
150 lines
3.1 KiB

// Scavenger MultiPlayer Factory (one) Script
/* aims.
x build upto x droids of y types
x add each new droid to the buildgroup
+ if buildgroup has x droids, send off to wander/attack enemy stuff
x when sending a group, remove the droids from it
x Groups attack things that come into range
x when a friendly structure is attacked send group to attack back
+ wandering likes oil resources, especially those with derricks
// scavenger values
public int enemy1;
public int maxDroids;
private int targetX,targetY;
public STRUCTURESTAT factory;
private STRUCTURE fac1;
private int Fact1State;
private bool Fact1Destroyed;
private int count;
// Build Templates
public TEMPLATE trike;
public TEMPLATE buggy;
public TEMPLATE bloke;
public TEMPLATE jeep;
// groups
private GROUP defendGroup,attackGroup,wanderGroup;
private DROID newDroid,droid;
// attacking
private STRUCTURE structure;
private BASEOBJ attacker;
private INT lastAttack;
// Startup
event startup(init)
lastAttack = 0;
groupAddArea(attackGroup, enemy1, 0, 0, (mapWidth*128), (mapHeight*128));
targetX = (mapWidth/2)*128; // init target.
targetY = (mapHeight/2)*128;
// if(fac1 != NULLOBJECT)
// setAssemblyPoint (fac1, fac1Ass1X, fac1Ass1Y); //set assembly points (can't do later in case the factories are dead!!!
// deal with a droid being built by enemy1
event droidbuilt(CALL_NEWDROID, enemy1, ref newDroid,ref structure)
// add droid to either the attack or defend group.
count = random(5);
if( count == 0)
groupAddDroid(defendGroup, newDroid);
else if(count == 1)
groupAddDroid(wanderGroup, newDroid);
{ // 2 or 3 or 4
groupAddDroid(attackGroup, newDroid);
// move the wanderGroup to the muster point.
if (wanderGroup.members >= 4)
// need to pick a target x and y.
// either an oil resource, an opposing struct or somewhere nearby.? HOW?
orderGroupLoc(wanderGroup, DORDER_MOVE, targetX, targetY);
count = wanderGroup.members;
while(count != 0)
droid = iterateGroup(wanderGroup);
count = count - 1;
//build list
event Fact1Evnt(myResponsibility(enemy1) , 300)
fac1 = getStructure(factory, enemy1);
if (fac1 == NULLOBJECT)
setEventTrigger(Fact1Evnt, inactive);
else if (structureIdle(fac1)
and (numDroidsInArea(enemy1, 0,0, (mapWidth*128),(mapHeight*128)) < maxDroids ) )
if (Fact1State == 0)
buildDroid (trike, fac1, enemy1, 1);
Fact1State = 1;
else if (Fact1State == 1)
buildDroid (buggy, fac1, enemy1, 1);
Fact1State = 2;
else if (Fact1State == 2)
buildDroid (jeep, fac1, enemy1, 1);
Fact1State = 3;
buildDroid (bloke, fac1, enemy1, 3);
Fact1State = 0;
// watch for structures being attacked. Send the cavalry as required.
event structureAttacked(CALL_STRUCT_ATTACKED, enemy1,ref structure , ref attacker )
if((gameTime - lastAttack) > 300)
lastAttack = gameTime;
orderGroupLoc(attackGroup, DORDER_MOVE, structure.x, structure.y);