
675 lines
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Raw Normal View History

This file is part of Warzone 2100.
Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive
Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Warzone Resurrection Project
Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "lib/framework/frame.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "lib/framework/strnlen1.h"
#include "lib/ivis_common/ivisdef.h"
#include "lib/ivis_common/piestate.h"
#include "lib/ivis_common/rendmode.h"
#include "lib/ivis_common/pieclip.h"
#include "lib/ivis_common/pieblitfunc.h"
#include "lib/ivis_common/piepalette.h"
#include "lib/ivis_common/ivispatch.h"
#include "lib/ivis_common/textdraw.h"
#include "lib/ivis_common/bitimage.h"
#include <SDL_opengl.h>
#ifdef WZ_OS_MAC
# include <QuesoGLC/glc.h>
# include <GL/glc.h>
static const char font_family[] = "DejaVu Sans Mono";
static const char font_face_regular[] = "Book";
static const char font_face_bold[] = "Bold";
static float font_size = 12.f;
// Contains the font color in the following order: red, green, blue, alpha
static float font_colour[4] = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f};
static GLint GLC_Context = 0;
static GLint GLC_Font_Regular = 0;
static GLint GLC_Font_Bold = 0;
* Source
static inline void iV_printFontList()
unsigned int i;
unsigned int font_count = glcGeti(GLC_CURRENT_FONT_COUNT);
debug(LOG_NEVER, "GLC_CURRENT_FONT_COUNT = %d", font_count);
if (font_count == 0)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_printFontList: The required font (%s) isn't loaded", font_family);
// Fall back to unselected fonts since the requested font apparently
// isn't available.
for (i = 0; i < font_count; ++i)
GLint font = glcGetListi(GLC_CURRENT_FONT_LIST, i);
/* The output of the family name and the face is printed using 2 steps
* because glcGetFontc and glcGetFontFace return their result in the
* same buffer (according to GLC specs).
char prBuffer[1024];
snprintf(prBuffer, sizeof(prBuffer), "Font #%d : %s ", font, (const char*)glcGetFontc(font, GLC_FAMILY));
prBuffer[sizeof(prBuffer) - 1] = 0;
strlcat(prBuffer, glcGetFontFace(font), sizeof(prBuffer));
debug(LOG_NEVER, prBuffer);
static void iV_initializeGLC()
if (GLC_Context)
GLC_Context = glcGenContext();
if (!GLC_Context)
debug(LOG_ERROR, "glcGenContext() failed");
debug(LOG_NEVER, "glcGenContext() succesful: GLC_Context = %d", GLC_Context);
#ifdef WZ_OS_MAC
#warning Mac version still uses GLC_TRIANGLE instead of GLC_TEXTURE
GLC_Font_Regular = glcGenFontID();
GLC_Font_Bold = glcGenFontID();
if (!glcNewFontFromFamily(GLC_Font_Regular, font_family))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_initializeGLC: Failed to select font family %s as regular font", font_family);
debug(LOG_NEVER, "iV_initializeGLC: Successfully selected font family %s as regular font", font_family);
if (!glcFontFace(GLC_Font_Regular, font_face_regular))
debug(LOG_WARNING, "iV_initializeGLC: Failed to select the \"%s\" font face of font family %s", font_face_regular, font_family);
debug(LOG_NEVER, "iV_initializeGLC: Successfully selected the \"%s\" font face of font family %s", font_face_regular, font_family);
if (!glcNewFontFromFamily(GLC_Font_Bold, font_family))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_initializeGLC: Failed to select font family %s for the bold font", font_family);
debug(LOG_NEVER, "iV_initializeGLC: Successfully selected font family %s for the bold font", font_family);
if (!glcFontFace(GLC_Font_Bold, font_face_bold))
debug(LOG_WARNING, "iV_initializeGLC: Failed to select the \"%s\" font face of font family %s", font_face_bold, font_family);
debug(LOG_NEVER, "iV_initializeGLC: Successfully selected the \"%s\" font face of font family %s", font_face_bold, font_family);
debug(LOG_NEVER, "finished initializing GLC");
// Set GLC's string type to UTF-8
void iV_TextInit()
#ifdef DEBUG
void iV_TextShutdown()
if (GLC_Font_Regular)
if (GLC_Font_Bold)
if (GLC_Context)
void iV_SetFont(enum iV_fonts FontID)
switch (FontID)
case font_regular:
case font_large:
static inline float getGLCResolution()
float resolution = glcGetf(GLC_RESOLUTION);
// The default resolution as used by OpenGLC is 72 dpi
if (resolution == 0.f)
return 72.f;
return resolution;
static inline float getGLCPixelSize()
float pixel_size = font_size * getGLCResolution() / 72.f;
return pixel_size;
static inline float getGLCPointWidth(const float* boundingbox)
// boundingbox contains: [ xlb ylb xrb yrb xrt yrt xlt ylt ]
// l = left; r = right; b = bottom; t = top;
float rightTopX = boundingbox[4];
float leftTopX = boundingbox[6];
float point_width = rightTopX - leftTopX;
return point_width;
static inline float getGLCPointHeight(const float* boundingbox)
// boundingbox contains: [ xlb ylb xrb yrb xrt yrt xlt ylt ]
// l = left; r = right; b = bottom; t = top;
float leftBottomY = boundingbox[1];
float leftTopY = boundingbox[7];
float point_height = fabsf(leftTopY - leftBottomY);
return point_height;
static inline float getGLCPointToPixel(float point_width)
float pixel_width = point_width * getGLCPixelSize();
return pixel_width;
unsigned int iV_GetTextWidth(const char* string)
float boundingbox[8];
float pixel_width, point_width;
glcMeasureString(GL_FALSE, string);
if (!glcGetStringMetric(GLC_BOUNDS, boundingbox))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_GetTextWidth: couldn't retrieve a bounding box for the string");
return 0;
point_width = getGLCPointWidth(boundingbox);
pixel_width = getGLCPointToPixel(point_width);
return (unsigned int)pixel_width;
unsigned int iV_GetCountedTextWidth(const char* string, size_t string_length)
float boundingbox[8];
float pixel_width, point_width;
glcMeasureCountedString(GL_FALSE, string_length, string);
if (!glcGetStringMetric(GLC_BOUNDS, boundingbox))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_GetCountedTextWidth: couldn't retrieve a bounding box for the string");
return 0;
point_width = getGLCPointWidth(boundingbox);
pixel_width = getGLCPointToPixel(point_width);
return (unsigned int)pixel_width;
unsigned int iV_GetTextHeight(const char* string)
float boundingbox[8];
float pixel_height, point_height;
glcMeasureString(GL_FALSE, string);
if (!glcGetStringMetric(GLC_BOUNDS, boundingbox))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_GetTextHeight: couldn't retrieve a bounding box for the string");
return 0;
point_height = getGLCPointHeight(boundingbox);
pixel_height = getGLCPointToPixel(point_height);
return (unsigned int)pixel_height;
unsigned int iV_GetCharWidth(uint32_t charCode)
float boundingbox[8];
float pixel_width, point_width;
if (!glcGetCharMetric(charCode, GLC_BOUNDS, boundingbox))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_GetCharWidth: couldn't retrieve a bounding box for the character");
return 0;
point_width = getGLCPointWidth(boundingbox);
pixel_width = getGLCPointToPixel(point_width);
return (unsigned int)pixel_width;
int iV_GetTextLineSize()
float boundingbox[8];
float pixel_height, point_height;
if (!glcGetMaxCharMetric(GLC_BOUNDS, boundingbox))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_GetTextLineSize: couldn't retrieve a bounding box for the character");
return 0;
point_height = getGLCPointHeight(boundingbox);
pixel_height = getGLCPointToPixel(point_height);
return (unsigned int)pixel_height;
static float iV_GetMaxCharBaseY()
float base_line[4]; // [ xl yl xr yr ]
if (!glcGetMaxCharMetric(GLC_BASELINE, base_line))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_GetMaxCharBaseY: couldn't retrieve the baseline for the character");
return 0;
return base_line[1];
int iV_GetTextAboveBase(void)
float point_base_y = iV_GetMaxCharBaseY();
float point_top_y;
float boundingbox[8];
float pixel_height, point_height;
if (!glcGetMaxCharMetric(GLC_BOUNDS, boundingbox))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_GetTextAboveBase: couldn't retrieve a bounding box for the character");
return 0;
point_top_y = boundingbox[7];
point_height = point_base_y - point_top_y;
pixel_height = getGLCPointToPixel(point_height);
return (int)pixel_height;
int iV_GetTextBelowBase(void)
float point_base_y = iV_GetMaxCharBaseY();
float point_bottom_y;
float boundingbox[8];
float pixel_height, point_height;
if (!glcGetMaxCharMetric(GLC_BOUNDS, boundingbox))
debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_GetTextBelowBase: couldn't retrieve a bounding box for the character");
return 0;
point_bottom_y = boundingbox[1];
point_height = point_bottom_y - point_base_y;
pixel_height = getGLCPointToPixel(point_height);
return (int)pixel_height;
void iV_SetTextColour(PIELIGHT colour)
font_colour[0] = colour.byte.r / 255.0f;
font_colour[1] = colour.byte.g / 255.0f;
font_colour[2] = colour.byte.b / 255.0f;
font_colour[3] = colour.byte.a / 255.0f;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum {
static char FString[256]; // Must do something about these wastefull static arrays.
static char FWord[256];
static int LastX; // Cursor position after last draw.
static int LastY;
static int LastTWidth; // Pixel width of the last string draw.
static int RecordExtents = EXTENTS_NONE;
static int ExtentsStartX;
static int ExtentsStartY;
static int ExtentsEndX;
static int ExtentsEndY;
// Draws formatted text with word wrap, long word splitting, embedded
// newlines ( uses @ rather than \n ) and colour mode toggle ( # ) which enables
// or disables font colouring.
// UBYTE *String The string to display.
// UDWORD x x coord of top left of formatted text window.
// UDWORD y y coord of top left of formatted text window.
// UDWORD Width Width of formatted text window.
// UDWORD Justify Justify mode, one of the following:
// BOOL DrawBack If TRUE then draws transparent box behind text.
// Returns y coord of next text line.
UDWORD iV_DrawFormattedText(const char* String, UDWORD x, UDWORD y, UDWORD Width, UDWORD Justify)
int i;
int jx = x; // Default to left justify.
int jy = y;
int TWidth;
const char* curChar = String;
curChar = String;
while (*curChar != 0)
bool GotSpace = false;
bool NewLine = false;
// Reset text draw buffer
FString[0] = 0;
WWidth = 0;
// Parse through the string, adding words until width is achieved.
while (*curChar != 0 && WWidth < Width && !NewLine)
const char* startOfWord = curChar;
const unsigned int FStringWidth = iV_GetTextWidth(FString);
// Get the next word.
i = 0;
for (; *curChar != 0
&& *curChar != ASCII_SPACE
&& *curChar != ASCII_NEWLINE;
++i, ++curChar)
if (*curChar == ASCII_COLOURMODE) // If it's a colour mode toggle char then just add it to the word.
FWord[i] = *curChar;
// this character won't be drawn so don't deal with its width
// Update this line's pixel width.
WWidth = FStringWidth + iV_GetCountedTextWidth(FWord, i + 1);
// If this word doesn't fit on the current line then break out
if (WWidth > Width)
// If width ok then add this character to the current word.
FWord[i] = *curChar;
// Don't forget the space.
if (*curChar == ASCII_SPACE)
// Should be a space below, not '-', but need to work around bug in QuesoGLC
// which was fixed in CVS snapshot as of 2007/10/26, same day as I reported it :) - Per
WWidth += iV_GetCharWidth('-');
if (WWidth <= Width)
FWord[i] = ' ';
GotSpace = true;
// Check for new line character.
else if (*curChar == ASCII_NEWLINE)
NewLine = true;
// If we've passed a space on this line and the word goes past the
// maximum width and this isn't caused by the appended space then
// rewind to the start of this word and finish this line.
if (GotSpace
&& WWidth > Width
&& FWord[i - 1] != ' ')
// Skip back to the beginning of this
// word and draw it on the next line
curChar = startOfWord;
// Terminate the word.
FWord[i] = 0;
// And add it to the output string.
strlcat(FString, FWord, sizeof(FString));
// Remove trailing spaces, useful when doing center alignment.
// Find the string length (the "minus one" part
// guarantees that we get the length of the string, not
// the buffer size required to contain it).
size_t len = strnlen1(FString, sizeof(FString)) - 1;
for (; len != 0; --len)
// As soon as we encounter a non-space character, break out
if (FString[len] != ASCII_SPACE)
// Cut off the current space character from the string
FString[len] = '\0';
TWidth = iV_GetTextWidth(FString);
// Do justify.
switch (Justify)
jx = x + (Width - TWidth) / 2;
jx = x + Width - TWidth;
jx = x;
// draw the text.
iV_DrawText(FString, jx, jy);
/* callback type for resload display callback*/
// remember where we were..
LastX = jx + TWidth;
LastY = jy;
LastTWidth = TWidth;
// and move down a line.
jy += iV_GetTextLineSize();
if (RecordExtents == EXTENTS_START)
RecordExtents = EXTENTS_END;
ExtentsStartY = y + iV_GetTextAboveBase();
ExtentsEndY = jy - iV_GetTextLineSize() + iV_GetTextBelowBase();
ExtentsStartX = x; // Was jx, but this broke the console centre justified text background.
ExtentsEndX = x + Width;
else if (RecordExtents == EXTENTS_END)
ExtentsEndY = jy - iV_GetTextLineSize() + iV_GetTextBelowBase();
ExtentsEndX = x + Width;
return jy;
void iV_DrawTextRotated(const char* string, float XPos, float YPos, float rotation)
GLint matrix_mode = 0;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MATRIX_MODE, &matrix_mode);
if (rotation != 0.f)
rotation = 360.f - rotation;
glTranslatef(XPos, YPos, 0.f);
glRotatef(180.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
glRotatef(rotation, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
glScalef(font_size, font_size, 0.f);
// Reset the current model view matrix
void iV_DrawTextRotatedFv(float x, float y, float rotation, const char* format, va_list ap)
// Determine the size of the string we'll be going to draw on screen
size_t size = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, ap);
// Allocate a buffer large enough to hold our string on the stack
char* str = alloca(size + 1);
// Print into our newly created string buffer
vsprintf(str, format, ap);
// Draw the produced string to the screen at the given position and rotation
iV_DrawTextRotated(str, x, y, rotation);
void iV_DrawTextRotatedF(float x, float y, float rotation, const char* format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
iV_DrawTextRotatedFv(x, y, rotation, format, ap);
void iV_DrawTextF(float x, float y, const char* format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
iV_DrawTextFv(x, y, format, ap);
void iV_SetTextSize(float size)
font_size = size;