newnet: Enable messages before calling cluster system, since messages are turned off if projectiles destroy a droid using splash damage.

Backtrace identifying the problem thanks to Safety0ff.

Toggling messages randomly is bad, the cluster system is bad... Two bads make a good, right?
Cyp 2010-07-17 10:47:46 +02:00
parent ee1ae86ea7
commit 1ff5fc34c6
1 changed files with 6 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -494,7 +494,13 @@ float objDamage(BASE_OBJECT *psObj, UDWORD damage, UDWORD originalhp, UDWORD wea
if (psObj->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE || psObj->type == OBJ_DROID)
// Force sending messages, even if messages were turned off, since a non-synchronised script will execute here. (Aaargh!)
bool bMultiMessagesBackup = bMultiMessages;
bMultiMessages = bMultiPlayer;
clustObjectAttacked((BASE_OBJECT *)psObj);
bMultiMessages = bMultiMessagesBackup;