
psModel = NULL;
psModel = createModel(meshes, 0);
if (!psModel)
qFatal("Out of memory");
// Grab texture name
for (int j = 0; material; material = material->next, j++)
Lib3dsTextureMap *texture = &material->texture1_map;
QString texName(texture->name);
if (j > 0)
qWarning("Texture %d %s: More than one texture currently not supported!", j, texture->name);
strcpy(psModel->texPath, texName.toLower().toAscii().constData());
// Grab each mesh
for (meshIdx = 0, m = f->meshes; m; m = m->next, meshIdx++)
MESH *psMesh = &psModel->mesh[meshIdx];
psMesh->vertices = m->points;
psMesh->faces = m->faces;
psMesh->vertexArray = (GLfloat*)malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) * psMesh->vertices * 3);
psMesh->indexArray = (GLuint*)malloc(sizeof(GLuint) * psMesh->faces * 3);
psMesh->textureArrays = 1; // only one supported from 3DS
psMesh->textureArray[0] = (GLfloat*)malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) * psMesh->vertices * 2);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m->points; i++)
Lib3dsVector pos;
lib3ds_vector_copy(pos, m->pointL[i].pos);
if (swapYZ)
psMesh->vertexArray[i * 3 + 0] = pos[0] * scaleFactor;
psMesh->vertexArray[i * 3 + 1] = pos[2] * scaleFactor;
psMesh->vertexArray[i * 3 + 2] = pos[1] * scaleFactor;
psMesh->vertexArray[i * 3 + 0] = pos[0] * scaleFactor;
psMesh->vertexArray[i * 3 + 1] = pos[1] * scaleFactor;
psMesh->vertexArray[i * 3 + 2] = pos[2] * scaleFactor;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m->points; i++)
GLfloat *v = &psMesh->textureArray[0][i * 2];
v[0] = m->texelL[i][0];
if (invertUV)
v[1] = 1.0f - m->texelL[i][1];
v[1] = m->texelL[i][1];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m->faces; ++i)
Lib3dsFace *face = &m->faceL[i];
GLuint *v = &psMesh->indexArray[i * 3];
if (reverseWinding)
v[0] = face->points[2];
v[1] = face->points[1];
v[2] = face->points[0];
v[0] = face->points[0];
v[1] = face->points[1];
v[2] = face->points[2];