Initial map to LND format converter from patch #787: LND format exporter, now as a separate

application. It has not been tested with editworld yet. Needs some TLC.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 4a71c877-e1ca-e34f-864e-861f7616d084
Per Inge Mathisen 2009-02-26 22:10:57 +00:00
parent 58546965b7
commit 08e9bd5efa
1 changed files with 167 additions and 0 deletions

tools/map/map2lnd.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
// gcc -o ~/bin/map2lnd map2lnd.c mapload.c -I. -lphysfs
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "mapload.h"
#define GRAVITY 1
#define SEALEVEL 0
#define TILE_HEIGHT 128
#define TILE_WIDTH 128
#define TILE_NUMMASK 0x01ff
#define TILE_XFLIP 0x8000
#define TILE_TRIFLIP 0x0800
#define TRI_FLIPPED(x) ((x)->texture & TILE_TRIFLIP)
static MAPTILE *mapTile(GAMEMAP *map, int x, int y)
return &map->psMapTiles[x * map->width + y];
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char filename[PATH_MAX];
char path[PATH_MAX], *delim;
FILE *fp;
int i, x, y;
if (argc != 2)
printf("Usage: %s <map>\n", argv[0]);
return -1;
strcpy(path, argv[1]);
delim = strrchr(path, '/');
if (delim)
*delim = '\0';
strcpy(filename, delim);
path[1] = '.';
path[1] = '\0';
strcpy(filename, argv[1]);
PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(path, 1);
map = mapLoad(filename);
if (map)
printf("Loaded map: %s\n", filename);
printf("\tMap version: %d\n", (int)map->version);
printf("\tWidth: %d\n", (int)map->width);
printf("\tHeight: %d\n", (int)map->height);
printf("\tGateways: %d\n", (int)map->numGateways);
delim = strrchr(filename, '.');
if (!delim)
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid filename\n");
return -1;
delim[1] = 'l';
delim[2] = 'n';
delim[3] = 'd';
fp = fopen(filename, "w");
if (!fp)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open target: %s", filename);
return -1;
#define MADD(...) fprintf(fp, __VA_ARGS__); fprintf(fp, "\n");
MADD("DataSet %s", filename);
MADD("GrdLand {");
MADD(" 3DPosition %f %f %f", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // FIXME
MADD(" 3DRotation %f %f %f", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // FIXME
MADD(" 2DPosition %d %d", 0, 0); // FIXME
MADD(" CustomSnap %d %d", 0, 0); // FIXME
MADD(" Gravity %d", GRAVITY);
MADD(" HeightScale %d", ELEVATION_SCALE);
MADD(" MapWidth %d", map->width);
MADD(" MapHeight %d", map->height);
MADD(" TileWidth %d", TILE_HEIGHT);
MADD(" TileHeight %d", TILE_WIDTH);
MADD(" SeaLevel %d", SEALEVEL);
MADD(" TextureWidth %d", 64); // Hack for editworld
MADD(" TextureHeight %d", 64);
MADD(" NumTextures %d", 0); // FIXME
MADD(" Textures {");
MADD(" }");
MADD(" NumTiles %d", map->width * map->height);
MADD(" Tiles {");
for (i = 0, x = 0, y = 0; i < map->width * map->height; i++)
MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(map, x, y);
// Example: TID 1 VF 0 TF 0 F 0 VH 128 128 128 128
// TID is texture identification
// VF is triangle (vertex) flip. If value of one, it is flipped.
// TF is tile or texture flip. If value of one, it is flipped in the X direction. Otherwise Y direction.
// F are bitflags, with these values:
// 2 : Triangle flip
// 4 : Texture flip X (yes, duplicate info)
// 8 : Texture flip Y (ditto)
// 16 : Rotate 90 degrees
// 32 : Rotate 180 degrees (yes, a 270 degree is possible)
// VH is vertex height, and gives height of all the four vertices that make up our tile
int tid = psTile->texture & TILE_NUMMASK;
int vf = TRI_FLIPPED(psTile);
int tf = psTile->texture & TILE_XFLIP;
int f = psTile->tileInfoBits;
int vh[4];
// CHECK: Should these be multiplied by ELEVATION_SCALE?
// CHECK: I am simply assuming counter-clockwise orientation here
vh[0] = psTile->height;
if (y + 1 < map->height)
vh[1] = mapTile(map, x, y + 1)->height;
vh[1] = 0;
if (x + 1 < map->width)
vh[3] = mapTile(map, x + 1, y)->height;
vh[3] = 0;
if (x + 1 < map->width && y + 1 < map->height)
vh[2] = mapTile(map, x + 1, y + 1)->height;
vh[2] = 0;
MADD(" \tTID %d VF %d TF %d F %d VH %d %d %d %d",
tid, vf, tf, f, vh[0], vh[1], vh[2], vh[3]);
if (x == map->width)
x = 0; y++;
MADD(" }");
return 0;