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This file is part of Warzone 2100.
Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive
Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Warzone Resurrection Project
Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "intfac.h" // Interface image id's.
#define FILLRED 16
#define FILLGREEN 16
#define FILLBLUE 128
#define FILLTRANS 128
// Sprite image structure.
typedef struct {
UDWORD BMPNum; // Source bitmap index.
UDWORD Offset; // byte offset within source bitmap.
UDWORD Width; // Width of image.
UDWORD Height; // Height of image.
UDWORD Modulus; // Width of source bitmap.
SDWORD XOffset; // X offset for drawing.
SDWORD YOffset; // Y offset for drawing.
enum {
FR_IGNORE, // Fill rect is ignored.
FR_FRAME, // Fill rect drawn relative to frame.
FR_LEFT, // Fill rect drawn relative to left of frame.
FR_RIGHT, // Fill rect drawn relative to right of frame.
FR_TOP, // Fill rect drawn relative to top of frame.
FR_BOTTOM, // Fill rect drawn relative to bottom of frame.
enum {
FR_SOLID, // Bitmap drawn solid.
FR_KEYED, // Bitmap drawn with colour 0 transparent.
typedef struct {
UWORD Type; // One of the FR_... values.
SWORD TLXOffset,TLYOffset; // Offsets for the rect fill.
SWORD BRXOffset,BRYOffset;
UBYTE ColourIndex;
// Frame definition structure.
typedef struct {
SWORD OffsetX0,OffsetY0; // Offset top left of frame.
SWORD OffsetX1,OffsetY1; // Offset bottom right of frame.
SWORD TopLeft; // Image indecies for the corners ( -1 = don't draw).
SWORD TopRight;
SWORD BottomLeft;
SWORD BottomRight;
SWORD TopEdge,TopType; // Image indecies for the edges ( -1 = don't draw). Type ie FR_SOLID or FR_KEYED.
SWORD RightEdge,RightType;
SWORD BottomEdge,BottomType;
SWORD LeftEdge,LeftType;
FRAMERECT FRect[5]; // Fill rectangles.
typedef struct {
SWORD MajorUp; // Index of image to use for tab not pressed.
SWORD MajorDown; // Index of image to use for tab pressed.
SWORD MajorHilight; // Index of image to use for tab hilighted by mouse.
SWORD MajorSelected; // Index of image to use for tab selected ( same as pressed ).
SWORD MinorUp; // As above but for minot tabs.
SWORD MinorDown;
SWORD MinorHilight;
SWORD MinorSelected;
extern IMAGEFILE *IntImages; // All the 2d graphics for the user interface.
// A few useful defined frames.
extern IMAGEFRAME FrameNormal;
extern IMAGEFRAME FrameDesignComponent;
extern IMAGEFRAME FrameRadar;
extern IMAGEFRAME FrameObject;
extern IMAGEFRAME FrameStats;
extern IMAGEFRAME FrameDesignLeft;
extern IMAGEFRAME FrameDesignRight;
extern IMAGEFRAME FrameDesignCenter;
extern IMAGEFRAME FrameDesignComponent;
extern IMAGEFRAME FrameDesignView;
extern IMAGEFRAME FrameDesignHilight;
extern IMAGEFRAME FrameText;
// A few useful defined tabs.
extern TABDEF StandardTab;
extern TABDEF SystemTab;
extern TABDEF SmallTab;
extern BOOL imageInitBitmaps(void);
extern void imageDeleteBitmaps(void);
// Draws a transparent window
extern void RenderWindowFrame(IMAGEFRAME *Frame,UDWORD x,UDWORD y,UDWORD Width,UDWORD Height);
// Draws a solid window
extern void RenderOpaqueWindow(IMAGEFRAME *Frame,UDWORD x,UDWORD y,UDWORD Width,UDWORD Height);
// Called by RenderWindowFrame and RenderOpaqueWindow but you can call it yourself if you want.
extern void RenderWindow(IMAGEFRAME *Frame,UDWORD x,UDWORD y,UDWORD Width,UDWORD Height,BOOL Opaque);