Ported ChangeLog updates (balance issues) to the trunk.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/warzone/trunk@3835 4a71c877-e1ca-e34f-864e-861f7616d084
Roman C 2008-02-18 17:20:48 +00:00
parent fc67b175a2
commit 177aa19e9a
1 changed files with 5 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -35,30 +35,11 @@
* Change: No optional dependencies anymore (Ogg now required)
* Change: Use pkg-config (0.9 should work) instead of autoconf scripts for SDL, PNG and Ogg/Vorbis (Faster)
* Balancing (Multiplayer):
* Light Cannon:
* weapon damage raised from 25 to 37
* weapon chance hit increased from 20 to 25
* weapon radius damage increased from 5 to 7
* Heavy Gunner Cyborg:
* weapon damage raised from 30 to 37
* Cyborg Engineer:
* construction component cost decreased from 17 to 10
* construction time for construction component decreased from 85 to 65 (used to be the same as truck's)
* hitpoints of construction component decreased from 50 to 40 (used to be the same as truck's)
* Cyborg Mechanic: (all 3 repair components used to have almost same values, which is now history)
* repair component cost reduced from 50 to 35
* repair component build time decreased from 250 to 100
* Heavy Repair:
* heavy repair component cost increased from 50 to 70
* heavy repair component build time increased from 250 to 300
* EMP Cannon:
* increased reload time from 5 to 8 seconds
* units will now get disabled in the splash radius of 2x2 tiles, with probability of 50%
* Laser Satellite weapon:
* blast radius: increased from 2 tiles to 4.5 tiles
* blast radius damage: increased from 1000 to 2800
* reload time: increased from 5 mins to 8 mins
* chance to hit in the blast radius: reduced from 99% to 90%
* Rock-Paper-Scissors applied to all weapon types by emphasizing their specialization.
* Less popular technologies like LasSat, Flamers, Mini-Pods, Light Cannon are made more attractive by raising their effectivity.
* Cost/Performance ratio improved for Cyborgs.
* Cannons cause more splash damage are now more versatile in their use.
* Lancer and Tracks have more pre-requisites to become available.
2007-12-28: Version 2.0.10
* General: