Aivolution Update:

- fixed a bug preventing AI from building a factory when playing with no-bases settings
- implemented minimal requirements for a base
- some clean-ups

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 4a71c877-e1ca-e34f-864e-861f7616d084
Roman C 2007-05-30 14:34:08 +00:00
parent fd9dd2a93d
commit 2019b3f08d
16 changed files with 2042 additions and 970 deletions

View File

@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
public int player,numLego,numTemplates,numBaseStructs,numDef,numRes[2],
public TEMPLATE truck,tmpl[2][40],tmplOK[8],tmplBB,tmplRep[5],vtoltmpl[2][5];
public STRUCTURESTAT fac,derrick,powGen,vtolfac,resFac,powMod,facMod,resMod,legoSt[4],
public STRUCTURESTAT ArgStrStat0; //is private
public FEATURESTAT oilRes,ArgFeatStat0;
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ public WEAPON weaponBB;
// private vars
private float testFloat;
private float testFloat;
private int count,count2,count3,count4,result,result2,result3,result4,ArgInt0,ArgInt1,ArgInt2,
private int temp,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6,enemyScoutStep,enemyScoutX,enemyScoutY,
@ -191,18 +193,18 @@ function void startEnemyScout();
function void getNextScoutCoord(int _lastX, int _lastY);
function void closerTruck();
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function DROID closestIdleTruck(int _x, int _y);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function STRUCTURE findBestEnemyDerrick(int _targetPlayer, int _numAttackers);
function int posWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y, int _range);
function int oilWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y);
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck); //On the way
function int numTrucksBuilding(); //Number of trucks currently building something
function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType); //Num of certain structures busy
@ -411,6 +413,8 @@ function void vsetState(int _newState);
function void toggleDebugMenu();
function void shutDown();
function void oneTimeInitialize();
function bool haveMinimalStructures();
function void checkMinimalStructures();
/*%? Help1 = "Always turn on 'multiplayer mode' is you are going to use Aivolution
in multiplayer mode (more than 1 human player), otherwise you might get asyncs. \nBy turning on this option
@ -466,7 +470,7 @@ event powerup(CALL_GAMEINIT)
bResult = FALSE;
//do common one-time initialization only if this player is loaded
@ -577,24 +581,24 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
setPlayerName(me, myName);
unassignedDroids(defendGr, buildGr); //assign all dorids to an approriate group
storeBase(); //remember base location
loadPlayerAIExperience(me, TRUE);
bigMap = FALSE;
if((mapWidth * mapHeight) > 14400)
bigMap = TRUE;
/* Initialize ghost structures data */
maxGhosts = 120;
count = 0;
@ -606,7 +610,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ghostDead[count] = TRUE;
count = count +1 ;
maxBaseEnemies = 22;
@ -672,7 +676,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
bNotifiedReadyAttack = FALSE;
maxTransporters = 9;
count = 0;
@ -828,8 +832,8 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
phSync = 12; //Synchronizing with allies
phSendDrop = 13;
phTransportDone = 14; //signal for drop phase that transport phase is done successfully
stNone = 0;
stAttacking = 1;
stDefending = 2;
@ -839,7 +843,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
stCollecting = 6;
stDrop = 7;
stTransporting = 8;
threatRange = (10 * 128);
maxBuildOilTrucks = 5; //How many trucks are allowed to be building derricks at a time
@ -854,9 +858,9 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
initialDefensesFinished = FALSE; //if finished building anti-rush defenses
bFirstTimeDefenders = TRUE;
tech = none;
lsNone = 0;
lsRecharging = 1;
lsReady = 2; //recharged
@ -873,7 +877,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
tLasSatCountdown = off; //used for misc stuff
tLasSatReplyMax = 6;
tLasSatWaitAlliesMax = 45; //wait max x secs for allies' lasSat to fully recharge
//initialize enemy and ally information
count = 0;
while(count < 8) //multiPlayerMaxPlayers)
@ -947,7 +951,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
count = count + 1;
base[me][0] = baseX;
base[me][1] = baseY;
@ -971,13 +975,13 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ArgDesc="30" */
defendCorridor = (5 * 128); //range which defenders can stay in (baseRange)
minAttackers = 10;
maxAttackers = 300; //(unitLimit - maxTrucks - numDefenders) * 3 / 4;
numAttackers = 12 + random(15) + minAttackers; //random(8) + minAttackers;
minSendUnits = 18 + random(8);
//drop stuff
maxDroppers = 40;
if(random(2) == 0)
@ -988,16 +992,16 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
minDroppers = 10; //1 transporter
maxAllyDroppers = 3 + random(2); //no more than x players
//Bunker Buster
minBB = 1;
maxBB = 8;
numBB = maxBB;
haveBB = FALSE;
attackedCount = 0; // how many times was attacked
//adapt for big maps
@ -1106,8 +1110,8 @@ function void storeBase()
local DROID _truck;
local bool _bHaveBaseStructs;
local int _index,_baseX,_baseY,_numBaseStructs;
_bHaveBaseStructs = FALSE;
//Go through all structures
@ -1123,13 +1127,13 @@ function void storeBase()
_baseX = _baseX + _structure.x / TILE;
_baseY = _baseY + _structure.y / TILE;
_structure = enumStruct();
if(_numBaseStructs > 0)
baseX = (_baseX / _numBaseStructs) * TILE;
@ -1146,7 +1150,7 @@ function void storeBase()
baseX = (TILE * mapWidth) / 2;
baseY = (TILE * mapHeight) / 2;
console("Couldn't find base location for " & getPlayerName(me));
@ -1287,9 +1291,12 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") checkPowerGen");
//Make sure we have all vital base structures (factory, power getm etc)
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
if((buildGr.members >= minTrucks) or (state == stDefending)) //don't send if low on trucks
@ -1297,7 +1304,8 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//if(not alert)
@ -1574,7 +1582,7 @@ function void finishStructures()
//Build it
if(structure2 != NULLOBJECT)
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y, 1);
@ -3231,7 +3239,7 @@ event buildNormalOilDefenses(inactive)
/* build the normal way */
dbg("building oil defense the normal way at " & (structure.x / 128) & " - " & (structure.y / 128), me);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -3262,7 +3270,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
best = none;
while(count < numDef)
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count]); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count], TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result = result + result2;
count = count + 1;
@ -3465,7 +3473,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
droid = droid3;
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y);
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y, 1);
@ -3787,10 +3795,14 @@ function bool isBaseStruct(STRUCTURE _checkStruct)
function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkOil()");
//How many trucks already working on derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
//dbg(" " & me & ") right now building " & result & " oil resoirces");
@ -3798,18 +3810,18 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
if(retFeature != NULLOBJECT)
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT)
//dbg(" " & me & ") found unoccupied oil resource");
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, retFeature.x, retFeature.y); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, 1); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
@ -3819,23 +3831,25 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
//Build ArgStrStat0 (passes STRUCTURESTAT) somewhere
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY)
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks)
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref _buildX, ref _buildY, me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY); //can re-use all arguments
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY, _maxTrucks); //can re-use all arguments
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
temp3 = _lookx; //will be re-assigned
temp4 = _looky;
retFeature = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
_oil = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
temp = 99999;
@ -3861,7 +3875,7 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
if(temp2 < temp)
temp = temp2;
retFeature = tempFeature; //Remember and return it
_oil = tempFeature; //Remember it
@ -3870,6 +3884,8 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
tempFeature = getFeature(me);
return _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") End findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
@ -3913,27 +3929,33 @@ function void buildTrucks()
function void checkPowerGen()
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkPowerGen()");
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
if(not structureLimitReached(powGen, me))
result = getNumStructures(derrick, me);
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick); //"Think ahead"
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick, FALSE); //"Think ahead"
result2 = getNumStructures(powGen,me);
if((result2 * 4) < result) //not enough pow gens
result3 = numStatMoveBusy(powGen); //How many builds trucks are on the way to build
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2) - result3; //How many power gens are *really* missing (missing - pending)
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2); //How many power gens are missing
//dbg(" " & me & ") num gens to build: " & count);
while(count > 0)
buildInBase(powGen); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = count - 1;
_bStartedBuilding = buildInBase(powGen, 1); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = -1; //break loop
@ -3956,7 +3978,7 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y)) //No one upgrading
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
structure = enumStruct();
@ -3973,11 +3995,11 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 2);
@ -4000,11 +4022,11 @@ function void upgradeVtolFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4029,11 +4051,11 @@ function void upgradeResFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(resMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(resMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4236,24 +4258,31 @@ function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType)
//For how many structures of given type there's a pending
//build (truck is on the way to build or already building)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding)
_temp = 0;
local int _numStatBusy;
local DROID _bTruck;
_numStatBusy = 0;
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(_bTruck != NULLOBJECT)
if(tempDroid.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(_bTruck.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(tempDroid.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
if(not (_bExcludeAlreadyBuilding and _bTruck.action == DACTION_BUILD))
_temp = _temp + 1;
if(_bTruck.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
return _numStatBusy;
@ -4302,42 +4331,59 @@ function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck)
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild)
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks)
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildInBase()");
temp = 6 * 128;
temp2 = baseX + (random(temp) - (temp/2)); //Randomize a bit
temp3 = baseY + (random(temp) - (temp/2));
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me);
if(pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
_bStartedBuilding = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3, _maxTrucks); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildInBase()");
return _bStartedBuilding;
//Build a structure with the closest truck
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
local int _numTrucks;
local bool _bHaveMoreTrucks;
local DROID _truck;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildUsingClosestTruck()");
tempDroid = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_numTrucks = 0;
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
while((_numTrucks < _maxTrucks) and _bHaveMoreTrucks)
orderDroidStatsLoc(tempDroid, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
_bHaveMoreTrucks = FALSE;
_truck = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(_truck != NULLOBJECT)
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
orderDroidStatsLoc(_truck, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
return (_numTrucks > 0);
@ -4379,11 +4425,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getStructure(HQ, me) == NULLOBJECT) //not built and no one's on the way to build
//Check if someone's already on the way to build HQ
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ);
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(HQ, 1);
@ -4397,11 +4443,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getNumStructures(vtolfac, me) < min(1, getStructureLimit(vtolfac, me))) //don't try to build more than allowed
//Check if someone's already on the way to build VTOL fac
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac);
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(vtolfac, 2);
@ -4429,7 +4475,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY, 2); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4467,7 +4513,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4495,7 +4541,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -5351,7 +5397,7 @@ function int numBuildingDefenses()
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp]); //How many going to build it
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp], TRUE); //How many going to build it
temp2 = temp2 + temp3;
@ -5654,7 +5700,7 @@ function void buildDefenses()
//don't allow to build outside of the range
if(distBetweenTwoPoints(buildX, buildY, x, y) < range) //coords corrected with pickStructLocation() not too far away from orig
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY);
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY, 1);
@ -5781,7 +5827,7 @@ event objectAttacked(inactive)
dbg("building AA defense, since don't see attacker's base", me);
/* build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -9944,7 +9990,7 @@ function void buildAA()
/* it worked, build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -11072,3 +11118,68 @@ function void toggleDebugMenu()
/* Returns true if AI has all vital structures */
function bool haveMinimalStructures()
local int _index;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function void checkMinimalStructures()
local int _index,_maxTrucks;
local bool _bStartedBuild;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
local FEATURE _oil;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
//see how many trucks are allowed to build thi structure
_maxTrucks = maxVitalBuilders[_index];
if(_maxTrucks == -1){
_maxTrucks = buildGr.members; //use all trucks
//if it's a derrick
if(minimalStruct[_index] == derrick)
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1);
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT){
dbg("Building minimal base - oil", me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, _maxTrucks); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
_bStartedBuild = buildInBase(minimalStruct[_index], _maxTrucks);
dbg("Building minimal base " & _index, me);

View File

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
script "player0.slo"
player INT 0
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
player INT 0
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Structures for the first phase: LEGO
numLego INT 3
numLego INT 3
legoSt[0] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
legoSt[1] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
legoSt[2] STRUCTURESTAT "A0CommandCentre"
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ run
/* Research */
numBranches INT 2
techTanks INT 0
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ run
research[0][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[0][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[0][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[0][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[0][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Sys-MobileRepairTurret01" //repair turret
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ run
research[0][22] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[0][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[0][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[0][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[0][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ run
research[0][30] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-HPVcannon" //HPV HP
research[0][31] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-AASite-QuadRotMg" //Whirlwind site
research[0][32] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body10" //veng
research[0][33] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Laser02" //pulse
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ run
research[0][39] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-Rail3" //Gauss HP
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
/* VTOL Stuff */
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ run
research[1][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[1][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[1][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[1][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[1][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-ROF03"
research[1][5] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-Research-Module" //res mod
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ run
research[1][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[1][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[1][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[1][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[1][27] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -177,11 +177,11 @@ run
//misc research
resBB RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket03-HvAT" //Bunker Buster
resBB RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket03-HvAT" //Bunker Buster
viperBody BODY "Body1REC"
weaponBB WEAPON "Rocket-BB" //bb
viperBody BODY "Body1REC"
weaponBB WEAPON "Rocket-BB" //bb
//Base structures
@ -196,28 +196,51 @@ run
baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
baseStructs[8] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Minimal (vital) structures
numVitalStructs INT 6
minimalStruct[0] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
minimalStruct[1] STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
minimalStruct[2] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
minimalStruct[3] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
minimalStruct[4] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory" //another fac
minimalStruct[5] STRUCTURESTAT "A0CommandCentre"
//Number of vital structures required
numMinimalStruct[0] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[1] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[2] INT 4
numMinimalStruct[3] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[4] INT 2
numMinimalStruct[5] INT 1
numAA INT 5
//Number of max trucks allowed to build a specific structure type
maxVitalBuilders[0] INT -1
maxVitalBuilders[1] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[2] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[3] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[4] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[5] INT 1
numAA INT 5
//baseStructs[6] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-Cannon"
//baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-MassDriver"
//baseStructs[8] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-Rocket"
//baseStructs[9] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-Missile"
numDef INT 4
numDef INT 4
def[0] STRUCTURESTAT "PillBox1"
def[1] STRUCTURESTAT "PillBox2"
def[2] STRUCTURESTAT "PillBox3"
def[3] STRUCTURESTAT "PillBox6" //lancer
//def[5] STRUCTURESTAT "Emplacement-HPVcannon"
numGatewayDef INT 6
numGatewayDef INT 6
gatewayDef[0] STRUCTURESTAT "WallTower01" //HMG
gatewayDef[1] STRUCTURESTAT "WallTower03" //MC
gatewayDef[2] STRUCTURESTAT "WallTower04" //HC
@ -239,14 +262,14 @@ run
//upgrade structures
resMod STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchModule1"
resMod STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchModule1"
numTemplates INT 24
numTemplates INT 24
tmplBB TEMPLATE "ViperBBWheels"
tmplBB TEMPLATE "ViperBBWheels"
//tmplUnitransporter TEMPLATE "TransporterU"
/* light templates */
@ -311,7 +334,7 @@ run
tmplRep[2] TEMPLATE "SK-Bug-Hover-Repair"
numVtolTemplates INT 0
vtoltmpl[0][0] TEMPLATE "SK-Bug-Hover-Repair"
numVtolTemplates INT 0
vtoltmpl[0][0] TEMPLATE "SK-Bug-Hover-Repair"

View File

@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
public int player,numLego,numTemplates,numBaseStructs,numDef,numRes[2],
public TEMPLATE truck,tmpl[2][40],tmplOK[8],tmplBB,tmplRep[5],vtoltmpl[2][5];
public STRUCTURESTAT fac,derrick,powGen,vtolfac,resFac,powMod,facMod,resMod,legoSt[4],
public STRUCTURESTAT ArgStrStat0; //is private
public FEATURESTAT oilRes,ArgFeatStat0;
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ public WEAPON weaponBB;
// private vars
private float testFloat;
private float testFloat;
private int count,count2,count3,count4,result,result2,result3,result4,ArgInt0,ArgInt1,ArgInt2,
private int temp,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6,enemyScoutStep,enemyScoutX,enemyScoutY,
@ -191,18 +193,18 @@ function void startEnemyScout();
function void getNextScoutCoord(int _lastX, int _lastY);
function void closerTruck();
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function DROID closestIdleTruck(int _x, int _y);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function STRUCTURE findBestEnemyDerrick(int _targetPlayer, int _numAttackers);
function int posWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y, int _range);
function int oilWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y);
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck); //On the way
function int numTrucksBuilding(); //Number of trucks currently building something
function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType); //Num of certain structures busy
@ -411,6 +413,8 @@ function void vsetState(int _newState);
function void toggleDebugMenu();
function void shutDown();
function void oneTimeInitialize();
function bool haveMinimalStructures();
function void checkMinimalStructures();
/*%? Help1 = "Always turn on 'multiplayer mode' is you are going to use Aivolution
in multiplayer mode (more than 1 human player), otherwise you might get asyncs. \nBy turning on this option
@ -466,7 +470,7 @@ event powerup(CALL_GAMEINIT)
bResult = FALSE;
//do common one-time initialization only if this player is loaded
@ -577,24 +581,24 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
setPlayerName(me, myName);
unassignedDroids(defendGr, buildGr); //assign all dorids to an approriate group
storeBase(); //remember base location
loadPlayerAIExperience(me, TRUE);
bigMap = FALSE;
if((mapWidth * mapHeight) > 14400)
bigMap = TRUE;
/* Initialize ghost structures data */
maxGhosts = 120;
count = 0;
@ -606,7 +610,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ghostDead[count] = TRUE;
count = count +1 ;
maxBaseEnemies = 22;
@ -672,7 +676,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
bNotifiedReadyAttack = FALSE;
maxTransporters = 9;
count = 0;
@ -828,8 +832,8 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
phSync = 12; //Synchronizing with allies
phSendDrop = 13;
phTransportDone = 14; //signal for drop phase that transport phase is done successfully
stNone = 0;
stAttacking = 1;
stDefending = 2;
@ -839,7 +843,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
stCollecting = 6;
stDrop = 7;
stTransporting = 8;
threatRange = (10 * 128);
maxBuildOilTrucks = 5; //How many trucks are allowed to be building derricks at a time
@ -854,9 +858,9 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
initialDefensesFinished = FALSE; //if finished building anti-rush defenses
bFirstTimeDefenders = TRUE;
tech = none;
lsNone = 0;
lsRecharging = 1;
lsReady = 2; //recharged
@ -873,7 +877,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
tLasSatCountdown = off; //used for misc stuff
tLasSatReplyMax = 6;
tLasSatWaitAlliesMax = 45; //wait max x secs for allies' lasSat to fully recharge
//initialize enemy and ally information
count = 0;
while(count < 8) //multiPlayerMaxPlayers)
@ -947,7 +951,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
count = count + 1;
base[me][0] = baseX;
base[me][1] = baseY;
@ -971,13 +975,13 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ArgDesc="30" */
defendCorridor = (5 * 128); //range which defenders can stay in (baseRange)
minAttackers = 10;
maxAttackers = 300; //(unitLimit - maxTrucks - numDefenders) * 3 / 4;
numAttackers = 12 + random(15) + minAttackers; //random(8) + minAttackers;
minSendUnits = 18 + random(8);
//drop stuff
maxDroppers = 40;
if(random(2) == 0)
@ -988,16 +992,16 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
minDroppers = 10; //1 transporter
maxAllyDroppers = 3 + random(2); //no more than x players
//Bunker Buster
minBB = 1;
maxBB = 8;
numBB = maxBB;
haveBB = FALSE;
attackedCount = 0; // how many times was attacked
//adapt for big maps
@ -1106,8 +1110,8 @@ function void storeBase()
local DROID _truck;
local bool _bHaveBaseStructs;
local int _index,_baseX,_baseY,_numBaseStructs;
_bHaveBaseStructs = FALSE;
//Go through all structures
@ -1123,13 +1127,13 @@ function void storeBase()
_baseX = _baseX + _structure.x / TILE;
_baseY = _baseY + _structure.y / TILE;
_structure = enumStruct();
if(_numBaseStructs > 0)
baseX = (_baseX / _numBaseStructs) * TILE;
@ -1146,7 +1150,7 @@ function void storeBase()
baseX = (TILE * mapWidth) / 2;
baseY = (TILE * mapHeight) / 2;
console("Couldn't find base location for " & getPlayerName(me));
@ -1287,9 +1291,12 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") checkPowerGen");
//Make sure we have all vital base structures (factory, power getm etc)
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
if((buildGr.members >= minTrucks) or (state == stDefending)) //don't send if low on trucks
@ -1297,7 +1304,8 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//if(not alert)
@ -1574,7 +1582,7 @@ function void finishStructures()
//Build it
if(structure2 != NULLOBJECT)
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y, 1);
@ -3231,7 +3239,7 @@ event buildNormalOilDefenses(inactive)
/* build the normal way */
dbg("building oil defense the normal way at " & (structure.x / 128) & " - " & (structure.y / 128), me);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -3262,7 +3270,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
best = none;
while(count < numDef)
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count]); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count], TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result = result + result2;
count = count + 1;
@ -3465,7 +3473,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
droid = droid3;
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y);
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y, 1);
@ -3787,10 +3795,14 @@ function bool isBaseStruct(STRUCTURE _checkStruct)
function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkOil()");
//How many trucks already working on derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
//dbg(" " & me & ") right now building " & result & " oil resoirces");
@ -3798,18 +3810,18 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
if(retFeature != NULLOBJECT)
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT)
//dbg(" " & me & ") found unoccupied oil resource");
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, retFeature.x, retFeature.y); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, 1); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
@ -3819,23 +3831,25 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
//Build ArgStrStat0 (passes STRUCTURESTAT) somewhere
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY)
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks)
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref _buildX, ref _buildY, me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY); //can re-use all arguments
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY, _maxTrucks); //can re-use all arguments
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
temp3 = _lookx; //will be re-assigned
temp4 = _looky;
retFeature = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
_oil = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
temp = 99999;
@ -3861,7 +3875,7 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
if(temp2 < temp)
temp = temp2;
retFeature = tempFeature; //Remember and return it
_oil = tempFeature; //Remember it
@ -3870,6 +3884,8 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
tempFeature = getFeature(me);
return _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") End findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
@ -3913,27 +3929,33 @@ function void buildTrucks()
function void checkPowerGen()
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkPowerGen()");
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
if(not structureLimitReached(powGen, me))
result = getNumStructures(derrick, me);
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick); //"Think ahead"
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick, FALSE); //"Think ahead"
result2 = getNumStructures(powGen,me);
if((result2 * 4) < result) //not enough pow gens
result3 = numStatMoveBusy(powGen); //How many builds trucks are on the way to build
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2) - result3; //How many power gens are *really* missing (missing - pending)
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2); //How many power gens are missing
//dbg(" " & me & ") num gens to build: " & count);
while(count > 0)
buildInBase(powGen); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = count - 1;
_bStartedBuilding = buildInBase(powGen, 1); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = -1; //break loop
@ -3956,7 +3978,7 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y)) //No one upgrading
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
structure = enumStruct();
@ -3973,11 +3995,11 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 2);
@ -4000,11 +4022,11 @@ function void upgradeVtolFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4029,11 +4051,11 @@ function void upgradeResFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(resMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(resMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4236,24 +4258,31 @@ function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType)
//For how many structures of given type there's a pending
//build (truck is on the way to build or already building)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding)
_temp = 0;
local int _numStatBusy;
local DROID _bTruck;
_numStatBusy = 0;
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(_bTruck != NULLOBJECT)
if(tempDroid.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(_bTruck.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(tempDroid.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
if(not (_bExcludeAlreadyBuilding and _bTruck.action == DACTION_BUILD))
_temp = _temp + 1;
if(_bTruck.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
return _numStatBusy;
@ -4302,42 +4331,59 @@ function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck)
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild)
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks)
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildInBase()");
temp = 6 * 128;
temp2 = baseX + (random(temp) - (temp/2)); //Randomize a bit
temp3 = baseY + (random(temp) - (temp/2));
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me);
if(pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
_bStartedBuilding = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3, _maxTrucks); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildInBase()");
return _bStartedBuilding;
//Build a structure with the closest truck
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
local int _numTrucks;
local bool _bHaveMoreTrucks;
local DROID _truck;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildUsingClosestTruck()");
tempDroid = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_numTrucks = 0;
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
while((_numTrucks < _maxTrucks) and _bHaveMoreTrucks)
orderDroidStatsLoc(tempDroid, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
_bHaveMoreTrucks = FALSE;
_truck = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(_truck != NULLOBJECT)
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
orderDroidStatsLoc(_truck, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
return (_numTrucks > 0);
@ -4379,11 +4425,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getStructure(HQ, me) == NULLOBJECT) //not built and no one's on the way to build
//Check if someone's already on the way to build HQ
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ);
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(HQ, 1);
@ -4397,11 +4443,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getNumStructures(vtolfac, me) < min(1, getStructureLimit(vtolfac, me))) //don't try to build more than allowed
//Check if someone's already on the way to build VTOL fac
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac);
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(vtolfac, 2);
@ -4429,7 +4475,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY, 2); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4467,7 +4513,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4495,7 +4541,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -5351,7 +5397,7 @@ function int numBuildingDefenses()
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp]); //How many going to build it
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp], TRUE); //How many going to build it
temp2 = temp2 + temp3;
@ -5654,7 +5700,7 @@ function void buildDefenses()
//don't allow to build outside of the range
if(distBetweenTwoPoints(buildX, buildY, x, y) < range) //coords corrected with pickStructLocation() not too far away from orig
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY);
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY, 1);
@ -5781,7 +5827,7 @@ event objectAttacked(inactive)
dbg("building AA defense, since don't see attacker's base", me);
/* build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -9944,7 +9990,7 @@ function void buildAA()
/* it worked, build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -11072,3 +11118,68 @@ function void toggleDebugMenu()
/* Returns true if AI has all vital structures */
function bool haveMinimalStructures()
local int _index;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function void checkMinimalStructures()
local int _index,_maxTrucks;
local bool _bStartedBuild;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
local FEATURE _oil;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
//see how many trucks are allowed to build thi structure
_maxTrucks = maxVitalBuilders[_index];
if(_maxTrucks == -1){
_maxTrucks = buildGr.members; //use all trucks
//if it's a derrick
if(minimalStruct[_index] == derrick)
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1);
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT){
dbg("Building minimal base - oil", me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, _maxTrucks); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
_bStartedBuild = buildInBase(minimalStruct[_index], _maxTrucks);
dbg("Building minimal base " & _index, me);

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
script "player1.slo"
player INT 1
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
player INT 1
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Structures for the first phase: LEGO
numLego INT 3
@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ run
/* Research */
numBranches INT 2
techTanks INT 0
techAir INT 1
numBranches INT 2
numRes[0] INT 41
techTanks INT 0
techAir INT 1
numRes[0] INT 41
research[0][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[0][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[0][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[0][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[0][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Sys-MobileRepairTurret01" //repair turret
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ run
research[0][22] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[0][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[0][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[0][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[0][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ run
research[0][30] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-HPVcannon" //HPV HP
research[0][31] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-AASite-QuadRotMg" //Whirlwind site
research[0][32] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body10" //veng
research[0][33] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Laser02" //pulse
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ run
research[0][39] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-Rail3" //Gauss HP
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
/* VTOL Stuff */
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ run
research[1][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[1][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[1][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[1][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[1][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-ROF03"
research[1][5] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-Research-Module" //res mod
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ run
research[1][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[1][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[1][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[1][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[1][27] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -196,14 +196,37 @@ run
baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
baseStructs[8] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Minimal (vital) structures
numVitalStructs INT 6
minimalStruct[0] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
minimalStruct[1] STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
minimalStruct[2] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
minimalStruct[3] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
minimalStruct[4] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory" //another fac
minimalStruct[5] STRUCTURESTAT "A0CommandCentre"
//Number of vital structures required
numMinimalStruct[0] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[1] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[2] INT 4
numMinimalStruct[3] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[4] INT 2
numMinimalStruct[5] INT 1
//Number of max trucks allowed to build a specific structure type
maxVitalBuilders[0] INT -1
maxVitalBuilders[1] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[2] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[3] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[4] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[5] INT 1
numAA INT 5
//baseStructs[6] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-Cannon"
//baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-MassDriver"

View File

@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
public int player,numLego,numTemplates,numBaseStructs,numDef,numRes[2],
public TEMPLATE truck,tmpl[2][40],tmplOK[8],tmplBB,tmplRep[5],vtoltmpl[2][5];
public STRUCTURESTAT fac,derrick,powGen,vtolfac,resFac,powMod,facMod,resMod,legoSt[4],
public STRUCTURESTAT ArgStrStat0; //is private
public FEATURESTAT oilRes,ArgFeatStat0;
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ public WEAPON weaponBB;
// private vars
private float testFloat;
private float testFloat;
private int count,count2,count3,count4,result,result2,result3,result4,ArgInt0,ArgInt1,ArgInt2,
private int temp,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6,enemyScoutStep,enemyScoutX,enemyScoutY,
@ -191,18 +193,18 @@ function void startEnemyScout();
function void getNextScoutCoord(int _lastX, int _lastY);
function void closerTruck();
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function DROID closestIdleTruck(int _x, int _y);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function STRUCTURE findBestEnemyDerrick(int _targetPlayer, int _numAttackers);
function int posWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y, int _range);
function int oilWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y);
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck); //On the way
function int numTrucksBuilding(); //Number of trucks currently building something
function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType); //Num of certain structures busy
@ -411,6 +413,8 @@ function void vsetState(int _newState);
function void toggleDebugMenu();
function void shutDown();
function void oneTimeInitialize();
function bool haveMinimalStructures();
function void checkMinimalStructures();
/*%? Help1 = "Always turn on 'multiplayer mode' is you are going to use Aivolution
in multiplayer mode (more than 1 human player), otherwise you might get asyncs. \nBy turning on this option
@ -466,7 +470,7 @@ event powerup(CALL_GAMEINIT)
bResult = FALSE;
//do common one-time initialization only if this player is loaded
@ -577,24 +581,24 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
setPlayerName(me, myName);
unassignedDroids(defendGr, buildGr); //assign all dorids to an approriate group
storeBase(); //remember base location
loadPlayerAIExperience(me, TRUE);
bigMap = FALSE;
if((mapWidth * mapHeight) > 14400)
bigMap = TRUE;
/* Initialize ghost structures data */
maxGhosts = 120;
count = 0;
@ -606,7 +610,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ghostDead[count] = TRUE;
count = count +1 ;
maxBaseEnemies = 22;
@ -672,7 +676,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
bNotifiedReadyAttack = FALSE;
maxTransporters = 9;
count = 0;
@ -828,8 +832,8 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
phSync = 12; //Synchronizing with allies
phSendDrop = 13;
phTransportDone = 14; //signal for drop phase that transport phase is done successfully
stNone = 0;
stAttacking = 1;
stDefending = 2;
@ -839,7 +843,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
stCollecting = 6;
stDrop = 7;
stTransporting = 8;
threatRange = (10 * 128);
maxBuildOilTrucks = 5; //How many trucks are allowed to be building derricks at a time
@ -854,9 +858,9 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
initialDefensesFinished = FALSE; //if finished building anti-rush defenses
bFirstTimeDefenders = TRUE;
tech = none;
lsNone = 0;
lsRecharging = 1;
lsReady = 2; //recharged
@ -873,7 +877,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
tLasSatCountdown = off; //used for misc stuff
tLasSatReplyMax = 6;
tLasSatWaitAlliesMax = 45; //wait max x secs for allies' lasSat to fully recharge
//initialize enemy and ally information
count = 0;
while(count < 8) //multiPlayerMaxPlayers)
@ -947,7 +951,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
count = count + 1;
base[me][0] = baseX;
base[me][1] = baseY;
@ -971,13 +975,13 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ArgDesc="30" */
defendCorridor = (5 * 128); //range which defenders can stay in (baseRange)
minAttackers = 10;
maxAttackers = 300; //(unitLimit - maxTrucks - numDefenders) * 3 / 4;
numAttackers = 12 + random(15) + minAttackers; //random(8) + minAttackers;
minSendUnits = 18 + random(8);
//drop stuff
maxDroppers = 40;
if(random(2) == 0)
@ -988,16 +992,16 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
minDroppers = 10; //1 transporter
maxAllyDroppers = 3 + random(2); //no more than x players
//Bunker Buster
minBB = 1;
maxBB = 8;
numBB = maxBB;
haveBB = FALSE;
attackedCount = 0; // how many times was attacked
//adapt for big maps
@ -1106,8 +1110,8 @@ function void storeBase()
local DROID _truck;
local bool _bHaveBaseStructs;
local int _index,_baseX,_baseY,_numBaseStructs;
_bHaveBaseStructs = FALSE;
//Go through all structures
@ -1123,13 +1127,13 @@ function void storeBase()
_baseX = _baseX + _structure.x / TILE;
_baseY = _baseY + _structure.y / TILE;
_structure = enumStruct();
if(_numBaseStructs > 0)
baseX = (_baseX / _numBaseStructs) * TILE;
@ -1146,7 +1150,7 @@ function void storeBase()
baseX = (TILE * mapWidth) / 2;
baseY = (TILE * mapHeight) / 2;
console("Couldn't find base location for " & getPlayerName(me));
@ -1287,9 +1291,12 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") checkPowerGen");
//Make sure we have all vital base structures (factory, power getm etc)
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
if((buildGr.members >= minTrucks) or (state == stDefending)) //don't send if low on trucks
@ -1297,7 +1304,8 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//if(not alert)
@ -1574,7 +1582,7 @@ function void finishStructures()
//Build it
if(structure2 != NULLOBJECT)
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y, 1);
@ -3231,7 +3239,7 @@ event buildNormalOilDefenses(inactive)
/* build the normal way */
dbg("building oil defense the normal way at " & (structure.x / 128) & " - " & (structure.y / 128), me);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -3262,7 +3270,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
best = none;
while(count < numDef)
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count]); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count], TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result = result + result2;
count = count + 1;
@ -3465,7 +3473,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
droid = droid3;
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y);
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y, 1);
@ -3787,10 +3795,14 @@ function bool isBaseStruct(STRUCTURE _checkStruct)
function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkOil()");
//How many trucks already working on derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
//dbg(" " & me & ") right now building " & result & " oil resoirces");
@ -3798,18 +3810,18 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
if(retFeature != NULLOBJECT)
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT)
//dbg(" " & me & ") found unoccupied oil resource");
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, retFeature.x, retFeature.y); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, 1); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
@ -3819,23 +3831,25 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
//Build ArgStrStat0 (passes STRUCTURESTAT) somewhere
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY)
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks)
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref _buildX, ref _buildY, me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY); //can re-use all arguments
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY, _maxTrucks); //can re-use all arguments
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
temp3 = _lookx; //will be re-assigned
temp4 = _looky;
retFeature = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
_oil = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
temp = 99999;
@ -3861,7 +3875,7 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
if(temp2 < temp)
temp = temp2;
retFeature = tempFeature; //Remember and return it
_oil = tempFeature; //Remember it
@ -3870,6 +3884,8 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
tempFeature = getFeature(me);
return _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") End findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
@ -3913,27 +3929,33 @@ function void buildTrucks()
function void checkPowerGen()
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkPowerGen()");
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
if(not structureLimitReached(powGen, me))
result = getNumStructures(derrick, me);
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick); //"Think ahead"
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick, FALSE); //"Think ahead"
result2 = getNumStructures(powGen,me);
if((result2 * 4) < result) //not enough pow gens
result3 = numStatMoveBusy(powGen); //How many builds trucks are on the way to build
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2) - result3; //How many power gens are *really* missing (missing - pending)
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2); //How many power gens are missing
//dbg(" " & me & ") num gens to build: " & count);
while(count > 0)
buildInBase(powGen); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = count - 1;
_bStartedBuilding = buildInBase(powGen, 1); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = -1; //break loop
@ -3956,7 +3978,7 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y)) //No one upgrading
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
structure = enumStruct();
@ -3973,11 +3995,11 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 2);
@ -4000,11 +4022,11 @@ function void upgradeVtolFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4029,11 +4051,11 @@ function void upgradeResFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(resMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(resMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4236,24 +4258,31 @@ function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType)
//For how many structures of given type there's a pending
//build (truck is on the way to build or already building)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding)
_temp = 0;
local int _numStatBusy;
local DROID _bTruck;
_numStatBusy = 0;
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(_bTruck != NULLOBJECT)
if(tempDroid.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(_bTruck.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(tempDroid.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
if(not (_bExcludeAlreadyBuilding and _bTruck.action == DACTION_BUILD))
_temp = _temp + 1;
if(_bTruck.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
return _numStatBusy;
@ -4302,42 +4331,59 @@ function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck)
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild)
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks)
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildInBase()");
temp = 6 * 128;
temp2 = baseX + (random(temp) - (temp/2)); //Randomize a bit
temp3 = baseY + (random(temp) - (temp/2));
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me);
if(pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
_bStartedBuilding = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3, _maxTrucks); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildInBase()");
return _bStartedBuilding;
//Build a structure with the closest truck
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
local int _numTrucks;
local bool _bHaveMoreTrucks;
local DROID _truck;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildUsingClosestTruck()");
tempDroid = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_numTrucks = 0;
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
while((_numTrucks < _maxTrucks) and _bHaveMoreTrucks)
orderDroidStatsLoc(tempDroid, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
_bHaveMoreTrucks = FALSE;
_truck = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(_truck != NULLOBJECT)
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
orderDroidStatsLoc(_truck, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
return (_numTrucks > 0);
@ -4379,11 +4425,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getStructure(HQ, me) == NULLOBJECT) //not built and no one's on the way to build
//Check if someone's already on the way to build HQ
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ);
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(HQ, 1);
@ -4397,11 +4443,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getNumStructures(vtolfac, me) < min(1, getStructureLimit(vtolfac, me))) //don't try to build more than allowed
//Check if someone's already on the way to build VTOL fac
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac);
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(vtolfac, 2);
@ -4429,7 +4475,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY, 2); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4467,7 +4513,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4495,7 +4541,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -5351,7 +5397,7 @@ function int numBuildingDefenses()
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp]); //How many going to build it
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp], TRUE); //How many going to build it
temp2 = temp2 + temp3;
@ -5654,7 +5700,7 @@ function void buildDefenses()
//don't allow to build outside of the range
if(distBetweenTwoPoints(buildX, buildY, x, y) < range) //coords corrected with pickStructLocation() not too far away from orig
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY);
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY, 1);
@ -5781,7 +5827,7 @@ event objectAttacked(inactive)
dbg("building AA defense, since don't see attacker's base", me);
/* build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -9944,7 +9990,7 @@ function void buildAA()
/* it worked, build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -11072,3 +11118,68 @@ function void toggleDebugMenu()
/* Returns true if AI has all vital structures */
function bool haveMinimalStructures()
local int _index;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function void checkMinimalStructures()
local int _index,_maxTrucks;
local bool _bStartedBuild;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
local FEATURE _oil;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
//see how many trucks are allowed to build thi structure
_maxTrucks = maxVitalBuilders[_index];
if(_maxTrucks == -1){
_maxTrucks = buildGr.members; //use all trucks
//if it's a derrick
if(minimalStruct[_index] == derrick)
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1);
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT){
dbg("Building minimal base - oil", me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, _maxTrucks); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
_bStartedBuild = buildInBase(minimalStruct[_index], _maxTrucks);
dbg("Building minimal base " & _index, me);

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
script "player2.slo"
player INT 2
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
player INT 2
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Structures for the first phase: LEGO
numLego INT 3
@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ run
/* Research */
numBranches INT 2
techTanks INT 0
techAir INT 1
numBranches INT 2
numRes[0] INT 41
techTanks INT 0
techAir INT 1
numRes[0] INT 41
research[0][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[0][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[0][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[0][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[0][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Sys-MobileRepairTurret01" //repair turret
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ run
research[0][22] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[0][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[0][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[0][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[0][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ run
research[0][30] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-HPVcannon" //HPV HP
research[0][31] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-AASite-QuadRotMg" //Whirlwind site
research[0][32] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body10" //veng
research[0][33] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Laser02" //pulse
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ run
research[0][39] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-Rail3" //Gauss HP
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
/* VTOL Stuff */
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ run
research[1][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[1][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[1][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[1][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[1][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-ROF03"
research[1][5] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-Research-Module" //res mod
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ run
research[1][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[1][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[1][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[1][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[1][27] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -196,14 +196,37 @@ run
baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
baseStructs[8] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Minimal (vital) structures
numVitalStructs INT 6
minimalStruct[0] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
minimalStruct[1] STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
minimalStruct[2] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
minimalStruct[3] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
minimalStruct[4] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory" //another fac
minimalStruct[5] STRUCTURESTAT "A0CommandCentre"
//Number of vital structures required
numMinimalStruct[0] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[1] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[2] INT 4
numMinimalStruct[3] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[4] INT 2
numMinimalStruct[5] INT 1
//Number of max trucks allowed to build a specific structure type
maxVitalBuilders[0] INT -1
maxVitalBuilders[1] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[2] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[3] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[4] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[5] INT 1
numAA INT 5
//baseStructs[6] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-Cannon"
//baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-MassDriver"

View File

@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
public int player,numLego,numTemplates,numBaseStructs,numDef,numRes[2],
public TEMPLATE truck,tmpl[2][40],tmplOK[8],tmplBB,tmplRep[5],vtoltmpl[2][5];
public STRUCTURESTAT fac,derrick,powGen,vtolfac,resFac,powMod,facMod,resMod,legoSt[4],
public STRUCTURESTAT ArgStrStat0; //is private
public FEATURESTAT oilRes,ArgFeatStat0;
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ public WEAPON weaponBB;
// private vars
private float testFloat;
private float testFloat;
private int count,count2,count3,count4,result,result2,result3,result4,ArgInt0,ArgInt1,ArgInt2,
private int temp,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6,enemyScoutStep,enemyScoutX,enemyScoutY,
@ -191,18 +193,18 @@ function void startEnemyScout();
function void getNextScoutCoord(int _lastX, int _lastY);
function void closerTruck();
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function DROID closestIdleTruck(int _x, int _y);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function STRUCTURE findBestEnemyDerrick(int _targetPlayer, int _numAttackers);
function int posWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y, int _range);
function int oilWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y);
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck); //On the way
function int numTrucksBuilding(); //Number of trucks currently building something
function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType); //Num of certain structures busy
@ -411,6 +413,8 @@ function void vsetState(int _newState);
function void toggleDebugMenu();
function void shutDown();
function void oneTimeInitialize();
function bool haveMinimalStructures();
function void checkMinimalStructures();
/*%? Help1 = "Always turn on 'multiplayer mode' is you are going to use Aivolution
in multiplayer mode (more than 1 human player), otherwise you might get asyncs. \nBy turning on this option
@ -466,7 +470,7 @@ event powerup(CALL_GAMEINIT)
bResult = FALSE;
//do common one-time initialization only if this player is loaded
@ -577,24 +581,24 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
setPlayerName(me, myName);
unassignedDroids(defendGr, buildGr); //assign all dorids to an approriate group
storeBase(); //remember base location
loadPlayerAIExperience(me, TRUE);
bigMap = FALSE;
if((mapWidth * mapHeight) > 14400)
bigMap = TRUE;
/* Initialize ghost structures data */
maxGhosts = 120;
count = 0;
@ -606,7 +610,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ghostDead[count] = TRUE;
count = count +1 ;
maxBaseEnemies = 22;
@ -672,7 +676,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
bNotifiedReadyAttack = FALSE;
maxTransporters = 9;
count = 0;
@ -828,8 +832,8 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
phSync = 12; //Synchronizing with allies
phSendDrop = 13;
phTransportDone = 14; //signal for drop phase that transport phase is done successfully
stNone = 0;
stAttacking = 1;
stDefending = 2;
@ -839,7 +843,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
stCollecting = 6;
stDrop = 7;
stTransporting = 8;
threatRange = (10 * 128);
maxBuildOilTrucks = 5; //How many trucks are allowed to be building derricks at a time
@ -854,9 +858,9 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
initialDefensesFinished = FALSE; //if finished building anti-rush defenses
bFirstTimeDefenders = TRUE;
tech = none;
lsNone = 0;
lsRecharging = 1;
lsReady = 2; //recharged
@ -873,7 +877,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
tLasSatCountdown = off; //used for misc stuff
tLasSatReplyMax = 6;
tLasSatWaitAlliesMax = 45; //wait max x secs for allies' lasSat to fully recharge
//initialize enemy and ally information
count = 0;
while(count < 8) //multiPlayerMaxPlayers)
@ -947,7 +951,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
count = count + 1;
base[me][0] = baseX;
base[me][1] = baseY;
@ -971,13 +975,13 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ArgDesc="30" */
defendCorridor = (5 * 128); //range which defenders can stay in (baseRange)
minAttackers = 10;
maxAttackers = 300; //(unitLimit - maxTrucks - numDefenders) * 3 / 4;
numAttackers = 12 + random(15) + minAttackers; //random(8) + minAttackers;
minSendUnits = 18 + random(8);
//drop stuff
maxDroppers = 40;
if(random(2) == 0)
@ -988,16 +992,16 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
minDroppers = 10; //1 transporter
maxAllyDroppers = 3 + random(2); //no more than x players
//Bunker Buster
minBB = 1;
maxBB = 8;
numBB = maxBB;
haveBB = FALSE;
attackedCount = 0; // how many times was attacked
//adapt for big maps
@ -1106,8 +1110,8 @@ function void storeBase()
local DROID _truck;
local bool _bHaveBaseStructs;
local int _index,_baseX,_baseY,_numBaseStructs;
_bHaveBaseStructs = FALSE;
//Go through all structures
@ -1123,13 +1127,13 @@ function void storeBase()
_baseX = _baseX + _structure.x / TILE;
_baseY = _baseY + _structure.y / TILE;
_structure = enumStruct();
if(_numBaseStructs > 0)
baseX = (_baseX / _numBaseStructs) * TILE;
@ -1146,7 +1150,7 @@ function void storeBase()
baseX = (TILE * mapWidth) / 2;
baseY = (TILE * mapHeight) / 2;
console("Couldn't find base location for " & getPlayerName(me));
@ -1287,9 +1291,12 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") checkPowerGen");
//Make sure we have all vital base structures (factory, power getm etc)
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
if((buildGr.members >= minTrucks) or (state == stDefending)) //don't send if low on trucks
@ -1297,7 +1304,8 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//if(not alert)
@ -1574,7 +1582,7 @@ function void finishStructures()
//Build it
if(structure2 != NULLOBJECT)
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y, 1);
@ -3231,7 +3239,7 @@ event buildNormalOilDefenses(inactive)
/* build the normal way */
dbg("building oil defense the normal way at " & (structure.x / 128) & " - " & (structure.y / 128), me);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -3262,7 +3270,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
best = none;
while(count < numDef)
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count]); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count], TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result = result + result2;
count = count + 1;
@ -3465,7 +3473,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
droid = droid3;
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y);
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y, 1);
@ -3787,10 +3795,14 @@ function bool isBaseStruct(STRUCTURE _checkStruct)
function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkOil()");
//How many trucks already working on derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
//dbg(" " & me & ") right now building " & result & " oil resoirces");
@ -3798,18 +3810,18 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
if(retFeature != NULLOBJECT)
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT)
//dbg(" " & me & ") found unoccupied oil resource");
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, retFeature.x, retFeature.y); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, 1); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
@ -3819,23 +3831,25 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
//Build ArgStrStat0 (passes STRUCTURESTAT) somewhere
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY)
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks)
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref _buildX, ref _buildY, me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY); //can re-use all arguments
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY, _maxTrucks); //can re-use all arguments
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
temp3 = _lookx; //will be re-assigned
temp4 = _looky;
retFeature = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
_oil = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
temp = 99999;
@ -3861,7 +3875,7 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
if(temp2 < temp)
temp = temp2;
retFeature = tempFeature; //Remember and return it
_oil = tempFeature; //Remember it
@ -3870,6 +3884,8 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
tempFeature = getFeature(me);
return _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") End findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
@ -3913,27 +3929,33 @@ function void buildTrucks()
function void checkPowerGen()
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkPowerGen()");
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
if(not structureLimitReached(powGen, me))
result = getNumStructures(derrick, me);
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick); //"Think ahead"
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick, FALSE); //"Think ahead"
result2 = getNumStructures(powGen,me);
if((result2 * 4) < result) //not enough pow gens
result3 = numStatMoveBusy(powGen); //How many builds trucks are on the way to build
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2) - result3; //How many power gens are *really* missing (missing - pending)
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2); //How many power gens are missing
//dbg(" " & me & ") num gens to build: " & count);
while(count > 0)
buildInBase(powGen); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = count - 1;
_bStartedBuilding = buildInBase(powGen, 1); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = -1; //break loop
@ -3956,7 +3978,7 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y)) //No one upgrading
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
structure = enumStruct();
@ -3973,11 +3995,11 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 2);
@ -4000,11 +4022,11 @@ function void upgradeVtolFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4029,11 +4051,11 @@ function void upgradeResFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(resMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(resMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4236,24 +4258,31 @@ function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType)
//For how many structures of given type there's a pending
//build (truck is on the way to build or already building)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding)
_temp = 0;
local int _numStatBusy;
local DROID _bTruck;
_numStatBusy = 0;
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(_bTruck != NULLOBJECT)
if(tempDroid.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(_bTruck.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(tempDroid.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
if(not (_bExcludeAlreadyBuilding and _bTruck.action == DACTION_BUILD))
_temp = _temp + 1;
if(_bTruck.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
return _numStatBusy;
@ -4302,42 +4331,59 @@ function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck)
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild)
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks)
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildInBase()");
temp = 6 * 128;
temp2 = baseX + (random(temp) - (temp/2)); //Randomize a bit
temp3 = baseY + (random(temp) - (temp/2));
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me);
if(pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
_bStartedBuilding = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3, _maxTrucks); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildInBase()");
return _bStartedBuilding;
//Build a structure with the closest truck
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
local int _numTrucks;
local bool _bHaveMoreTrucks;
local DROID _truck;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildUsingClosestTruck()");
tempDroid = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_numTrucks = 0;
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
while((_numTrucks < _maxTrucks) and _bHaveMoreTrucks)
orderDroidStatsLoc(tempDroid, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
_bHaveMoreTrucks = FALSE;
_truck = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(_truck != NULLOBJECT)
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
orderDroidStatsLoc(_truck, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
return (_numTrucks > 0);
@ -4379,11 +4425,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getStructure(HQ, me) == NULLOBJECT) //not built and no one's on the way to build
//Check if someone's already on the way to build HQ
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ);
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(HQ, 1);
@ -4397,11 +4443,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getNumStructures(vtolfac, me) < min(1, getStructureLimit(vtolfac, me))) //don't try to build more than allowed
//Check if someone's already on the way to build VTOL fac
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac);
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(vtolfac, 2);
@ -4429,7 +4475,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY, 2); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4467,7 +4513,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4495,7 +4541,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -5351,7 +5397,7 @@ function int numBuildingDefenses()
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp]); //How many going to build it
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp], TRUE); //How many going to build it
temp2 = temp2 + temp3;
@ -5654,7 +5700,7 @@ function void buildDefenses()
//don't allow to build outside of the range
if(distBetweenTwoPoints(buildX, buildY, x, y) < range) //coords corrected with pickStructLocation() not too far away from orig
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY);
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY, 1);
@ -5781,7 +5827,7 @@ event objectAttacked(inactive)
dbg("building AA defense, since don't see attacker's base", me);
/* build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -9944,7 +9990,7 @@ function void buildAA()
/* it worked, build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -11072,3 +11118,68 @@ function void toggleDebugMenu()
/* Returns true if AI has all vital structures */
function bool haveMinimalStructures()
local int _index;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function void checkMinimalStructures()
local int _index,_maxTrucks;
local bool _bStartedBuild;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
local FEATURE _oil;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
//see how many trucks are allowed to build thi structure
_maxTrucks = maxVitalBuilders[_index];
if(_maxTrucks == -1){
_maxTrucks = buildGr.members; //use all trucks
//if it's a derrick
if(minimalStruct[_index] == derrick)
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1);
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT){
dbg("Building minimal base - oil", me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, _maxTrucks); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
_bStartedBuild = buildInBase(minimalStruct[_index], _maxTrucks);
dbg("Building minimal base " & _index, me);

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
script "player3.slo"
player INT 3
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
player INT 3
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Structures for the first phase: LEGO
numLego INT 3
@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ run
/* Research */
numBranches INT 2
techTanks INT 0
techAir INT 1
numBranches INT 2
numRes[0] INT 41
techTanks INT 0
techAir INT 1
numRes[0] INT 41
research[0][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[0][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[0][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[0][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[0][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Sys-MobileRepairTurret01" //repair turret
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ run
research[0][22] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[0][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[0][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[0][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[0][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ run
research[0][30] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-HPVcannon" //HPV HP
research[0][31] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-AASite-QuadRotMg" //Whirlwind site
research[0][32] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body10" //veng
research[0][33] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Laser02" //pulse
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ run
research[0][39] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-Rail3" //Gauss HP
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
/* VTOL Stuff */
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ run
research[1][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[1][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[1][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[1][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[1][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-ROF03"
research[1][5] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-Research-Module" //res mod
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ run
research[1][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[1][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[1][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[1][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[1][27] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -196,14 +196,37 @@ run
baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
baseStructs[8] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Minimal (vital) structures
numVitalStructs INT 6
minimalStruct[0] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
minimalStruct[1] STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
minimalStruct[2] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
minimalStruct[3] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
minimalStruct[4] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory" //another fac
minimalStruct[5] STRUCTURESTAT "A0CommandCentre"
//Number of vital structures required
numMinimalStruct[0] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[1] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[2] INT 4
numMinimalStruct[3] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[4] INT 2
numMinimalStruct[5] INT 1
//Number of max trucks allowed to build a specific structure type
maxVitalBuilders[0] INT -1
maxVitalBuilders[1] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[2] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[3] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[4] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[5] INT 1
numAA INT 5
//baseStructs[6] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-Cannon"
//baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-MassDriver"

View File

@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
public int player,numLego,numTemplates,numBaseStructs,numDef,numRes[2],
public TEMPLATE truck,tmpl[2][40],tmplOK[8],tmplBB,tmplRep[5],vtoltmpl[2][5];
public STRUCTURESTAT fac,derrick,powGen,vtolfac,resFac,powMod,facMod,resMod,legoSt[4],
public STRUCTURESTAT ArgStrStat0; //is private
public FEATURESTAT oilRes,ArgFeatStat0;
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ public WEAPON weaponBB;
// private vars
private float testFloat;
private float testFloat;
private int count,count2,count3,count4,result,result2,result3,result4,ArgInt0,ArgInt1,ArgInt2,
private int temp,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6,enemyScoutStep,enemyScoutX,enemyScoutY,
@ -191,18 +193,18 @@ function void startEnemyScout();
function void getNextScoutCoord(int _lastX, int _lastY);
function void closerTruck();
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function DROID closestIdleTruck(int _x, int _y);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function STRUCTURE findBestEnemyDerrick(int _targetPlayer, int _numAttackers);
function int posWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y, int _range);
function int oilWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y);
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck); //On the way
function int numTrucksBuilding(); //Number of trucks currently building something
function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType); //Num of certain structures busy
@ -411,6 +413,8 @@ function void vsetState(int _newState);
function void toggleDebugMenu();
function void shutDown();
function void oneTimeInitialize();
function bool haveMinimalStructures();
function void checkMinimalStructures();
/*%? Help1 = "Always turn on 'multiplayer mode' is you are going to use Aivolution
in multiplayer mode (more than 1 human player), otherwise you might get asyncs. \nBy turning on this option
@ -466,7 +470,7 @@ event powerup(CALL_GAMEINIT)
bResult = FALSE;
//do common one-time initialization only if this player is loaded
@ -577,24 +581,24 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
setPlayerName(me, myName);
unassignedDroids(defendGr, buildGr); //assign all dorids to an approriate group
storeBase(); //remember base location
loadPlayerAIExperience(me, TRUE);
bigMap = FALSE;
if((mapWidth * mapHeight) > 14400)
bigMap = TRUE;
/* Initialize ghost structures data */
maxGhosts = 120;
count = 0;
@ -606,7 +610,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ghostDead[count] = TRUE;
count = count +1 ;
maxBaseEnemies = 22;
@ -672,7 +676,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
bNotifiedReadyAttack = FALSE;
maxTransporters = 9;
count = 0;
@ -828,8 +832,8 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
phSync = 12; //Synchronizing with allies
phSendDrop = 13;
phTransportDone = 14; //signal for drop phase that transport phase is done successfully
stNone = 0;
stAttacking = 1;
stDefending = 2;
@ -839,7 +843,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
stCollecting = 6;
stDrop = 7;
stTransporting = 8;
threatRange = (10 * 128);
maxBuildOilTrucks = 5; //How many trucks are allowed to be building derricks at a time
@ -854,9 +858,9 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
initialDefensesFinished = FALSE; //if finished building anti-rush defenses
bFirstTimeDefenders = TRUE;
tech = none;
lsNone = 0;
lsRecharging = 1;
lsReady = 2; //recharged
@ -873,7 +877,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
tLasSatCountdown = off; //used for misc stuff
tLasSatReplyMax = 6;
tLasSatWaitAlliesMax = 45; //wait max x secs for allies' lasSat to fully recharge
//initialize enemy and ally information
count = 0;
while(count < 8) //multiPlayerMaxPlayers)
@ -947,7 +951,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
count = count + 1;
base[me][0] = baseX;
base[me][1] = baseY;
@ -971,13 +975,13 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ArgDesc="30" */
defendCorridor = (5 * 128); //range which defenders can stay in (baseRange)
minAttackers = 10;
maxAttackers = 300; //(unitLimit - maxTrucks - numDefenders) * 3 / 4;
numAttackers = 12 + random(15) + minAttackers; //random(8) + minAttackers;
minSendUnits = 18 + random(8);
//drop stuff
maxDroppers = 40;
if(random(2) == 0)
@ -988,16 +992,16 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
minDroppers = 10; //1 transporter
maxAllyDroppers = 3 + random(2); //no more than x players
//Bunker Buster
minBB = 1;
maxBB = 8;
numBB = maxBB;
haveBB = FALSE;
attackedCount = 0; // how many times was attacked
//adapt for big maps
@ -1106,8 +1110,8 @@ function void storeBase()
local DROID _truck;
local bool _bHaveBaseStructs;
local int _index,_baseX,_baseY,_numBaseStructs;
_bHaveBaseStructs = FALSE;
//Go through all structures
@ -1123,13 +1127,13 @@ function void storeBase()
_baseX = _baseX + _structure.x / TILE;
_baseY = _baseY + _structure.y / TILE;
_structure = enumStruct();
if(_numBaseStructs > 0)
baseX = (_baseX / _numBaseStructs) * TILE;
@ -1146,7 +1150,7 @@ function void storeBase()
baseX = (TILE * mapWidth) / 2;
baseY = (TILE * mapHeight) / 2;
console("Couldn't find base location for " & getPlayerName(me));
@ -1287,9 +1291,12 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") checkPowerGen");
//Make sure we have all vital base structures (factory, power getm etc)
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
if((buildGr.members >= minTrucks) or (state == stDefending)) //don't send if low on trucks
@ -1297,7 +1304,8 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//if(not alert)
@ -1574,7 +1582,7 @@ function void finishStructures()
//Build it
if(structure2 != NULLOBJECT)
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y, 1);
@ -3231,7 +3239,7 @@ event buildNormalOilDefenses(inactive)
/* build the normal way */
dbg("building oil defense the normal way at " & (structure.x / 128) & " - " & (structure.y / 128), me);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -3262,7 +3270,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
best = none;
while(count < numDef)
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count]); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count], TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result = result + result2;
count = count + 1;
@ -3465,7 +3473,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
droid = droid3;
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y);
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y, 1);
@ -3787,10 +3795,14 @@ function bool isBaseStruct(STRUCTURE _checkStruct)
function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkOil()");
//How many trucks already working on derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
//dbg(" " & me & ") right now building " & result & " oil resoirces");
@ -3798,18 +3810,18 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
if(retFeature != NULLOBJECT)
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT)
//dbg(" " & me & ") found unoccupied oil resource");
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, retFeature.x, retFeature.y); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, 1); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
@ -3819,23 +3831,25 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
//Build ArgStrStat0 (passes STRUCTURESTAT) somewhere
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY)
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks)
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref _buildX, ref _buildY, me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY); //can re-use all arguments
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY, _maxTrucks); //can re-use all arguments
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
temp3 = _lookx; //will be re-assigned
temp4 = _looky;
retFeature = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
_oil = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
temp = 99999;
@ -3861,7 +3875,7 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
if(temp2 < temp)
temp = temp2;
retFeature = tempFeature; //Remember and return it
_oil = tempFeature; //Remember it
@ -3870,6 +3884,8 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
tempFeature = getFeature(me);
return _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") End findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
@ -3913,27 +3929,33 @@ function void buildTrucks()
function void checkPowerGen()
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkPowerGen()");
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
if(not structureLimitReached(powGen, me))
result = getNumStructures(derrick, me);
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick); //"Think ahead"
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick, FALSE); //"Think ahead"
result2 = getNumStructures(powGen,me);
if((result2 * 4) < result) //not enough pow gens
result3 = numStatMoveBusy(powGen); //How many builds trucks are on the way to build
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2) - result3; //How many power gens are *really* missing (missing - pending)
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2); //How many power gens are missing
//dbg(" " & me & ") num gens to build: " & count);
while(count > 0)
buildInBase(powGen); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = count - 1;
_bStartedBuilding = buildInBase(powGen, 1); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = -1; //break loop
@ -3956,7 +3978,7 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y)) //No one upgrading
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
structure = enumStruct();
@ -3973,11 +3995,11 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 2);
@ -4000,11 +4022,11 @@ function void upgradeVtolFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4029,11 +4051,11 @@ function void upgradeResFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(resMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(resMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4236,24 +4258,31 @@ function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType)
//For how many structures of given type there's a pending
//build (truck is on the way to build or already building)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding)
_temp = 0;
local int _numStatBusy;
local DROID _bTruck;
_numStatBusy = 0;
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(_bTruck != NULLOBJECT)
if(tempDroid.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(_bTruck.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(tempDroid.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
if(not (_bExcludeAlreadyBuilding and _bTruck.action == DACTION_BUILD))
_temp = _temp + 1;
if(_bTruck.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
return _numStatBusy;
@ -4302,42 +4331,59 @@ function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck)
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild)
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks)
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildInBase()");
temp = 6 * 128;
temp2 = baseX + (random(temp) - (temp/2)); //Randomize a bit
temp3 = baseY + (random(temp) - (temp/2));
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me);
if(pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
_bStartedBuilding = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3, _maxTrucks); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildInBase()");
return _bStartedBuilding;
//Build a structure with the closest truck
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
local int _numTrucks;
local bool _bHaveMoreTrucks;
local DROID _truck;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildUsingClosestTruck()");
tempDroid = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_numTrucks = 0;
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
while((_numTrucks < _maxTrucks) and _bHaveMoreTrucks)
orderDroidStatsLoc(tempDroid, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
_bHaveMoreTrucks = FALSE;
_truck = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(_truck != NULLOBJECT)
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
orderDroidStatsLoc(_truck, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
return (_numTrucks > 0);
@ -4379,11 +4425,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getStructure(HQ, me) == NULLOBJECT) //not built and no one's on the way to build
//Check if someone's already on the way to build HQ
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ);
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(HQ, 1);
@ -4397,11 +4443,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getNumStructures(vtolfac, me) < min(1, getStructureLimit(vtolfac, me))) //don't try to build more than allowed
//Check if someone's already on the way to build VTOL fac
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac);
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(vtolfac, 2);
@ -4429,7 +4475,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY, 2); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4467,7 +4513,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4495,7 +4541,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -5351,7 +5397,7 @@ function int numBuildingDefenses()
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp]); //How many going to build it
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp], TRUE); //How many going to build it
temp2 = temp2 + temp3;
@ -5654,7 +5700,7 @@ function void buildDefenses()
//don't allow to build outside of the range
if(distBetweenTwoPoints(buildX, buildY, x, y) < range) //coords corrected with pickStructLocation() not too far away from orig
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY);
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY, 1);
@ -5781,7 +5827,7 @@ event objectAttacked(inactive)
dbg("building AA defense, since don't see attacker's base", me);
/* build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -9944,7 +9990,7 @@ function void buildAA()
/* it worked, build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -11072,3 +11118,68 @@ function void toggleDebugMenu()
/* Returns true if AI has all vital structures */
function bool haveMinimalStructures()
local int _index;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function void checkMinimalStructures()
local int _index,_maxTrucks;
local bool _bStartedBuild;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
local FEATURE _oil;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
//see how many trucks are allowed to build thi structure
_maxTrucks = maxVitalBuilders[_index];
if(_maxTrucks == -1){
_maxTrucks = buildGr.members; //use all trucks
//if it's a derrick
if(minimalStruct[_index] == derrick)
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1);
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT){
dbg("Building minimal base - oil", me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, _maxTrucks); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
_bStartedBuild = buildInBase(minimalStruct[_index], _maxTrucks);
dbg("Building minimal base " & _index, me);

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
script "player4.slo"
player INT 4
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
player INT 4
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Structures for the first phase: LEGO
numLego INT 3
@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ run
/* Research */
numBranches INT 2
techTanks INT 0
techAir INT 1
numBranches INT 2
numRes[0] INT 41
techTanks INT 0
techAir INT 1
numRes[0] INT 41
research[0][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[0][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[0][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[0][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[0][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Sys-MobileRepairTurret01" //repair turret
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ run
research[0][22] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[0][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[0][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[0][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[0][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ run
research[0][30] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-HPVcannon" //HPV HP
research[0][31] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-AASite-QuadRotMg" //Whirlwind site
research[0][32] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body10" //veng
research[0][33] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Laser02" //pulse
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ run
research[0][39] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-Rail3" //Gauss HP
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
/* VTOL Stuff */
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ run
research[1][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[1][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[1][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[1][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[1][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-ROF03"
research[1][5] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-Research-Module" //res mod
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ run
research[1][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[1][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[1][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[1][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[1][27] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -196,14 +196,37 @@ run
baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
baseStructs[8] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Minimal (vital) structures
numVitalStructs INT 6
minimalStruct[0] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
minimalStruct[1] STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
minimalStruct[2] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
minimalStruct[3] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
minimalStruct[4] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory" //another fac
minimalStruct[5] STRUCTURESTAT "A0CommandCentre"
//Number of vital structures required
numMinimalStruct[0] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[1] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[2] INT 4
numMinimalStruct[3] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[4] INT 2
numMinimalStruct[5] INT 1
//Number of max trucks allowed to build a specific structure type
maxVitalBuilders[0] INT -1
maxVitalBuilders[1] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[2] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[3] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[4] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[5] INT 1
numAA INT 5
//baseStructs[6] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-Cannon"
//baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-MassDriver"

View File

@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
public int player,numLego,numTemplates,numBaseStructs,numDef,numRes[2],
public TEMPLATE truck,tmpl[2][40],tmplOK[8],tmplBB,tmplRep[5],vtoltmpl[2][5];
public STRUCTURESTAT fac,derrick,powGen,vtolfac,resFac,powMod,facMod,resMod,legoSt[4],
public STRUCTURESTAT ArgStrStat0; //is private
public FEATURESTAT oilRes,ArgFeatStat0;
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ public WEAPON weaponBB;
// private vars
private float testFloat;
private float testFloat;
private int count,count2,count3,count4,result,result2,result3,result4,ArgInt0,ArgInt1,ArgInt2,
private int temp,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6,enemyScoutStep,enemyScoutX,enemyScoutY,
@ -191,18 +193,18 @@ function void startEnemyScout();
function void getNextScoutCoord(int _lastX, int _lastY);
function void closerTruck();
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function DROID closestIdleTruck(int _x, int _y);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function STRUCTURE findBestEnemyDerrick(int _targetPlayer, int _numAttackers);
function int posWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y, int _range);
function int oilWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y);
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck); //On the way
function int numTrucksBuilding(); //Number of trucks currently building something
function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType); //Num of certain structures busy
@ -411,6 +413,8 @@ function void vsetState(int _newState);
function void toggleDebugMenu();
function void shutDown();
function void oneTimeInitialize();
function bool haveMinimalStructures();
function void checkMinimalStructures();
/*%? Help1 = "Always turn on 'multiplayer mode' is you are going to use Aivolution
in multiplayer mode (more than 1 human player), otherwise you might get asyncs. \nBy turning on this option
@ -466,7 +470,7 @@ event powerup(CALL_GAMEINIT)
bResult = FALSE;
//do common one-time initialization only if this player is loaded
@ -577,24 +581,24 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
setPlayerName(me, myName);
unassignedDroids(defendGr, buildGr); //assign all dorids to an approriate group
storeBase(); //remember base location
loadPlayerAIExperience(me, TRUE);
bigMap = FALSE;
if((mapWidth * mapHeight) > 14400)
bigMap = TRUE;
/* Initialize ghost structures data */
maxGhosts = 120;
count = 0;
@ -606,7 +610,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ghostDead[count] = TRUE;
count = count +1 ;
maxBaseEnemies = 22;
@ -672,7 +676,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
bNotifiedReadyAttack = FALSE;
maxTransporters = 9;
count = 0;
@ -828,8 +832,8 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
phSync = 12; //Synchronizing with allies
phSendDrop = 13;
phTransportDone = 14; //signal for drop phase that transport phase is done successfully
stNone = 0;
stAttacking = 1;
stDefending = 2;
@ -839,7 +843,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
stCollecting = 6;
stDrop = 7;
stTransporting = 8;
threatRange = (10 * 128);
maxBuildOilTrucks = 5; //How many trucks are allowed to be building derricks at a time
@ -854,9 +858,9 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
initialDefensesFinished = FALSE; //if finished building anti-rush defenses
bFirstTimeDefenders = TRUE;
tech = none;
lsNone = 0;
lsRecharging = 1;
lsReady = 2; //recharged
@ -873,7 +877,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
tLasSatCountdown = off; //used for misc stuff
tLasSatReplyMax = 6;
tLasSatWaitAlliesMax = 45; //wait max x secs for allies' lasSat to fully recharge
//initialize enemy and ally information
count = 0;
while(count < 8) //multiPlayerMaxPlayers)
@ -947,7 +951,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
count = count + 1;
base[me][0] = baseX;
base[me][1] = baseY;
@ -971,13 +975,13 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ArgDesc="30" */
defendCorridor = (5 * 128); //range which defenders can stay in (baseRange)
minAttackers = 10;
maxAttackers = 300; //(unitLimit - maxTrucks - numDefenders) * 3 / 4;
numAttackers = 12 + random(15) + minAttackers; //random(8) + minAttackers;
minSendUnits = 18 + random(8);
//drop stuff
maxDroppers = 40;
if(random(2) == 0)
@ -988,16 +992,16 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
minDroppers = 10; //1 transporter
maxAllyDroppers = 3 + random(2); //no more than x players
//Bunker Buster
minBB = 1;
maxBB = 8;
numBB = maxBB;
haveBB = FALSE;
attackedCount = 0; // how many times was attacked
//adapt for big maps
@ -1106,8 +1110,8 @@ function void storeBase()
local DROID _truck;
local bool _bHaveBaseStructs;
local int _index,_baseX,_baseY,_numBaseStructs;
_bHaveBaseStructs = FALSE;
//Go through all structures
@ -1123,13 +1127,13 @@ function void storeBase()
_baseX = _baseX + _structure.x / TILE;
_baseY = _baseY + _structure.y / TILE;
_structure = enumStruct();
if(_numBaseStructs > 0)
baseX = (_baseX / _numBaseStructs) * TILE;
@ -1146,7 +1150,7 @@ function void storeBase()
baseX = (TILE * mapWidth) / 2;
baseY = (TILE * mapHeight) / 2;
console("Couldn't find base location for " & getPlayerName(me));
@ -1287,9 +1291,12 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") checkPowerGen");
//Make sure we have all vital base structures (factory, power getm etc)
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
if((buildGr.members >= minTrucks) or (state == stDefending)) //don't send if low on trucks
@ -1297,7 +1304,8 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//if(not alert)
@ -1574,7 +1582,7 @@ function void finishStructures()
//Build it
if(structure2 != NULLOBJECT)
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y, 1);
@ -3231,7 +3239,7 @@ event buildNormalOilDefenses(inactive)
/* build the normal way */
dbg("building oil defense the normal way at " & (structure.x / 128) & " - " & (structure.y / 128), me);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -3262,7 +3270,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
best = none;
while(count < numDef)
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count]); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count], TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result = result + result2;
count = count + 1;
@ -3465,7 +3473,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
droid = droid3;
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y);
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y, 1);
@ -3787,10 +3795,14 @@ function bool isBaseStruct(STRUCTURE _checkStruct)
function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkOil()");
//How many trucks already working on derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
//dbg(" " & me & ") right now building " & result & " oil resoirces");
@ -3798,18 +3810,18 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
if(retFeature != NULLOBJECT)
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT)
//dbg(" " & me & ") found unoccupied oil resource");
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, retFeature.x, retFeature.y); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, 1); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
@ -3819,23 +3831,25 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
//Build ArgStrStat0 (passes STRUCTURESTAT) somewhere
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY)
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks)
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref _buildX, ref _buildY, me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY); //can re-use all arguments
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY, _maxTrucks); //can re-use all arguments
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
temp3 = _lookx; //will be re-assigned
temp4 = _looky;
retFeature = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
_oil = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
temp = 99999;
@ -3861,7 +3875,7 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
if(temp2 < temp)
temp = temp2;
retFeature = tempFeature; //Remember and return it
_oil = tempFeature; //Remember it
@ -3870,6 +3884,8 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
tempFeature = getFeature(me);
return _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") End findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
@ -3913,27 +3929,33 @@ function void buildTrucks()
function void checkPowerGen()
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkPowerGen()");
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
if(not structureLimitReached(powGen, me))
result = getNumStructures(derrick, me);
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick); //"Think ahead"
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick, FALSE); //"Think ahead"
result2 = getNumStructures(powGen,me);
if((result2 * 4) < result) //not enough pow gens
result3 = numStatMoveBusy(powGen); //How many builds trucks are on the way to build
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2) - result3; //How many power gens are *really* missing (missing - pending)
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2); //How many power gens are missing
//dbg(" " & me & ") num gens to build: " & count);
while(count > 0)
buildInBase(powGen); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = count - 1;
_bStartedBuilding = buildInBase(powGen, 1); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = -1; //break loop
@ -3956,7 +3978,7 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y)) //No one upgrading
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
structure = enumStruct();
@ -3973,11 +3995,11 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 2);
@ -4000,11 +4022,11 @@ function void upgradeVtolFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4029,11 +4051,11 @@ function void upgradeResFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(resMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(resMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4236,24 +4258,31 @@ function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType)
//For how many structures of given type there's a pending
//build (truck is on the way to build or already building)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding)
_temp = 0;
local int _numStatBusy;
local DROID _bTruck;
_numStatBusy = 0;
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(_bTruck != NULLOBJECT)
if(tempDroid.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(_bTruck.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(tempDroid.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
if(not (_bExcludeAlreadyBuilding and _bTruck.action == DACTION_BUILD))
_temp = _temp + 1;
if(_bTruck.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
return _numStatBusy;
@ -4302,42 +4331,59 @@ function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck)
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild)
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks)
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildInBase()");
temp = 6 * 128;
temp2 = baseX + (random(temp) - (temp/2)); //Randomize a bit
temp3 = baseY + (random(temp) - (temp/2));
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me);
if(pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
_bStartedBuilding = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3, _maxTrucks); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildInBase()");
return _bStartedBuilding;
//Build a structure with the closest truck
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
local int _numTrucks;
local bool _bHaveMoreTrucks;
local DROID _truck;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildUsingClosestTruck()");
tempDroid = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_numTrucks = 0;
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
while((_numTrucks < _maxTrucks) and _bHaveMoreTrucks)
orderDroidStatsLoc(tempDroid, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
_bHaveMoreTrucks = FALSE;
_truck = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(_truck != NULLOBJECT)
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
orderDroidStatsLoc(_truck, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
return (_numTrucks > 0);
@ -4379,11 +4425,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getStructure(HQ, me) == NULLOBJECT) //not built and no one's on the way to build
//Check if someone's already on the way to build HQ
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ);
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(HQ, 1);
@ -4397,11 +4443,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getNumStructures(vtolfac, me) < min(1, getStructureLimit(vtolfac, me))) //don't try to build more than allowed
//Check if someone's already on the way to build VTOL fac
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac);
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(vtolfac, 2);
@ -4429,7 +4475,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY, 2); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4467,7 +4513,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4495,7 +4541,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -5351,7 +5397,7 @@ function int numBuildingDefenses()
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp]); //How many going to build it
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp], TRUE); //How many going to build it
temp2 = temp2 + temp3;
@ -5654,7 +5700,7 @@ function void buildDefenses()
//don't allow to build outside of the range
if(distBetweenTwoPoints(buildX, buildY, x, y) < range) //coords corrected with pickStructLocation() not too far away from orig
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY);
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY, 1);
@ -5781,7 +5827,7 @@ event objectAttacked(inactive)
dbg("building AA defense, since don't see attacker's base", me);
/* build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -9944,7 +9990,7 @@ function void buildAA()
/* it worked, build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -11072,3 +11118,68 @@ function void toggleDebugMenu()
/* Returns true if AI has all vital structures */
function bool haveMinimalStructures()
local int _index;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function void checkMinimalStructures()
local int _index,_maxTrucks;
local bool _bStartedBuild;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
local FEATURE _oil;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
//see how many trucks are allowed to build thi structure
_maxTrucks = maxVitalBuilders[_index];
if(_maxTrucks == -1){
_maxTrucks = buildGr.members; //use all trucks
//if it's a derrick
if(minimalStruct[_index] == derrick)
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1);
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT){
dbg("Building minimal base - oil", me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, _maxTrucks); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
_bStartedBuild = buildInBase(minimalStruct[_index], _maxTrucks);
dbg("Building minimal base " & _index, me);

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
script "player5.slo"
player INT 5
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
player INT 5
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Structures for the first phase: LEGO
numLego INT 3
@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ run
/* Research */
numBranches INT 2
techTanks INT 0
techAir INT 1
numBranches INT 2
numRes[0] INT 41
techTanks INT 0
techAir INT 1
numRes[0] INT 41
research[0][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[0][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[0][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[0][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[0][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Sys-MobileRepairTurret01" //repair turret
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ run
research[0][22] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[0][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[0][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[0][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[0][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ run
research[0][30] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-HPVcannon" //HPV HP
research[0][31] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-AASite-QuadRotMg" //Whirlwind site
research[0][32] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body10" //veng
research[0][33] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Laser02" //pulse
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ run
research[0][39] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-Rail3" //Gauss HP
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
/* VTOL Stuff */
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ run
research[1][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[1][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[1][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[1][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[1][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-ROF03"
research[1][5] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-Research-Module" //res mod
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ run
research[1][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[1][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[1][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[1][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[1][27] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -196,14 +196,37 @@ run
baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
baseStructs[8] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Minimal (vital) structures
numVitalStructs INT 6
minimalStruct[0] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
minimalStruct[1] STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
minimalStruct[2] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
minimalStruct[3] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
minimalStruct[4] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory" //another fac
minimalStruct[5] STRUCTURESTAT "A0CommandCentre"
//Number of vital structures required
numMinimalStruct[0] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[1] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[2] INT 4
numMinimalStruct[3] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[4] INT 2
numMinimalStruct[5] INT 1
//Number of max trucks allowed to build a specific structure type
maxVitalBuilders[0] INT -1
maxVitalBuilders[1] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[2] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[3] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[4] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[5] INT 1
numAA INT 5
//baseStructs[6] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-Cannon"
//baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-MassDriver"

View File

@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
public int player,numLego,numTemplates,numBaseStructs,numDef,numRes[2],
public TEMPLATE truck,tmpl[2][40],tmplOK[8],tmplBB,tmplRep[5],vtoltmpl[2][5];
public STRUCTURESTAT fac,derrick,powGen,vtolfac,resFac,powMod,facMod,resMod,legoSt[4],
public STRUCTURESTAT ArgStrStat0; //is private
public FEATURESTAT oilRes,ArgFeatStat0;
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ public WEAPON weaponBB;
// private vars
private float testFloat;
private float testFloat;
private int count,count2,count3,count4,result,result2,result3,result4,ArgInt0,ArgInt1,ArgInt2,
private int temp,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6,enemyScoutStep,enemyScoutX,enemyScoutY,
@ -191,18 +193,18 @@ function void startEnemyScout();
function void getNextScoutCoord(int _lastX, int _lastY);
function void closerTruck();
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function DROID closestIdleTruck(int _x, int _y);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function STRUCTURE findBestEnemyDerrick(int _targetPlayer, int _numAttackers);
function int posWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y, int _range);
function int oilWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y);
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck); //On the way
function int numTrucksBuilding(); //Number of trucks currently building something
function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType); //Num of certain structures busy
@ -411,6 +413,8 @@ function void vsetState(int _newState);
function void toggleDebugMenu();
function void shutDown();
function void oneTimeInitialize();
function bool haveMinimalStructures();
function void checkMinimalStructures();
/*%? Help1 = "Always turn on 'multiplayer mode' is you are going to use Aivolution
in multiplayer mode (more than 1 human player), otherwise you might get asyncs. \nBy turning on this option
@ -466,7 +470,7 @@ event powerup(CALL_GAMEINIT)
bResult = FALSE;
//do common one-time initialization only if this player is loaded
@ -577,24 +581,24 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
setPlayerName(me, myName);
unassignedDroids(defendGr, buildGr); //assign all dorids to an approriate group
storeBase(); //remember base location
loadPlayerAIExperience(me, TRUE);
bigMap = FALSE;
if((mapWidth * mapHeight) > 14400)
bigMap = TRUE;
/* Initialize ghost structures data */
maxGhosts = 120;
count = 0;
@ -606,7 +610,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ghostDead[count] = TRUE;
count = count +1 ;
maxBaseEnemies = 22;
@ -672,7 +676,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
bNotifiedReadyAttack = FALSE;
maxTransporters = 9;
count = 0;
@ -828,8 +832,8 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
phSync = 12; //Synchronizing with allies
phSendDrop = 13;
phTransportDone = 14; //signal for drop phase that transport phase is done successfully
stNone = 0;
stAttacking = 1;
stDefending = 2;
@ -839,7 +843,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
stCollecting = 6;
stDrop = 7;
stTransporting = 8;
threatRange = (10 * 128);
maxBuildOilTrucks = 5; //How many trucks are allowed to be building derricks at a time
@ -854,9 +858,9 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
initialDefensesFinished = FALSE; //if finished building anti-rush defenses
bFirstTimeDefenders = TRUE;
tech = none;
lsNone = 0;
lsRecharging = 1;
lsReady = 2; //recharged
@ -873,7 +877,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
tLasSatCountdown = off; //used for misc stuff
tLasSatReplyMax = 6;
tLasSatWaitAlliesMax = 45; //wait max x secs for allies' lasSat to fully recharge
//initialize enemy and ally information
count = 0;
while(count < 8) //multiPlayerMaxPlayers)
@ -947,7 +951,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
count = count + 1;
base[me][0] = baseX;
base[me][1] = baseY;
@ -971,13 +975,13 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ArgDesc="30" */
defendCorridor = (5 * 128); //range which defenders can stay in (baseRange)
minAttackers = 10;
maxAttackers = 300; //(unitLimit - maxTrucks - numDefenders) * 3 / 4;
numAttackers = 12 + random(15) + minAttackers; //random(8) + minAttackers;
minSendUnits = 18 + random(8);
//drop stuff
maxDroppers = 40;
if(random(2) == 0)
@ -988,16 +992,16 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
minDroppers = 10; //1 transporter
maxAllyDroppers = 3 + random(2); //no more than x players
//Bunker Buster
minBB = 1;
maxBB = 8;
numBB = maxBB;
haveBB = FALSE;
attackedCount = 0; // how many times was attacked
//adapt for big maps
@ -1106,8 +1110,8 @@ function void storeBase()
local DROID _truck;
local bool _bHaveBaseStructs;
local int _index,_baseX,_baseY,_numBaseStructs;
_bHaveBaseStructs = FALSE;
//Go through all structures
@ -1123,13 +1127,13 @@ function void storeBase()
_baseX = _baseX + _structure.x / TILE;
_baseY = _baseY + _structure.y / TILE;
_structure = enumStruct();
if(_numBaseStructs > 0)
baseX = (_baseX / _numBaseStructs) * TILE;
@ -1146,7 +1150,7 @@ function void storeBase()
baseX = (TILE * mapWidth) / 2;
baseY = (TILE * mapHeight) / 2;
console("Couldn't find base location for " & getPlayerName(me));
@ -1287,9 +1291,12 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") checkPowerGen");
//Make sure we have all vital base structures (factory, power getm etc)
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
if((buildGr.members >= minTrucks) or (state == stDefending)) //don't send if low on trucks
@ -1297,7 +1304,8 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//if(not alert)
@ -1574,7 +1582,7 @@ function void finishStructures()
//Build it
if(structure2 != NULLOBJECT)
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y, 1);
@ -3231,7 +3239,7 @@ event buildNormalOilDefenses(inactive)
/* build the normal way */
dbg("building oil defense the normal way at " & (structure.x / 128) & " - " & (structure.y / 128), me);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -3262,7 +3270,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
best = none;
while(count < numDef)
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count]); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count], TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result = result + result2;
count = count + 1;
@ -3465,7 +3473,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
droid = droid3;
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y);
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y, 1);
@ -3787,10 +3795,14 @@ function bool isBaseStruct(STRUCTURE _checkStruct)
function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkOil()");
//How many trucks already working on derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
//dbg(" " & me & ") right now building " & result & " oil resoirces");
@ -3798,18 +3810,18 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
if(retFeature != NULLOBJECT)
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT)
//dbg(" " & me & ") found unoccupied oil resource");
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, retFeature.x, retFeature.y); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, 1); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
@ -3819,23 +3831,25 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
//Build ArgStrStat0 (passes STRUCTURESTAT) somewhere
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY)
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks)
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref _buildX, ref _buildY, me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY); //can re-use all arguments
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY, _maxTrucks); //can re-use all arguments
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
temp3 = _lookx; //will be re-assigned
temp4 = _looky;
retFeature = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
_oil = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
temp = 99999;
@ -3861,7 +3875,7 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
if(temp2 < temp)
temp = temp2;
retFeature = tempFeature; //Remember and return it
_oil = tempFeature; //Remember it
@ -3870,6 +3884,8 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
tempFeature = getFeature(me);
return _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") End findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
@ -3913,27 +3929,33 @@ function void buildTrucks()
function void checkPowerGen()
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkPowerGen()");
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
if(not structureLimitReached(powGen, me))
result = getNumStructures(derrick, me);
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick); //"Think ahead"
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick, FALSE); //"Think ahead"
result2 = getNumStructures(powGen,me);
if((result2 * 4) < result) //not enough pow gens
result3 = numStatMoveBusy(powGen); //How many builds trucks are on the way to build
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2) - result3; //How many power gens are *really* missing (missing - pending)
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2); //How many power gens are missing
//dbg(" " & me & ") num gens to build: " & count);
while(count > 0)
buildInBase(powGen); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = count - 1;
_bStartedBuilding = buildInBase(powGen, 1); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = -1; //break loop
@ -3956,7 +3978,7 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y)) //No one upgrading
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
structure = enumStruct();
@ -3973,11 +3995,11 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 2);
@ -4000,11 +4022,11 @@ function void upgradeVtolFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4029,11 +4051,11 @@ function void upgradeResFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(resMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(resMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4236,24 +4258,31 @@ function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType)
//For how many structures of given type there's a pending
//build (truck is on the way to build or already building)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding)
_temp = 0;
local int _numStatBusy;
local DROID _bTruck;
_numStatBusy = 0;
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(_bTruck != NULLOBJECT)
if(tempDroid.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(_bTruck.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(tempDroid.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
if(not (_bExcludeAlreadyBuilding and _bTruck.action == DACTION_BUILD))
_temp = _temp + 1;
if(_bTruck.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
return _numStatBusy;
@ -4302,42 +4331,59 @@ function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck)
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild)
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks)
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildInBase()");
temp = 6 * 128;
temp2 = baseX + (random(temp) - (temp/2)); //Randomize a bit
temp3 = baseY + (random(temp) - (temp/2));
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me);
if(pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
_bStartedBuilding = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3, _maxTrucks); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildInBase()");
return _bStartedBuilding;
//Build a structure with the closest truck
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
local int _numTrucks;
local bool _bHaveMoreTrucks;
local DROID _truck;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildUsingClosestTruck()");
tempDroid = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_numTrucks = 0;
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
while((_numTrucks < _maxTrucks) and _bHaveMoreTrucks)
orderDroidStatsLoc(tempDroid, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
_bHaveMoreTrucks = FALSE;
_truck = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(_truck != NULLOBJECT)
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
orderDroidStatsLoc(_truck, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
return (_numTrucks > 0);
@ -4379,11 +4425,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getStructure(HQ, me) == NULLOBJECT) //not built and no one's on the way to build
//Check if someone's already on the way to build HQ
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ);
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(HQ, 1);
@ -4397,11 +4443,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getNumStructures(vtolfac, me) < min(1, getStructureLimit(vtolfac, me))) //don't try to build more than allowed
//Check if someone's already on the way to build VTOL fac
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac);
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(vtolfac, 2);
@ -4429,7 +4475,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY, 2); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4467,7 +4513,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4495,7 +4541,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -5351,7 +5397,7 @@ function int numBuildingDefenses()
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp]); //How many going to build it
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp], TRUE); //How many going to build it
temp2 = temp2 + temp3;
@ -5654,7 +5700,7 @@ function void buildDefenses()
//don't allow to build outside of the range
if(distBetweenTwoPoints(buildX, buildY, x, y) < range) //coords corrected with pickStructLocation() not too far away from orig
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY);
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY, 1);
@ -5781,7 +5827,7 @@ event objectAttacked(inactive)
dbg("building AA defense, since don't see attacker's base", me);
/* build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -9944,7 +9990,7 @@ function void buildAA()
/* it worked, build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -11072,3 +11118,68 @@ function void toggleDebugMenu()
/* Returns true if AI has all vital structures */
function bool haveMinimalStructures()
local int _index;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function void checkMinimalStructures()
local int _index,_maxTrucks;
local bool _bStartedBuild;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
local FEATURE _oil;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
//see how many trucks are allowed to build thi structure
_maxTrucks = maxVitalBuilders[_index];
if(_maxTrucks == -1){
_maxTrucks = buildGr.members; //use all trucks
//if it's a derrick
if(minimalStruct[_index] == derrick)
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1);
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT){
dbg("Building minimal base - oil", me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, _maxTrucks); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
_bStartedBuild = buildInBase(minimalStruct[_index], _maxTrucks);
dbg("Building minimal base " & _index, me);

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
script "player6.slo"
player INT 6
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
player INT 6
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Structures for the first phase: LEGO
numLego INT 3
@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ run
/* Research */
numBranches INT 2
techTanks INT 0
techAir INT 1
numBranches INT 2
numRes[0] INT 41
techTanks INT 0
techAir INT 1
numRes[0] INT 41
research[0][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[0][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[0][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[0][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[0][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Sys-MobileRepairTurret01" //repair turret
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ run
research[0][22] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[0][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[0][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[0][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[0][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ run
research[0][30] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-HPVcannon" //HPV HP
research[0][31] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-AASite-QuadRotMg" //Whirlwind site
research[0][32] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body10" //veng
research[0][33] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Laser02" //pulse
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ run
research[0][39] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-Rail3" //Gauss HP
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
/* VTOL Stuff */
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ run
research[1][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[1][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[1][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[1][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[1][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-ROF03"
research[1][5] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-Research-Module" //res mod
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ run
research[1][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[1][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[1][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[1][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[1][27] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -196,14 +196,37 @@ run
baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
baseStructs[8] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Minimal (vital) structures
numVitalStructs INT 6
minimalStruct[0] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
minimalStruct[1] STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
minimalStruct[2] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
minimalStruct[3] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
minimalStruct[4] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory" //another fac
minimalStruct[5] STRUCTURESTAT "A0CommandCentre"
//Number of vital structures required
numMinimalStruct[0] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[1] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[2] INT 4
numMinimalStruct[3] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[4] INT 2
numMinimalStruct[5] INT 1
//Number of max trucks allowed to build a specific structure type
maxVitalBuilders[0] INT -1
maxVitalBuilders[1] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[2] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[3] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[4] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[5] INT 1
numAA INT 5
//baseStructs[6] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-Cannon"
//baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-MassDriver"

View File

@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
public int player,numLego,numTemplates,numBaseStructs,numDef,numRes[2],
public TEMPLATE truck,tmpl[2][40],tmplOK[8],tmplBB,tmplRep[5],vtoltmpl[2][5];
public STRUCTURESTAT fac,derrick,powGen,vtolfac,resFac,powMod,facMod,resMod,legoSt[4],
public STRUCTURESTAT ArgStrStat0; //is private
public FEATURESTAT oilRes,ArgFeatStat0;
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ public WEAPON weaponBB;
// private vars
private float testFloat;
private float testFloat;
private int count,count2,count3,count4,result,result2,result3,result4,ArgInt0,ArgInt1,ArgInt2,
private int temp,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6,enemyScoutStep,enemyScoutX,enemyScoutY,
@ -191,18 +193,18 @@ function void startEnemyScout();
function void getNextScoutCoord(int _lastX, int _lastY);
function void closerTruck();
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks);
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function DROID closestIdleTruck(int _x, int _y);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY);
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks);
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange);
function STRUCTURE findBestEnemyDerrick(int _targetPlayer, int _numAttackers);
function int posWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y, int _range);
function int oilWeight(int _owner, int _x, int _y);
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding); //On the way or already a certain building type
function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck); //On the way
function int numTrucksBuilding(); //Number of trucks currently building something
function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType); //Num of certain structures busy
@ -411,6 +413,8 @@ function void vsetState(int _newState);
function void toggleDebugMenu();
function void shutDown();
function void oneTimeInitialize();
function bool haveMinimalStructures();
function void checkMinimalStructures();
/*%? Help1 = "Always turn on 'multiplayer mode' is you are going to use Aivolution
in multiplayer mode (more than 1 human player), otherwise you might get asyncs. \nBy turning on this option
@ -466,7 +470,7 @@ event powerup(CALL_GAMEINIT)
bResult = FALSE;
//do common one-time initialization only if this player is loaded
@ -577,24 +581,24 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
setPlayerName(me, myName);
unassignedDroids(defendGr, buildGr); //assign all dorids to an approriate group
storeBase(); //remember base location
loadPlayerAIExperience(me, TRUE);
bigMap = FALSE;
if((mapWidth * mapHeight) > 14400)
bigMap = TRUE;
/* Initialize ghost structures data */
maxGhosts = 120;
count = 0;
@ -606,7 +610,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ghostDead[count] = TRUE;
count = count +1 ;
maxBaseEnemies = 22;
@ -672,7 +676,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
bNotifiedReadyAttack = FALSE;
maxTransporters = 9;
count = 0;
@ -828,8 +832,8 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
phSync = 12; //Synchronizing with allies
phSendDrop = 13;
phTransportDone = 14; //signal for drop phase that transport phase is done successfully
stNone = 0;
stAttacking = 1;
stDefending = 2;
@ -839,7 +843,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
stCollecting = 6;
stDrop = 7;
stTransporting = 8;
threatRange = (10 * 128);
maxBuildOilTrucks = 5; //How many trucks are allowed to be building derricks at a time
@ -854,9 +858,9 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
initialDefensesFinished = FALSE; //if finished building anti-rush defenses
bFirstTimeDefenders = TRUE;
tech = none;
lsNone = 0;
lsRecharging = 1;
lsReady = 2; //recharged
@ -873,7 +877,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
tLasSatCountdown = off; //used for misc stuff
tLasSatReplyMax = 6;
tLasSatWaitAlliesMax = 45; //wait max x secs for allies' lasSat to fully recharge
//initialize enemy and ally information
count = 0;
while(count < 8) //multiPlayerMaxPlayers)
@ -947,7 +951,7 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
count = count + 1;
base[me][0] = baseX;
base[me][1] = baseY;
@ -971,13 +975,13 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
ArgDesc="30" */
defendCorridor = (5 * 128); //range which defenders can stay in (baseRange)
minAttackers = 10;
maxAttackers = 300; //(unitLimit - maxTrucks - numDefenders) * 3 / 4;
numAttackers = 12 + random(15) + minAttackers; //random(8) + minAttackers;
minSendUnits = 18 + random(8);
//drop stuff
maxDroppers = 40;
if(random(2) == 0)
@ -988,16 +992,16 @@ function void oneTimeInitialize()
minDroppers = 10; //1 transporter
maxAllyDroppers = 3 + random(2); //no more than x players
//Bunker Buster
minBB = 1;
maxBB = 8;
numBB = maxBB;
haveBB = FALSE;
attackedCount = 0; // how many times was attacked
//adapt for big maps
@ -1106,8 +1110,8 @@ function void storeBase()
local DROID _truck;
local bool _bHaveBaseStructs;
local int _index,_baseX,_baseY,_numBaseStructs;
_bHaveBaseStructs = FALSE;
//Go through all structures
@ -1123,13 +1127,13 @@ function void storeBase()
_baseX = _baseX + _structure.x / TILE;
_baseY = _baseY + _structure.y / TILE;
_structure = enumStruct();
if(_numBaseStructs > 0)
baseX = (_baseX / _numBaseStructs) * TILE;
@ -1146,7 +1150,7 @@ function void storeBase()
baseX = (TILE * mapWidth) / 2;
baseY = (TILE * mapHeight) / 2;
console("Couldn't find base location for " & getPlayerName(me));
@ -1287,9 +1291,12 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") checkPowerGen");
//Make sure we have all vital base structures (factory, power getm etc)
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
//dbg(" " & me & ") repair");
if((buildGr.members >= minTrucks) or (state == stDefending)) //don't send if low on trucks
@ -1297,7 +1304,8 @@ function void doEconomy()
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//dbg(" " & me & ") upgradeFacPow");
//if(not alert)
@ -1574,7 +1582,7 @@ function void finishStructures()
//Build it
if(structure2 != NULLOBJECT)
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(structure2.stat, structure2.x, structure2.y, 1);
@ -3231,7 +3239,7 @@ event buildNormalOilDefenses(inactive)
/* build the normal way */
dbg("building oil defense the normal way at " & (structure.x / 128) & " - " & (structure.y / 128), me);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(def[best], structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -3262,7 +3270,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
best = none;
while(count < numDef)
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count]); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result2 = numStatBusy(def[count], TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with defenses
result = result + result2;
count = count + 1;
@ -3465,7 +3473,7 @@ event defendOil(inactive)
droid = droid3;
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y);
buildOnMap(def[best], x, y, 1);
@ -3787,10 +3795,14 @@ function bool isBaseStruct(STRUCTURE _checkStruct)
function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkOil()");
//How many trucks already working on derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
result = numStatBusy(derrick, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with derricks
//dbg(" " & me & ") right now building " & result & " oil resoirces");
@ -3798,18 +3810,18 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, baseRange); //Look near the base
findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1); //Normal way
if(retFeature != NULLOBJECT)
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT)
//dbg(" " & me & ") found unoccupied oil resource");
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, retFeature.x, retFeature.y); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, 1); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
@ -3819,23 +3831,25 @@ function void checkOil(bool _bInBaseOnly)
//Build ArgStrStat0 (passes STRUCTURESTAT) somewhere
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY)
function void buildOnMap(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks)
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref _buildX, ref _buildY, me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY); //can re-use all arguments
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY, _maxTrucks); //can re-use all arguments
function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
function FEATURE findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
local FEATURE _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
temp3 = _lookx; //will be re-assigned
temp4 = _looky;
retFeature = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
_oil = NULLOBJECT; //Not found right now
temp = 99999;
@ -3861,7 +3875,7 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
if(temp2 < temp)
temp = temp2;
retFeature = tempFeature; //Remember and return it
_oil = tempFeature; //Remember it
@ -3870,6 +3884,8 @@ function void findClosestOilToBuildOn(int _lookx, int _looky, int _maxRange)
tempFeature = getFeature(me);
return _oil;
//dbg(" " & me & ") End findClosestOilToBuildOn()");
@ -3913,27 +3929,33 @@ function void buildTrucks()
function void checkPowerGen()
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing checkPowerGen()");
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
if(not structureLimitReached(powGen, me))
result = getNumStructures(derrick, me);
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick); //"Think ahead"
result = result + numStatBusy(derrick, FALSE); //"Think ahead"
result2 = getNumStructures(powGen,me);
if((result2 * 4) < result) //not enough pow gens
result3 = numStatMoveBusy(powGen); //How many builds trucks are on the way to build
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2) - result3; //How many power gens are *really* missing (missing - pending)
count = (((result+3)/4) - result2); //How many power gens are missing
//dbg(" " & me & ") num gens to build: " & count);
while(count > 0)
buildInBase(powGen); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = count - 1;
_bStartedBuilding = buildInBase(powGen, 1); //Build power gen in the base (can re-use argument ArgStrStat0)
count = -1; //break loop
@ -3956,7 +3978,7 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y)) //No one upgrading
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(powMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
structure = enumStruct();
@ -3973,11 +3995,11 @@ function void upgradeFacPow()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with facMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 2);
@ -4000,11 +4022,11 @@ function void upgradeVtolFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(facMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(facMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(facMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4029,11 +4051,11 @@ function void upgradeResFac()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, structure.x, structure.y))
result = numStatBusy(resMod); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
result = numStatBusy(resMod, TRUE); //How many trucks are busy with resMod
if(result <= 1) //Max 2 at a time
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y);
buildOnMap(resMod, structure.x, structure.y, 1);
@ -4236,24 +4258,31 @@ function int numBusyByType(STRUCTURESTAT _busyStructType)
//For how many structures of given type there's a pending
//build (truck is on the way to build or already building)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck)
function int numStatBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structureToCheck, bool _bExcludeAlreadyBuilding)
_temp = 0;
local int _numStatBusy;
local DROID _bTruck;
_numStatBusy = 0;
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
while(_bTruck != NULLOBJECT)
if(tempDroid.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(_bTruck.order == DORDER_BUILD)
if(tempDroid.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
if(not (_bExcludeAlreadyBuilding and _bTruck.action == DACTION_BUILD))
_temp = _temp + 1;
if(_bTruck.stat == _structureToCheck) //going to build it
tempDroid = iterateGroup(buildGr);
_bTruck = iterateGroup(buildGr);
return _numStatBusy;
@ -4302,42 +4331,59 @@ function int numStatMoveBusy(STRUCTURESTAT _structStatToCheck)
function void buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild)
function bool buildInBase(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _maxTrucks)
local bool _bStartedBuilding;
_bStartedBuilding = FALSE;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildInBase()");
temp = 6 * 128;
temp2 = baseX + (random(temp) - (temp/2)); //Randomize a bit
temp3 = baseY + (random(temp) - (temp/2));
bTempResult = pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me);
if(pickStructLocation(_statToBuild, ref temp2, ref temp3, me))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
_bStartedBuilding = buildUsingClosestTruck(_statToBuild, temp2, temp3, _maxTrucks); //can re-use ArgStrStat0
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildInBase()");
return _bStartedBuilding;
//Build a structure with the closest truck
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
function bool buildUsingClosestTruck(STRUCTURESTAT _statToBuild, int _buildX, int _buildY, int _maxTrucks) //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
local int _numTrucks;
local bool _bHaveMoreTrucks;
local DROID _truck;
//dbg(" " & me & ") Executing buildUsingClosestTruck()");
tempDroid = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(tempDroid != NULLOBJECT)
_numTrucks = 0;
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
while((_numTrucks < _maxTrucks) and _bHaveMoreTrucks)
orderDroidStatsLoc(tempDroid, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
_bHaveMoreTrucks = FALSE;
_truck = closestIdleTruck(_buildX, _buildY);
if(_truck != NULLOBJECT)
_bHaveMoreTrucks = TRUE;
orderDroidStatsLoc(_truck, DORDER_BUILD, _statToBuild, _buildX, _buildY);
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
//dbg(" " & me & ") End buildUsingClosestTruck()");
return (_numTrucks > 0);
@ -4379,11 +4425,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getStructure(HQ, me) == NULLOBJECT) //not built and no one's on the way to build
//Check if someone's already on the way to build HQ
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ);
result3 = numStatBusy(HQ, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(HQ, 1);
@ -4397,11 +4443,11 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(getNumStructures(vtolfac, me) < min(1, getStructureLimit(vtolfac, me))) //don't try to build more than allowed
//Check if someone's already on the way to build VTOL fac
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac);
result3 = numStatBusy(vtolfac, TRUE);
if(result3 == 0) //no one's on the way to build
bDummy = buildInBase(vtolfac, 2);
@ -4429,7 +4475,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bResult = buildUsingClosestTruck(fac, _buildX, _buildY, 2); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4467,7 +4513,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(resFac, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -4495,7 +4541,7 @@ function void buildBaseStructs()
if(not buildingSiteBlocked(NULLOBJECT, 128, _buildX, _buildY))
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(uplink, _buildX, _buildY, 1); //Building coords and STRUCTURESTAT are passed
@ -5351,7 +5397,7 @@ function int numBuildingDefenses()
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp]); //How many going to build it
temp3 = numStatBusy(def[temp], TRUE); //How many going to build it
temp2 = temp2 + temp3;
@ -5654,7 +5700,7 @@ function void buildDefenses()
//don't allow to build outside of the range
if(distBetweenTwoPoints(buildX, buildY, x, y) < range) //coords corrected with pickStructLocation() not too far away from orig
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY);
_buildStarted = buildUsingClosestTruck(def[best], buildX, buildY, 1);
@ -5781,7 +5827,7 @@ event objectAttacked(inactive)
dbg("building AA defense, since don't see attacker's base", me);
/* build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -9944,7 +9990,7 @@ function void buildAA()
/* it worked, build AA */
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY);
buildOnMap(AA[best], buildX, buildY, 2);
@ -11072,3 +11118,68 @@ function void toggleDebugMenu()
/* Returns true if AI has all vital structures */
function bool haveMinimalStructures()
local int _index;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function void checkMinimalStructures()
local int _index,_maxTrucks;
local bool _bStartedBuild;
local STRUCTURE _structure;
local FEATURE _oil;
_index = 0;
while(_index < numVitalStructs)
if( (getNumStructures(minimalStruct[_index], me) + numStatBusy(minimalStruct[_index], FALSE))
< numMinimalStruct[_index] )
//see how many trucks are allowed to build thi structure
_maxTrucks = maxVitalBuilders[_index];
if(_maxTrucks == -1){
_maxTrucks = buildGr.members; //use all trucks
//if it's a derrick
if(minimalStruct[_index] == derrick)
_oil = findClosestOilToBuildOn(baseX, baseY, -1);
if(_oil != NULLOBJECT){
dbg("Building minimal base - oil", me);
bDummy = buildUsingClosestTruck(derrick, _oil.x, _oil.y, _maxTrucks); //Can skip "buildOnMap" for oil
_bStartedBuild = buildInBase(minimalStruct[_index], _maxTrucks);
dbg("Building minimal base " & _index, me);

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
script "player7.slo"
player INT 7
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
player INT 7
truck TEMPLATE "ConstructorDroid"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
derrick STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
fac STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
vtolfac STRUCTURESTAT "A0VTolFactory1"
resFac STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
powGen STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
oilRes FEATURESTAT "OilResource"
wall STRUCTURESTAT "A0HardcreteMk1Wall"
uplink STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
lasSat STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Structures for the first phase: LEGO
numLego INT 3
@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ run
/* Research */
numBranches INT 2
techTanks INT 0
techAir INT 1
numBranches INT 2
numRes[0] INT 41
techTanks INT 0
techAir INT 1
numRes[0] INT 41
research[0][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[0][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[0][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[0][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[0][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Sys-MobileRepairTurret01" //repair turret
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ run
research[0][22] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[0][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[0][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[0][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[0][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ run
research[0][30] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-HPVcannon" //HPV HP
research[0][31] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-AASite-QuadRotMg" //Whirlwind site
research[0][32] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body10" //veng
research[0][33] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Laser02" //pulse
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ run
research[0][39] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Defense-WallTower-Rail3" //Gauss HP
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
research[0][40] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-LasSat" //includes
/* VTOL Stuff */
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ run
research[1][0] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG3Mk1" //heavy mg
research[1][1] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-Damage03"
research[1][2] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-PowerModuleMk1" //pow mod
research[1][3] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Prop-Tracks" //tracks
research[1][4] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-MG-ROF03"
research[1][5] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Struc-Research-Module" //res mod
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ run
research[1][23] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-ROF06"
research[1][24] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Damage09"
research[1][25] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Cannon-Accuracy02" //HC upgrades
research[1][26] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Vehicle-Body12" //mantis
research[1][27] RESEARCHSTAT "R-Wpn-Rocket07-Tank-Killer" //Tank killer
@ -196,14 +196,37 @@ run
baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "A0Sat-linkCentre"
baseStructs[8] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LasSatCommand"
//Minimal (vital) structures
numVitalStructs INT 6
minimalStruct[0] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory"
minimalStruct[1] STRUCTURESTAT "A0PowerGenerator"
minimalStruct[2] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResourceExtractor"
minimalStruct[3] STRUCTURESTAT "A0ResearchFacility"
minimalStruct[4] STRUCTURESTAT "A0LightFactory" //another fac
minimalStruct[5] STRUCTURESTAT "A0CommandCentre"
//Number of vital structures required
numMinimalStruct[0] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[1] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[2] INT 4
numMinimalStruct[3] INT 1
numMinimalStruct[4] INT 2
numMinimalStruct[5] INT 1
//Number of max trucks allowed to build a specific structure type
maxVitalBuilders[0] INT -1
maxVitalBuilders[1] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[2] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[3] INT 1
maxVitalBuilders[4] INT 2
maxVitalBuilders[5] INT 1
numAA INT 5
//baseStructs[6] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-Cannon"
//baseStructs[7] STRUCTURESTAT "X-Super-MassDriver"