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warzone2100 (2.1.0~beta5-0) unstable; urgency=low
* General:
* Change: Reordered main menus. Skirmish is now under Single Player.
* Fix: Various source compilation fixes.
* Campaign:
* Fix: Researching Gas Turbine Generator no longer reduces the output of
power generators (bug #12262)
* Mods:
* New: New Team War (NTW) by Delphino added
* Multiplayer (non-skirmish only):
* New: Added visual feedback for when there are no games available in the
* Fix: Smoking healthy droids gone.
* Fix: Cyborg transports should now unload correctly. (bug #12116)
* Buildsystem:
* Fix: The OS X build system now works properly on both Tiger and Leopard.
* New: Bison is no longer an external dependency when building on OS X as
it is automatically downloaded if the system version of Bison is
incompatible with the build system.
* Pathfinding and savegames:
* Change: We now use zones for path-finding again. This means savegames
from beta4 are no longer useable. Your beta4 savegames can be used with
2.2, however.
-- Giel van Schijndel <muggenhor@gna.org> Sun, 28 Sep 2008 13:23:55 +0200
warzone2100 (2.1.0~beta4-0) unstable; urgency=low
* General:
* New: An error will be shown if an invalid command line option is used.
* New: "Map Preview" button added to the multiplayer/skirmish lobby, including ability to preview starting positions (patch #1040).
* New: A 'Ready' button that all players must press in order to start a multiplayer game.
* Change: Game speed is limited to 0.3-1.5 range in non-debug mode.
* Change: Oil pumping and power generator hum sounds are quieter.
* Fix: Building limits apply correctly (bug #11293).
* Fix: Game won't crash when commander units are used.
* Fix: The sky does not disappear anymore when a tooltip is shown (bug #11216).
* Fix: Translation-related bug in the structure limits screen fixed (bug #11345).
* Fix: Placing a beacon on map will not result in memory corruption and a crash anymore (bug #10955, #11373, and #11005).
* Fix: Invalid group orders during multiplayer games are ignored (bug #11358).
* Fix: Smoking structures (bug #11348).
* Fix: AIs are now always run on Host's machine during multiplayer games.
* Fix: Derricks do not disappear or blink anymore (bug #11357).
* Fix: Save games will load properly when trying to load them when a game is already in progress (bug #11467).
* Fix: Bad textures after third load of saved game (bug #11641)
* Fix: VTOLs do not move over water (bug #11638)
* Fix: Multiple Nexus Link crashes (bugs #11500, #11501, and #11444)
* Fix: Assert if upgrading building while second building tab open (bugs #9336 and #11446)
* Fix: Assert when smoke effects drift off the map (bug #11586)
* Fix: Trucks going in circles (bug #11341)
* Fix: Render super-cyborgs using the bucket list, to avoid jittery HP bars.
* Fix: Bug that would make sliders inactive in multiplayer when not hosting a game.
* Fix: Textures missing on first beta away mission (bug #11733)
* Fix: Lots of other things that we may have forgotten about. This beta really does contain a lot of bug fixes.
* Gameplay:
* New: Support for coloured mouse cursors (ingame only, not in menus), controlled by configuration option "ColouredCursor". Turned off by default. (patch #956)
* New: Human player console messages are rendered using brighter color. Friend-foe colors are can be turned on using Shift+Tab key combination.
* New: Prevent structure 'painting' exploit by making unfinished structures return power with time and disappear when all power was given back (patch #1030).
* New: Units gain speed increase with experience (patch #906).
* New: A sound is played and a notification is shown on the console when placing a beacon on the map. F12 key can be used to jump to the beacon location.
* Change: Effect of skirmish modifier slider increased by 20%.
* Change: 'ENTER' key is now the default key for bringing up the chat dialog instead of 'T' (key configuration must be reset in the 'Key Mappings' dialog).
* Change: Removed lowest power level, added a higher power level.
* Change: VTOL movement rules simplified. No cliff height limitations anymore.
* Fix: Dull mini-map player colors were replaced by brighter colors.
* Fix: Rocket Autoloader research does not appear before lancer is researched and has "HEAT Rocket Warhead" as a prerequisite, instead of "HEAP Mini-Rockets" (bug #11312).
* Fix: When cheating is on AIs get power boost on client's machines too.
* Balancing (Multiplayer Only):
* Change: Tank Killer now fires four projectiles instead of two, total firepower is unaffected.
* Change: AA Projectiles fly faster which increases accuracy.
* Change: Hitpoints of Hardpoints, Fortresses and Walls slightly increased. Hitpoints of other structures doubled.
* Change: All cyborgs are produced faster by 10-15%.
* Change: Mini-pod's accuracy decreased by 10%.
* Change: Mini-Rocket Artillery short range accuracy increased by 10%, long range accuracy decreased by 15%.
* Change: Super Heavy-Gunner, Super HPV Cyborg, Super Auto-Cannon Cyborg and Tank-Killer Cyborg have more firepower.
* Change: Cost of Super Rail-Gunner, Super HPV Cyborg slightly decreased. Cost of Super Pulse Laser Cyborg, Super Heavy-Gunner and Super Auto-Cannon Cyborg halved to match their firepower.
* Change: Super Scourge Cyborg's cost increased by 10%.
* Change: Super HPV Cyborg has longer range, Super Auto-Cannon Cyborg's range slightly decreased.
* Change: Super Cyborg's build time slightly decreased.
* Change: Flamers Rate of Fire decreased, damage increased. The resulting damage in the game is not affected.
* Change: Inferno weapon fires two jets instead of one.
* Change: All flamers are 5% less effective against tracked units.
* Change: Rate of Fire of Hyper Velocity Cannon decreased, damage increased. The resulting damage in the game is not affected.
* Change: Bunker Buster's damage increased by 30% to make it competitive against flamers.
* Change: Anti-tank weapons are 15% more effective against hardpoints.
* Change: Anti-tank weapons effectiveness increased from 110% to 133% against Half-tracked units, decreased from 133% to 110% against Tracked units.
* Change: Cost of all bodies (except for 'Viper' body) decreased to reflect body's real value. Later bodies have more value that earlier bodies to justify research cost and time.
* Change: Tank-Killer hardpoint cost decreased from 300 to 275.
* Change: Range of Mini-Rocket Artillery increased from 7.5 tiles to 8.5 tiles.
* Change: Bunker Buster rocket is available earlier and has "Synaptic Link Data Analysis Mk3" and "HEAP Mini-Rockets" as prerequisites instead of Lancer and "HEAT Rocket Warhead Mk3".
* Aivolution AI:
* New: Different taunts.
* New: To find out what AI players are using Aivolution AI type "are you aiv?" in the game.
* Fix: Using "go <player>" command makes Aivolution send its units to the proper player now.
* Fix: Division by zero error fixed.
* Fix: Won't ask allies for help when already defeated.
* Fix: Assert when trying to find out player name based on incorrect player number.
* Fix: All dialogs between allied AIs are visible to all allies.
* Fix: A beacon is always placed on map before initializing a command.
* Fix: Several Aivolution AIs sending chat messages at the same time will not result in an infinite loop anymore.
* Fix: Undefended enemy derricks will now be properly attacked with defenses by trucks.
* Mods:
* Change: We no longer use zones for path-finding. If they are present in the map file, they will be ignored. Gateways are only used by AI.
-- Dennis Schridde <devurandom@gna.org> Sat, 19 Jul 2008 21:00:00 +0200
warzone2100 (2.1.0~beta2-0) unstable; urgency=low
* Bump upstream version number: releasing 2.1 beta 1
* General:
* New: Preview of italian (35% complete), french (25%) and russian (9%) translations
* Fix: Crash (integer divide by zero) when starting a multiplayer game after playing a single player game
* Fix: A memory corruption in structure limits could cause destroy button to disappear (among other things)
* Fix: Crash during saving in multiplayer/skirmish mode, when Aivolution AI is enabled (bug #11084)
* Fix: Special characters would be printed as '?' (bug #10913)
* Fix: Warzone could lock up, trying to pick a droid (bug #11250)
* Graphics:
* New: Replaced old menu backdrops with new, high-res ones
* Change: Reduce the number of atmospheric particles generated and lower the CPU usage
* Fix: Briefings were not displayed at high resolutions (bug #11121)
* Fix: Fonts were not displayed with QuesoGLC 0.7.0 (patch #961)
* Fix: Fireworks looked crappy (patch #994)
* AI:
* Fix: Restarting a map caused "unable to load experience" messages (bug #11085)
* Fix: Upgrade power generator with powModule instead of resModule (bug #11122)
* Fix: AI opponents would use the medium yellow body all the time (bug #11097)
* Balancing (Multiplayer):
* Change: Let weapons with high ROF but low damage deal damage too (bug #11191)
* Change: Fortress balacing adapted
-- Dennis Schridde <devurandom@gna.org> Sun, 16 Mar 2008 00:00:00 +0100
warzone2100 (2.1.0~beta1-0) unstable; urgency=low
* Bump upstream version number: releasing 2.1 beta 1
* General:
* New: Video options menu to allow for things such as resolution to be
changed without needing to manually edit the config file.
* New: 'Locked Teams' alliance mode: human players and AIs can play in a
team against other teams.
* New: Allies now have shared vision in 'Teamplay' and 'Locked Teams' modes.
* New: Height-map mini-map mode (Default key combination to cycle through
mini-map modes: Ctrl+Tab).
* New: Multi-Turret support for units and structures.
* New: 'Circle' command for VTOLs - upon activation will make VTOLs fly in
circles and engage approaching enemies.
* New: A more realistic miss/hit evaluation system - allows to dodge
* New: Top, bottom, left, right, front and rear armor types for units.
* New: Improved scripting language documentation.
* New: UTF-8 and font rendering support added (aids in i18n). This depends
on QuesoGLC.
* Fix: Skirmish difficulty slider now applies settings to the right players.
* Change: Migrate all networking code to a new and improved net-primitives
* Campaign Mode:
* Fix: accuracy, damage and ROF upgrades, which were mistakenly applied to
Mini-Pods and Mini-Rocket Artillery, are now correctly applied
Lancer, Bunker Buster, Tank Killer and Ripple Rockets.
* Unit AI:
* New: Multi-criteria target selection routine to automatically choose the
best suitable target.
* New: Units and structures will constantly look for a better target taking
into consideration targets of the friendly units nearby - won't lock
on one target forever anymore.
* Skirmish/Multiplayer AI:
* New: Enabled basic level of Human-AI cooperation, for more information
visit: http://wz2100.net/wiki/gameplay:cooperative_ai
* New: AI units now return to defend its own base when it's in trouble.
* Improved: AI is faster at producing units, upgrading structures and oil
* Several other improvements.
* Fix: AI doesn't get free units when playing in 'Advanced Bases' mode
* Fix: AI won't preferably attack humans anymore.
* Buildsystem:
* New: Gettext support (0.16.1 included)
* New: Intel C++ Compiler (ICC) supported (10.0 is known to work,
FIXME: non-debug compiles only atm :FIXME)
* Change: No optional dependencies anymore (Ogg now required)
* Change: Use pkg-config (0.9 should work) instead of autoconf scripts for
SDL, PNG and Ogg/Vorbis (Faster)
* Balancing (Multiplayer):
* Light Cannon:
* weapon damage raised from 25 to 37
* weapon chance hit increased from 20 to 25
* weapon radius damage increased from 5 to 7
* Heavy Gunner Cyborg:
* weapon damage raised from 30 to 37
* Cyborg Engineer:
* construction component cost decreased from 17 to 10
* construction time for construction component decreased from 85 to 65
(used to be the same as truck's)
* hitpoints of construction component decreased from 50 to 40 (used to be
the same as truck's)
* Cyborg Mechanic: (all 3 repair components used to have almost same values,
which is now history)
* repair component cost reduced from 50 to 35
* repair component build time decreased from 250 to 100
* Heavy Repair:
* heavy repair component cost increased from 50 to 70
* heavy repair component build time increased from 250 to 300
* EMP Cannon:
* increased reload time from 5 to 8 seconds
* units will now get disabled in the splash radius of 2x2 tiles, with
probability of 50%
* Laser Satellite weapon:
* blast radius: increased from 2 tiles to 4.5 tiles
* blast radius damage: increased from 1000 to 2800
* reload time: increased from 5 mins to 8 mins
* chance to hit in the blast radius: reduced from 99% to 90%
-- Giel van Schijndel <muggenhor@gna.org> Sun, 17 Feb 2008 01:19:48 +0100
warzone2100 (2.1.0~0.svn3670-0) unstable; urgency=low
* Bump upstream version number for the development branch
- This version is _not_ an official release, just a development snapshot.
-- Giel van Schijndel <muggenhor@gna.org> Sun, 03 Feb 2008 21:24:31 +0100
warzone2100 (2.1.0~0.svn3379-0) unstable; urgency=low
* Bump upstream version number for the development branch
- This version is _not_ an official release, just a development snapshot.
* Depend on libglc-dev while building
-- Giel van Schijndel <muggenhor@gna.org> Wed, 02 Jan 2008 00:13:13 +0100
warzone2100 (2.1.0~0.svn2922-0) unstable; urgency=low
* Bump upstream version number for the development branch
- This version is _not_ an official release, just a development snapshot.
* Don't strip output binaries anymore
* Depend on libpopt-dev while building
-- Giel van Schijndel <muggenhor@gna.org> Sat, 01 Dec 2007 13:47:17 +0100
warzone2100 (2.0.9-0) unstable; urgency=low
* Bump upstream version number
* Fix: Sound works with libvorbis 1.2.0 (no more hangups) (bug #10153)
-- Dennis Schridde <devurandom@gna.org> Mon, 03 Dec 2007 15:30:00 +0100
warzone2100 (2.0.8-0) unstable; urgency=low
* Bump upstream version number
* New: Possibility to use the zero-key ('0') to assign groups as well
(patch #828)
* Change: Slightly faster terrain rendering (+ 5-10%) (patch #830, patch
* Change: Protocol-selection removed from "Host Game", since the only
option was "Internet"
* Fix: Reduce the dark borders around the terrain tiles (patch #845)
* Fix: Slight visual improvement: Reduced flickering of ground and water
tiles (patch #841)
* Fix: Crash when loading sounds without filenames (patch #855, bugs #9927
and #10142)
* Fix: Crash on game exit (bug #9927)
* Fix: Don't add/remove droids to/from groups upon selecting/deselecting
them (patch #829)
* Fix: Crash where rearming VTOL would try to set a dead target (r2651)
-- Giel van Schijndel <muggenhor@gna.org> Sat, 01 Dec 2007 13:30:49 +0100
warzone2100 (2.0.8-rc1-0) unstable; urgency=low
* Bump upstream version number
-- Dennis Schridde <devurandom@gna.org> Sat, 29 Sep 2007 00:00:00 +0100
warzone2100 (2.0.7-0svn1) unstable; urgency=low
* Bump upstream version number
-- Giel van Schijndel <muggenhor@gna.org> Fri, 22 Jun 2007 18:54:53 +0100
warzone2100 (2.0.6-0svn2) unstable; urgency=low
* Move icons and desktop from /debian/ into /icons/.
-- Dennis Schridde <devurandom@gna.org> Fri, 8 Jun 2007 00:51:55 +0200
warzone2100 (2.0.6-0svn1) unstable; urgency=low
* Commented out dh_installdocs in order to prevent warzone2100 and
warzone2100-data to contain the same doc files, the docs gets
installed anyway.
* Added --enable-data to the configure script parameters in order
to make the data package contain any game data.
-- Joakim Soderlund <joakim.soderlund@gmail.com> Thu, 5 Apr 2007 18:43:38 +0200
warzone2100 (2.0.5-0svn1) unstable; urgency=low
* Bump upstream version number again.
* Update packaging from "warzone" to less generic "warzone2100".
(Thanks upstream guys)
-- Angus Lees <gus@debian.org> Sun, 17 Sep 2006 14:01:03 +0100
warzone (2.0.3-0svn1) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix upstream version number..
* Use dh_desktop
- Bump debhelper build-dep version accordingly.
* Add icon to menu file too
- Requires build-dep on netpbm for conversion to xpm.
-- Angus Lees <gus@debian.org> Fri, 14 Jul 2006 21:38:26 +0100
warzone (0.2.2+0svn-2) unstable; urgency=low
* remove alut-dev from Build-Depends: not needed
* make warzone-data depend on Source-Version
* desktop entry added (using scaled icon from win32)
-- Pavel Rojtberg <pavel@madman2k.net> Thu, 13 Jul 2006 15:52:49 +0200
warzone (0.2.2+0svn-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial release.
-- Angus Lees <gus@debian.org> Mon, 27 Mar 2006 21:31:19 +0100