Clean up MAPTILE definition, and slash 56 bits off each tile to save memory.

git-svn-id: 4a71c877-e1ca-e34f-864e-861f7616d084
Per Inge Mathisen 2010-02-03 19:28:17 +00:00 committed by Git SVN Gateway
parent 7432b844b7
commit 53c3107fd1
3 changed files with 27 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -808,21 +808,24 @@ static BOOL hasRockiesDecal(UDWORD i, UDWORD j)
static BOOL mapSetGroundTypes(void)
int i,j;
for (i=0;i<mapWidth;i++)
for (j=0;j<mapHeight;j++)
mapTile(i,j)->ground = determineGroundType(i,j,tileset);
mapTile(i,j)->decal = false;
if (strcmp(tileset, "texpages/tertilesc1hw") == 0)
MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(i, j);
psTile->ground = determineGroundType(i,j,tileset);
if ((strcmp(tileset, "texpages/tertilesc1hw") == 0 && hasArizonaDecal(i, j))
|| (strcmp(tileset, "texpages/tertilesc2hw") == 0 && hasUrbanDecal(i, j))
|| (strcmp(tileset, "texpages/tertilesc3hw") == 0 && hasRockiesDecal(i, j)))
mapTile(i,j)->decal = hasArizonaDecal(i,j);
} else if (strcmp(tileset, "texpages/tertilesc2hw") == 0)
mapTile(i,j)->decal = hasUrbanDecal(i,j);
} else if (strcmp(tileset, "texpages/tertilesc3hw") == 0)
mapTile(i,j)->decal = hasRockiesDecal(i,j);

View File

@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ static inline unsigned short TileNumber_texture(unsigned short tilenumber)
#define BITS_NOTBLOCKING 0x01 ///< Units can drive on this even if there is a structure or feature on it
#define BITS_DECAL 0x02 ///< Does this tile has a decal? If so, the tile from "texture" is drawn on top of the terrain.
#define BITS_FPATHBLOCK 0x10 ///< Bit set temporarily by find path to mark a blocking tile
#define BITS_ON_FIRE 0x20 ///< Cache whether tile is burning
#define BITS_GATEWAY 0x40 ///< Bit set to show a gateway on the tile
@ -103,21 +104,18 @@ typedef struct _maptile
uint8_t tileVisBits; // COMPRESSED - bit per player
uint8_t tileExploredBits;
uint8_t sensorBits; // bit per player, who can see tile with sensor
UBYTE height; // The height at the top left of the tile
UBYTE illumination; // How bright is this tile?
UWORD texture; // Which graphics texture is on this tile
UBYTE watchers[MAX_PLAYERS]; // player sees through fog of war here with this many objects
uint8_t height; // The height at the top left of the tile
uint8_t illumination; // How bright is this tile?
uint16_t texture; // Which graphics texture is on this tile
uint8_t watchers[MAX_PLAYERS]; // player sees through fog of war here with this many objects
float level;
BASE_OBJECT *psObject; // Any object sitting on the location (e.g. building)
PIELIGHT colour;
short limitedContinent; /** For land or sea limited propulsion types */
short hoverContinent; /** For hover type propulsions */
int ground; ///< The ground type used for the terrain renderer
BOOL decal; ///< Does this tile has a decal? If so, the tile from "texture" is drawn on top of the terrain.
float height_new; // FIXME: replace height with a float and remove this one
float waterLevel; ///< At what height is the water for this tile
// TYPE_OF_TERRAIN type; // The terrain type for the tile
uint16_t limitedContinent; ///< For land or sea limited propulsion types
uint16_t hoverContinent; ///< For hover type propulsions
uint8_t ground; ///< The ground type used for the terrain renderer
float height_new; // FIXME: replace height with a float and remove this one
float waterLevel; ///< At what height is the water for this tile
@ -192,6 +190,10 @@ static inline bool TileHasSmallStructure(const MAPTILE* tile)
#define SET_TILE_NOTBLOCKING(x) ((x)->tileInfoBits |= BITS_NOTBLOCKING)
#define CLEAR_TILE_NOTBLOCKING(x) ((x)->tileInfoBits &= ~BITS_NOTBLOCKING)
#define SET_TILE_DECAL(x) ((x)->tileInfoBits |= BITS_DECAL)
#define CLEAR_TILE_DECAL(x) ((x)->tileInfoBits &= ~BITS_DECAL)
#define TILE_HAS_DECAL(x) ((x)->tileInfoBits & BITS_DECAL)
#define SET_TILE_HIGHLIGHT(x) ((x)->texture |= TILE_HILIGHT)
#define CLEAR_TILE_HIGHLIGHT(x) ((x)->texture &= ~TILE_HILIGHT)

View File

@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ static void setSectorDecals(int x, int y,
if (mapTile(i,j)->decal)
if (TILE_HAS_DECAL(mapTile(i, j)))
getTileTexCoords(*uv, mapTile(i,j)->texture);
averageUV(&center, *uv);