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* autorevision - a tool to incorporate Subversion revisions into binary builds
* Copyright (C) 2005 Thomas Denk
* Copyright (C) 2007 Giel van Schijndel
* Copyright (C) 2007 Warzone Resurrection Project
* This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Nicely taken from:
* Revision: 3543
* Id: autorevision.cpp 3543 2007-01-27 00:25:43Z daniel2000
* HeadURL: http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/codeblocks/trunk/src/build_tools/autorevision/autorevision.cpp
* $Revision$
* $Id$
* $HeadURL$
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
#ifdef __WIN32__
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
#define NOGDI
#include <windows.h>
inline void set_env(const char* k, const char* v) { SetEnvironmentVariable(k, v); };
#include <stdlib.h>
inline void set_env(const char* k, const char* v) { setenv(k, v, 1); };
bool QuerySvn(const string& workingDir, string& revision, string& date, string& wc_uri);
bool ParseFile(const string& docFile, string& revision, string &date, string& wc_uri);
bool WriteOutput(const string& outputFile, const string& revision, const string& date, const string& wc_uri);
int main(int argc, char** argv);
static bool do_int = false;
static bool do_std = false;
static bool do_cstr = false;
static bool do_wx = false;
static bool do_translate = false;
static bool be_verbose = false;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
string outputFile;
string workingDir;
for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
if(strcmp("+int", argv[i]) == 0)
do_int = true;
else if(strcmp("+std", argv[i]) == 0)
do_std = true;
else if(strcmp("+cstr", argv[i]) == 0)
do_cstr = true;
else if(strcmp("+wx", argv[i]) == 0)
do_wx = true;
else if(strcmp("+t", argv[i]) == 0)
do_translate = true;
else if(strcmp("-v", argv[i]) == 0)
be_verbose = true;
else if(workingDir.empty())
else if(outputFile.empty())
if (workingDir.empty())
cout << "Usage: autorevision [options] directory [autorevision.h]\n"
<< "Options:\n"
<< " +int assign const unsigned int\n"
<< " +std assign const std::string\n"
<< " +cstr assign const char[]\n"
<< " +wx assing const wxString\n"
<< " +t add Unicode translation macros to strings\n"
<< " -v be verbose\n";
return 1;
string docFile(workingDir);
string docFile2(workingDir);
// Strings to extract Subversion information we want into
// wc_uri: working copy root, e.g. trunk, branches/2.0, etc.
string revision, date, wc_uri;
if (!QuerySvn(workingDir, revision, date, wc_uri) && !ParseFile(docFile, revision, date, wc_uri) && !ParseFile(docFile2, revision, date, wc_uri)
|| revision == "")
cerr << "Error: failed retrieving version information.\n"
<< "Warning: using 0 as revision.\n";
revision = "0";
WriteOutput(outputFile, revision, date, wc_uri);
return 0;
void removeAfterNewLine(string& str)
// Find a newline and erase everything that comes after it
string::size_type lbreak_pos = str.find_first_of("\r\n");
if (lbreak_pos != string::npos)
bool QuerySvn(const string& workingDir, string& revision, string& date, string& wc_uri)
string svncmd("svn info ");
set_env("LANG", "en_US");
FILE *svn = popen(svncmd.c_str(), "r");
char buf[1024];
string line, wc_repo_root;
while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), svn))
if(line.find("Revision: ") != string::npos)
revision = line.substr(strlen("Revision: "));
if(line.find("Last Changed Date: ") != string::npos)
date = line.substr(strlen("Last Changed Date: "), strlen("2006-01-01 12:34:56"));
if (line.find("Repository Root: ") != string::npos)
wc_repo_root = line.substr(strlen("Repository Root: "));
if (line.find("URL: ") != string::npos)
wc_uri = line.substr(strlen("URL: "));
if (wc_uri.find(wc_repo_root) != string::npos)
wc_uri.erase(0, wc_repo_root.length() + 1); // + 1 to remove the prefixed slash also
return !revision.empty();
bool ParseFile(const string& docFile, string& revision, string &date, string& wc_uri)
string token[6];
ifstream inFile(docFile.c_str());
if (!inFile)
cerr << "Warning: could not open input file.\n"
<< " This does not seem to be a revision controlled project.\n";
return false;
unsigned int c = 0;
// Read in the first entry's data (represents the current directory's entry)
while(!inFile.eof() && c < 6)
inFile >> token[c++];
// The third non-empty line (zero-index) from the start contains the revision number
revision = token[2];
// The fourth non-empty line from the start contains the working copy URL. The fifth
// non-empty line contains the repository root, which is the part of the working
// copy URL we're not interested in.
wc_uri = token[3].substr(token[4].length() + 1); // + 1 to remove the prefixed slash also
// The sixth non-empty line from the start contains the revision date
date = token[5].substr(0, strlen("2006-01-01T12:34:56"));
// Set the 11th character from a 'T' to a space (' ')
date[10] = ' ';
return true;
bool WriteOutput(const string& outputFile, const string& revision, const string& date, const string& wc_uri)
string comment("/*" + revision + "*/");
// Check whether this file already contains the correct revision date. Don't
// modify it if it does, we don't want to go messing with it's timestamp for
// no gain.
ifstream in(outputFile.c_str());
if (!in.bad() && !in.eof() && in.is_open())
string old;
in >> old;
if(old >= comment)
cout << "Revision unchanged (" << revision << "). Skipping.\n";
return false;
ofstream header(outputFile.c_str());
cerr << "Error: Could not open output file.";
return false;
header << comment << "\n"
"#ifndef AUTOREVISION_H\n"
"#define AUTOREVISION_H\n"
header << "#include <string>\n";
header << "#include <wx/string.h>\n";
header << "\n#define SVN_REV " << revision << ""
<< "\n#define SVN_REVISION \"" << revision << "\""
<< "\n#define SVN_DATE \"" << date << "\""
<< "\n#define SVN_URI \"" << wc_uri << "\"\n";
// Open namespace
if(do_int || do_std || do_wx)
header << "namespace autorevision\n{\n";
header << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const unsigned int svn_revision = " << revision << ";\n";
header << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const std::string svn_revision_s(\"" << revision << "\");\n"
<< "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const std::string svn_date_s(\"" << date << "\");\n"
<< "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const std::string svn_uri_s(\"" << wc_uri << "\");\n";
header << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const char svn_revision_cstr[] = \"" << revision << "\";\n"
<< "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const char svn_date_cstr[] = \"" << date << "\";\n"
<< "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const char svn_uri_cstr[] = \"" << wc_uri << "\";\n";
header << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const wxString svnRevision(";
header << "wxT";
header << "(\"" << revision << "\"));\n"
<< "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const wxString svnDate(";
header << "wxT";
header << "(\"" << date << "\"));\n"
<< "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const wxString svnUri(";
header << "wxT";
header << "(\"" << wc_uri << "\"));\n";
// Terminate/close namespace
if(do_int || do_std || do_wx)
header << "}\n\n";
header << "\n\n#endif\n";
return true;