Fix removeWildcards to deal with leading/trailing spaces, and add some more characters to the whilelist while we're at it.

git-svn-id: 4a71c877-e1ca-e34f-864e-861f7616d084
Guangcong Luo 2009-10-07 19:02:12 +00:00 committed by Git SVN Gateway
parent bc915b5d2c
commit c4eb169c23
1 changed files with 39 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -597,37 +597,54 @@ BOOL displayLoadSave(void)
void removeWildcards(char *pStr)
// Remember never to allow: < > : " / \ | ? *
// Whitelist: Get rid of any characters except:
// a-z A-Z 0-9 - + ! , = ^ @ # $ % & ' ( ) [ ] (and space)
for (i=0; i<strlen(pStr); i++)
/* if( pStr[i] == '?'
|| pStr[i] == '*'
|| pStr[i] == '"'
|| pStr[i] == '.'
|| pStr[i] == '/'
|| pStr[i] == '\\'
|| pStr[i] == '|' )
if (!isalnum(pStr[i])
&& (pStr[i] != ' ' || i==0 || pStr[i-1]==' ')
// We allow spaces as long as they aren't the first char, or two spaces in a row
&& pStr[i] != '-'
&& pStr[i] != '+'
&& pStr[i] != '!'
&& pStr[i] != ','
&& pStr[i] != '='
&& pStr[i] != '^'
&& pStr[i] != '@'
&& (pStr[i]<35 || pStr[i]>41) // # $ % & ' ( )
&& pStr[i] != '[' && pStr[i] != ']'
pStr[i] = '_';
if( !isalnum(pStr[i])
&& pStr[i] != ' '
&& pStr[i] != '-'
&& pStr[i] != '+'
&& pStr[i] != '!'
pStr[i] = '_';
if (strlen(pStr) >= MAX_SAVE_NAME)
pStr[MAX_SAVE_NAME - 1] = 0;
// Trim trailing spaces
for (i=strlen(pStr)-1; pStr[i]==' ' && i>=0; i--);
pStr[i+1] = 0;
// Trims leading spaces (currently unused)
/* for (i=0; pStr[i]==' '; i++);
if (i != 0)
memmove(pStr, pStr+i, strlen(pStr)+1-i);
} */
// If that leaves us with a blank string, replace with '!'
if (pStr[0] == 0)
pStr[0] = '!';
pStr[1] = 0;