
192 lines
4.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vim: set et sts=4 sw=4:
package CG;
use strict;
# Code generator for SQL table definitions
my $filename = "";
my $outfile = "";
sub printStructFieldType
my ($output, $field) = @_;
$_ = $field->{"type"};
if (/count/) { $$output .= "INTEGER NOT NULL"; }
elsif (/([US]D?WORD|[US]BYTE)/) { $$output .= "INTEGER NOT NULL"; } # "transition" type
elsif (/real/) { $$output .= "NUMERIC NOT NULL"; }
elsif (/bool/) { $$output .= "INTEGER NOT NULL"; }
elsif (/enum/) { $$output .= "TEXT NOT NULL"; }
elsif (/struct/)
$$output .= "INTEGER";
$$output .= " NOT NULL" unless grep(/optional/, @{$field->{"qualifiers"}});
elsif (/string/)
$$output .= "TEXT";
$$output .= " NOT NULL" unless grep(/optional/, @{$field->{"qualifiers"}});
elsif (/IMD_model/)
$$output .= "TEXT";
$$output .= " NOT NULL" unless grep(/optional/, @{$field->{"qualifiers"}});
elsif (/C-only-field/)
#Ignore: this field type is called C-only-field for a reason
die "error:$filename:$field->{line}: UKNOWN TYPE: $_";
sub printComments
my ($output, $comments, $indent) = @_;
return unless @{$comments};
foreach my $comment (@{$comments})
$$output .= "\t" if $indent;
$$output .= "--$comment\n";
sub printStructFields
my ($output, $struct, $enumMap) = @_;
my @fields = @{$struct->{"fields"}};
my @constraints = ();
while (@fields)
my $field = shift(@fields);
printComments($output, $field->{"comment"}, 1) unless ($field->{"type"} and $field->{"type"} =~ /C-only-field/);
if ($field->{"type"} and $field->{"type"} =~ /set/)
my $enum = $field->{"enum"};
my @values = @{$enum->{"values"}};
my $unique_string = "UNIQUE(";
while (@values)
my $value = shift(@values);
$$output .= "\t$field->{name}_$value->{name} INTEGER NOT NULL";
$$output .= "," if @values or @fields or @constraints or grep(/unique/, @{$field->{"qualifiers"}});
$$output .= "\n";
$unique_string .= "$field->{name}_$value->{name}";
$unique_string .= ", " if @values;
$unique_string .= ")";
push @constraints, $unique_string if grep(/unique/, @{$field->{"qualifiers"}});
elsif ($field->{"type"} and $field->{"type"} =~ /C-only-field/)
# Ignore: this is a user defined field type, the user code (%postLoadRow) can deal with it
$$output .= "\t$field->{name} ";
printStructFieldType($output, $field);
$$output .= " UNIQUE" if grep(/unique/, @{$field->{"qualifiers"}});
$$output .= ",\n" if @fields or @constraints;
$$output .= "\n" unless ($field->{"type"} and $field->{"type"} =~ /C-only-field/);
while (@constraints)
my $constraint = shift(@constraints);
$$output .= "\t$constraint";
$$output .= ",\n" if @constraints;
$$output .= "\n";
sub printStructContent
my ($output, $struct, $name, $structMap, $enumMap, $printFields) = @_;
foreach (keys %{$struct->{"qualifiers"}})
if (/inherit/)
my $inheritStruct = $struct->{"qualifiers"}{"inherit"};
printStructContent($output, $inheritStruct, $name, $structMap, $enumMap, 0);
elsif (/abstract/)
$$output .= "\t-- Automatically generated ID to link the inheritance hierarchy.\n"
. "\tunique_inheritance_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ";
$$output .= "AUTOINCREMENT " if $printFields;
$$output .= "NOT NULL,\n\n";
$$name = ${$struct}{"name"};
printStructFields($output, $struct, $enumMap) if $printFields;
sub printEnum()
sub printStruct()
my ($output, $struct, $structMap, $enumMap) = @_;
my $name = $struct->{"name"};
printComments($output, $struct->{"comment"}, 0);
# Start printing the structure
$$output .= "CREATE TABLE `${name}` (\n";
printStructContent($output, $struct, \$name, $structMap, $enumMap, 1);
# Finish printing the structure
$$output .= ");\n\n";
sub processCmdLine()
sub startFile()
my ($output, $name, $outputfile) = @_;
$$output .= "-- This file is generated automatically, do not edit, change the source ($name) instead.\n\n";
$filename = $name;
if ($outputfile)
$outfile = $outputfile;
$outfile = $name;
$outfile =~ s/\.[^.]*$/.schema.sql/;
sub endFile()