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This file is part of Warzone 2100.
Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Warzone 2100 Project
Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Nettypes.h
#include "lib/framework/frame.h"
#include "lib/framework/vector.h"
#include "lib/netplay/netqueue.h"
enum QueueType
void *queue; ///< Is either a (NetQueuePair **) or a (NetQueue *). (Note different numbers of *.)
bool isPair;
uint8_t index;
uint8_t queueType;
NETQUEUE NETnetTmpQueue(unsigned tmpPlayer); ///< One of the temp queues from before a client has joined the game. (See comments on tmpQueues in nettypes.cpp.)
NETQUEUE NETnetQueue(unsigned player); ///< The queue pair used for sending and receiving data directly from another client. (See comments on netQueues in nettypes.cpp.)
NETQUEUE NETgameQueue(unsigned player); ///< The game action queue. (See comments on gameQueues in nettypes.cpp.)
NETQUEUE NETbroadcastQueue(void); ///< The queue for sending data directly to the netQueues of all clients, not just a specific one. (See comments on broadcastQueue in nettypes.cpp.)
void NETinsertRawData(NETQUEUE queue, uint8_t *data, size_t dataLen); ///< Dump raw data from sockets and raw data sent via host here.
void NETinsertMessageFromNet(NETQUEUE queue, NetMessage const *message); ///< Dump whole NetMessages into the queue.
bool NETisMessageReady(NETQUEUE queue); ///< Returns true if there is a complete message ready to deserialise in this queue.
NetMessage const *NETgetMessage(NETQUEUE queue);///< Returns the current message in the queue which is ready to be deserialised. Do not delete the message.
void NETinitQueue(NETQUEUE queue); ///< Allocates the queue. Deletes the old queue, if there was one. Avoids a crash on NULL pointer deference when trying to use the queue.
void NETsetNoSendOverNetwork(NETQUEUE queue); ///< Used to mark that a game queue should not be sent over the network (for example, if it is being sent to us, instead).
void NETmoveQueue(NETQUEUE src, NETQUEUE dst); ///< Used for moving the tmpQueue to a netQueue, once a newly-connected client is assigned a player number.
void NETbeginEncode(NETQUEUE queue, uint8_t type);
void NETbeginDecode(NETQUEUE queue, uint8_t type);
bool NETend(void);
void NETflushGameQueues(void);
void NETpop(NETQUEUE queue);
void NETint8_t(int8_t *ip);
void NETuint8_t(uint8_t *ip);
void NETint16_t(int16_t *ip);
void NETuint16_t(uint16_t *ip);
void NETint32_t(int32_t *ip); ///< Encodes small values (< 836 288) in at most 3 bytes, large values (≥ 22 888 448) in 5 bytes.
void NETuint32_t(uint32_t *ip); ///< Encodes small values (< 1 672 576) in at most 3 bytes, large values (≥ 45 776 896) in 5 bytes.
void NETuint32_tLarge(uint32_t *ip); ///< Encodes all values in exactly 4 bytes.
void NETint64_t(int64_t *ip);
void NETuint64_t(uint64_t *ip);
void NETbool(bool *bp);
void NETbool(bool *bp);
void NETstring(char *str, uint16_t maxlen);
void NETstring(char const *str, uint16_t maxlen); ///< Encode-only version of NETstring.
void NETbin(uint8_t *str, uint32_t len);
PACKETDIR NETgetPacketDir(void);
template <typename EnumT>
static void NETenum(EnumT* enumPtr)
uint32_t val;
if (NETgetPacketDir() == PACKET_ENCODE)
val = *enumPtr;
if (NETgetPacketDir() == PACKET_DECODE)
*enumPtr = static_cast<EnumT>(val);
void NETPosition(Position *vp);
void NETRotation(Rotation *vp);
void NETVector2i(Vector2i *vp);
static inline void NETauto(int8_t *ip) { NETint8_t(ip); }
static inline void NETauto(uint8_t *ip) { NETuint8_t(ip); }
static inline void NETauto(int16_t *ip) { NETint16_t(ip); }
static inline void NETauto(uint16_t *ip) { NETuint16_t(ip); }
static inline void NETauto(int32_t *ip) { NETint32_t(ip); }
static inline void NETauto(uint32_t *ip) { NETuint32_t(ip); }
static inline void NETauto(int64_t *ip) { NETint64_t(ip); }
static inline void NETauto(uint64_t *ip) { NETuint64_t(ip); }
static inline void NETauto(bool *bp) { NETbool(bp); }
static inline void NETauto(Position *vp) { NETPosition(vp); }
static inline void NETauto(Rotation *vp) { NETRotation(vp); }
static inline void NETauto(Vector2i *vp) { NETVector2i(vp); }
void NETnetMessage(NetMessage const **message); ///< If decoding, must delete the NETMESSAGE.