
346 lines
7.2 KiB

// Multi-player script for upto 8 players.
public STRUCTURESTAT command;
public STRUCTURESTAT factory;
public STRUCTURESTAT wall;
public STRUCTURESTAT cornerWall;
public STRUCTURESTAT oilDerrick;
public STRUCTURESTAT powerGen;
public STRUCTURESTAT research;
public STRUCTURESTAT commandrelay;
public STRUCTURESTAT cybfac;
public STRUCTURESTAT vtolfac;
// starting technologies.
public int numtecP0, numtecP1, numtecP2, numtecP3,numtecP4, numtecP5, numtecP6, numtecP7;
public RESEARCHSTAT tecP0[5], tecP1[5], tecP2[5], tecP3[5], tecP4[5], tecP5[5], tecP6[5], tecP7[5];
public int numCleanTech, numBaseTech, numDefTech;
public RESEARCHSTAT cleanTech[32], baseTech[32], defTech[64];
// research topics
public int numResP0, numResP1, numResP2, numResP3, numResP4, numResP5, numResP6, numResP7;
public RESEARCHSTAT resP0[5], resP1[5], resP2[5], resP3[5], resP4[5], resP5[5], resP6[5], resP7[5];
public int numCleanRes, numBaseRes, numDefRes;
public RESEARCHSTAT cleanRes[10], baseRes[10], defRes[10];
// Other Stuff
private INT count;
private INT playnum;
private BOOL gamenotwon;
// Base Under Attack Stuff
private STRUCTURE hitStruc;
private BASEOBJ attackerObj;
private int t;
public SOUND attackSnd1;
public INTMESSAGE endMsg, winMsg;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
trigger endConditions(every, 100);
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//this event is called once the game has initialised itself
event initialisedEvent(CALL_GAMEINIT)
while (playnum < 8)
if(multiPlayerBaseType == CAMP_CLEAN)
count = 0;
while (count < numCleanTech)
completeResearch(cleanTech[count], playnum);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numCleanRes)
enableResearch(cleanRes[count], playnum);
count = count +1;
else if(multiPlayerBaseType == CAMP_BASE)
count = 0;
while (count < numBaseTech)
completeResearch(baseTech[count], playnum);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numBaseRes)
enableResearch(baseRes[count], playnum);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numDefTech)
completeResearch(defTech[count], playnum);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numDefRes)
enableResearch(defRes[count], playnum);
count = count +1;
playnum = playnum + 1;
event initialisedEvent2(CALL_GAMEINIT)
//set up the reticule buttons
while (playnum < 8)
enableStructure(command , playnum); //make structures available to build
enableStructure(factory, playnum);
//enableStructure(wall, playnum);
//enableStructure(cornerWall, playnum);
enableStructure(oilDerrick, playnum);
enableStructure(powerGen, playnum);
enableStructure(research, playnum);
setStructureLimits(factory, 5, playnum); // set structure limits
setStructureLimits(powerGen, 5, playnum);
setStructureLimits(research, 5, playnum);
setStructureLimits(command, 1, playnum);
setStructureLimits(commandrelay,1, playnum);
setStructureLimits(cybfac, 5, playnum);
setStructureLimits(vtolfac, 5, playnum);
playnum = playnum+1;
applyLimitSet(); // set limit options
// player specific technology startups
count = 0;
while (count < numtecP0)
completeResearch(tecP0[count], 0);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numtecP1)
completeResearch(tecP1[count], 1);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numtecP2)
completeResearch(tecP2[count], 2);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numtecP3)
completeResearch(tecP3[count], 3);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numtecP4)
completeResearch(tecP4[count], 4);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numtecP5)
completeResearch(tecP5[count], 5);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numtecP6)
completeResearch(tecP6[count], 6);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numtecP7)
completeResearch(tecP7[count], 7);
count = count +1;
// player specific research startups
count = 0;
while (count < numResP0)
enableResearch(resP0[count], 0);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numResP1)
enableResearch(resP1[count], 1);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numResP2)
enableResearch(resP2[count], 2);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numResP3)
enableResearch(resP3[count], 3);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numResP4)
enableResearch(resP4[count], 4);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numResP5)
enableResearch(resP5[count], 5);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numResP6)
enableResearch(resP6[count], 6);
count = count +1;
count = 0;
while (count < numResP7)
enableResearch(resP7[count], 7);
count = count +1;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
event checkEndConditions (endConditions)
// Losing Conditions
// if( ( not (multiPlayerGameType == DMATCH))
if( ( not anyDroidsLeft(selectedPlayer))
and ( not anyFactoriesLeft(selectedPlayer))
// and ( not playerInAlliance(selectedPlayer))
// addMessage(endMsg, MISS_MSG, 0, true);
// pause(10);
// gameOver(FALSE);
gameOverMessage(endMsg, MISS_MSG, 0, FALSE);
setEventTrigger(checkEndConditions, inactive);
// Winning Conditions
gamenotwon = FALSE;
// Campaign Game
if(multiPlayerGameType == CAMPAIGN)
// check humans are still about
while (playnum < multiPlayerMaxPlayers)
if (playnum != selectedPlayer)
if(anyDroidsLeft(playnum) or anyFactoriesLeft(playnum) )
gamenotwon = TRUE;
playnum = playnum + 1;
//check computer/babas are wiped out completely
if(not isHumanPlayer(playnum))
if(anyDroidsLeft(playnum) or anyStructButWallsLeft(playnum))
gamenotwon = TRUE;
playnum = playnum + 1;
if(gamenotwon == FALSE)
// addMessage(winMsg, MISS_MSG, 0, true);
// pause(10);
// gameOver(TRUE);
gameOverMessage(winMsg, MISS_MSG, 0, TRUE);
setEventTrigger(checkEndConditions, inactive);
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/* Base Under Attack */
event baseHit(CALL_STRUCT_ATTACKED, selectedPlayer, ref hitStruc, ref attackerObj)
if (t >= 10)
if (hitStruc != NULLOBJECT)
playSoundPos(attackSnd1, selectedPlayer, hitStruc.x, hitStruc.y, hitStruc.z); //show position if still alive
playSound(attackSnd1, selectedPlayer);
event everySec(every, 10)
//go to where the structure being attacked is on CTRL B
event seeBaseHit(CALL_MISSION_END)
if (hitStruc!=NULLOBJECT)
t=0; //flag known about!