
507 lines
12 KiB

* pieMatrix.c
* matrix functions for pumpkin image library.
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <windows.h> //needed for gl.h! --Qamly
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include "piedef.h"
#include "pieclip.h"
#include "piematrix.h"
#include "rendmode.h"
#include "bug.h"
* Local Definitions
Playstation and PC stuff ... just the matrix stack & surface normal code is all thats needed on the PSX
#define MATRIX_MAX 8
#define ONE_PERCENT 41 // 4096/100
static SDMATRIX aMatrixStack[MATRIX_MAX];
SDMATRIX *psMatrix = &aMatrixStack[0];
static BOOL perspective = FALSE;
BOOL drawing_interface = TRUE;
void pie_VectorNormalise(iVector *v)
int32 size;
iVector av;
av.x = pie_ABS(v->x);
av.y = pie_ABS(v->y);
av.z = pie_ABS(v->z);
if (av.x >= av.y) {
if (av.x > av.z)
size = av.x + (av.z >> 2) + (av.y >> 2);
size = av.z + (av.x >> 2) + (av.y >> 2);
} else {
if (av.y > av.z)
size = av.y + (av.z >> 2) + (av.x >> 2);
size = av.z + (av.y >> 2) + (av.x >> 2);
if (size > 0) {
v->x = (v->x << FP12_SHIFT) / size;
v->y = (v->y << FP12_SHIFT) / size;
v->z = (v->z << FP12_SHIFT) / size;
//*** calculate surface normal
//* params p1,p2,p3 = points for forming 2 vector for cross product
//* v = normal vector returned << FP12_SHIFT
//* eg if a polygon (with n points in clockwise order) normal
//* is required, p1 = point 0, p2 = point 1, p3 = point n-1
void pie_SurfaceNormal(iVector *p1, iVector *p2, iVector *p3, iVector *v)
iVector a, b;
a.x = p3->x - p1->x;
a.y = p3->y - p1->y;
a.z = p3->z - p1->z;
b.x = p2->x - p1->x;
b.y = p2->y - p1->y;
b.z = p2->z - p1->z;
v->x = ((a.y * b.z) - (a.z * b.y)) >> FP12_SHIFT;
v->y = ((a.z * b.x) - (a.x * b.z)) >> FP12_SHIFT;
v->z = ((a.x * b.y) - (a.y * b.x)) >> FP12_SHIFT;
#define SC_TABLESIZE 4096
#define X_INTERCEPT(pt1,pt2,yy) \
(pt2->x - (((pt2->y - yy) * (pt1->x - pt2->x)) / (pt1->y - pt2->y)))
//*** reset transformation matrix stack and make current identity
void pie_MatReset(void)
// printf("pie_MatReset\n");
psMatrix = &aMatrixStack[0];
// make 1st matrix identity
*psMatrix = _MATRIX_ID;
//*** create new matrix from current transformation matrix and make current
void pie_MatBegin(void)
if (_MATRIX_INDEX > 3)
ASSERT((_MATRIX_INDEX < MATRIX_MAX,"pie_MatBegin past top of the stack"));
aMatrixStack[_MATRIX_INDEX] = aMatrixStack[_MATRIX_INDEX-1];
//*** make current transformation matrix previous one on stack
void pie_MatEnd(void)
ASSERT((_MATRIX_INDEX >= 0,"pie_MatEnd of the bottom of the stack"));
void pie_MATTRANS(int x, int y, int z) {
GLfloat matrix[16];
psMatrix->j = x<<FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->k = y<<FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->l = z<<FP12_SHIFT;
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, matrix);
matrix[12] = x;
matrix[13] = y;
matrix[14] = z;
void pie_TRANSLATE(int x, int y, int z) {
psMatrix->j += ((x) * psMatrix->a + (y) * psMatrix->d + (z) * psMatrix->g);
psMatrix->k += ((x) * psMatrix->b + (y) * psMatrix->e + (z) * psMatrix->h);
psMatrix->l += ((x) * psMatrix->c + (y) * psMatrix->f + (z) * psMatrix->i);
glTranslatef(x, y, z);
//*** matrix scale current transformation matrix
void pie_MatScale( UDWORD percent )
SDWORD scaleFactor;
if(percent == 100)
scaleFactor = percent * ONE_PERCENT;
psMatrix->a = (psMatrix->a * scaleFactor) / 4096;
psMatrix->b = (psMatrix->b * scaleFactor) / 4096;
psMatrix->c = (psMatrix->c * scaleFactor) / 4096;
psMatrix->d = (psMatrix->d * scaleFactor) / 4096;
psMatrix->e = (psMatrix->e * scaleFactor) / 4096;
psMatrix->f = (psMatrix->f * scaleFactor) / 4096;
psMatrix->g = (psMatrix->g * scaleFactor) / 4096;
psMatrix->h = (psMatrix->h * scaleFactor) / 4096;
psMatrix->i = (psMatrix->i * scaleFactor) / 4096;
glScalef(0.01*percent, 0.01*percent, 0.01*percent);
//*** matrix rotate y (yaw) current transformation matrix
void pie_MatRotY(int y)
// printf("pie_MatRotY %i\n", y);
int t;
int cra, sra;
if (y != 0) {
cra = COS(y);
sra = SIN(y);
t = ((cra * psMatrix->a) - (sra * psMatrix->g))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->g = ((sra * psMatrix->a) + (cra * psMatrix->g))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->a = t;
t = ((cra * psMatrix->b) - (sra * psMatrix->h))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->h = ((sra * psMatrix->b) + (cra * psMatrix->h))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->b = t;
t = ((cra * psMatrix->c) - (sra * psMatrix->i))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->i = ((sra * psMatrix->c) + (cra * psMatrix->i))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->c = t;
glRotatef(y*22.5/4096.0, 0, 1, 0);
//*** matrix rotate z (roll) current transformation matrix
void pie_MatRotZ(int z)
// printf("pie_MatRotZ %i\n", z);
int t;
int cra, sra;
if (z != 0) {
cra = COS(z);
sra = SIN(z);
t = ((cra * psMatrix->a) + (sra * psMatrix->d))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->d = ((cra * psMatrix->d) - (sra * psMatrix->a))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->a = t;
t = ((cra * psMatrix->b) + (sra * psMatrix->e))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->e = ((cra * psMatrix->e) - (sra * psMatrix->b))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->b = t;
t = ((cra * psMatrix->c) + (sra * psMatrix->f))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->f = ((cra * psMatrix->f) - (sra * psMatrix->c))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->c = t;
glRotatef(z*22.5/4096.0, 0, 0, 1);
//*** matrix rotate x (pitch) current transformation matrix
void pie_MatRotX(int x)
// printf("pie_MatRotX %i\n", x);
int cra, sra;
int t;
if (x != 0) {
cra = COS(x);
sra = SIN(x);
t = ((cra * psMatrix->d) + (sra * psMatrix->g))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->g = ((cra * psMatrix->g) - (sra * psMatrix->d))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->d = t;
t = ((cra * psMatrix->e) + (sra * psMatrix->h))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->h = ((cra * psMatrix->h) - (sra * psMatrix->e))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->e = t;
t = ((cra * psMatrix->f) + (sra * psMatrix->i))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->i = ((cra * psMatrix->i) - (sra * psMatrix->f))>>FP12_SHIFT;
psMatrix->f = t;
glRotatef(x*22.5/4096.0, 1, 0, 0);
//*** 3D vector perspective projection
//* params v1 = 3D vector to project
//* v2 = pointer to 2D resultant vector
//* on exit v2 = projected vector
//* returns rotated and translated z component of v1
int32 pie_RotateProject(SDWORD x, SDWORD y, SDWORD z, SDWORD* xs, SDWORD* ys)
int32 zfx, zfy;
int32 zz, _x, _y, _z;
_x = x * psMatrix->a+y * psMatrix->d+z * psMatrix->g + psMatrix->j;
_y = x * psMatrix->b+y * psMatrix->e+z * psMatrix->h + psMatrix->k;
_z = x * psMatrix->c+y * psMatrix->f+z * psMatrix->i + psMatrix->l;
zfx = _z >> psRendSurface->xpshift;
zfy = _z >> psRendSurface->ypshift;
if ((zfx<=0) || (zfy<=0))
xs = LONG_WAY;//just along way off screen
ys = LONG_WAY;
else if (zz < MIN_STRETCHED_Z)
xs = LONG_WAY;//just along way off screen
ys = LONG_WAY;
*xs = psRendSurface->xcentre + (_x / zfx);
*ys = psRendSurface->ycentre - (_y / zfy);
return zz;
int32 pie_RotProj(iVector *v3d, iPoint *v2d)
return pie_RotateProject(v3d->x, v3d->y, v3d->z, &(v2d->x), &(v2d->y));
int32 pie_Transform(iVector *v3d, iPoint *v2d)
v2d->x = v3d->x;
v2d->y = v3d->y;
return v3d->z;
void pie_PerspectiveBegin() {
float width = pie_GetVideoBufferWidth();
float height = pie_GetVideoBufferHeight();
float xangle = width/6;
float yangle = height/6;
(height-2*psRendSurface->ycentre)/height , 0);
glFrustum(-xangle, xangle, -yangle, yangle, 330, 100000);
glScalef(1, 1, -1);
void pie_PerspectiveEnd() {
glOrtho(0, pie_GetVideoBufferWidth(), pie_GetVideoBufferHeight(), 0, 1, -1);
void pie_Begin3DScene(void) {
glDepthRange(0.1, 1);
drawing_interface = FALSE;
void pie_BeginInterface(void) {
glDepthRange(0, 0.1);
drawing_interface = TRUE;
void pie_SetGeometricOffset(int x, int y)
psRendSurface->xcentre = x;
psRendSurface->ycentre = y;
// all these routines use the PC format of iVertex ... and are not used on the PSX
BOOL pie_Clockwise(iVertex *s)
return (((s[1].y - s[0].y) * (s[2].x - s[1].x)) <=
((s[1].x - s[0].x) * (s[2].y - s[1].y)));
BOOL pie_PieClockwise(PIEVERTEX *s)
return (((s[1].sy - s[0].sy) * (s[2].sx - s[1].sx)) <=
((s[1].sx - s[0].sx) * (s[2].sy - s[1].sy)));
//*** inverse rotate 3D vector with current rotation matrix
//* params v1 = pointer to 3D vector to rotate
//* v2 = pointer to 3D resultant vector
//* on exit v2 = inverse-rotated vector
void pie_VectorInverseRotate0(iVector *v1, iVector *v2)
int32 x, y, z;
x = v1->x; y = v1->y; z = v1->z;
v2->x = (x * psMatrix->a+y * psMatrix->b+z * psMatrix->c) >> FP12_SHIFT;
v2->y = (x * psMatrix->d+y * psMatrix->e+z * psMatrix->f) >> FP12_SHIFT;
v2->z = (x * psMatrix->g+y * psMatrix->h+z * psMatrix->i) >> FP12_SHIFT;
//*** setup transformation matrices/quaternions and trig tables
void pie_MatInit(void)
unsigned i, scsize;
double conv, v;
// sin/cos table
conv = (float)(PI / (0.5 * SC_TABLESIZE));
for (i=0; i<scsize; i++) {
v = (double) sin(i * conv) * FP12_MULTIPLIER;
if (v >= 0.0)
aSinTable[i] = (int32)(v + 0.5);
aSinTable[i] = (int32)(v - 0.5);
// init matrix/quat stack
iV_DEBUG0("geo[_geo_setup] = setup successful\n");