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Raw Normal View History

* Screen.h
* Interface to the Direct Draw double buffered display.
#ifndef _screen_h
#define _screen_h
/* Check the header files have been included from frame.h if they
* are used outside of the framework library.
#if !defined(_frame_h) && !defined(FRAME_LIB_INCLUDE)
#error Framework header files MUST be included from Frame.h ONLY.
#ifdef WIN32
#define INIT_GUID
#define WIN32_EXTRA_LEAN
#include <windows.h>
#include "types.h"
/* Free up a COM object */
#undef RELEASE
#define RELEASE(x) if ((x) != NULL) {(void)(x)->lpVtbl->Release(x); (x) = NULL;}
/* Return a pointer to the Direct Draw objects */
extern LPDIRECTDRAW4 screenGetDDObject(void);
/* Return a pointer to the Direct Draw back buffer surface */
extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE4 screenGetSurface(void);
/* Return a pointer to the front buffer pixel format */
extern DDPIXELFORMAT *screenGetFrontBufferPixelFormat(void);
/* Return a pointer to the back buffer pixel format */
extern DDPIXELFORMAT *screenGetBackBufferPixelFormat(void);
/* Return a bit depth of the Front buffer */
extern UDWORD screenGetFrontBufferBitDepth(void);
/* Return a bit depth of the Back buffer */
extern UDWORD screenGetBackBufferBitDepth(void);
/* Return a pixel masks of the Front buffer */
extern BOOL screenGetFrontBufferPixelFormatMasks(ULONG *amask, ULONG *rmask, ULONG *gmask, ULONG *bmask);
/* Return a pixel masks of the Back buffer */
extern BOOL screenGetBackBufferPixelFormatMasks(ULONG *amask, ULONG *rmask, ULONG *gmask, ULONG *bmask);
/* Flip back and front buffers */
extern void screenFlip(BOOL clearBackBuffer);
/* backDrop */
extern void screen_SetBackDrop(UWORD *newBackDropBmp, UDWORD width, UDWORD height);
extern void screen_StopBackDrop(void);
extern void screen_RestartBackDrop(void);
extern UWORD* screen_GetBackDrop(void);
extern UDWORD screen_GetBackDropWidth(void);
extern void screen_Upload(UWORD *newBackDropBmp);
/* screendump */
char* screenDumpToDisk(char* path);
/* fog */
void screen_SetFogColour(UDWORD newFogColour);
/* Toggle the display between full screen or windowed */
extern void screenToggleMode(void);
/* Toggle the display between 8 bit and 16 bit */
extern BOOL screenToggleVideoPlaybackMode(void);
typedef enum _screen_mode
/* get screen window handle */
extern HWND screenGetHWnd( void );
extern SDL_Surface *screenGetSDL(void);
/* Set whether the display is windowed or full screen */
extern void screenSetMode(SCREEN_MODE mode);
/* Get display mode (windowed or full screen) */
extern SCREEN_MODE screenGetMode( void );
/* Set palette entries for the display buffer
* first specifies the first palette entry. count the number of entries
* The psPalette should have at least first + count entries in it.
extern void screenSetPalette(UDWORD first, UDWORD count, PALETTEENTRY *psPalette);
/* Return the best colour match when in a palettised mode */
extern UBYTE screenGetPalEntry(UBYTE red, UBYTE green, UBYTE blue);
/* Set the colour for text */
extern void screenSetTextColour(UBYTE red, UBYTE green, UBYTE blue);
/* Output text to the display screen at location x,y.
* The remaining arguments are as printf.
extern void screenTextOut(UDWORD x, UDWORD y, STRING *pFormat, ...);
/* Blit the source rectangle of the surface
* to the back buffer at the given location.
* The blit is clipped to the screen size.
extern void screenBlit(SDWORD destX, SDWORD destY, // The location on screen
LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE4 psSurf, // The surface to blit from
UDWORD width, UDWORD height); // The source rectangle from the surface
* Blit the source rectangle to the back buffer scaling it to
* the size of the destination rectangle.
* This clips to the size of the back buffer.
extern void screenScaleBlit(SDWORD destX, SDWORD destY,
SDWORD destWidth, SDWORD destHeight,
SDWORD srcWidth, SDWORD srcHeight);
/* Blit a tile (rectangle) from the surface
* to the back buffer at the given location.
* The tile is specified by it's size and number, numbering
* across from top left to bottom right.
* The blit is clipped to the screen size.
extern void screenBlitTile(SDWORD destX, SDWORD destY, // The location on screen
LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE4 psSurf, // The surface to blit from
UDWORD width, UDWORD height, // The size of the tile
UDWORD tile); // The tile number
/* Return the actual value that will be poked into screen memory
* given an RGB value. The value is padded with zeros up to a
* UDWORD but is based on the bit depth of the screen mode.
extern UDWORD screenGetCacheColour(UBYTE red, UBYTE green, UBYTE blue);
/* Set the colour for drawing lines.
* This caches a colour value that can be poked directly into the
* current screen mode's video memory. There is some overhead to this
* call so all lines of the same colour should be drawn at the same time.
extern void screenSetLineColour(UBYTE red, UBYTE green, UBYTE blue);
/* Set the value to be poked into screen memory for line drawing.
* The colour value used should be one returned by screenGetCacheColour.
extern void screenSetLineCacheColour(UDWORD colour);
/* Draw a line to the display in the current colour. */
extern void screenDrawLine(SDWORD x0, SDWORD y0, SDWORD x1, SDWORD y1);
/* Draw a rectangle (unfilled) */
extern void screenDrawRect(SDWORD x0, SDWORD y0, SDWORD x1, SDWORD y1);
/* Set the colour for fill operations */
extern void screenSetFillColour(UBYTE red, UBYTE green, UBYTE blue);
/* Set the value to be poked into screen memory for filling.
* The colour value used should be one returned by screenGetCacheColour.
extern void screenSetFillCacheColour(UDWORD colour);
/* Draw a filled rectangle */
extern void screenFillRect(SDWORD x0, SDWORD y0, SDWORD x1, SDWORD y1);
/* Draw an ellipse, and therefore circles too by specifying bounding box */
/* x0,y0 - top left, x1,y1 - bottom right */
extern void screenDrawEllipse(SDWORD x0, SDWORD y0, SDWORD x1, SDWORD y1);
extern BOOL screenInitialiseGlide(UDWORD width, UDWORD height, HANDLE hWindow);
extern BOOL screenReInit( void );