More DMG speed improvements.

git-svn-id: 4a71c877-e1ca-e34f-864e-861f7616d084
dak180 2010-01-06 04:17:38 +00:00 committed by Git SVN Gateway
parent 996309fd29
commit 7951c86277
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -3680,7 +3680,7 @@
); );
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = /bin/bash; shellPath = /bin/bash;
shellScript = "# Config\nsimgfl=\"\"\nsimgflnme=\"wztemplate.sparseimage\"\nsequence=\"\"\nsequencenme=\"sequences.wz\"\nsequencelo=\"\"\nsequencelonme=\"sequences-lo.wz\"\nrelbuild=\"build/Release/\"\ndmgout=\"build/dmgout\"\n\n# Fail if not release\nif [ ! -d \"$relbuild\" ]; then\n echo \"This should only be run as Release\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# Make a dir and get the sparseimage\nmkdir -p \"$dmgout\"\ncd \"$dmgout\"\nif [ ! -f \"$simgflnme\" ]; then\n echo \"Fetching $simgfl\"\n if ! curl -L -O --connect-timeout \"30\" \"$simgfl\"; then\n echo \"Unable to fetch $simgfl\"\n exit 1\n fi\nelse\n echo \"$simgflnme already exists, skipping\"\nfi\n\n# Get the sequences\n\n# Comment out the following to skip the high qual seq\n# if [ ! -f \"$sequencenme\" ]; then\n# echo \"Fetching $sequencenme\"\n# if ! curl -L -O --connect-timeout \"30\" \"$sequence\"; then\n# echo \"Unable to fetch $sequence\"\n# exit 1\n# fi\n# else\n# echo \"$sequencenme already exists, skipping\"\n# fi\n# \n\n# Comment out the following to skip the low qual seq\nif [ ! -f \"$sequencelonme\" ]; then\n echo \"Fetching $sequencelonme\"\n if [ -f ~/Library/Application Support/Warzone\\ 2100\\ Trunk/sequences-lq.wz ]; then\n cp ~/Library/Application Support/Warzone\\ 2100\\ Trunk/sequences-lq.wz \"$sequencelonme\"\n else\n if ! curl -L --connect-timeout \"30\" -o \"$sequencelonme\" \"$sequencelo\"; then\n echo \"Unable to fetch $sequencelo\"\n exit 1\n fi\n fi\nelse\n echo \"$sequencelonme already exists, skipping\"\nfi\n# \n\n# Copy over the app\ncd ../../\necho \"Copying the app cleanly.\"\nrm -r -f $dmgout/\nif ! tar -c --exclude .svn --exclude 'Makefile*' --exclude 'makefile*' -C build/Release | tar -xC $dmgout; then\n echo \"Unable to copy the app\"\n exit 1\nfi\ncd \"$dmgout\"\n\n# mkredist.bash\n\ncd\n\necho \"== Compressing ==\"\nif [ -d base/ ]\nthen\n cd base/\n zip -r ../base.wz *\n cd ..\n rm -rf base/\nfi\n\necho \"== Compressing ==\"\nif [ -d mp/ ]\nthen\n cd mp/\n zip -r ../mp.wz *\n cd ..\n rm -rf mp/\nfi\n\ncd ../../../../\n\nrm -r -f ./out ./temp\nmkdir temp/\nmkdir out/\n\necho \"== Creating DMG ==\"\ncp wztemplate.sparseimage temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\nhdiutil resize -size 150m temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\nmountpt=`hdiutil mount temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage | tr -d \"\\t\" | sed -E 's:(/dev/disk[0-9])( +)(/Volumes/Warzone 2100):\\1:'`\ncp -r* /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/\n# hdiutil detach `expr match \"$mountpt\" '\\(^[^ ]*\\)'`\nhdiutil detach \"$mountpt\"\nhdiutil convert temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage -format UDZO -o out/warzone2100-novideo.dmg\n\nif [ -f \"$sequencelonme\" ]; then\n echo \"== Creating LQ DMG ==\"\n hdiutil resize -size 350m temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\n mountpt=`hdiutil mount temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage | tr -d \"\\t\" | sed -E 's:(/dev/disk[0-9])( +)(/Volumes/Warzone 2100):\\1:'`\n cp sequences-lo.wz /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/\n # hdiutil detach `expr match \"$mountpt\" '\\(^[^ ]*\\)'`\n hdiutil detach \"$mountpt\"\n hdiutil convert temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage -format UDZO -o out/warzone2100-lqvideo.dmg\nelse\n echo \"$sequencelonme does not exist, skipping\"\nfi\n\n\nif [ -f \"$sequencenme\" ]; then\n echo \"== Creating HQ DMG ==\"\n hdiutil resize -size 700m temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\n mountpt=`hdiutil mount temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage | tr -d \"\\t\" | sed -E 's:(/dev/disk[0-9])( +)(/Volumes/Warzone 2100):\\1:'`\n rm /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/\n cp sequences.wz /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/\n hdiutil detach \"$mountpt\"\n hdiutil converttemp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage -format UDZO -o out/warzone2100-hqvideo.dmg\nelse\n echo \"$sequencenme does not exist, skipping\"\nfi\n\necho \"== Cleaning up ==\"\nrm -f temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\nrmdir temp/\n\n# Open the dir\nopen \"out\"\n\nexit 0"; shellScript = "# Config\nsimgfl=\"\"\nsimgflnme=\"wztemplate.sparseimage\"\nsequence=\"\"\nsequencenme=\"sequences.wz\"\nsequencelo=\"\"\nsequencelonme=\"sequences-lo.wz\"\nrelbuild=\"build/Release/\"\ndmgout=\"build/dmgout\"\n\n# Fail if not release\nif [ ! -d \"$relbuild\" ]; then\n echo \"This should only be run as Release\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# Make a dir and get the sparseimage\nmkdir -p \"$dmgout\"\ncd \"$dmgout\"\nif [ ! -f \"$simgflnme\" ]; then\n echo \"Fetching $simgfl\"\n if ! curl -L -O --connect-timeout \"30\" \"$simgfl\"; then\n echo \"Unable to fetch $simgfl\"\n exit 1\n fi\nelse\n echo \"$simgflnme already exists, skipping\"\nfi\n\n# Get the sequences\n\n# Comment out the following to skip the high qual seq\n# if [ ! -f \"$sequencenme\" ]; then\n# echo \"Fetching $sequencenme\"\n# if ! curl -L -O --connect-timeout \"30\" \"$sequence\"; then\n# echo \"Unable to fetch $sequence\"\n# exit 1\n# fi\n# else\n# echo \"$sequencenme already exists, skipping\"\n# fi\n# \n\n# Comment out the following to skip the low qual seq\nif [ ! -f \"$sequencelonme\" ]; then\n echo \"Fetching $sequencelonme\"\n if [ -e ${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Warzone\\ 2100\\ Trunk/sequences-lq.wz ]; then\n cp ~/Library/Application Support/Warzone\\ 2100\\ Trunk/sequences-lq.wz \"$sequencelonme\"\n else\n if ! curl -L --connect-timeout \"30\" -o \"$sequencelonme\" \"$sequencelo\"; then\n echo \"Unable to fetch $sequencelo\"\n exit 1\n fi\n fi\nelse\n echo \"$sequencelonme already exists, skipping\"\nfi\n# \n\n# Copy over the app\ncd ../../\necho \"Copying the app cleanly.\"\nrm -r -f $dmgout/\nif ! tar -c --exclude .svn --exclude 'Makefile*' --exclude 'makefile*' -C build/Release | tar -xC $dmgout; then\n echo \"Unable to copy the app\"\n exit 1\nfi\ncd \"$dmgout\"\n\n# mkredist.bash\n\ncd\n\necho \"== Compressing ==\"\nif [ -d base/ ]\nthen\n cd base/\n zip -r ../base.wz *\n cd ..\n rm -rf base/\nfi\n\necho \"== Compressing ==\"\nif [ -d mp/ ]\nthen\n cd mp/\n zip -r ../mp.wz *\n cd ..\n rm -rf mp/\nfi\n\ncd ../../../../\n\nrm -r -f ./out ./temp\nmkdir temp/\nmkdir out/\n\necho \"== Creating DMG ==\"\ncp wztemplate.sparseimage temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\nhdiutil resize -size 150m temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\nmountpt=`hdiutil mount temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage | tr -d \"\\t\" | sed -E 's:(/dev/disk[0-9])( +)(/Volumes/Warzone 2100):\\1:'`\ncp -r* /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/\n# hdiutil detach `expr match \"$mountpt\" '\\(^[^ ]*\\)'`\nhdiutil detach \"$mountpt\"\nhdiutil convert temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage -format UDZO -o out/warzone2100-novideo.dmg\n\nif [ -f \"$sequencelonme\" ]; then\n echo \"== Creating LQ DMG ==\"\n hdiutil resize -size 350m temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\n mountpt=`hdiutil mount temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage | tr -d \"\\t\" | sed -E 's:(/dev/disk[0-9])( +)(/Volumes/Warzone 2100):\\1:'`\n cp sequences-lo.wz /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/\n # hdiutil detach `expr match \"$mountpt\" '\\(^[^ ]*\\)'`\n hdiutil detach \"$mountpt\"\n hdiutil convert temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage -format UDZO -o out/warzone2100-lqvideo.dmg\nelse\n echo \"$sequencelonme does not exist, skipping\"\nfi\n\n\nif [ -f \"$sequencenme\" ]; then\n echo \"== Creating HQ DMG ==\"\n hdiutil resize -size 700m temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\n mountpt=`hdiutil mount temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage | tr -d \"\\t\" | sed -E 's:(/dev/disk[0-9])( +)(/Volumes/Warzone 2100):\\1:'`\n rm /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/\n cp sequences.wz /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/\n hdiutil detach \"$mountpt\"\n hdiutil converttemp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage -format UDZO -o out/warzone2100-hqvideo.dmg\nelse\n echo \"$sequencenme does not exist, skipping\"\nfi\n\necho \"== Cleaning up ==\"\nrm -f temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\nrmdir temp/\n\n# Open the dir\nopen \"out\"\n\nexit 0";
}; };
9711774C0F87A677000C8A96 /* Fetch source */ = { 9711774C0F87A677000C8A96 /* Fetch source */ = {
isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;