
427 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

This file is part of Warzone 2100.
Copyright (C) 2008 Freddie Witherden
Copyright (C) 2008 Warzone Resurrection Project
Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "window.h"
static windowVtbl vtbl;
static vector *windowVector = NULL;
static int screenWidth = -1, screenHeight = -1;
const classInfo windowClassInfo =
static void windowInitVtbl(window *self)
static bool initialised = false;
if (!initialised)
// Copy our parents vtable into ours
vtbl.widgetVtbl = *(WIDGET(self)->vtbl);
// Overload some of our parents methods
vtbl.widgetVtbl.destroy = windowDestroyImpl;
vtbl.widgetVtbl.addChild = windowAddChildImpl;
vtbl.widgetVtbl.doLayout = windowDoLayoutImpl;
vtbl.widgetVtbl.doDraw = windowDoDrawImpl;
vtbl.widgetVtbl.resize = windowResizeImpl;
vtbl.widgetVtbl.getMinSize = windowGetMinSizeImpl;
vtbl.widgetVtbl.getMaxSize = windowGetMaxSizeImpl;
initialised = true;
// Replace our parents vtable with our own
WIDGET(self)->vtbl = &vtbl.widgetVtbl;
// Set our vtable
self->vtbl = &vtbl;
void windowInit(window *self, const char *id, int w, int h)
// Init our parent
widgetInit(WIDGET(self), id);
// Prepare our vtable
// Set our type
WIDGET(self)->classInfo = &windowClassInfo;
// Make sure we have a window list to add the window to
// Add ourselves to the window list
vectorAdd(windowVector, self);
// Set our size to (w,h)
widgetResize(WIDGET(self), w, h);
// Default anchor state is static (as opposed to dynamic)
self->anchorState = ANCHOR_STATIC;
self->anchorWindow = NULL;
self->anchorRepositionId = self->anchorResizeId = -1;
void windowDestroyImpl(widget *self)
int i;
// Remove ourself from the window list
for (i = 0; i < vectorSize(windowVector); i++)
// If the window matches, remove it from the vector
if (vectorAt(windowVector, i) == self)
vectorRemoveAt(windowVector, i);
// Call our parents destructor
bool windowAddChildImpl(widget *self, widget *child)
// We can only hold a single child, no more (use a container!)
assert(vectorSize(self->children) < 1);
// Call the normal widgetAddChild method directly
return widgetAddChildImpl(self, child);
bool windowDoLayoutImpl(widget *self)
* Position our (only) child at (0,0) making it as big as possible.
if (vectorSize(self->children))
widget *child = vectorHead(self->children);
const size minSize = widgetGetMinSize(child);
const size maxSize = widgetGetMaxSize(child);
// Make sure we are large enough to hold the child
if (minSize.x > self->size.x
|| minSize.y > self->size.y)
return false;
// Position the widget at (0,0)
widgetReposition(child, 0, 0);
// Resize it so that it is as large as possible
widgetResize(child, MIN(self->size.x, maxSize.x),
MIN(self->size.y, maxSize.y));
return true;
void windowDoDrawImpl(widget *self)
// We really need something better than this
cairo_rectangle(self->cr, 0.0, 0.0, self->size.x, self->size.y);
cairo_set_source_rgba(self->cr, 0.0, 0.004, 0.380, 0.25);
size windowGetMinSizeImpl(widget *self)
const size minSize = { 1.0f, 1.0f };
return minSize;
size windowGetMaxSizeImpl(widget *self)
// Note the int => float conversion
const size maxSize = { INT16_MAX, INT16_MAX };
return maxSize;
void windowSetWindowVector(vector *v)
// Make sure the vector is valid
assert(v != NULL);
windowVector = v;
vector *windowGetWindowVector()
return windowVector;
void windowHandleEventForWindowVector(const event *evt)
int i;
// Make sure the vector is valid
assert(windowVector != NULL);
// Pass the event to each of the windows
for (i = 0; i < vectorSize(windowVector); i++)
widgetHandleEvent(vectorAt(windowVector, i), evt);
void windowSetScreenSize(int w, int h)
screenWidth = w;
screenHeight = h;
void windowRepositionFromScreen(window *self, hAlign hAlign, int xOffset,
vAlign vAlign, int yOffset)
int x = 0, y = 0;
size ourSize = WIDGET(self)->size;
// Ensure the screen width and height have been set
assert(screenWidth != -1 && screenHeight != -1);
switch (hAlign)
case LEFT:
x = 0;
case CENTRE:
x = screenWidth / 2 - ourSize.x / 2;
case RIGHT:
x = screenWidth;
// Transform xOffset so that +ve moves us away from the right
xOffset = -xOffset;
switch (vAlign)
case TOP:
y = 0;
case MIDDLE:
y = screenHeight / 2 - ourSize.y / 2;
case BOTTOM:
x = screenHeight;
// Transform yOffset so that +ve moves us away from the bottom
yOffset = -yOffset;
// Take offsets into account
x += xOffset;
y += yOffset;
// Reposition
widgetReposition(WIDGET(self), x, y);
void windowSetAnchorState(window *self, anchorState state)
// If the anchor is being disabled, remove any active event handlers
if (state == ANCHOR_STATIC && self->anchorWindow)
widget *anchorWidget = WIDGET(self->anchorWindow);
// Remove the reposition event handler
if (widgetIsEventHandler(anchorWidget, self->anchorRepositionId))
widgetRemoveEventHandler(anchorWidget, self->anchorRepositionId);
// Remove the resize event handler
if (widgetIsEventHandler(anchorWidget, self->anchorResizeId))
widgetRemoveEventHandler(anchorWidget, self->anchorResizeId);
// We no longer have an anchor window
self->anchorWindow = NULL;
// Update the state
self->anchorState = state;
static void windowDoRepositionFromAnchor(window *self, const window *anchor,
hAlign hAlign, int xOffset,
vAlign vAlign, int yOffset)
int x = 0, y = 0;
size anchorSize = WIDGET(anchor)->size;
point anchorPos = WIDGET(anchor)->offset;
size ourSize = WIDGET(self)->size;
switch (hAlign)
case LEFT:
x = anchorPos.x - ourSize.x;
// Transform xOffset so that +ve moves us away from anchorPos.x
xOffset = -xOffset;
case CENTRE:
x = anchorPos.x + (anchorSize.x / 2 - ourSize.x / 2);
case RIGHT:
x = anchorPos.x + anchorSize.x;
switch (vAlign)
case TOP:
y = anchorPos.y;
case MIDDLE:
y = anchorPos.y + (anchorSize.x / 2 - ourSize.y / 2);
case BOTTOM:
y = anchorPos.y + anchorSize.y;
// Take the offsets into account
x += xOffset;
y += yOffset;
// Reposition
widgetReposition(WIDGET(self), x, y);
void windowResizeImpl(widget *self, int w, int h)
window *windowSelf = WINDOW(self);
// Call our parents resize method
widgetResizeImpl(self, w, h);
// If dynamic anchoring is enabled, reposition ourself
if (windowSelf->anchorState == ANCHOR_DYNAMIC && windowSelf->anchorWindow)
windowDoRepositionFromAnchor(windowSelf, windowSelf->anchorWindow,
static bool windowAnchorCallback(widget *self, const event *evt, int handlerId,
void *userData)
// The window to be repositioned is stored in userData
window *anchoredWindow = WINDOW(userData);
// We should only be called to respond to resize and reposition eventd
assert(evt->type == EVT_REPOSITION || evt->type == EVT_RESIZE);
// Call windowDoRepositionFromAnchor to update the position
windowDoRepositionFromAnchor(anchoredWindow, WINDOW(self),
return true;
static bool windowAnchorDestroyCallback(widget *self, const event *evt,
int handlerId, void *userData)
// The window that installed us is in userData
window *anchoredWindow = WINDOW(userData);
// Make sure the event is a destruct event
assert(evt->type == EVT_DESTRUCT);
// We are being removed and therefore are no longer anchored
anchoredWindow->anchorWindow = NULL;
anchoredWindow->anchorRepositionId = anchoredWindow->anchorResizeId = -1;
return true;
void windowRepositionFromAnchor(window *self, const window *anchor,
hAlign hAlign, int xOffset,
vAlign vAlign, int yOffset)
// If dynamic anchors are enabled, set up dynamic anchoring
if (self->anchorState == ANCHOR_DYNAMIC)
// Get the current anchor (so that we may remove the event handlers)
widget *anchorWidget = WIDGET(self->anchorWindow);
if (anchorWidget)
// Remove any current event handlers we've installed
if (widgetIsEventHandler(anchorWidget, self->anchorRepositionId))
widgetRemoveEventHandler(anchorWidget, self->anchorRepositionId);
if (widgetIsEventHandler(anchorWidget, self->anchorResizeId))
widgetRemoveEventHandler(anchorWidget, self->anchorResizeId);
// Save the window/alignment/offsets
self->anchorWindow = self;
self->anchorHAlign = hAlign;
self->anchorXOffset = xOffset;
self->anchorVAlign = vAlign;
self->anchorYOffset = yOffset;
* Install the event handlers, which are required to track changes to
* the size and position of the anchor window.
* Here we make the assumption that the event handlers when removed,
* will be done so in pairs (and therefore only need to install a single
* destructor). The same callback is used for both resize and reposition
* events.
self->anchorRepositionId = widgetAddEventHandler(WIDGET(anchor), EVT_REPOSITION,
NULL, self);
self->anchorResizeId = widgetAddEventHandler(WIDGET(anchor), EVT_RESIZE,
// Reposition the window
windowDoRepositionFromAnchor(self, anchor, hAlign, xOffset, vAlign, yOffset);