Update the msgfmt setup script.

git-svn-id: https://warzone2100.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/warzone2100/trunk@10290 4a71c877-e1ca-e34f-864e-861f7616d084
dak180 2010-03-15 05:02:37 +00:00 committed by Git SVN Gateway
parent 23a369df4c
commit d7c29c6899
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -3901,7 +3901,7 @@
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = /bin/sh;
shellScript = "DirectorY=\"gettext-0.17.mpkg_\"\nOutDir=\"gettext-0.17.mpkg\"\nFileName=\"gettext-0.17.mpkg.tar.gz\"\nBuiltDLP=\"http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/warzone2100/build-tools/mac/gettext-0.17.mpkg.tar.gz\"\nMD5Sum=\"ba7984918fe0b36e2e7c786693e005f2\"\n\n# Checks\nexport PATH=$PATH:/sw/bin:/opt/local/bin\nif type -aP msgfmt; then\n echo \"msgfmt exists, skipping\"\n exit 0\nelif [ -x \"/opt/local/bin/port\" ]; then\n echo \"Please run the following command in the terminal: 'sudo port install gettext'.\" >&2\n open -b com.apple.Terminal\n exit 1\nelif [ ! `sw_vers -productVersion | sed -e 's:^...\\(.\\)..$:\\1:'` -ge \"6\" ]; then\n touch build/notrans.dis\n echo \"Gettext support has been disabled because we could not find a binary.\" >&2\n exit 0\nfi\n\nconfigs/FetchPrebuilt.sh \"${DirectorY}\" \"${OutDir}\" \"${FileName}\" \"${BuiltDLP}\" \"${MD5Sum}\"\n\n# Install\nif [ -d \"${SRCROOT}/external/${OutDir}\" ]; then\n echo \"Please install the gettext package before continuing.\" >&2\n open \"${SRCROOT}/external/${OutDir}\"\n exit 1\nfi";
shellScript = "DirectorY=\"gettext-0.17.mpkg_\"\nOutDir=\"gettext-0.17.mpkg\"\nFileName=\"gettext-0.17.mpkg.tar.gz\"\nBuiltDLP=\"http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/warzone2100/build-tools/mac/gettext-0.17.mpkg.tar.gz\"\nMD5Sum=\"ba7984918fe0b36e2e7c786693e005f2\"\n\n# Checks\nexport PATH=$PATH:/sw/bin:/opt/local/bin\nif type -aP msgfmt; then\n echo \"msgfmt exists, skipping\"\n exit 0\nelif [ -x \"/opt/local/bin/port\" ]; then\n echo \"Please run the following command in the terminal: 'sudo port install gettext'.\" >&2\n open -b com.apple.Terminal\n exit 1\nelif [ -d \"${SRCROOT}/external/${OutDir}\" ]; then\n touch build/notrans.dis\n echo \"Gettext support has been disabled because we could not find a binary.\" >&2\n exit 0\nelif [ ! `sw_vers -productVersion | sed -e 's:^...\\(.\\)..$:\\1:'` -ge \"6\" ]; then\n touch build/notrans.dis\n echo \"Gettext support has been disabled because we could not find a binary.\" >&2\n exit 0\nfi\n\nconfigs/FetchPrebuilt.sh \"${DirectorY}\" \"${OutDir}\" \"${FileName}\" \"${BuiltDLP}\" \"${MD5Sum}\"\n\n# Install\nif [ -d \"${SRCROOT}/external/${OutDir}\" ]; then\n echo \"Please install the gettext package before continuing.\" >&2\n open \"${SRCROOT}/external/${OutDir}\"\n exit 1\nfi";
43F3011910D3572400707B6E /* ShellScript */ = {
isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;