
880 lines
26 KiB

/* QuesoGLC
* A free implementation of the OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC)
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2004-2009, Bertrand Coconnier
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
/* $Id$ */
/** \file
* defines the so-called "Measurement commands" described in chapter 3.10 of
* the GLC specs.
/** \defgroup measure Measurement commands
* Those commands returns metrics (bounding box, baseline) of character or
* string layouts. Glyphs coordinates are defined in <em>em units</em> and are
* transformed during rendering to produce the desired mapping of the glyph
* shape into the GL window coordinate system. Moreover, GLC can return some
* metrics for a character and string layouts. The table below lists the
* metrics that are available :
* <center>
* <table>
* <caption>Metrics for character and string layout</caption>
* <tr>
* <td>Name</td> <td>Enumerant</td> <td>Vector</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><b>GLC_BASELINE</b></td> <td>0x0030</td>
* <td>[ x<sub>l</sub> y<sub>l</sub> x<sub>r</sub> y<sub>r</sub> ]</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><b>GLC_BOUNDS</b></td> <td>0x0031</td>
* <td>[ x<sub>lb</sub> y<sub>lb</sub> x<sub>rb</sub> y<sub>rb</sub>
* x<sub>rt</sub> y<sub>rt</sub> x<sub>lt</sub> y<sub>lt</sub> ]</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* </center>
* \n \b GLC_BASELINE is the line segment from the origin of the layout to the
* origin of the following layout. \b GLC_BOUNDS is the bounding box of the
* layout.
* \image html measure.png "Baseline and bounds"
* \image latex measure.eps "Baseline and bounds" width=7cm
* \n Each point <em>(x,y)</em> is computed in em coordinates, with the origin
* of a layout at <em>(0,0)</em>. If the value of the variable
* \b GLC_RENDER_STYLE is \b GLC_BITMAP or GLC_PIXMAP_QSO, each point is
* transformed by the 2x2 \b GLC_BITMAP_MATRIX.
#include "internal.h"
#include <math.h>
/* Multiply a vector by the GLC_BITMAP_MATRIX */
static void __glcTransformVector(GLfloat* outVec, const GLfloat *inMatrix)
GLfloat temp = inMatrix[0] * outVec[0] + inMatrix[2] * outVec[1];
outVec[1] = inMatrix[1] * outVec[0] + inMatrix[3] * outVec[1];
outVec[0] = temp;
/* Retrieve the metrics of a character identified by 'inCode' in a font
* identified by 'inFont'.
* 'inCode' must be given in UCS-4 format
static void* __glcGetCharMetric(const GLint inCode, const GLint inPrevCode,
const GLboolean inIsRTL,
const __GLCfont* inFont,
__GLCcontext* inContext, const void* inData,
const GLboolean inMultipleChars)
GLfloat* outVec = (GLfloat*)inData;
int i = 0;
GLfloat xMin = 0., xMax = 0.;
GLfloat yMin = 0., yMax = 0.;
GLfloat inScaleX = GLC_POINT_SIZE;
GLfloat inScaleY = GLC_POINT_SIZE;
GLfloat temp[4];
if (inMultipleChars && ((inContext->renderState.renderStyle == GLC_BITMAP)
|| (inContext->renderState.renderStyle == GLC_PIXMAP_QSO))) {
/* If a string (or several characters) is to be measured, it will be easier
* to perform the calculations in the glyph coordinate system than in the
* screen coordinate system. In order to get the values that already stored
* in outVec back in the glyph coordinate system, we must compute the
* inverse of the transformation matrix.
GLfloat* matrix = inContext->bitmapMatrix;
GLfloat inverseMatrix[4];
GLfloat norm = 0.f;
GLfloat determinant = matrix[0] * matrix[3] - matrix[1] * matrix[2];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (fabs(matrix[i]) > norm)
norm = fabs(matrix[i]);
if (determinant >= norm * GLC_EPSILON) {
inverseMatrix[0] = matrix[3] / determinant;
inverseMatrix[1] = -matrix[1] / determinant;
inverseMatrix[2] = -matrix[2] / determinant;
inverseMatrix[3] = matrix[0] / determinant;
return NULL;
/* Transform the values in outVec from the screen coordinate system to the
* the glyph coordinate system
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
__glcTransformVector(&outVec[2*i], inverseMatrix);
if (!inMultipleChars) {
outVec[0] = 0.;
outVec[1] = 0.;
outVec[2] = 0.;
outVec[3] = 0.;
else {
outVec[2] += outVec[12];
outVec[3] += outVec[13];
if (!__glcFontGetBoundingBox(inFont, inCode, temp, inContext, inScaleX,
return NULL;
/* Take into account the advance of the glyphs that have already been
* measured.
xMin = temp[0] + outVec[2];
yMin = temp[1] + outVec[3];
xMax = temp[2] + outVec[2];
yMax = temp[3] + outVec[3];
/* Update the global bounding box */
if (inMultipleChars) {
outVec[4] = xMin < outVec[4] ? xMin : outVec[4];
outVec[5] = yMin < outVec[5] ? yMin : outVec[5];
outVec[6] = xMax > outVec[6] ? xMax : outVec[6];
outVec[9] = yMax > outVec[9] ? yMax : outVec[9];
else {
outVec[4] = xMin;
outVec[5] = yMin;
outVec[6] = xMax;
outVec[9] = yMax;
/* Finalize the update of the bounding box coordinates */
outVec[7] = outVec[5];
outVec[8] = outVec[6];
outVec[10] = outVec[4];
outVec[11] = outVec[9];
/* Get the advance of the glyph */
if (!__glcFontGetAdvance(inFont, inCode, temp, inContext, inScaleX, inScaleY))
return NULL;
/* Update the global advance accordingly */
if (inIsRTL) {
outVec[2] -= temp[0];
outVec[3] -= temp[1];
else {
outVec[2] += temp[0];
outVec[3] += temp[1];
outVec[12] = 0.;
outVec[13] = 0.;
if (inPrevCode && inContext->enableState.kerning) {
GLfloat kerning[2];
const GLint leftCode = inIsRTL ? inCode : inPrevCode;
const GLint rightCode = inIsRTL ? inPrevCode : inCode;
if (__glcFontGetKerning(inFont, leftCode, rightCode, kerning, inContext,
inScaleX, inScaleY)) {
outVec[12] = inIsRTL ? -kerning[0] : kerning[0];
outVec[13] = kerning[1];
/* Transforms the values into the screen coordinate system if necessary */
if ((inContext->renderState.renderStyle == GLC_BITMAP)
|| (inContext->renderState.renderStyle == GLC_PIXMAP_QSO)){
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
__glcTransformVector(&outVec[2*i], inContext->bitmapMatrix);
return outVec;
/** \ingroup measure
* This command is identical to the command glcRenderChar(), except that
* instead of rendering the character that \e inCode is mapped to, the command
* measures the resulting layout and stores in \e outVec the value of the
* metric identified by \e inMetric. If the command does not raise an error,
* its return value is \e outVec.
* \param inCode The character to measure.
* \param inMetric The metric to measure, either \b GLC_BASELINE or
* \param outVec A vector in which to store value of \e inMetric for specified
* character.
* \returns \e outVec if the command succeeds, \b NULL otherwise.
* \sa glcGetMaxCharMetric()
* \sa glcGetStringCharMetric()
* \sa glcMeasureCountedString()
* \sa glcMeasureString()
GLfloat* APIENTRY glcGetCharMetric(GLint inCode, GLCenum inMetric,
GLfloat *outVec)
__GLCcontext *ctx = NULL;
GLint code = 0;
GLfloat vector[14];
__GLCcharacter prevCode = { 0, NULL, NULL, {0.f, 0.f}};
switch(inMetric) {
return NULL;
/* Verify if the current thread owns a context state */
if (!ctx) {
return NULL;
/* Get the character code converted to the UCS-4 format */
code = __glcConvertGLintToUcs4(ctx, inCode);
if (code < 0)
return NULL;
/* Control characters have no metrics */
if (code < 32) {
memset(outVec, 0, ((inMetric == GLC_BOUNDS) ? 8 : 4) * sizeof(GLfloat));
return outVec;
/* Call __glcProcessChar that will get a font which maps the code to a glyph
* or issue the replacement code or the character sequence \<xxx> and call
* __glcGetCharMetric()
memset(vector, 0, 14 * sizeof(GLfloat));
if (__glcProcessChar(ctx, code, &prevCode, GL_FALSE, __glcGetCharMetric,
vector)) {
switch(inMetric) {
memcpy(outVec, vector, 4 * sizeof(GLfloat));
return outVec;
memcpy(outVec, &vector[4], 8 * sizeof(GLfloat));
return outVec;
return NULL;
/** \ingroup measure
* This command measures the layout that would result from rendering all
* mapped characters at the same origin. This contrast with
* glcGetStringCharMetric(), which measures characters as part of a string,
* that is, influenced by kerning, ligatures, and so on.
* This command evaluates the metrics of every fonts in the
* \b GLC_CURRENT_FONT_LIST. Fonts that are not listed in
* \b GLC_CURRENT_FONT_LIST are ignored.
* The command stores in \e outVec the value of the metric identified by
* \e inMetric. If the command does not raise an error, its return value
* is \e outVec.
* \param inMetric The metric to measure, either \b GLC_BASELINE or
* \param outVec A vector in which to store value of \e inMetric for all
* mapped character.
* \returns \e outVec if the command succeeds, \b NULL otherwise.
* \sa glcGetCharMetric()
* \sa glcGetStringCharMetric()
* \sa glcMeasureCountedString()
* \sa glcMeasureString()
GLfloat* APIENTRY glcGetMaxCharMetric(GLCenum inMetric, GLfloat *outVec)
__GLCcontext *ctx = NULL;
GLfloat advanceX = 0.f, advanceY = 0.f, yb = 1e4f, yt = -1e4f, xr = -1e4f,
xl = 1e4f;
FT_ListNode node = NULL;
GLfloat inScaleX = GLC_POINT_SIZE;
GLfloat inScaleY = GLC_POINT_SIZE;
/* Check the parameters */
switch(inMetric) {
return NULL;
/* Verify if the current thread owns a context state */
if (!ctx) {
return NULL;
/* For each font in GLC_CURRENT_FONT_LIST find the maximum values of the
* advance width of the bounding boxes.
for (node = ctx->currentFontList.head; node; node = node->next) {
GLfloat temp[6];
__GLCfont* font = (__GLCfont*)node->data;
if (!__glcFontGetMaxMetric(font, temp, ctx, inScaleX, inScaleY))
return NULL;
advanceX = temp[0] > advanceX ? temp[0] : advanceX;
advanceY = temp[1] > advanceY ? temp[1] : advanceY;
yt = temp[2] > yt ? temp[2] : yt;
yb = temp[3] < yb ? temp[3] : yb;
xr = temp[4] > xr ? temp[4] : xr;
xl = temp[5] < xl ? temp[5] : xl;
/* Update and transform, if necessary, the returned value */
switch(inMetric) {
outVec[0] = 0.;
outVec[1] = 0.;
outVec[2] = advanceX;
outVec[3] = advanceY;
if ((ctx->renderState.renderStyle == GLC_BITMAP)
|| (ctx->renderState.renderStyle == GLC_PIXMAP_QSO))
__glcTransformVector(&outVec[2], ctx->bitmapMatrix);
return outVec;
outVec[0] = xl;
outVec[1] = yb;
outVec[2] = xr;
outVec[3] = yb;
outVec[4] = xr;
outVec[5] = yt;
outVec[6] = xl;
outVec[7] = yt;
if ((ctx->renderState.renderStyle == GLC_BITMAP)
|| (ctx->renderState.renderStyle == GLC_PIXMAP_QSO)) {
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
__glcTransformVector(&outVec[2*i], ctx->bitmapMatrix);
return outVec;
return NULL;
/** \ingroup measure
* This command retrieves a character metric from the GLC measurement buffer
* and stores it in \e outVec. To store a string in the measurement buffer,
* call glcMeasureCountedString() or glcMeasureString().
* The character is identified by \e inIndex, and the metric is identified by
* \e inMetric.
* The command raises \b GLC_PARAMETER_ERROR if \e inIndex is less than zero
* or is greater than or equal to the value of the variable
* \b GLC_MEASURED_CHAR_COUNT or \e outVec is NULL. If the command does not
* raise an error, its return value is outVec.
* \par Example:
* The following example first calls glcMeasureString() to store the string
* "hello" in the measurement buffer. It then retrieves both the baseline and
* the bounding box for the whole string, then for each individual character.
* \code
* GLfloat overallBaseline[4];
* GLfloat overallBoundingBox[8];
* GLfloat charBaselines[5][4];
* GLfloat charBoundingBoxes[5][8];
* GLint i;
* glcMeasureString(GL_TRUE, "hello");
* glcGetStringMetric(GLC_BASELINE, overallBaseline);
* glcGetStringMetric(GLC_BOUNDS, overallBoundingBox);
* for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
* glcGetStringCharMetric(i, GLC_BASELINE, charBaselines[i]);
* glcGetStringCharMetric(i, GLC_BOUNDS, charBoundingBoxes[i]);
* }
* \endcode
* \note
* \e glcGetStringCharMetric is useful if you're interested in the metrics of
* a character as it appears in a string, that is, influenced by kerning,
* ligatures, and so on. To measure the metrics of a character alone, call
* glcGetCharMetric().
* \param inIndex Specifies which element in the string to measure.
* \param inMetric The metric to measure, either \b GLC_BASELINE or
* \param outVec A vector in which to store value of \e inMetric for the
* character identified by \e inIndex.
* \returns \e outVec if the command succeeds, \b NULL otherwise.
* \sa glcGetCharMetric()
* \sa glcGetMaxCharMetric()
* \sa glcMeasureCountedString()
* \sa glcMeasureString()
GLfloat* APIENTRY glcGetStringCharMetric(GLint inIndex, GLCenum inMetric,
GLfloat *outVec)
__GLCcontext *ctx = NULL;
GLfloat (*measurementBuffer)[12] = NULL;
/* Check the parameters */
switch(inMetric) {
return NULL;
/* Verify if the current thread owns a context state */
if (!ctx) {
return NULL;
measurementBuffer = (GLfloat(*)[12])GLC_ARRAY_DATA(ctx->measurementBuffer);
/* Verify that inIndex is in legal bounds */
if ((inIndex < 0)
|| (inIndex >= GLC_ARRAY_LENGTH(ctx->measurementBuffer))) {
return NULL;
switch(inMetric) {
memcpy(outVec, &measurementBuffer[inIndex][0],
4 * sizeof(GLfloat));
return outVec;
memcpy(outVec, &measurementBuffer[inIndex][4],
8 * sizeof(GLfloat));
return outVec;
return NULL;
/** \ingroup measure
* This command retrieves a string metric from the GLC measurement buffer
* and stores it in \e outVec. The metric is identified by \e inMetric. To
* store the metrics of a string in the GLC measurement buffer, call
* glcMeasureCountedString() or glcMeasureString().
* If the command does not raise an error, its return value is \e outVec.
* \param inMetric The metric to measure, either \b GLC_BASELINE or
* \param outVec A vector in which to store value of \e inMetric for the
* character identified by \e inIndex.
* \returns \e outVec if the command succeeds, \b NULL otherwise.
* \sa glcGetCharMetric()
* \sa glcGetMaxCharMetric()
* \sa glcGetStringCharMetric()
* \sa glcMeasureCountedString()
* \sa glcMeasureString()
GLfloat* APIENTRY glcGetStringMetric(GLCenum inMetric, GLfloat *outVec)
__GLCcontext *ctx = NULL;
/* Check the parameters */
switch(inMetric) {
return NULL;
/* Verify if the current thread owns a context state */
if (!ctx) {
return NULL;
/* Copy the values requested by the client in outVec */
switch(inMetric) {
memcpy(outVec, ctx->measurementStringBuffer, 4*sizeof(GLfloat));
return outVec;
memcpy(outVec, &ctx->measurementStringBuffer[4], 8*sizeof(GLfloat));
return outVec;
return NULL;
/* This function perform the actual work of measuring a string
* It is called by both glcMeasureString() and glcMeasureCountedString()
* The string inString is encoded in UCS4 and is stored in visual order.
static GLint __glcMeasureCountedString(__GLCcontext *inContext,
const GLboolean inMeasureChars,
const GLint inCount,
const GLCchar32* inString,
const GLboolean inIsRTL)
GLint i = 0;
GLfloat metrics[14];
const GLCchar32* ptr = NULL;
const GLint storeRenderStyle = inContext->renderState.renderStyle;
GLfloat xMin = 0., xMax = 0.;
GLfloat yMin = 0., yMax = 0.;
GLfloat* outVec = inContext->measurementStringBuffer;
__GLCcharacter prevCode = { 0, NULL, NULL, {0.f, 0.f}};
GLint shift = 1;
if ((inContext->renderState.renderStyle == GLC_BITMAP)
|| (inContext->renderState.renderStyle == GLC_PIXMAP_QSO)) {
/* In order to prevent __glcProcessCharMetric() to transform its results
* with the GLC_MATRIX, ctx->renderStyle must not be GLC_BITMAP (or
inContext->renderState.renderStyle = 0;
memset(outVec, 0, 12*sizeof(GLfloat));
if (inMeasureChars)
GLC_ARRAY_LENGTH(inContext->measurementBuffer) = 0;
/* For each character of the string, the measurement are performed and
* gathered in the context state
ptr = inString;
if (inIsRTL) {
ptr += inCount - 1;
shift = -1;
memset(metrics, 0, 14 * sizeof(GLfloat));
for (i = 0; i < inCount; i++) {
if (*ptr < 32) {
/* Control characters have no metrics. However they must not be skipped
* otherwise the characters indices in the string would be modified and
* this would make troubles when the user calls glcGetStringCharMetric().
memset(metrics, 0, 14 * sizeof(GLfloat));
else {
FT_ListNode node = NULL;
if (inContext->enableState.glObjects
&& inContext->renderState.renderStyle) {
__GLCfont* font = NULL;
__GLCglyph* glyph = NULL;
for (node = inContext->currentFontList.head; node ; node = node->next) {
font = (__GLCfont*)node->data;
glyph = __glcCharMapGetGlyph(font->charMap, *ptr);
metrics[0] = 0.;
metrics[1] = 0.;
if (!glyph || !glyph->advanceCached) {
if (!__glcFontGetAdvance(font, *ptr, &metrics[2], inContext,
else {
metrics[2] = glyph->advance[0];
metrics[3] = glyph->advance[1];
if (!glyph || !glyph->boundingBoxCached) {
if (!__glcFontGetBoundingBox(font, *ptr, &metrics[4], inContext,
metrics[9] = metrics[7];
else {
metrics[4] = glyph->boundingBox[0];
metrics[5] = glyph->boundingBox[1];
metrics[6] = glyph->boundingBox[2];
metrics[9] = glyph->boundingBox[3];
metrics[7] = metrics[5];
metrics[8] = metrics[6];
metrics[10] = metrics[4];
metrics[11] = metrics[9];
if (inContext->enableState.kerning) {
if (prevCode.code && prevCode.font == font) {
const GLint leftCode = inIsRTL ? *ptr : prevCode.code;
const GLint rightCode = inIsRTL ? prevCode.code : *ptr;
if (!__glcFontGetKerning(font, leftCode, rightCode, &metrics[12],
inContext, GLC_POINT_SIZE,
memset(&metrics[12], 0, 2*sizeof(GLfloat));
prevCode.font = font;
prevCode.code = *ptr;
if (!node) {
__glcProcessChar(inContext, *ptr, &prevCode, inIsRTL,
__glcGetCharMetric, metrics);
ptr += shift;
/* If characters are to be measured then store the results */
if (inMeasureChars) {
__glcArrayAppend(inContext->measurementBuffer, metrics);
if (i) {
GLfloat (*measurementBuffer)[12] =
GLfloat prevCharAdvance = measurementBuffer[i-1][2] + metrics[12];
int j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
measurementBuffer[i][2*j] += prevCharAdvance;
/* Initialize outVec if we are processing the first character of the string
if (!i) {
outVec[0] = metrics[0];
outVec[1] = metrics[1];
outVec[2] = metrics[0];
outVec[3] = metrics[1];
outVec[4] = metrics[4] + metrics[0];
outVec[5] = metrics[5] + metrics[1];
outVec[6] = metrics[6] + metrics[0];
outVec[9] = metrics[9] + metrics[1];
else {
/* Takes the kerning into account */
outVec[2] += metrics[12];
outVec[3] += metrics[13];
xMin = metrics[4] + outVec[2];
xMax = metrics[6] + outVec[2];
yMin = metrics[5] + outVec[3];
yMax = metrics[9] + outVec[3];
outVec[4] = xMin < outVec[4] ? xMin : outVec[4];
outVec[5] = yMin < outVec[5] ? yMin : outVec[5];
outVec[6] = xMax > outVec[6] ? xMax : outVec[6];
outVec[9] = yMax > outVec[9] ? yMax : outVec[9];
outVec[2] += metrics[2];
outVec[3] += metrics[3];
outVec[7] = outVec[5];
outVec[8] = outVec[6];
outVec[10] = outVec[4];
outVec[11] = outVec[9];
/* Transform all the data in the screen coordinate system if the rendering
if ((storeRenderStyle == GLC_BITMAP)
|| (storeRenderStyle == GLC_PIXMAP_QSO)) {
inContext->renderState.renderStyle = storeRenderStyle;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (inMeasureChars) {
GLfloat (*measurementBuffer)[12] =
int j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < inCount; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
/* Return the number of measured characters */
return inCount;
/** \ingroup measure
* This command is identical to the command glcRenderCountedString(), except
* that instead of rendering a string, the command measures the resulting
* layout and stores the measurement in the GLC measurement buffer. The
* string comprises the first \e inCount elements of the array \e inString,
* which need not be followed by a zero element.
* If the value \e inMeasureChars is nonzero, the command computes metrics for
* each character and for the overall string, and it assigns the value
* \e inCount to the variable \b GLC_MEASURED_CHARACTER_COUNT. Otherwise, the
* command computes metrics only for the overall string, and it assigns the
* value zero to the variable \b GLC_MEASURED_CHARACTER_COUNT.
* If the command does not raise an error, its return value is the value of
* The command raises \b GLC_PARAMETER_ERROR if \e inCount is less than zero.
* \param inMeasureChars Specifies whether to compute metrics only for the
* string or for the characters as well.
* \param inCount The number of elements to measure, starting at the first
* element.
* \param inString The string to be measured.
* \returns The variable \b GLC_MEASURED_CHARACTER_COUNT if the command
* succeeds, zero otherwise.
* \sa glcGeti() with argument GLC_MEASURED_CHAR_COUNT
* \sa glcGetStringCharMetric()
* \sa glcGetStringMetric()
GLint APIENTRY glcMeasureCountedString(GLboolean inMeasureChars, GLint inCount,
const GLCchar* inString)
__GLCcontext *ctx = NULL;
GLint count = 0;
GLCchar32* UinString = NULL;
GLboolean isRightToLeft = GL_FALSE;
/* If inString is NULL then there is no point in continuing */
if (!inString)
return 0;
/* Check the parameters */
if (inCount < 0) {
return 0;
/* Verify if the current thread owns a context state */
if (!ctx) {
return 0;
UinString = __glcConvertCountedStringToVisualUcs4(ctx, &isRightToLeft,
inString, inCount);
if (!UinString)
return 0;
count = __glcMeasureCountedString(ctx, inMeasureChars, inCount, UinString,
return count;
/** \ingroup measure
* This command measures the layout that would result from rendering a string
* and stores the measurements in the GLC measurement buffer. This command
* is identical to the command glcMeasureCountedString(), except that
* \e inString is zero terminated, not counted.
* If the command does not raise an error, its return value is the value of
* \param inMeasureChars Specifies whether to compute metrics only for the
* string or for the characters as well.
* \param inString The string to be measured.
* \returns The variable \b GLC_MEASURED_CHARACTER_COUNT if the command
* succeeds, zero otherwise.
* \sa glcGeti() with argument GLC_MEASURED_CHAR_COUNT
* \sa glcGetStringCharMetric()
* \sa glcGetStringMetric()
GLint APIENTRY glcMeasureString(GLboolean inMeasureChars,
const GLCchar* inString)
__GLCcontext *ctx = NULL;
GLCchar32* UinString = NULL;
GLint count = 0;
GLint length = 0;
GLboolean isRightToLeft = GL_FALSE;
/* If inString is NULL then there is no point in continuing */
if (!inString)
return 0;
/* Verify if the current thread owns a context state */
if (!ctx) {
return 0;
UinString = __glcConvertToVisualUcs4(ctx, &isRightToLeft, &length, inString);
if (!UinString)
return 0;
count = __glcMeasureCountedString(ctx, inMeasureChars, length, UinString,
return count;