
364 lines
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This file is part of Warzone 2100.
Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive
Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Warzone Resurrection Project
Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* StrRes.c
* String storage an manipulation functions
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Allow frame header files to be singly included */
#include "types.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "treap.h"
#include "strres.h"
#include "strresly.h"
/* A string */
typedef struct STR
const char* str;
unsigned int id;
unsigned int usage;
struct STR* psNext;
} STR;
/* An ID entry */
typedef struct STR_ID
unsigned int id;
const char* pIDStr;
/* A String Resource */
typedef struct STR_RES
struct TREAP_NODE** psIDTreap; ///< The treap to store string identifiers
STR* psStrings; ///< The store for the strings themselves
STR** psLastStr; ///< A pointer to the next pointer of the last string in the list
UDWORD nextID; ///< The next free ID
/* Static forward declarations */
static void strresReleaseIDStrings(STR_RES *psRes);
static STR* strresAllocString(const char* str, unsigned int id)
/* Over-allocate so that we can put the string in the same chunck of
* memory. Which means a single free() call on the entire STR structure
* will suffice.
STR* const psStr = (STR*)malloc(sizeof(*psStr) + strlen(str) + 1);
if (!psStr)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory - 1");
return NULL;
// Copy the string into its memory chunk and set the pointer to it
psStr->str = strcpy((char*)(psStr + 1), str);
psStr->id = id;
psStr->psNext = NULL;
psStr->usage = 0;
return psStr;
static STR_ID* strresAllocIDStr(unsigned int const id, const char * const str)
/* Over-allocate so that we can put the string in the same chunck of
* memory. Which means a single free() call on the entire STR_ID
* structure will suffice.
STR_ID* const psID = (STR_ID*)malloc(sizeof(*psID) + strlen(str) + 1);
if (!psID)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory");
return NULL;
// Copy the string into its memory chunk and set the pointer to it
psID->pIDStr = strcpy((char*)(psID + 1), str);
psID->id = id;
return psID;
/* Initialise the string system */
STR_RES* strresCreate()
STR_RES* const psRes = (STR_RES*)malloc(sizeof(*psRes));
if (!psRes)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory");
return NULL;
psRes->nextID = 0;
psRes->psIDTreap = treapCreate();
if (!psRes->psIDTreap)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory");
return NULL;
psRes->psStrings = NULL;
psRes->psLastStr = &psRes->psStrings;
return psRes;
/* Release the id strings, but not the strings themselves,
* (they can be accessed only by id number).
static void strresReleaseIDStrings(STR_RES *psRes)
ASSERT( psRes != NULL,
"strresReleaseIDStrings: Invalid string res pointer" );
for(psID = treapGetSmallest(psRes->psIDTreap); psID;
psID = treapGetSmallest(psRes->psIDTreap))
treapDel(psRes->psIDTreap, psID->pIDStr);
/* Shutdown the string system */
void strresDestroy(STR_RES *psRes)
STR* psString;
ASSERT( psRes != NULL,
"strresDestroy: Invalid string res pointer" );
// Free the string id's
// Free the strings themselves
psString = psRes->psStrings;
while (psString)
STR * const toDelete = psString;
psString = psString->psNext;
if (toDelete->usage == 0)
debug(LOG_NEVER, "Strind id %u not used: \"%s\"", toDelete->id, toDelete->str);
// Release the treap and free the final memory
/* Return the ID number for an ID string */
BOOL strresGetIDNum(STR_RES *psRes, const char *pIDStr, UDWORD *pIDNum)
ASSERT( psRes != NULL,
"strresGetIDNum: Invalid string res pointer" );
psID = treapFind(psRes->psIDTreap, pIDStr);
if (!psID)
*pIDNum = 0;
return false;
*pIDNum = psID->id;
return true;
/* Return the ID stored ID string that matches the string passed in */
const char* strresGetIDString(STR_RES *psRes, const char *pIDStr)
ASSERT(psRes != NULL, "Invalid string res pointer");
psID = treapFind(psRes->psIDTreap, pIDStr);
if (!psID)
return NULL;
return psID->pIDStr;
/* Store a string */
BOOL strresStoreString(STR_RES *psRes, char *pID, const char *pString)
STR* psString;
ASSERT( psRes != NULL,
"strresStoreString: Invalid string res pointer" );
// Find the id for the string
psID = treapFind(psRes->psIDTreap, pID);
if (!psID)
// No ID yet so generate a new one
psID = strresAllocIDStr(psRes->nextID++, pID);
if (!psID)
return false;
treapAdd(psRes->psIDTreap, psID->pIDStr, psID);
// Make sure that this ID number hasn't been used before
for (psString = psRes->psStrings; psString; psString = psString->psNext)
if (psString->id == psID->id)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "Duplicate string for id: \"%s\"", psID->pIDStr);
return false;
ASSERT(psRes->psLastStr != NULL, "Invalid last string pointer");
// Allocate the string into a string block
psString = strresAllocString(pString, psID->id);
if (!psString)
return false;
// Place it into the string list
*psRes->psLastStr = psString;
psRes->psLastStr = &psString->psNext;
psString->psNext = NULL;
return true;
/* Get the string from an ID number */
const char* strresGetString(const STR_RES * psRes, UDWORD id)
STR* psString;
ASSERT( psRes != NULL,
"strresGetString: Invalid string res pointer" );
// Find the string in the string list
for (psString = psRes->psStrings; psString; psString = psString->psNext)
if (psString->id == id)
psString->usage += 1;
ASSERT(psString->str != NULL, "There's no string in string block %u", psString->id);
return psString->str;
ASSERT(!"String not found", "Couldn't find a string with ID number %u", (unsigned int)id);
return NULL;
/* Load a string resource file */
BOOL strresLoad(STR_RES* psRes, const char* fileName)
bool retval;
lexerinput_t input;
input.type = LEXINPUT_PHYSFS;
input.input.physfsfile = PHYSFS_openRead(fileName);
if (!input.input.physfsfile)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "strresLoadFile: PHYSFS_openRead(\"%s\") failed with error: %s\n", fileName, PHYSFS_getLastError());
return false;
retval = (strres_parse(psRes) == 0);
return retval;
/* Get the ID number for a string*/
UDWORD strresGetIDfromString(STR_RES *psRes, const char *pString)
STR* psString;
ASSERT( psRes != NULL,
"strresGetID: Invalid string res pointer" );
// Find the string in the string list
for (psString = psRes->psStrings; psString; psString = psString->psNext)
ASSERT(psString->str != NULL, "There's no string in string block %u", psString->id);
if (strcmp(psString->str, pString) == 0)
return psString->id;
return 0;