
448 lines
12 KiB

package nachos.threads;
import nachos.machine.*;
* A KThread is a thread that can be used to execute Nachos kernel code. Nachos
* allows multiple threads to run concurrently.
* To create a new thread of execution, first declare a class that implements
* the <tt>Runnable</tt> interface. That class then implements the <tt>run</tt>
* method. An instance of the class can then be allocated, passed as an
* argument when creating <tt>KThread</tt>, and forked. For example, a thread
* that computes pi could be written as follows:
* <p><blockquote><pre>
* class PiRun implements Runnable {
* public void run() {
* // compute pi
* ...
* }
* }
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>The following code would then create a thread and start it running:
* <p><blockquote><pre>
* PiRun p = new PiRun();
* new KThread(p).fork();
* </pre></blockquote>
public class KThread {
* Get the current thread.
* @return the current thread.
public static KThread currentThread() {
Lib.assertTrue(currentThread != null);
return currentThread;
* Allocate a new <tt>KThread</tt>. If this is the first <tt>KThread</tt>,
* create an idle thread as well.
public KThread() {
if (currentThread != null) {
tcb = new TCB();
else {
readyQueue = ThreadedKernel.scheduler.newThreadQueue(false);
currentThread = this;
tcb = TCB.currentTCB();
name = "main";
* Allocate a new KThread.
* @param target the object whose <tt>run</tt> method is called.
public KThread(Runnable target) {
this.target = target;
* Set the target of this thread.
* @param target the object whose <tt>run</tt> method is called.
* @return this thread.
public KThread setTarget(Runnable target) {
Lib.assertTrue(status == statusNew);
this.target = target;
return this;
* Set the name of this thread. This name is used for debugging purposes
* only.
* @param name the name to give to this thread.
* @return this thread.
public KThread setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
return this;
* Get the name of this thread. This name is used for debugging purposes
* only.
* @return the name given to this thread.
public String getName() {
return name;
* Get the full name of this thread. This includes its name along with its
* numerical ID. This name is used for debugging purposes only.
* @return the full name given to this thread.
public String toString() {
return (name + " (#" + id + ")");
* Deterministically and consistently compare this thread to another
* thread.
public int compareTo(Object o) {
KThread thread = (KThread) o;
if (id < thread.id)
return -1;
else if (id > thread.id)
return 1;
return 0;
* Causes this thread to begin execution. The result is that two threads
* are running concurrently: the current thread (which returns from the
* call to the <tt>fork</tt> method) and the other thread (which executes
* its target's <tt>run</tt> method).
public void fork() {
Lib.assertTrue(status == statusNew);
Lib.assertTrue(target != null);
"Forking thread: " + toString() + " Runnable: " + target);
boolean intStatus = Machine.interrupt().disable();
tcb.start(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private void runThread() {
private void begin() {
Lib.debug(dbgThread, "Beginning thread: " + toString());
Lib.assertTrue(this == currentThread);
* Finish the current thread and schedule it to be destroyed when it is
* safe to do so. This method is automatically called when a thread's
* <tt>run</tt> method returns, but it may also be called directly.
* The current thread cannot be immediately destroyed because its stack and
* other execution state are still in use. Instead, this thread will be
* destroyed automatically by the next thread to run, when it is safe to
* delete this thread.
public static void finish() {
Lib.debug(dbgThread, "Finishing thread: " + currentThread.toString());
Lib.assertTrue(toBeDestroyed == null);
toBeDestroyed = currentThread;
currentThread.status = statusFinished;
* Relinquish the CPU if any other thread is ready to run. If so, put the
* current thread on the ready queue, so that it will eventually be
* rescheuled.
* <p>
* Returns immediately if no other thread is ready to run. Otherwise
* returns when the current thread is chosen to run again by
* <tt>readyQueue.nextThread()</tt>.
* <p>
* Interrupts are disabled, so that the current thread can atomically add
* itself to the ready queue and switch to the next thread. On return,
* restores interrupts to the previous state, in case <tt>yield()</tt> was
* called with interrupts disabled.
public static void yield() {
Lib.debug(dbgThread, "Yielding thread: " + currentThread.toString());
Lib.assertTrue(currentThread.status == statusRunning);
boolean intStatus = Machine.interrupt().disable();
* Relinquish the CPU, because the current thread has either finished or it
* is blocked. This thread must be the current thread.
* <p>
* If the current thread is blocked (on a synchronization primitive, i.e.
* a <tt>Semaphore</tt>, <tt>Lock</tt>, or <tt>Condition</tt>), eventually
* some thread will wake this thread up, putting it back on the ready queue
* so that it can be rescheduled. Otherwise, <tt>finish()</tt> should have
* scheduled this thread to be destroyed by the next thread to run.
public static void sleep() {
Lib.debug(dbgThread, "Sleeping thread: " + currentThread.toString());
if (currentThread.status != statusFinished)
currentThread.status = statusBlocked;
* Moves this thread to the ready state and adds this to the scheduler's
* ready queue.
public void ready() {
Lib.debug(dbgThread, "Ready thread: " + toString());
Lib.assertTrue(status != statusReady);
status = statusReady;
if (this != idleThread)
* Waits for this thread to finish. If this thread is already finished,
* return immediately. This method must only be called once; the second
* call is not guaranteed to return. This thread must not be the current
* thread.
public void join() {
Lib.debug(dbgThread, "Joining to thread: " + toString());
Lib.assertTrue(this != currentThread);
* Create the idle thread. Whenever there are no threads ready to be run,
* and <tt>runNextThread()</tt> is called, it will run the idle thread. The
* idle thread must never block, and it will only be allowed to run when
* all other threads are blocked.
* <p>
* Note that <tt>ready()</tt> never adds the idle thread to the ready set.
private static void createIdleThread() {
Lib.assertTrue(idleThread == null);
idleThread = new KThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() { while (true) yield(); }
* Determine the next thread to run, then dispatch the CPU to the thread
* using <tt>run()</tt>.
private static void runNextThread() {
KThread nextThread = readyQueue.nextThread();
if (nextThread == null)
nextThread = idleThread;
* Dispatch the CPU to this thread. Save the state of the current thread,
* switch to the new thread by calling <tt>TCB.contextSwitch()</tt>, and
* load the state of the new thread. The new thread becomes the current
* thread.
* <p>
* If the new thread and the old thread are the same, this method must
* still call <tt>saveState()</tt>, <tt>contextSwitch()</tt>, and
* <tt>restoreState()</tt>.
* <p>
* The state of the previously running thread must already have been
* changed from running to blocked or ready (depending on whether the
* thread is sleeping or yielding).
* @param finishing <tt>true</tt> if the current thread is
* finished, and should be destroyed by the new
* thread.
private void run() {
Lib.debug(dbgThread, "Switching from: " + currentThread.toString()
+ " to: " + toString());
currentThread = this;
* Prepare this thread to be run. Set <tt>status</tt> to
* <tt>statusRunning</tt> and check <tt>toBeDestroyed</tt>.
protected void restoreState() {
Lib.debug(dbgThread, "Running thread: " + currentThread.toString());
Lib.assertTrue(this == currentThread);
Lib.assertTrue(tcb == TCB.currentTCB());
status = statusRunning;
if (toBeDestroyed != null) {
toBeDestroyed.tcb = null;
toBeDestroyed = null;
* Prepare this thread to give up the processor. Kernel threads do not
* need to do anything here.
protected void saveState() {
Lib.assertTrue(this == currentThread);
private static class PingTest implements Runnable {
PingTest(int which) {
this.which = which;
public void run() {
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
System.out.println("*** thread " + which + " looped "
+ i + " times");
private int which;
* Tests whether this module is working.
public static void selfTest() {
Lib.debug(dbgThread, "Enter KThread.selfTest");
new KThread(new PingTest(1)).setName("forked thread").fork();
new PingTest(0).run();
private static final char dbgThread = 't';
* Additional state used by schedulers.
* @see nachos.threads.PriorityScheduler.ThreadState
public Object schedulingState = null;
private static final int statusNew = 0;
private static final int statusReady = 1;
private static final int statusRunning = 2;
private static final int statusBlocked = 3;
private static final int statusFinished = 4;
* The status of this thread. A thread can either be new (not yet forked),
* ready (on the ready queue but not running), running, or blocked (not
* on the ready queue and not running).
private int status = statusNew;
private String name = "(unnamed thread)";
private Runnable target;
private TCB tcb;
* Unique identifer for this thread. Used to deterministically compare
* threads.
private int id = numCreated++;
/** Number of times the KThread constructor was called. */
private static int numCreated = 0;
private static ThreadQueue readyQueue = null;
private static KThread currentThread = null;
private static KThread toBeDestroyed = null;
private static KThread idleThread = null;