- Further improve moveGetDirection.

- Extend the Vector library.
- Cleanup (more Vectors).

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/warzone/trunk@2104 4a71c877-e1ca-e34f-864e-861f7616d084
Dennis Schridde 2007-07-14 20:13:24 +00:00
parent 6b912bc40d
commit 807f41a852
3 changed files with 305 additions and 150 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,154 @@
typedef struct { Sint32 x, y; } Vector2i;
typedef struct { int x, y; } Vector2i;
typedef struct { float x, y; } Vector2f;
typedef struct { Sint32 x, y, z; } Vector3i;
typedef struct { int x, y, z; } Vector3i;
typedef struct { float x, y, z; } Vector3f;
* Convert a integer vector to float
* \param v Vector to convert
* \return Float vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2f Vector2i_To2f(const Vector2i v)
Vector2f dest = { v.x, v.y };
return dest;
* Add op2 to op1.
* \param[in] op1,op2 Operands
* \return Result
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2i Vector2i_Add(const Vector2i op1, const Vector2i op2)
Vector2i dest = {
op1.x + op2.x,
op1.y + op2.y
return dest;
* Substract op2 from op1.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Result
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2i Vector2i_Sub(const Vector2i op1, const Vector2i op2)
Vector2i dest = {
op1.x - op2.x,
op1.y - op2.y
return dest;
* Multiply a vector with a scalar.
* \param v Vector
* \param s Scalar
* \return Product
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2i Vector2i_Mult(const Vector2i v, const float s)
Vector2i dest = { v.x * s, v.y * s };
return dest;
* Calculate the scalar product of op1 and op2.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Scalarproduct of the 2 vectors
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST int Vector2i_ScalarP(const Vector2i op1, const Vector2i op2)
return op1.x * op2.x + op1.y * op2.y;
* Add op2 to op1.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Result
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2f Vector2f_Add(const Vector2f op1, const Vector2f op2)
Vector2f dest = {
op1.x + op2.x,
op1.y + op2.y
return dest;
* Substract op2 from op1.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Result
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2f Vector2f_Sub(const Vector2f op1, const Vector2f op2)
Vector2f dest = {
op1.x - op2.x,
op1.y - op2.y
return dest;
* Multiply a vector with a scalar.
* \param v Vector
* \param s Scalar
* \return Product
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2f Vector2f_Mult(const Vector2f v, const float s)
Vector2f dest = { v.x * s, v.y * s };
return dest;
* Calculate the scalar product of op1 and op2.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Scalarproduct of the 2 vectors
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST float Vector2f_ScalarP(const Vector2f op1, const Vector2f op2)
return op1.x * op2.x + op1.y * op2.y;
* Calculate the length of a vector.
* \param v Vector
* \return Length
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST float Vector2f_Length(const Vector2f v)
return sqrtf( Vector2f_ScalarP(v, v) );
* Normalise a Vector
* \param v Vector
* \return Normalised vector
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector2f Vector2f_Normalise(const Vector2f v)
float length = Vector2f_Length(v);
Vector2f dest = {v.x / length, v.y / length};
return dest;
* Set the vector field by field, same as v = (Vector3f){x, y, z};
* Needed for MSVC which doesn't support C99 struct assignments.
@ -19,51 +164,59 @@ static inline void Vector3f_Set(Vector3f* v, const float x, const float y, const
* Set the vector field by field, same as v = (Vector3i){x, y, z};
* Needed for MSVC which doesn't support C99 struct assignments.
* \param[out] v Vector to set
* \param[in] x,y,z Values to set to
* Add op2 to op1.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Result
static inline void Vector3i_Set(Vector3i *v, const int x, const int y, const int z)
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3f_Add(const Vector3f op1, const Vector3f op2)
v->x = x;
v->y = y;
v->z = z;
Vector3f dest = {
op1.x + op2.x,
op1.y + op2.y,
op1.z + op2.z
return dest;
* Substract op2 from op1 and store the result in dest.
* \param[out] dest Result
* \param[in] op1,op2 Operands
* Substract op2 from op1.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Result
static inline void Vector3f_Sub(Vector3f* dest, const Vector3f* op1, const Vector3f* op2)
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3f_Sub(const Vector3f op1, const Vector3f op2)
dest->x = op1->x - op2->x;
dest->y = op1->y - op2->y;
dest->z = op1->z - op2->z;
Vector3f dest = {
op1.x - op2.x,
op1.y - op2.y,
op1.z - op2.z
return dest;
* Calculate the scalar product of op1 and op2.
* \param[in] op1,op2 Operands
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Scalarproduct of the 2 vectors
static inline float Vector3f_SP(const Vector3f* op1, const Vector3f* op2)
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST float Vector3f_ScalarP(const Vector3f op1, const Vector3f op2)
return op1->x * op2->x + op1->y * op2->y + op1->z * op2->z;
return op1.x * op2.x + op1.y * op2.y + op1.z * op2.z;
* Calculate the crossproduct of op1 and op2 and store the result in dest.
* \param[out] dest Result
* \param[in] op1,op2 Operands
* Calculate the crossproduct of op1 and op2.
* \param op1,op2 Operands
* \return Crossproduct
static inline void Vector3f_CP(Vector3f* dest, const Vector3f* op1, const Vector3f* op2)
static inline WZ_DECL_CONST Vector3f Vector3f_CrossP(const Vector3f op1, const Vector3f op2)
dest->x = op1->y * op2->z - op1->z * op2->y;
dest->y = op1->z * op2->x - op1->x * op2->z;
dest->z = op1->x * op2->y - op1->y * op2->x;
Vector3f dest = {
op1.y * op2.z - op1.z * op2.y,
op1.z * op2.x - op1.x * op2.z,
op1.x * op2.y - op1.y * op2.x
return dest;

View File

@ -214,14 +214,14 @@ static inline void pie_Polygon(const SDWORD numVerts, const PIEVERTEXF* pVrts, c
const Vector3f
p1 = { pVrts[0].sx, pVrts[0].sy, pVrts[0].sz },
p2 = { pVrts[1].sx, pVrts[1].sy, pVrts[1].sz },
p3 = { pVrts[2].sx, pVrts[2].sy, pVrts[2].sz };
Vector3f v1, v2, n;
p3 = { pVrts[2].sx, pVrts[2].sy, pVrts[2].sz },
v1 = Vector3f_Sub(p3, p1),
v2 = Vector3f_Sub(p2, p1),
normal = Vector3f_CrossP(v1, v2);
Vector3f_Sub(&v1, &p3, &p1);
Vector3f_Sub(&v2, &p2, &p1);
Vector3f_CP(&n, &v1, &v2);
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Vector3f) == sizeof(float[3]));
glNormal3f(n.x, n.y, n.z);
@ -568,10 +568,10 @@ static void pie_DrawShadow(iIMDShape *shape, int flag, int flag_data, Vector3f*
Vector3f_Set(&p[j], pVertices[current].x, scale_y(pVertices[current].y, flag, flag_data), pVertices[current].z);
Vector3f_Sub(&v[0], &p[2], &p[0]);
Vector3f_Sub(&v[1], &p[1], &p[0]);
Vector3f_CP(&normal, &v[0], &v[1]);
if (Vector3f_SP(&normal, light) > 0)
v[0] = Vector3f_Sub(p[2], p[0]);
v[1] = Vector3f_Sub(p[1], p[0]);
normal = Vector3f_CrossP(v[0], v[1]);
if (Vector3f_ScalarP(normal, *light) > 0)
first = pPolys->pindex[0];
for (n = 1; n < pPolys->npnts; n++) {

View File

@ -932,23 +932,26 @@ static BOOL moveNextTarget(DROID *psDroid)
/* Look at the next target point from the route */
static void movePeekNextTarget(DROID *psDroid, SDWORD *pX, SDWORD *pY)
static Vector2i movePeekNextTarget(DROID *psDroid)
SDWORD xdiff, ydiff;
// See if there is anything left in the move list
if (psDroid->sMove.Position == psDroid->sMove.numPoints)
// No points left - fudge one to continue the same direction
xdiff = psDroid->sMove.targetX - psDroid->sMove.srcX;
ydiff = psDroid->sMove.targetY - psDroid->sMove.srcY;
*pX = psDroid->sMove.targetX + xdiff;
*pY = psDroid->sMove.targetY + ydiff;
src = { psDroid->sMove.srcX, psDroid->sMove.srcY },
target = { psDroid->sMove.targetX, psDroid->sMove.targetY },
diff = Vector2i_Sub(target, src),
p = Vector2i_Add(diff, target);
return p;
*pX = (psDroid->sMove.asPath[psDroid->sMove.Position].x << TILE_SHIFT) + TILE_UNITS/2;
*pY = (psDroid->sMove.asPath[psDroid->sMove.Position].y << TILE_SHIFT) + TILE_UNITS/2;
Vector2i p = {
world_coord(psDroid->sMove.asPath[psDroid->sMove.Position].x) + TILE_UNITS/2,
world_coord(psDroid->sMove.asPath[psDroid->sMove.Position].y) + TILE_UNITS/2
return p;
@ -1714,30 +1717,25 @@ static void moveCalcDroidSlide(DROID *psDroid, float *pmx, float *pmy)
#define REDARROW 179
// get an obstacle avoidance vector
static void moveGetObstVector4(DROID *psDroid, float *pX, float *pY)
static void moveGetObstacleVector(DROID *psDroid, float *pX, float *pY)
SDWORD i,xdiff,ydiff, absx,absy, dist;
SDWORD i, xdiff, ydiff, absx, absy, dist;
SDWORD numObst, distTot;
float dirX,dirY;
float omag, ox,oy, ratio;
float avoidX,avoidY;
SDWORD mapX,mapY, tx,ty, td;
SDWORD numObst = 0, distTot = 0;
float dirX = 0, dirY = 0;
float omag, ox, oy, ratio;
float avoidX, avoidY;
SDWORD mapX, mapY, tx, ty, td;
psPropStats = asPropulsionStats + psDroid->asBits[COMP_PROPULSION].nStat;
ASSERT( psPropStats != NULL,
"moveUpdateUnit: invalid propulsion stats pointer" );
numObst = 0;
dirX = 0;
dirY = 0;
distTot = 0;
// scan the neighbours for obstacles
for(i=0; i<(SDWORD)numNaybors; i++)
for(i = 0; i < (SDWORD)numNaybors; i++)
psObj = asDroidNaybors[i].psObj;
if (psObj->type != OBJ_DROID ||
@ -1872,140 +1870,146 @@ static void moveGetObstVector4(DROID *psDroid, float *pX, float *pY)
SDWORD iHeadX, iHeadY, iHeadZ;
/* target direction - yellow */
// target direction - yellow
iHeadX = psDroid->sMove.targetX;
iHeadY = psDroid->sMove.targetY;
iHeadZ = map_Height( iHeadX, iHeadY );
arrowAdd( psDroid->x, psDroid->y, psDroid->z,
iHeadX, iHeadY, iHeadZ, YELLOWARROW );
/* average obstacle vector - green */
// average obstacle vector - green
iHeadX = MAKEINT(FRACTmul(ox, 200)) + psDroid->x;
iHeadY = MAKEINT(FRACTmul(oy, 200)) + psDroid->y;
arrowAdd( psDroid->x, psDroid->y, psDroid->z,
iHeadX, iHeadY, iHeadZ, GREENARROW );
/* normal - green */
// normal - green
iHeadX = MAKEINT(FRACTmul(avoidX, 100)) + psDroid->x;
iHeadY = MAKEINT(FRACTmul(avoidY, 100)) + psDroid->y;
arrowAdd( psDroid->x, psDroid->y, psDroid->z,
iHeadX, iHeadY, iHeadZ, GREENARROW );
/* resultant - white */
// resultant - white
iHeadX = MAKEINT(FRACTmul((*pX), 200)) + psDroid->x;
iHeadY = MAKEINT(FRACTmul((*pY), 200)) + psDroid->y;
arrowAdd( psDroid->x, psDroid->y, psDroid->z,
iHeadX, iHeadY, iHeadZ, WHITEARROW );
/* Get a direction for a droid to avoid obstacles etc. */
static void moveGetDirection(DROID *psDroid, float *pX, float *pY)
* Get a direction for a droid to avoid obstacles etc.
* \param psDroid Which droid to examine
* \return The normalised direction vector
static Vector2f moveGetDirection(DROID *psDroid)
BOOL bNoVector = TRUE; // true if we did not find a vector yet
// The basic vector
float dx = psDroid->sMove.targetX - (SDWORD)psDroid->x;
float dy = psDroid->sMove.targetY - (SDWORD)psDroid->y;
// If the droid is getting close to the way point then start to phase in the next target
float mag = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
// Current position and destination direction
src = { psDroid->x, psDroid->y },
dest = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
// Current waypoint
target = { psDroid->sMove.targetX, psDroid->sMove.targetY },
delta = Vector2f_Sub(target, src);
float magnitude = Vector2f_ScalarP(delta, delta);
// fade in the next target point if we arn't at the end of the waypoints
if ((psDroid->sMove.Position != psDroid->sMove.numPoints) &&
// Dont fade in the next target point if we are at finished or too far away from the current
if (psDroid->sMove.Position == psDroid->sMove.numPoints || magnitude > WAYPOINT_DSQ)
SDWORD ntx, nty, nmag;
float ndx, ndy;
dest = Vector2f_Normalise(delta);
// We are in reach of the current waypoint and have further points to go
// Next waypoint
nextTarget = Vector2i_To2f( movePeekNextTarget(psDroid) ),
nextDelta = Vector2f_Sub(nextTarget, src);
float nextMagnitude = Vector2f_ScalarP(nextDelta, nextDelta);
// find the next target
movePeekNextTarget(psDroid, &ntx, &nty);
ndx = ntx - psDroid->x;
ndy = nty - psDroid->y;
nmag = ndx*ndx + ndy*ndy;
if (mag != 0 && nmag != 0)
// We are already there
if (magnitude == 0.0f && nextMagnitude == 0.0f)
// Get the size of the vectors
float root = sqrtf(mag);
float nroot = sqrtf(nmag);
// Split the proportion of the vectors based on how close to the point they are
ndx = (ndx * (WAYPOINT_DSQ - mag)) / WAYPOINT_DSQ;
ndy = (ndy * (WAYPOINT_DSQ - mag)) / WAYPOINT_DSQ;
dx = (dx * mag) / WAYPOINT_DSQ;
dy = (dy * mag) / WAYPOINT_DSQ;
// Calculate the normalised result
*pX = (dx / root) + (ndx / nroot);
*pY = (dy / root) + (ndy / nroot);
bNoVector = FALSE;
Vector2f zero = {0.0f, 0.0f};
return zero; // We are practically standing on our only waypoint
// We are passing the current waypoint, so directly head over to the next
else if (magnitude == 0.0f)
dest = Vector2f_Normalise(nextDelta);
// We are passing the next waypoint, so for now don't interpolate it
else if (nextMagnitude == 0.0f)
dest = Vector2f_Normalise(delta);
// Interpolate with the next target
// Interpolate the vectors based on how close to them we are
delta = Vector2f_Mult(delta, magnitude);
nextDelta = Vector2f_Mult(nextDelta, WAYPOINT_DSQ - magnitude);
dest = Vector2f_Normalise( Vector2f_Add(delta, nextDelta) );
if (bNoVector)
float root;
if (mag == 0)
*pX = 0;
*pY = 0;
return; // We are practically standing on our only waypoint
root = sqrtf(mag);
*pX = (float) dx / root;
*pY = (float) dy / root;
// Transporters don't need to avoid obstacles, but everyone else should
if ( psDroid->droidType != DROID_TRANSPORTER )
moveGetObstVector4(psDroid, pX,pY);
moveGetObstacleVector(psDroid, &dest.x, &dest.y);
ASSERT(isfinite(dest.x) && isfinite(dest.y), "moveGetDirection: bad float");
return dest;
// Calculate the boundary vector
static void moveCalcBoundary(DROID *psDroid)
src = { psDroid->sMove.srcX, psDroid->sMove.srcY },
target = { psDroid->sMove.targetX, psDroid->sMove.targetY },
prev, next, nextTarget;
SDWORD absX, absY;
SDWORD prevX,prevY, prevMag;
SDWORD nTarX,nTarY, nextX,nextY,nextMag;
SDWORD sumX,sumY;
SDWORD prevMag, nextMag;
SDWORD sumX, sumY;
// No points left - simple case for the bound vector
if (psDroid->sMove.Position == psDroid->sMove.numPoints)
psDroid->sMove.boundX = (SWORD)(psDroid->sMove.srcX - psDroid->sMove.targetX);
psDroid->sMove.boundY = (SWORD)(psDroid->sMove.srcY - psDroid->sMove.targetY);
psDroid->sMove.boundX = src.x - target.x;
psDroid->sMove.boundY = src.y - target.y;
// Calculate the vector back along the current path
prevX = psDroid->sMove.srcX - psDroid->sMove.targetX;
prevY = psDroid->sMove.srcY - psDroid->sMove.targetY;
absX = labs(prevX);
absY = labs(prevY);
prevMag = absX > absY ? absX + absY/2 : absY + absX/2;
// prevMag = sqrt(prevX*prevX + prevY*prevY);
prev = Vector2i_Sub(src, target),
absX = abs(prev.x);
absY = abs(prev.y);
prevMag = (absX > absY) ? (absX + absY/2) : (absY + absX/2);
// prevMag = Vector2i_Length(prev);
// Calculate the vector to the next target
movePeekNextTarget(psDroid, &nTarX, &nTarY);
nextX = nTarX - psDroid->sMove.targetX;
nextY = nTarY - psDroid->sMove.targetY;
absX = labs(nextX);
absY = labs(nextY);
nextMag = absX > absY ? absX + absY/2 : absY + absX/2;
// nextMag = sqrt(nextX*nextX + nextY*nextY);
nextTarget = movePeekNextTarget(psDroid);
next = Vector2i_Sub(nextTarget, target);
absX = abs(next.x);
absY = abs(next.y);
nextMag = (absX > absY) ? (absX + absY/2) : (absY + absX/2);
// nextMag = Vector2i_Length(next);
if (prevMag != 0 && nextMag == 0)
// don't bother mixing the boundaries - cos there isn't a next vector anyway
psDroid->sMove.boundX = (SWORD)(psDroid->sMove.srcX - psDroid->sMove.targetX);
psDroid->sMove.boundY = (SWORD)(psDroid->sMove.srcY - psDroid->sMove.targetY);
psDroid->sMove.boundX = src.x - target.x;
psDroid->sMove.boundY = src.y - target.y;
else if (prevMag == 0 || nextMag == 0)
@ -2016,20 +2020,20 @@ static void moveCalcBoundary(DROID *psDroid)
// Calculate the vector between the two
sumX = (prevX * BOUND_ACC)/prevMag + (nextX * BOUND_ACC)/nextMag;
sumY = (prevY * BOUND_ACC)/prevMag + (nextY * BOUND_ACC)/nextMag;
sumX = (prev.x * BOUND_ACC)/prevMag + (next.x * BOUND_ACC)/nextMag;
sumY = (prev.y * BOUND_ACC)/prevMag + (next.y * BOUND_ACC)/nextMag;
// Rotate by 90 degrees one way and see if it is the same side as the src vector
// if not rotate 90 the other.
if (prevX*sumY - prevY*sumX < 0)
if (prev.y*sumY - prev.y*sumX < 0)
psDroid->sMove.boundX = (SWORD)-sumY;
psDroid->sMove.boundY = (SWORD)sumX;
psDroid->sMove.boundX = -sumY;
psDroid->sMove.boundY = sumX;
psDroid->sMove.boundX = (SWORD)sumY;
psDroid->sMove.boundY = (SWORD)-sumX;
psDroid->sMove.boundX = sumY;
psDroid->sMove.boundY = -sumX;
debug( LOG_NEVER, "new boundary: droid %d boundary (%d,%d)\n",
@ -3312,7 +3316,6 @@ static void checkLocalFeatures(DROID *psDroid)
/* Frame update for the movement of a tracked droid */
void moveUpdateDroid(DROID *psDroid)
float tx,ty; //adiff, dx,dy, mx,my;
float tangle; // thats DROID angle and TARGET angle - not some bizzare pun :-)
// doesn't matter - they're still shit names...! :-)
SDWORD fx, fy;
@ -3460,14 +3463,14 @@ void moveUpdateDroid(DROID *psDroid)
// Calculate a target vector
moveGetDirection(psDroid, &tx,&ty);
Vector2f target = moveGetDirection(psDroid);
// Turn the droid if necessary
tangle = vectorToAngle(tx,ty);
tangle = vectorToAngle(target.x, target.y);
if ( psDroid->droidType == DROID_TRANSPORTER )
debug( LOG_NEVER, "a) dir %g,%g (%g)\n", tx, ty, tangle );
debug( LOG_NEVER, "a) dir %g,%g (%g)\n", target.x, target.y, tangle );
moveSpeed = moveCalcDroidSpeed(psDroid);
@ -3605,11 +3608,10 @@ void moveUpdateDroid(DROID *psDroid)
// Calculate a target vector
moveGetDirection(psDroid, &tx,&ty);
Vector2f target = moveGetDirection(psDroid);
// Turn the droid if necessary
// calculate the difference in the angles
tangle = vectorToAngle(tx,ty);
tangle = vectorToAngle(target.x, target.y);
moveSpeed = moveCalcDroidSpeed(psDroid);