
77 lines
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/*! \file strres.h
* * \brief String resource interface functions
#ifndef _strres_h
#define _strres_h
/* A string block */
typedef struct _str_block
STRING **apStrings;
UDWORD idStart, idEnd;
#ifdef DEBUG
UDWORD *aUsage;
struct _str_block *psNext;
/* An ID entry */
typedef struct _str_id
/* A String Resource */
typedef struct _str_res
TREAP *psIDTreap; // The treap to store string identifiers
STR_BLOCK *psStrings; // The store for the strings themselves
UDWORD init,ext; // Sizes for the string blocks
UDWORD nextID; // The next free ID
/* Create a string resource object */
extern BOOL strresCreate(STR_RES **ppsRes, UDWORD init, UDWORD ext);
/* Release a string resource object */
extern void strresDestroy(STR_RES *psRes);
/* Release the id strings, but not the strings themselves,
* (they can be accessed only by id number).
extern void strresReleaseIDStrings(STR_RES *psRes);
/* Load a list of string ID's from a memory buffer
* id == 0 should be a default string which is returned if the
* requested string is not found.
extern BOOL strresLoadFixedID(STR_RES *psRes, STR_ID *psID, UDWORD numID);
/* Return the ID number for an ID string */
extern BOOL strresGetIDNum(STR_RES *psRes, STRING *pIDStr, UDWORD *pIDNum);
/* Return the stored ID string that matches the string passed in */
extern BOOL strresGetIDString(STR_RES *psRes, STRING *pIDStr, STRING **ppStoredID);
/* Get the string from an ID number */
extern STRING *strresGetString(STR_RES *psRes, UDWORD id);
/* Load a string resource file */
extern BOOL strresLoad(STR_RES *psRes, char *pData, UDWORD size);
/* Return the the length of a STRING */
extern UDWORD stringLen(STRING *pStr);
/* Copy a STRING */
extern void stringCpy(STRING *pDest, STRING *pSrc);
/* Get the ID number for a string*/
extern UDWORD strresGetIDfromString(STR_RES *psRes, STRING *pString);