
514 lines
14 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "mapload.h"
#define MAX_PLAYERS 8
#define MAP_MAXAREA (256 * 256)
#define debug(z, ...) do { fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } while (0)
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
void mapFree(GAMEMAP *map)
if (map)
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(map->mLndObjects); ++i)
/* Initialise the map structure */
GAMEMAP *mapLoad(char *filename)
char path[PATH_MAX];
GAMEMAP *map = malloc(sizeof(*map));
uint32_t i, j, gwVersion;
char aFileType[4];
bool littleEndian = true;
PHYSFS_file *fp = NULL;
uint16_t terrainSignature[3];
bool counted[MAX_PLAYERS];
// this cries out for a class based design
#define readU8(v) ( littleEndian ? PHYSFS_readULE8(fp, v) : PHYSFS_readUBE8(fp, v) )
#define readU16(v) ( littleEndian ? PHYSFS_readULE16(fp, v) : PHYSFS_readUBE16(fp, v) )
#define readU32(v) ( littleEndian ? PHYSFS_readULE32(fp, v) : PHYSFS_readUBE32(fp, v) )
#define readS8(v) ( littleEndian ? PHYSFS_readSLE8(fp, v) : PHYSFS_readSBE8(fp, v) )
#define readS16(v) ( littleEndian ? PHYSFS_readSLE16(fp, v) : PHYSFS_readSBE16(fp, v) )
#define readS32(v) ( littleEndian ? PHYSFS_readSLE32(fp, v) : PHYSFS_readSBE32(fp, v) )
/* === Load map data === */
strcpy(path, filename);
strcat(path, "/game.map");
fp = PHYSFS_openRead(path);
map->mGateways = NULL;
map->mMapTiles = NULL;
if (!fp)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Could not open %s", path);
map->mapVersion = 0;
map->width = UINT32_MAX;
map->height = UINT32_MAX;
map->mMapTiles = NULL;
goto mapfailure;
else if (PHYSFS_read(fp, aFileType, 4, 1) != 1
|| !readU32(&map->mapVersion)
|| !readU32(&map->width)
|| !readU32(&map->height)
|| aFileType[0] != 'm'
|| aFileType[1] != 'a'
|| aFileType[2] != 'p')
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad header in %s", path);
goto failure;
else if (map->mapVersion <= 9)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "%s: Unsupported save format version %u", path, map->mapVersion);
goto failure;
else if (map->mapVersion > 36)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "%s: Undefined save format version %u", path, map->mapVersion);
goto failure;
else if (map->width * map->height > MAP_MAXAREA)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Map %s too large : %d %d", path, map->width, map->height);
goto failure;
/* Allocate the memory for the map */
map->mMapTiles = calloc(map->width * map->height, sizeof(*map->mMapTiles));
if (!map->mMapTiles)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory");
goto failure;
/* Load in the map data */
for (i = 0; i < map->width * map->height; i++)
uint16_t texture;
uint8_t height;
if (!readU16(&texture) || !readU8(&height))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "%s: Error during savegame load", path);
goto failure;
map->mMapTiles[i].texture = texture;
map->mMapTiles[i].height = height;
for (j = 0; j < MAX_PLAYERS; j++)
map->mMapTiles[i].tileVisBits = (uint8_t)(map->mMapTiles[i].tileVisBits &~ (uint8_t)(1 << j));
if (!readU32(&gwVersion) || !readU32(&map->numGateways) || gwVersion != 1)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad gateway in %s", path);
goto failure;
map->mGateways = calloc(map->numGateways, sizeof(*map->mGateways));
for (i = 0; i < map->numGateways; i++)
if (!readU8(&map->mGateways[i].x1) || !readU8(&map->mGateways[i].y1)
|| !readU8(&map->mGateways[i].x2) || !readU8(&map->mGateways[i].y2))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "%s: Failed to read gateway info", path);
goto failure;
/* === Load game data === */
strcpy(path, filename);
strcat(path, ".gam");
fp = PHYSFS_openRead(path);
if (!fp)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Game file %s not found", path);
goto failure;
else if (PHYSFS_read(fp, aFileType, 4, 1) != 1
|| aFileType[0] != 'g'
|| aFileType[1] != 'a'
|| aFileType[2] != 'm'
|| aFileType[3] != 'e'
|| !readU32(&map->gameVersion))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad header in %s", path);
goto failure;
if (map->gameVersion > 35) // big-endian
littleEndian = false;
if (!readU32(&map->gameTime)
|| !readU32(&map->gameType)
|| !readS32(&map->scrollMinX)
|| !readS32(&map->scrollMinY)
|| !readU32(&map->scrollMaxX)
|| !readU32(&map->scrollMaxY)
|| PHYSFS_read(fp, map->levelName, 20, 1) != 1)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad data in %s", filename);
goto failure;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (map->gameVersion >= 10)
uint32_t dummy; // extracted power, not used
if (!readU32(&map->power[i]) || !readU32(&dummy))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad power data in %s", filename);
goto failure;
map->power[i] = 0; // TODO... is there a default?
/* === Load feature data === */
littleEndian = true;
strcpy(path, filename);
strcat(path, "/feat.bjo");
fp = PHYSFS_openRead(path);
if (!fp)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Feature file %s not found", path);
map->featVersion = 0;
map->numFeatures = 0;
map->mLndObjects[IMD_FEATURE] = NULL;
goto featfailure;
else if (PHYSFS_read(fp, aFileType, 4, 1) != 1
|| aFileType[0] != 'f'
|| aFileType[1] != 'e'
|| aFileType[2] != 'a'
|| aFileType[3] != 't'
|| !readU32(&map->featVersion)
|| !readU32(&map->numFeatures))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad features header in %s", path);
goto failure;
map->mLndObjects[IMD_FEATURE] = malloc(sizeof(*map->mLndObjects[IMD_FEATURE]) * map->numFeatures);
for(i = 0; i < map->numFeatures; i++)
LND_OBJECT *psObj = &map->mLndObjects[IMD_FEATURE][i];
int nameLength = 60;
uint32_t dummy;
uint8_t visibility[8];
if (map->featVersion <= 19)
nameLength = 40;
if (PHYSFS_read(fp, psObj->name, nameLength, 1) != 1
|| !readU32(&psObj->id)
|| !readU32(&psObj->x) || !readU32(&psObj->y) || !readU32(&psObj->z)
|| !readU32(&psObj->direction)
|| !readU32(&psObj->player)
|| !readU32(&dummy) // BOOL inFire
|| !readU32(&dummy) // burnStart
|| !readU32(&dummy)) // burnDamage
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to read feature from %s", path);
goto failure;
psObj->player = 0; // work around invalid feature owner
if (map->featVersion >= 14 && PHYSFS_read(fp, &visibility, 1, 8) != 8)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to read feature visibility from %s", path);
goto failure;
psObj->type = 0; // IMD LND type for feature
// Sanity check data
if (psObj->x >= map->width * TILE_WIDTH || psObj->y >= map->height * TILE_HEIGHT)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad feature coordinate %u(%u, %u)", psObj->id, psObj->x, psObj->y);
goto failure;
/* === Load terrain data === */
littleEndian = true;
strcpy(path, filename);
strcat(path, "/ttypes.ttp");
fp = PHYSFS_openRead(path);
if (!fp)
map->terrainVersion = 0;
goto terrainfailure;
else if (PHYSFS_read(fp, aFileType, 4, 1) != 1
|| aFileType[0] != 't'
|| aFileType[1] != 't'
|| aFileType[2] != 'y'
|| aFileType[3] != 'p'
|| !readU32(&map->terrainVersion)
|| !readU32(&map->numTerrainTypes))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad features header in %s", path);
goto failure;
if (!readU16(&terrainSignature[0]) || !readU16(&terrainSignature[1]) || !readU16(&terrainSignature[2]))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Could not read terrain signature from %s", path);
goto failure;
if (terrainSignature[0] == 1 && terrainSignature[1] == 0 && terrainSignature[2] == 2)
map->tileset = TILESET_ARIZONA;
else if (terrainSignature[0] == 2 && terrainSignature[1] == 2 && terrainSignature[2] == 2)
map->tileset = TILESET_URBAN;
else if (terrainSignature[0] == 0 && terrainSignature[1] == 0 && terrainSignature[2] == 2)
map->tileset = TILESET_ROCKIES;
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown terrain signature in %s: %hu %hu %hu", path,
terrainSignature[0], terrainSignature[1], terrainSignature[2]);
goto failure;
/* === Load structure data === */
map->mLndObjects[IMD_STRUCTURE] = NULL;
map->numStructures = 0;
littleEndian = true;
strcpy(path, filename);
strcat(path, "/struct.bjo");
map->mLndObjects[IMD_STRUCTURE] = NULL;
fp = PHYSFS_openRead(path);
if (fp)
if (PHYSFS_read(fp, aFileType, 4, 1) != 1
|| aFileType[0] != 's'
|| aFileType[1] != 't'
|| aFileType[2] != 'r'
|| aFileType[3] != 'u'
|| !readU32(&map->structVersion)
|| !readU32(&map->numStructures))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad structure header in %s", path);
goto failure;
map->mLndObjects[IMD_STRUCTURE] = malloc(sizeof(*map->mLndObjects[IMD_STRUCTURE]) * map->numStructures);
for (i = 0; i < map->numStructures; i++)
LND_OBJECT *psObj = &map->mLndObjects[IMD_STRUCTURE][i];
int nameLength = 60;
uint32_t dummy;
uint8_t visibility[8], dummy8;
int16_t dummyS16;
int32_t dummyS32;
char researchName[60];
if (map->structVersion <= 19)
nameLength = 40;
if (PHYSFS_read(fp, psObj->name, nameLength, 1) != 1
|| !readU32(&psObj->id)
|| !readU32(&psObj->x) || !readU32(&psObj->y) || !readU32(&psObj->z)
|| !readU32(&psObj->direction)
|| !readU32(&psObj->player)
|| !readU32(&dummy) // BOOL inFire
|| !readU32(&dummy) // burnStart
|| !readU32(&dummy) // burnDamage
|| !readU8(&dummy8) // status - causes structure padding
|| !readU8(&dummy8) // structure padding
|| !readU8(&dummy8) // structure padding
|| !readU8(&dummy8) // structure padding
|| !readS32(&dummyS32) // currentBuildPts - aligned on 4 byte boundary
|| !readU32(&dummy) // body
|| !readU32(&dummy) // armour
|| !readU32(&dummy) // resistance
|| !readU32(&dummy) // dummy1
|| !readU32(&dummy) // subjectInc
|| !readU32(&dummy) // timeStarted
|| !readU32(&dummy) // output
|| !readU32(&dummy) // capacity
|| !readU32(&dummy)) // quantity
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to read structure from %s", path);
goto failure;
if (map->structVersion >= 12
&& (!readU32(&dummy) // factoryInc
|| !readU8(&dummy8) // loopsPerformed - causes structure padding
|| !readU8(&dummy8) // structure padding
|| !readU8(&dummy8) // structure padding
|| !readU8(&dummy8) // structure padding
|| !readU32(&dummy) // powerAccrued - aligned on 4 byte boundary
|| !readU32(&dummy) // dummy2
|| !readU32(&dummy) // droidTimeStarted
|| !readU32(&dummy) // timeToBuild
|| !readU32(&dummy))) // timeStartHold
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to read structure v12 part from %s", path);
goto failure;
if (map->structVersion >= 14 && PHYSFS_read(fp, &visibility, 1, 8) != 8)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to read structure visibility from %s", path);
goto failure;
if (map->structVersion >= 15 && PHYSFS_read(fp, researchName, nameLength, 1) != 1)
// If version < 20, then this causes no padding, but the short below
// will still cause two bytes padding; however, if version >= 20, we
// will cause 4 bytes padding, but the short below will eat 2 of them,
// leaving us again with only two bytes padding before the next word.
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to read structure v15 part from %s", path);
goto failure;
if (map->structVersion >= 17 && !readS16(&dummyS16))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to read structure v17 part from %s", path);
goto failure;
if (map->structVersion >= 15 && !readS16(&dummyS16)) // structure padding
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to read 16 bits of structure padding from %s", path);
goto failure;
if (map->structVersion >= 21 && !readU32(&dummy))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to read structure v21 part from %s", path);
goto failure;
psObj->type = IMD_STRUCTURE;
// Sanity check data
if (psObj->player > MAX_PLAYERS)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad structure owner %u for structure %d id=%u", psObj->player, i, psObj->id);
goto failure;
if (psObj->x >= map->width * TILE_WIDTH || psObj->y >= map->height * TILE_HEIGHT)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad structure %d coordinate %u(%u, %u)", i, psObj->id, psObj->x, psObj->y);
goto failure;
/* === Load droid data === */
map->mLndObjects[IMD_DROID] = NULL;
map->numDroids = 0;
littleEndian = true;
strcpy(path, filename);
strcat(path, "/dinit.bjo");
map->mLndObjects[IMD_DROID] = NULL;
fp = PHYSFS_openRead(path);
if (fp)
if (PHYSFS_read(fp, aFileType, 4, 1) != 1
|| aFileType[0] != 'd'
|| aFileType[1] != 'i'
|| aFileType[2] != 'n'
|| aFileType[3] != 't'
|| !readU32(&map->droidVersion)
|| !readU32(&map->numDroids))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad droid header in %s", path);
goto failure;
map->mLndObjects[IMD_DROID] = malloc(sizeof(*map->mLndObjects[IMD_DROID]) * map->numDroids);
for (i = 0; i < map->numDroids; i++)
LND_OBJECT *psObj = &map->mLndObjects[IMD_DROID][i];
int nameLength = 60;
uint32_t dummy;
if (map->droidVersion <= 19)
nameLength = 40;
if (PHYSFS_read(fp, psObj->name, nameLength, 1) != 1
|| !readU32(&psObj->id)
|| !readU32(&psObj->x) || !readU32(&psObj->y) || !readU32(&psObj->z)
|| !readU32(&psObj->direction)
|| !readU32(&psObj->player)
|| !readU32(&dummy) // BOOL inFire
|| !readU32(&dummy) // burnStart
|| !readU32(&dummy)) // burnDamage
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to read droid from %s", path);
goto failure;
psObj->type = IMD_DROID;
// Sanity check data
if (psObj->x >= map->width * TILE_WIDTH || psObj->y >= map->height * TILE_HEIGHT)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad droid coordinate %u(%u, %u)", psObj->id, psObj->x, psObj->y);
goto failure;
// Count players by looking for the obligatory construction droids
map->numPlayers = 0;
memset(counted, 0, sizeof(counted));
for(i = 0; i < map->numDroids; i++)
LND_OBJECT *psObj = &map->mLndObjects[IMD_DROID][i];
if (counted[psObj->player] == false && (strcmp(psObj->name, "ConstructorDroid") == 0 || strcmp(psObj->name, "ConstructionDroid") == 0))
counted[psObj->player] = true;
return map;
if (fp)
return NULL;