* Add channel operator support

* Add invite support
  - Invite users to all serviced channels when they make a request outside of a serviced channel (becmoing operator only for as long as necessary)

git-svn-id: https://warzone2100.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/warzone2100/trunk@7106 4a71c877-e1ca-e34f-864e-861f7616d084
Giel van Schijndel 2009-04-20 22:42:25 +00:00 committed by Git SVN Gateway
parent 6461dd0208
commit d5cdfd7adb
1 changed files with 38 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -179,7 +179,15 @@ class irc_connection:
if nickpass:
self.privmsg('NICKSERV', 'IDENTIFY %s' % (nickpass))
serve_channel_re = r'(?P<channel>%s)' % ('|'.join([re.escape(channel) for channel in self.serve_channels]))
self.private_channel_message = re.compile(r'^:(?P<nick>[^!]+)\S*\s+PRIVMSG (?P<channel>#[^:]+) :[ \t,:.?!]*%s[ \t,:.?!]*(?P<message>.*?)[ \t,:.?!]*$' % (nick))
self.chan_mode_re = re.compile(r'^:(?P<nick>[^!]+)\S*\s+MODE %s (?P<mode>(?:[-+][oOpPiIsStTnNmMlLbBvVkK])+) %s\s*$' % (serve_channel_re, nick))
self.on_op = {}
def invite(self, user, channel):
self.as_op(lambda x: self.s.write("INVITE %s %s" % (user, channel)), channel)
def join(self, channel):
self.s.write("JOIN %s" % (channel))
@ -190,10 +198,38 @@ class irc_connection:
def privmsg(self, recipient, message):
self.s.write("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (recipient, message))
def as_op(self, functor, channel):
if not channel in self.on_op:
self.on_op[channel] = []
def op(self, channel):
self.privmsg('CHANSERV', 'OP %s %s' % (channel, self.nick))
def deop(self, channel):
self.privmsg('CHANSERV', 'OP %s -%s' % (channel, self.nick))
def readAndHandle(self):
"""Read a message from IRC and handle it."""
line = self.s.read()
m = self.chan_mode_re.match(line)
if m:
mode = m.group('mode')
channel = m.group('channel')
print "Mode change \"%s\"" % (mode)
l = mode.rfind('o')
if l <= 0:
l = mode.rfind('O')
if l > 0 and mode[l - 1] == '+':
for op in self.on_op[channel]:
self.on_op[channel] = []
m = self.private_channel_message.match(line)
if m:
nick = m.group('nick')
@ -211,6 +247,8 @@ class irc_connection:
# Not the serviced channel, point the user at the correct channel
self.notice(nick, 'Sorry %s, I will not provide my services in this channel. Please find me in one of %s' % (nick, ', '.join(self.serve_channels)))
for channel in self.serve_channels:
self.invite(nick, channel)
def write(self, line, channels = None):
if not channels: