Commit an early non-functional prototype of the new widget code. Feel free to modify as you see fit.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 4a71c877-e1ca-e34f-864e-861f7616d084
Freddie Witherden 2008-04-24 18:07:47 +00:00
parent 2ffc569a35
commit f8eb466d16
6 changed files with 1017 additions and 0 deletions

lib/betawidget/geom.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#include "geom.h"
bool pointInRect(point p, rect r)
return (r.topLeft.x < p.x
&& r.bottomRight.x > p.x
&& r.topLeft.y < p.y
&& r.bottomRight.y > p.y);

lib/betawidget/geom.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#ifndef GEOM_H_
#define GEOM_H_
// TODO: Make this cross platform (MSVC)
#include <stdbool.h>
* A point
typedef struct _point point;
struct _point
int x;
int y;
* A rectangle
typedef struct _rect rect;
struct _rect
point topLeft;
point bottomRight;
* Method signatures
* Checks to see if the point p is inside of the rectangle r.
* @param point p
* @param rect r
* @return bool
bool pointInRect(point p, rect r);
#endif /*GEOM_H_*/

lib/betawidget/vector.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "vector.h"
const int defaultSize = 4;
vector *vectorCreate(destroyCallback cb)
vector *v = malloc(sizeof(vector));
if (v == NULL)
return NULL;
v->mem = calloc(defaultSize, sizeof(void *));
if (v->mem == NULL)
return NULL;
v->size = defaultSize;
v->head = 0;
v->destroy = cb;
return v;
void vectorDestroy(vector *v)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < vectorSize(v); i++)
void *vectorAdd(vector *v, void *object)
if (v->head + 1 > v->size)
void **newMem = realloc(v->mem, 2 * v->size * sizeof(void *));
if (newMem == NULL)
return NULL;
v->size *= 2;
v->mem[v->head++] = object;
return object;
void *vectorAt(vector *v, int index)
return (index <= vectorSize(v)) ? v->mem[index] : NULL;
void *vectorSetAt(vector *v, int index, void *object)
if (index >= v->head)
return NULL;
// Free the current element at index
// Replace the item
v->mem[index] = object;
return object;
void vectorRemoveAt(vector *v, int index)
if (index >= v->head)
// Free the element using the provided callback
memmove(&v->mem[index], &v->mem[index + 1],
(v->head - index) * sizeof(void *));
int vectorSize(vector *v)
return v->head;

lib/betawidget/vector.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#ifndef VECTOR_H_
#define VECTOR_H_
typedef struct _vector vector;
typedef void (*destroyCallback) (void *object);
struct _vector
void **mem;
int size;
int head;
destroyCallback destroy;
vector *vectorCreate(destroyCallback destroyCb);
void vectorDestroy(vector *v);
void *vectorAdd(vector *v, void *object);
void *vectorAt(vector *v, int index);
void *vectorSetAt(vector *v, int index, void *object);
void vectorRemoveAt(vector *v, int index);
int vectorSize(vector *v);
#endif /*VECTOR_H_*/

lib/betawidget/widget.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "widget.h"
static widgetVtbl vtbl;
* Forward declarations
static void widgetDrawChildren(widget *self, cairo_t *cr);
* Prepares the widget classes vtable.
static void widgetInitVtbl(widget *self)
static bool initialised = false;
if (!initialised)
vtbl.addChild = widgetAddChildImpl;
vtbl.removeChild = widgetRemoveChildImpl;
vtbl.fireCallbacks = widgetFireCallbacksImpl;
vtbl.addEventHandler = widgetAddEventHandlerImpl;
vtbl.removeEventHandler = widgetRemoveEventHandlerImpl;
vtbl.handleEvent = widgetHandleEventImpl;
vtbl.focus = widgetFocusImpl;
vtbl.blur = widgetBlurImpl;
vtbl.enable = widgetEnableImpl;
vtbl.disable = widgetDisableImpl;
vtbl.doDraw = NULL;
vtbl.destroy = widgetDestroyImpl;
initialised = true;
// Set the classes vtable
self->vtbl = &vtbl;
// Do any overloading of inherited methods here
* Widget class constructor
void widgetInit(widget *self, const char *id)
// Prepare our vtable
// Prepare our container
self->children = vectorCreate((destroyCallback) widgetDestroy);
// Prepare our events table
self->eventVtbl = vectorCreate(free);
// Copy the ID of the widget
self->id = strdup(id);
// Default parent is none
self->parent = NULL;
* Widget class destructor (virtual).
void widgetDestroyImpl(widget *self)
// Release the container
// Release the event handler table
// Free the ID
// Free ourself
* Draws and widget and its child widgets
void widgetDraw(widget *self, cairo_t *cr)
// Draw ourself
widgetDoDraw(self, cr);
// Draw our children
widgetDrawChildren(self, cr);
* Draws the child widgets of self.
static void widgetDrawChildren(widget *self, cairo_t *cr)
int i;
// Draw our children
for (i = 0; i < vectorSize(self->children); i++)
widget *child = WIDGET(vectorAt(self->children, i));
cairo_matrix_t current;
// Translate such that (0,0) is the location of the widget
cairo_get_matrix(cr, &current);
cairo_translate(cr, child->bounds.topLeft.x, child->bounds.topLeft.y);
widgetDraw(child, cr);
// Restore the matrix
cairo_set_matrix(cr, &current);
widget *widgetGetRoot(widget *self)
// If we are the root widget, return early
if (self->parent == NULL)
return self;
// Otherwise search the hierarchy
widget *current;
for (current = self->parent; current->parent; current = current->parent);
return current;
widget *widgetFindById(widget *self, const char *id)
// See if we have that ID
if (strcmp(self->id, id) == 0)
return self;
// Try our children
int i;
for (i = 0; i < vectorSize(self->children); i++)
// Get the child widget
widget *child = vectorAt(self->children, i);
// Call its findById method
widget *match = widgetFindById(child, id);
// If it matched, return
if (match)
return match;
// If we found nothing return NULL
return NULL;
bool widgetAddChildImpl(widget *self, widget *child)
// FIXME: We need to do some arbitration
// Add the widget
vectorAdd(self->children, child);
// Set ourself as its parent
child->parent = self;
return true;
void widgetRemoveChildImpl(widget *self, widget *child)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < vectorSize(self->children); i++)
// If the child is the to-be-removed widget, remove it
if (vectorAt(self->children, i) == child)
// vectorRemoveAt will take care of calling the widgets destructor
vectorRemoveAt(self->children, i);
// See if it is one of its children
widgetRemoveChild(vectorAt(self->children, i), child);
int widgetAddEventHandlerImpl(widget *self, eventType type, callback handler)
eventTableEntry *entry = malloc(sizeof(eventTableEntry));
entry->type = type;
entry->callback = handler;
// Add the handler to the table
vectorAdd(self->eventVtbl, entry);
// Offset = size - 1
return vectorSize(self->eventVtbl) - 1;
void widgetRemoveEventHandlerImpl(widget *self, int id)
vectorRemoveAt(self->eventVtbl, id);
bool widgetFireCallbacksImpl(widget *self, event *evt)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < vectorSize(self->eventVtbl); i++)
eventTableEntry *handler = vectorAt(self->eventVtbl, i);
if (handler->type == evt->type)
handler->callback(self, evt);
return true;
void widgetEnableImpl(widget *self)
int i;
// First make sure our parent is enabled
if (self->parent && !self->parent->isEnabled)
// Enable ourself
self->isEnabled = true;
// Enable all of our children
for (i = 0; i < vectorSize(self->children); i++)
widgetEnable(WIDGET(vectorAt(self->children, i)));
void widgetDisableImpl(widget *self)
int i;
// If we are currently disabled, return
if (!self->isEnabled)
// Disable ourself
self->isEnabled = false;
// Disable our children
for (i = 0; i < vectorSize(self->children); i++)
widgetDisable(WIDGET(vectorAt(self->children, i)));
void widgetFocusImpl(widget *self)
// Check that we are not currently focused
if (self->hasFocus)
int i;
// Blur any of our currently focused child widgets
for (i = 0; i < vectorSize(self->children); i++)
widget *child = vectorAt(self->children, i);
if (child->hasFocus)
// If we have a parent, focus it
if (self->parent)
// Focus ourself
self->hasFocus = true;
// Fire our on-focus callbacks
event evt;
evt.type = EVT_FOCUS;
widgetFireCallbacks(self, &evt);
void widgetBlurImpl(widget *self)
widget *current;
// First blur any focused child widgets
while ((current = widgetGetCurrentlyFocused(self)) != self)
// Blur ourself
self->hasFocus = false;
// Fire off the on-blur callbacks
event evt;
evt.type = EVT_BLUR;
widgetFireCallbacks(self, &evt);
widget *widgetGetCurrentlyFocused(widget *self)
int i;
if (!self->hasFocus)
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < vectorSize(self->children); i++)
widget *child = vectorAt(self->children, i);
if (child->hasFocus)
return widgetGetCurrentlyFocused(child);
// None of our children are focused, return ourself
return self;
bool widgetHandleEventImpl(widget *self, event *evt)
switch (evt->type)
eventMouse evtMouse = *((eventMouse *) evt);
bool newHasMouse = pointInRect(evtMouse.loc, self->bounds);
// If we have just `got' the mouse
if (newHasMouse && !self->hasMouse)
// Generate a EVT_MOUSE_ENTER event
evtMouse.event.type = EVT_MOUSE_ENTER;
// Fire the event handler
widgetFireCallbacks(self, (event *) &evtMouse);
// If we have just lost the mouse
else if (!newHasMouse && self->hasMouse)
// Generate a EVT_MOUSE_LEAVE event
evtMouse.event.type = EVT_MOUSE_LEAVE;
// Fire the handler
widgetFireCallbacks(self, (event *) &evtMouse);
// We had and still have the mouse
else if (newHasMouse && self->hasMouse)
// Pass the event as-is
widgetFireCallbacks(self, (event *) &evtMouse);
// Update the status of the mouse
self->hasMouse = newHasMouse;
return true;
bool widgetAddChild(widget *self, widget *child)
return WIDGET_GET_VTBL(self)->addChild(self, child);
void widgetRemoveChild(widget *self, widget *child)
WIDGET_GET_VTBL(self)->removeChild(self, child);
int widgetAddEventHandler(widget *self, eventType type, callback handler)
return WIDGET_GET_VTBL(self)->addEventHandler(self, type, handler);
void widgetRemoveEventHandler(widget *self, int id)
WIDGET_GET_VTBL(self)->removeEventHandler(self, id);
bool widgetFireCallbacks(widget *self, event *evt)
return WIDGET_GET_VTBL(self)->fireCallbacks(self, evt);
void widgetEnable(widget *self)
void widgetDisable(widget *self)
void widgetFocus(widget *self)
void widgetBlur(widget *self)
void widgetDoDraw(widget *self, cairo_t *cr)
WIDGET_GET_VTBL(self)->doDraw(self, cr);
bool widgetHandleEvent(widget *self, event *evt)
return WIDGET_GET_VTBL(self)->handleEvent(self, evt);
void widgetDestroy(widget *self)
return WIDGET_GET_VTBL(self)->destroy(self);

lib/betawidget/widget.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
#ifndef WIDGET_H_
#define WIDGET_H_
#include <cairo.h>
#include "vector.h"
#include "geom.h"
* Forward declarations
typedef struct _widget widget;
typedef struct _widgetVtbl widgetVtbl;
typedef enum _eventType eventType;
typedef enum _mouseButton mouseButton;
typedef struct _event event;
typedef struct _eventMouse eventMouse;
typedef struct _eventMouseBtn eventMouseBtn;
typedef struct _eventKey eventKey;
typedef struct _eventMisc eventMisc;
typedef bool (*callback) (widget *widget, event *evt);
typedef struct _eventTableEntry eventTableEntry;
* The valid event types
enum _eventType
// Mouse events
// Keyboard events
// Misc
* The possible mouse states as understood by the events system
enum _mouseButton
* Event structures
* The 'base' event structure. All events can be cast to this
struct _event
// The time at which the event took place
int time;
// The type of the event
eventType type;
* The event structure used for mouse motion events
struct _eventMouse
event event;
// Location of the event
point loc;
* The event structure used for mouse button events
struct _eventMouseBtn
event event;
// Location
point loc;
// Button pressed
mouseButton button;
* The event structure used for keyboard events
struct _eventKey
event event;
// The key which was pressed
int key;
// Active modifier keys
bool ctrl;
bool shift;
bool alt;
struct _eventMisc
event event;
* Event table structure
struct _eventTableEntry
eventType type;
callback callback;
* The widget classes virtual method table.
struct _widgetVtbl
bool (*handleEvent) (widget *self, event *evt);
bool (*addChild) (widget *self, widget *child);
void (*removeChild) (widget *self, widget *child);
bool (*fireCallbacks) (widget *self, event *evt);
int (*addEventHandler) (widget *self, eventType type, callback handler);
void (*removeEventHandler) (widget *self, int id);
void (*focus) (widget *self);
void (*blur) (widget *self);
void (*enable) (widget *self);
void (*disable) (widget *self);
void (*doDraw) (widget *self, cairo_t *cr);
void (*destroy) (widget *self);
struct _widget
// Private/protected members
widgetVtbl *vtbl;
* The list of registered event handlers.
vector *eventVtbl;
* The child widgets of ourself.
vector *children;
* The widgets parent widget.
widget *parent;
// Public members
* The id of the widget
char *id;
* Arbitary user-defined data
void *pUserData;
int userData;
* The origin and size of the widget
rect bounds;
* If the widget currently has keyboard focus
bool hasFocus;
* If the mouse is currently over the widget
bool hasMouse;
* If the widget is currently enabled or not
bool isEnabled;
* Helper macros
#define WIDGET(self) ((widget *) (self))
#define WIDGET_GET_VTBL(self) ((WIDGET(self))->vtbl)
* Protected methods
void widgetInit(widget *instance, const char *id);
void widgetDestroyImpl(widget *instance);
bool widgetAddChildImpl(widget *self, widget *child);
void widgetRemoveChildImpl(widget *self, widget *child);
bool widgetFireCallbacksImpl(widget *self, event *evt);
int widgetAddEventHandlerImpl(widget *self, eventType type, callback handler);
void widgetRemoveEventHandlerImpl(widget *self, int id);
void widgetEnableImpl(widget *self);
void widgetDisableImpl(widget *self);
void widgetFocusImpl(widget *self);
void widgetBlurImpl(widget *self);
bool widgetHandleEventImpl(widget *instance, event *evt);
* Public methods
* Draws the widget along with its child widgets.
void widgetDraw(widget *self, cairo_t *cr);
* Recursively searches the child widgets of self for a widget whose ->id is
* id. If no widget with such an id exists NULL is returned.
widget *widgetFindById(widget *self, const char *id);
* Transverses up the hierarchy until it finds parent-less widget (known as
* the root widget). A pointer to this widget is returned.
widget *windgetGetRoot(widget *self);
bool widgetAddChild(widget *self, widget *child);
void widgetRemoveChild(widget *self, widget *child);
int widgetAddEventHandler(widget *self, eventType type, callback handler);
void widgetRemoveEventHandler(widget *self, int id);
* Enables the current widget along with all of its child widgets. If the
* widget is currently enabled but one or more of its child widgets are not
* then they will also be enabled.
* If, however, the parent widget is disabled then this method is effectively
* a no-op.
void widgetEnable(widget *self);
* Disables the current widget along with all of its child widgets. If the
* widget is currently disabled then this method is a no-op.
void widgetDisable(widget *self);
* Destroys the widget and frees *all* memory associated with it.
void widgetDestroy(widget *self);
* Returns a pointer to the widget furthest down the hierarchy which currently
* has focus. If self does not currently have focus then NULL is returned.
* Should none of self's child widgets have focus (but it does) then self is
* returned.
widget *widgetGetCurrentlyFocused(widget *self);
* If the widget is capable of holding keyboard focus and does not currently
* hold it then this method should bring the widget into focus.
* This method will call the blur() method of the root widget first.
void widgetFocus(widget *self);
* Blurs the current widget (removes keyboard focus from it) and fires the
* EVT_BLUR event handlers for affected widgets.
void widgetBlur(widget *self);
bool widgetHandleEvent(widget *self, event *evt);
bool widgetFireCallbacks(widget *self, event *evt);
* Protected methods
void widgetDoDraw(widget *self, cairo_t *cr);
#endif /*WIDGET_H_*/