* Change variable names to more meaningfull names

* Add explaining comments
 * Remove some pieces of commented out code that only help us stand a better chance at winning the "Obfuscated C" contest
 * Get rid of some copy&pasted code which only has minor differences, and use a more general of the two copies instead
 * Remove armourDamage (held damage dealt to an object's armor) since it wasn't ever used

Cleanup part of patch #745 by Freddie Witherden <EvilGuru>
Plus additional modifications by myself

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/warzone/trunk@1836 4a71c877-e1ca-e34f-864e-861f7616d084
Giel van Schijndel 2007-06-07 17:01:21 +00:00
parent 7ede8f9fa1
commit 0378115e2b
3 changed files with 137 additions and 251 deletions

View File

@ -141,49 +141,53 @@ BOOL droidInit(void)
/* Do damage to a droid.
* Returns TRUE if the droid is destroyed
/* Deals damage to a droid
* \param psDroid droid to deal damage to
* \param damage amount of damage to deal
* \param weaponClass the class of the weapon that deals the damage
* \param weaponSubClass the subclass of the weapon that deals the damage
* \param angle angle of impact (from the damage dealing projectile in relation to this droid)
* \return TRUE when the dealt damage destroys the droid, FALSE when the droid survives
* NOTE: This function will damage but _never_ destroy transports when in single player (campaign) mode
BOOL droidDamage(DROID *psDroid, UDWORD damage, UDWORD weaponClass, UDWORD weaponSubClass, int angle)
UDWORD armourDamage;
BOOL penetrated = FALSE;
UDWORD armour=0;
// Do at least one point of damage
unsigned int actualDamage = 1, armour;
DROID_HIT_SIDE impact_side;
DROID_HIT_SIDE impactSide;
//EMP cannons do not do body damage
if (weaponSubClass == WSC_EMP)
// If the previous hit was by an EMP cannon and this one is not:
// don't reset the weapon class and hit time
// (Giel: I guess we need this to determine when the EMP-"shock" is over)
if (psDroid->lastHitWeapon != WSC_EMP || weaponSubClass == WSC_EMP)
//store the time
psDroid->timeLastHit = gameTime;
psDroid->lastHitWeapon = weaponSubClass;
//quit early
// EMP cannons do no damage, if we are one return now
if (weaponSubClass == WSC_EMP)
return FALSE;
//only overwrite if the last weapon to hit was not an EMP - need the time value for this
if (psDroid->lastHitWeapon != WSC_EMP)
psDroid->timeLastHit = gameTime;
psDroid->lastHitWeapon = weaponSubClass;
if(psDroid->player != selectedPlayer)
if (psDroid->player != selectedPlayer)
// Player inflicting damage on enemy.
damage = (UDWORD) modifyForDifficultyLevel( (SDWORD) damage,TRUE);
} else {
// Enemy inflicting damage on player.
damage = (UDWORD) modifyForDifficultyLevel( (SDWORD) damage,FALSE);
// vtols on the ground take triple damage
// VTOLs on the ground take triple damage
if (vtolDroid(psDroid) &&
psDroid->sMove.Status == MOVEINACTIVE)
@ -191,75 +195,43 @@ BOOL droidDamage(DROID *psDroid, UDWORD damage, UDWORD weaponClass, UDWORD weapo
// reset the attack level
if (secondaryGetState(psDroid, DSO_ATTACK_LEVEL, &state))
if (secondaryGetState(psDroid, DSO_ATTACK_LEVEL, &state)
&& state == DSS_ALEV_ATTACKED)
if (state == DSS_ALEV_ATTACKED)
secondarySetState(psDroid, DSO_ATTACK_LEVEL, DSS_ALEV_ALWAYS);
secondarySetState(psDroid, DSO_ATTACK_LEVEL, DSS_ALEV_ALWAYS);
//Watermelon:use 361 for TOP and 362 for BOTTOM
// Top
if (angle == HIT_ANGLE_TOP)
impact_side = HIT_SIDE_TOP; //4
impactSide = HIT_SIDE_TOP;
// Bottom
else if (angle == HIT_ANGLE_BOTTOM)
impact_side = HIT_SIDE_BOTTOM; //5
impactSide = HIT_SIDE_BOTTOM;
// Right
else if (angle > 45 && angle < 135)
impact_side = HIT_SIDE_RIGHT; //3
impactSide = HIT_SIDE_RIGHT;
// Rear
else if (angle >= 135 && angle <= 225)
impact_side = HIT_SIDE_REAR; //1
impactSide = HIT_SIDE_REAR;
// Left
else if (angle > 225 && angle < 315)
impact_side = HIT_SIDE_LEFT; //2
//FRONT - default
impactSide = HIT_SIDE_LEFT;
// Front - default
else //if (angle <= 45 || angle >= 315)
impact_side = HIT_SIDE_FRONT; //0
impactSide = HIT_SIDE_FRONT;
armour = psDroid->armour[impactSide][weaponClass];
debug( LOG_ATTACK, "unitDamage(%d): body %d armour %d damage: %d\n",
psDroid->id, psDroid->body, psDroid->armour[impact_side][WC_KINETIC], damage);
switch (weaponClass)
if (damage > psDroid->armour[impact_side][WC_KINETIC])
penetrated = TRUE;
armour = psDroid->armour[impact_side][WC_KINETIC];
case WC_HEAT:
//case WC_MISC:
if (damage > psDroid->armour[impact_side][WC_HEAT])
penetrated = TRUE;
armour = psDroid->armour[impact_side][WC_HEAT];
psDroid->id, psDroid->body, armour, damage);
clustObjectAttacked((BASE_OBJECT *)psDroid);
if (penetrated)
// If the shell penetrated the armour work out how much damage it actually did
if (damage > armour)
/* Damage has penetrated - reduce armour and body points */
unsigned int penDamage = damage - armour;
actualDamage = damage - armour;
// Retrieve highest, applicable, experience level
unsigned int level = getDroidLevel(psDroid);
@ -269,112 +241,61 @@ BOOL droidDamage(DROID *psDroid, UDWORD damage, UDWORD weaponClass, UDWORD weapo
// Reduce damage taken by 6% for each experience level
penDamage = (penDamage * (100 - 6 * level)) / 100;
actualDamage = (actualDamage * (100 - 6 * level)) / 100;
debug( LOG_ATTACK, " penetrated: %d\n", penDamage);
if (penDamage >= psDroid->body)
debug( LOG_ATTACK, " penetrated: %d\n", actualDamage);
// If the shell did sufficient damage to destroy the droid, deal with it and return
if (actualDamage >= psDroid->body)
// HACK: Prevent transporters from being destroyed in single player
if (!bMultiPlayer && psDroid->droidType == DROID_TRANSPORTER)
//we don't want this in multiPlayer
if (!bMultiPlayer)
//hack to prevent Transporter's being blown up
if (psDroid->droidType == DROID_TRANSPORTER)
psDroid->body = 1;
return FALSE;
psDroid->body = 1;
return FALSE;
/* Droid destroyed */
if(psDroid->player == selectedPlayer)
CONPRINTF(ConsoleString,(ConsoleString, _("Unit Lost!")));
psDroid->x, psDroid->y, psDroid->z );
if(psDroid->droidType == DROID_PERSON && weaponClass == WC_HEAT)
// Droid destroyed
return TRUE;
// Deal with score increase/decrease and messages to the player
if( psDroid->player == selectedPlayer)
CONPRINTF(ConsoleString,(ConsoleString, _("Unit Lost!")));
psDroid->x, psDroid->y, psDroid->z );
psDroid->body -= penDamage;
/* Damage didn't penetrate - only reduce armour */
armourDamage = (damage / ARMOUR_DAMAGE_FACTOR) + 1;
/* Do one point of damage to body */
debug( LOG_ATTACK, " not penetrated - 1 point damage\n");
if(psDroid->droidType == DROID_PERSON && weaponClass == WC_HEAT)
// If this is droid is a person and was destroyed by flames,
// show it nicely by burning him/her to death.
if (psDroid->droidType == DROID_PERSON && weaponClass == WC_HEAT)
if (psDroid->body == 1)
//we don't want this in multiPlayer
if (!bMultiPlayer)
//hack to prevent Transporter's being blown up
if (psDroid->droidType == DROID_TRANSPORTER)
return FALSE;
if(psDroid->player == selectedPlayer)
CONPRINTF(ConsoleString,(ConsoleString,_("Unit Lost!")));
psDroid->x, psDroid->y, psDroid->z );
return TRUE;
// Otherwise use the default destruction animation
psDroid->body -= 1;
return TRUE;
/* now check for auto return on droid's secondary orders */
// Substract the dealt damage from the droid's remaining body points
psDroid->body -= actualDamage;
// Now check for auto return on droid's secondary orders (i.e. return on medium/heavy damage)
/* now check for scripted run-away based on health */
// Now check for scripted run-away based on health left
//only overwrite if the last weapon to hit was not an EMP - need the time value for this
if (psDroid->lastHitWeapon != WSC_EMP)
psDroid->timeLastHit = gameTime;
psDroid->lastHitWeapon = weaponSubClass;
return FALSE;

View File

@ -258,13 +258,16 @@ void featureStatsShutDown(void)
/* Deal with damage to a feature */
/* Deals with damage to a feature
* \param psFeature feature to deal damage to
* \param damage amount of damage to deal
* \param weaponSubClass the subclass of the weapon that deals the damage
* \return TRUE when the dealt damage destroys the feature, FALSE when the feature survives
BOOL featureDamage(FEATURE *psFeature, UDWORD damage, UDWORD weaponSubClass)
UDWORD penDamage;
/* this is ignored for features */
// Do at least one point of damage
unsigned int actualDamage = 1;
ASSERT( psFeature != NULL,
"featureDamage: Invalid feature pointer" );
@ -272,52 +275,33 @@ BOOL featureDamage(FEATURE *psFeature, UDWORD damage, UDWORD weaponSubClass)
debug( LOG_ATTACK, "featureDamage(%d): body %d armour %d damage: %d\n",
psFeature->id, psFeature->body, psFeature->psStats->armour, damage);
//EMP cannons do not work on Features
if (weaponSubClass == WSC_EMP)
return FALSE;
// EMP cannons do not work on Features
if (weaponSubClass == WSC_EMP)
return FALSE;
if (damage > psFeature->psStats->armour)
/* Damage has penetrated - reduce body points */
penDamage = damage - psFeature->psStats->armour;
debug( LOG_ATTACK, " penetrated: %d\n", penDamage);
if (penDamage >= psFeature->body)
/* feature destroyed */
return TRUE;
psFeature->body -= penDamage;
/* Do one point of damage to body */
debug( LOG_ATTACK, " not penetrated - 1 point damage\n");
if (psFeature->body == 1)
return TRUE;
psFeature->body -= 1;
// Damage has penetrated - reduce body points
actualDamage = damage - psFeature->psStats->armour;
debug( LOG_ATTACK, " penetrated: %d\n", actualDamage);
// if(psFeature->sDisplay.imd->ymax > 300)
// {
psFeature->timeLastHit = gameTime;
// }
// If the shell did sufficient damage to destroy the feature
if (actualDamage >= psFeature->body)
return TRUE;
// Substract the dealt damage from the feature's remaining body points
psFeature->body -= actualDamage;
// Set last hit-time to <now>
psFeature->timeLastHit = gameTime;
return FALSE;

View File

@ -1309,13 +1309,18 @@ BOOL structureStatsShutDown(void)
/* Do damage to a Structure.
* Returns TRUE if the Structure is destroyed
/* Deals damage to a Structure.
* \param psStructure structure to deal damage to
* \param damage amount of damage to deal
* \param weaponClass the class of the weapon that deals the damage
* \param weaponSubClass the subclass of the weapon that deals the damage
* \return TRUE when the dealt damage destroys the structure, FALSE when the structure survives
BOOL structureDamage(STRUCTURE *psStructure, UDWORD damage, UDWORD weaponClass,
UDWORD weaponSubClass)
UDWORD penDamage, armourDamage;
// Do at least one point of damage
unsigned int actualDamage = 1;
ASSERT( psStructure != NULL,
"structureDamage: Invalid Structure pointer" );
@ -1323,7 +1328,7 @@ BOOL structureDamage(STRUCTURE *psStructure, UDWORD damage, UDWORD weaponClass,
debug( LOG_ATTACK, "structureDamage(%d): body %d armour %d damage: %d\n",
psStructure->id, psStructure->body, psStructure->armour, damage);
//EMP cannons do not work on Structures
// EMP cannons do not work on Structures
if (weaponSubClass == WSC_EMP)
return FALSE;
@ -1333,64 +1338,40 @@ BOOL structureDamage(STRUCTURE *psStructure, UDWORD damage, UDWORD weaponClass,
// Player inflicting damage on enemy.
damage = (UDWORD) modifyForDifficultyLevel( (SDWORD) damage,TRUE);
} else {
// Enemy inflicting damage on player.
damage = (UDWORD) modifyForDifficultyLevel( (SDWORD) damage,FALSE);
//store the time it was hit
// Store the time it was hit and by what kind of weapon it was hit with
psStructure->timeLastHit = gameTime;
psStructure->lastHitWeapon = weaponSubClass;
// tell the cluster system it has been attacked
// Tell the cluster system it has been attacked
clustObjectAttacked((BASE_OBJECT *)psStructure);
if (damage > psStructure->armour)
/* Damage has penetrated - reduce armour and body points */
penDamage = damage - psStructure->armour;
debug( LOG_ATTACK, " penetrated: %d\n", penDamage);
if (penDamage >= psStructure->body)
/* structure destroyed */
return destroyStruct(psStructure);
psStructure->body = (UWORD)(psStructure->body - (UWORD)penDamage);
/* Do damage to armour */
armourDamage = (damage / PEN_ARMOUR_DAMAGE_FACTOR) + 1;
// Damage has penetrated the armour
actualDamage = damage - psStructure->armour;
debug( LOG_ATTACK, " penetrated: %d\n", actualDamage);
// If the shell did sufficient damage to destroy the structure
if (actualDamage >= psStructure->body)
/* Damage didn't penetrate - only reduce armour */
armourDamage = (damage / ARMOUR_DAMAGE_FACTOR) + 1;
/* Do one point of damage to body */
debug( LOG_ATTACK, " not penetrated - 1 point damage\n");
if (psStructure->body == 1)
return destroyStruct(psStructure);
psStructure->body -= 1;
return TRUE;
/* Actually reduce the Structure's armour */
// Substract the dealt damage from the structure's remaining body points
psStructure->body -= actualDamage;
debug( LOG_ATTACK, " body left: %d armour left: %d\n", psStructure->body, psStructure->armour);
//only overwrite if the last weapon to hit was not an EMP - need the time value for this
if (psStructure->lastHitWeapon != WSC_EMP)
psStructure->timeLastHit = gameTime;
psStructure->lastHitWeapon = weaponSubClass;
return FALSE;