libs cleanup
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ Using a graphics editor that doesn't do anti-aliasing and preserves exact red ch
- OR download DEM and USGS landcover/landuse tiles for same the same extent. Note, for true 16-bit DEMs you must use magick, not imlib2
- after you change settings exit the world and delete the map.sqlite in the world folder
- relaunch the map and enjoy!
- note windows users may have to edit line 162 (or so) of magick/init.lua from "MagickWand" to "C:/Program Files/ImageMagick-6.9.2-Q16/CORE_RL_wand_" or whatever the version and location of your MagickWand install might be.
### Upgrading:
- delete the realterrain.settings file in the world folder, or just create a new world
@ -1,40 +1,47 @@
PROCESSOR = "py" -- options are: "py", "gm", "magick", "imlib2", "pngLua"
--gm does not work and requires graphicksmagick, py is buggy and requires lunatic-python to be built, and the PIL,
--imlib2 treats 16-bit as 8-bit and requires imlib2, magick requires magick wand
--convert uses commandline imagemagick "convert" or graphicsmagick "gm convert" ("convert.exe" or "gm.exe convert")
--png loads the entire image into memory so has size limitations based on your resources, but needs no libs
MODPATH = minetest.get_modpath("realterrain")
WORLDPATH = minetest.get_worldpath()
RASTERS = MODPATH .. "/rasters/"
SCHEMS = MODPATH .. "/schems/"
HEIGHTMAP = false --experimental mode to build entire heightmap at once not pixel-by-pixel (requires im or gm)
--CONVERT = "gm convert" --"convert.exe", "convert", "gm convert", "gm.exe convert", etc --experimental
local magick, imlib2, py, gm, convert, socket
local ie = minetest.request_insecure_environment()
--ie.require "luarocks.loader"
--ie.require "luarocks.loader" --if you use luarocks to install some of the packages below you may need this
package.path = (MODPATH.."/lua-imagesize-1.2/?.lua;"..package.path)
package.path = (MODPATH.."/lib/lua-imagesize-1.2/?.lua;"..package.path)
local imagesize = ie.require "imagesize"
--[[package.loadlib("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", "*") --may not need to explicitly state this
package.path = (MODPATH.."/lunatic-python-bugfix-1.1.1/?.lua;"..package.path)
local py = ie.require("python", "*")--]]
--[[py.execute("import grass.script as gscript")
py.execute("from osgeo import gdal")]]
--package.path = (MODPATH.."/luasocket/?.lua;"..MODPATH.."/luasocket/?/init.lua;"..package.path)
--local socket = ie.require "socket"
--ONLY RUN ONE OF magick OR imlib2 OR gm OR convert AT ANY TIME
package.path = (MODPATH.."/magick/?.lua;"..MODPATH.."/magick/?/init.lua;"..package.path)
local magick = ie.require "magick"--]]
--[[package.path = (MODPATH.."/lua-imlib2/?.lua;"..package.path)
local imlib2 = ie.require "imlib2"--]]
--[[package.path = (MODPATH.."/?.lua;"..MODPATH.."/?/init.lua;"..package.path)
local gm = ie.require "graphicsmagick"--]]
--you can avoid libraries if you use command line im (convert, convert.exe) or gm (gm convert, gm.exe convert)
--[[convert = "convert" --]]
--[[package.path = (MODPATH.."/lib/luasocket/?.lua;"..MODPATH.."/lib/luasocket/?/init.lua;"..package.path)
socket = ie.require "socket"--]]
local py, gm, magick, imlib2, convert
if PROCESSOR == "py" then
package.loadlib("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", "*") --may not need to explicitly state this
package.path = (MODPATH.."/lib/lunatic-python-bugfix-1.1.1/?.lua;"..package.path)
py = ie.require("python", "*")
py.execute("import Image")
--py.execute("import numpy")
--py.execute("import grass.script as gscript")
--py.execute("from osgeo import gdal")
elseif PROCESSOR == "magick" then
package.path = (MODPATH.."/lib/magick/?.lua;"..MODPATH.."/lib/magick/?/init.lua;"..package.path)
magick = ie.require "magick"
elseif PROCESSOR == "imlib2" then
package.path = (MODPATH.."/lib/lua-imlib2/?.lua;"..package.path)
imlib2 = ie.require "imlib2"
elseif PROCESSOR == "gm" then
package.path = (MODPATH.."/lib/?.lua;"..MODPATH.."/lib/?/init.lua;"..package.path)
gm = ie.require "graphicsmagick"
elseif PROCESSOR == "convert" then
convert = "convert" -- could also be convert.exe, "gm convert" or "gm.exe convert"
elseif PROCESSOR == "png" then
package.path = (MODPATH.."/lib/pngLua/?.lua;"..MOPATH.."/lib/pngLua/?/init.lua;"..package.path)
ie.require "png"
local realterrain = {}
realterrain.settings = {}
@ -551,121 +558,57 @@ realterrain.input = {}
realterrain.input2 = {}
realterrain.input3 = {}
function realterrain.init()
py.execute("import Image")
py.execute("dem ='"..RASTERS..realterrain.settings.filedem.."')")
py.execute("cover ='"..RASTERS..realterrain.settings.filecover.."')")
local pybits = py.eval("dem.mode")
py.execute("w, l = dem.size")
realterrain.dem.width = tonumber(tostring(py.eval("w")))
realterrain.dem.length = tonumber(tostring(py.eval("l")))
print("[PYTHON] mode: "..pybits..", width: "..width..", length: "..length)
local mode = realterrain.get_mode()
local imageload
if gm then imageload = gm.Image
elseif magick then imageload = magick.load_image
elseif imlib2 then imageload = imlib2.image.load
--@todo fail if there is no DEM?
realterrain.dem.image = imageload(RASTERS..realterrain.settings.filedem)
--local dem = magick.load_image(RASTERS..realterrain.settings.filedem)
if realterrain.dem.image then
if gm then
realterrain.dem.width, realterrain.dem.length = realterrain.dem.image:size()
realterrain.dem.bits = realterrain.dem.image:depth()
realterrain.dem.width = realterrain.dem.image:get_width()
realterrain.dem.length = realterrain.dem.image:get_height()
realterrain.dem.bits = realterrain.settings.dembits
print("[DEM] depth: "..realterrain.dem.bits..", width: "..realterrain.dem.width..", length: "..realterrain.dem.length)
print("your dem file is missing, maybe delete or edit world/realterrain_settings")
realterrain.dem = {}
if mode.get_cover and realterrain.settings.filecover and realterrain.settings.filecover ~= "" then
realterrain.cover.image = imageload(RASTERS..realterrain.settings.filecover)
if realterrain.cover.image then
if gm then
realterrain.cover.width, realterrain.cover.length = realterrain.cover.image:size()
realterrain.cover.bits = realterrain.cover.image:depth()
realterrain.cover.width = realterrain.cover.image:get_width()
realterrain.cover.length = realterrain.cover.image:get_height()
realterrain.cover.bits = realterrain.settings.coverbits
local rasternames = {}
table.insert(rasternames, "dem")
if mode.get_cover then table.insert(rasternames, "cover") end
if mode.get_input then table.insert(rasternames, "input") end
if mode.get_input2 then table.insert(rasternames, "input2") end
if mode.get_input3 then table.insert(rasternames, "input3") end
for k,rastername in next, rasternames do
if realterrain.settings["file"..rastername] ~= "" then
if py then
py.execute(rastername.." ='"..RASTERS..realterrain.settings["file"..rastername] .."')")
py.execute(rastername.."_w, "..rastername.."_l = "..rastername..".size")
realterrain[rastername].width = tonumber(tostring(py.eval(rastername.."_w")))
realterrain[rastername].length = tonumber(tostring(py.eval(rastername.."_l")))
realterrain[rastername].mode = tostring(py.eval(rastername..".mode"))
print(rastername.." mode: "..realterrain[rastername].mode)
if mode.get_input_color and realterrain[rastername].mode ~= "RGB" then
py.execute(rastername.." = "..rastername..".convert('RGB')")
realterrain[rastername].mode = "RGB"
elseif not mode.get_input_color and realterrain[rastername].mode == "RGB" then
py.execute(rastername.." = "..rastername..".convert('L')")
realterrain[rastername].mode = "L"
realterrain[rastername].image = imageload(RASTERS..realterrain.settings["file"..rastername])
if realterrain[rastername].image then
if gm then
realterrain[rastername].width, realterrain[rastername].length = realterrain[rastername].image:size()
else--imagick or imlib2
realterrain[rastername].width = realterrain[rastername].image:get_width()
realterrain[rastername].length = realterrain[rastername].image:get_height()
if magick then
realterrain[rastername].bits = realterrain.settings[rastername.."bits"]
print("your "..rastername.." file is missing (should be: "..realterrain.settings["file"..rastername].."), maybe delete or edit world/realterrain_settings")
realterrain[rastername] = {}
print("[COVER] depth: "..realterrain.cover.bits..", width: "..realterrain.cover.width..", length: "..realterrain.cover.length)
print("["..PROCESSOR.."-"..rastername.."] file: "..realterrain.settings["file"..rastername].." width: "..realterrain[rastername].width..", length: "..realterrain[rastername].length)
print("your biome file is missing, maybe delete or edit world/realterrain_settings")
realterrain.cover = {}
print("no "..rastername.." selected")
realterrain[rastername] = {}
realterrain.cover = {}
if mode.get_input and realterrain.settings.fileinput and realterrain.settings.fileinput ~= "" then
realterrain.input.image = imageload(RASTERS..realterrain.settings.fileinput)
if realterrain.input.image then
if gm then
realterrain.input.width, realterrain.input.length = realterrain.input.image:size()
realterrain.input.bits = realterrain.input.image:depth()
realterrain.input.width = realterrain.input.image:get_width()
realterrain.input.length = realterrain.input.image:get_height()
realterrain.input.bits = realterrain.settings.inputbits
print("[IN1] depth: "..realterrain.input.bits..", width: "..realterrain.input.width..", length: "..realterrain.input.length)
print("your input 1 file is missing, maybe delete or edit world/realterrain_settings")
realterrain.input = {}
realterrain.input = {}
if mode.get_input2 and realterrain.settings.fileinput2 and realterrain.settings.fileinput2 ~= "" then
realterrain.input2.image = imageload(RASTERS..realterrain.settings.fileinput2)
if realterrain.input2.image then
if gm then
realterrain.input2.width, realterrain.input2.length = realterrain.input2.image:size()
realterrain.input2.bits = realterrain.input2.image:depth()
realterrain.input2.width = realterrain.input2.image:get_width()
realterrain.input2.length = realterrain.input2.image:get_height()
realterrain.input2.bits = realterrain.settings.input2bits
print("[IN2] depth: "..realterrain.input2.bits..", width: "..realterrain.input2.width..", length: "..realterrain.input2.length)
print("your input 2 file is missing, maybe delete or edit world/realterrain_settings")
realterrain.input2 = {}
realterrain.input2 = {}
if mode.get_input3 and realterrain.settings.fileinput3 and realterrain.settings.fileinput3 ~= "" then
realterrain.input3.image = imageload(RASTERS..realterrain.settings.fileinput3)
if realterrain.input3.image then
if gm then
realterrain.input3.width, realterrain.input3.length = realterrain.input3.image:size()
realterrain.input3.bits = realterrain.input3.image:depth()
realterrain.input3.width = realterrain.input3.image:get_width()
realterrain.input3.length = realterrain.input3.image:get_height()
realterrain.input3.bits = realterrain.settings.input3bits
print("[IN3] depth: "..realterrain.input3.bits..", width: "..realterrain.input3.width..", length: "..realterrain.input3.length)
print("your input 3 file is missing, maybe delete or edit world/realterrain_settings")
realterrain.input3 = {}
realterrain.input3 = {}
@ -1148,65 +1091,61 @@ function realterrain.generate(minp, maxp)
print ("[GEN] "..chugent.." ms mapchunk ("..cx0..", "..cy0..", "..cz0..")")
--the raw get pixel method that uses the selected method and accounts for bit depth
function realterrain.get_raw_pixel(x,z, raster) -- "image" is a string for python and an image object for magick / imlib2
function realterrain.get_raw_pixel(x,z, rastername) -- "rastername" is a string
local r,g,b
--[[py then --images for py need to be greyscale
v = py.eval(raster..".getpixel(("..x..","..z.."))") --no bit depth conversion required
v = tonumber(tostring(v))
local bits
if raster == "dem" then
raster = realterrain.dem.image
bits = realterrain.dem.bits
elseif raster == "cover" then
raster = realterrain.cover.image
bits = realterrain.cover.bits
elseif raster == "input" then
raster = realterrain.input.image
bits = realterrain.input.bits
elseif raster == "input2" then
raster = realterrain.input2.image
bits = realterrain.input2.bits
elseif raster == "input3" then
raster = realterrain.input3.image
bits = realterrain.input3.bits
if raster then
--[[if gm then --this method is unusable until direct pixel access is exposed in gm!
line = raster:clone():crop(1,1,x,z):format("txt"):toString()
--parse the output pixels
--local firstcomma = string.find(line, ",")
--local right = tonumber(string.sub(line, 1 , firstcomma - 1)) + 1
--print("right: "..right)
local firstcolon = string.find(line, ":")
--local down = (tonumber(string.sub(line, firstcomma + 1 , firstcolon - 1)) + 1 ) * (-1)
--print("down: "..down)
local secondcomma = string.find(line, ",", firstcolon)
v = string.sub(line, firstcolon + 3, secondcomma -1)
v = tonumber(v)
if magick then
r,g,b = raster:get_pixel(x, z) --@todo change when magick autodetects bit depth
r = math.floor(r * (2^bits))
g = math.floor(g * (2^bits))
b = math.floor(b * (2^bits))
elseif imlib2 then
r = raster:get_pixel(x, z).red
g = raster:get_pixel(x, z).green
b = raster:get_pixel(x, z).blue
--check to see if the image is even on the raster, otherwise skip
if ( x >= 0 and x < realterrain[rastername].width )
and ( z >= 0 and z < realterrain[rastername].length ) then
--print(rastername..": x "..x..", z "..z)
if py then
if realterrain[rastername].mode == "RGB" then
py.execute(rastername.."_r, "..rastername.."_g,"..rastername.."_b = "..rastername..".getpixel(("..x..", "..z.."))")
r = tonumber(tostring(py.eval(rastername.."_r")))
g = tonumber(tostring(py.eval(rastername.."_g")))
b = tonumber(tostring(py.eval(rastername.."_b")))
r = tonumber(tostring(py.eval(rastername..".getpixel(("..x..","..z.."))"))) --no bit depth conversion required
if realterrain[rastername].image then
if gm then --this method is unusably slow until direct pixel access is exposed in gm!
line = realterrain[rastername].image:clone():crop(1,1,x,z):format("txt"):toString()
--parse the output pixels
--local firstcomma = string.find(line, ",")
--local right = tonumber(string.sub(line, 1 , firstcomma - 1)) + 1
--print("right: "..right)
local firstcolon = string.find(line, ":")
--local down = (tonumber(string.sub(line, firstcomma + 1 , firstcolon - 1)) + 1 ) * (-1)
--print("down: "..down)
local secondcomma = string.find(line, ",", firstcolon)
r = string.sub(line, firstcolon + 3, secondcomma -1)
r = tonumber(r)
elseif magick then
r,g,b = realterrain[rastername].image:get_pixel(x, z) --@todo change when magick autodetects bit depth
r = math.floor(r * (2^realterrain[rastername].bits))
g = math.floor(g * (2^realterrain[rastername].bits))
b = math.floor(b * (2^realterrain[rastername].bits))
elseif imlib2 then
r = realterrain[rastername].image:get_pixel(x, z).red
g = realterrain[rastername].image:get_pixel(x, z).green
b = realterrain[rastername].image:get_pixel(x, z).blue
--print (v)
return r,g,b
--print (v)
return r,g,b
--the main get pixel method that applies the scale and offsets
function realterrain.get_pixel(x,z, get_cover, get_input, get_input2, get_input3, get_input_color)
local e, b, i, i2, i3
local e, c, i, i2, i3
local row,col = 0 - z + tonumber(realterrain.settings.zoffset), 0 + x - tonumber(realterrain.settings.xoffset)
--adjust for x and z scales
row = math.floor(row / tonumber(realterrain.settings.zscale))
@ -1225,11 +1164,11 @@ function realterrain.get_pixel(x,z, get_cover, get_input, get_input2, get_input3
--adjust for offset and scale
e = math.floor((e * tonumber(realterrain.settings.yscale)) + tonumber(realterrain.settings.yoffset))
if get_cover then
b = realterrain.get_raw_pixel(col,row, "cover") or 0
if get_cover and realterrain.settings.filecover ~= "" then
c = realterrain.get_raw_pixel(col,row, "cover") or 0
if get_input then
if get_input and realterrain.settings.fileinput ~= "" then
if get_input_color then
i, i2, i3 = realterrain.get_raw_pixel(col,row, "input")
if not i then i = 0 end
@ -1239,14 +1178,14 @@ function realterrain.get_pixel(x,z, get_cover, get_input, get_input2, get_input3
i = realterrain.get_raw_pixel(col,row, "input") or 0
if get_input2 then
if get_input2 and realterrain.settings.fileinput2 ~= "" then
i2 = realterrain.get_raw_pixel(col,row, "input2") or 0
if get_input3 then
if get_input3 and realterrain.settings.fileinput3 ~= "" then
i3 = realterrain.get_raw_pixel(col,row, "input3") or 0
--print("elev: "..e..", cover: "..b)
return e, b, i, i2, i3
return e, c, i, i2, i3
--this function parses a line of IM or GM pixel enumeration without any scaling or adjustment
function realterrain.parse_enumeration(line)
@ -1264,17 +1203,41 @@ function realterrain.parse_enumeration(line)
local value = tonumber(string.sub(line, firstcolon + 3, secondcomma -1))
return value, right, down
function realterrain.get_enumeration(image, xstart, width, zstart, length)
function realterrain.get_enumeration(raster, xstart, width, zstart, length) --raster is a string so py can use it
local enumeration
if gm then
enumeration = realterrain.dem.image:clone():crop(width,length,xstart,zstart):format("txt"):toString()
elseif magick then
local tmpimg
tmpimg = realterrain.dem.image:clone()
enumeration = tmpimg:get_blob()
if py then
enumeration = py.eval(raster..".getpixels(("..x..","..z.."))")
--v = tonumber(tostring(v))
local bits
if raster == "dem" then
raster = realterrain.dem.image
bits = realterrain.dem.bits
elseif raster == "cover" then
raster = realterrain.cover.image
bits = realterrain.cover.bits
elseif raster == "input" then
raster = realterrain.input.image
bits = realterrain.input.bits
elseif raster == "input2" then
raster = realterrain.input2.image
bits = realterrain.input2.bits
elseif raster == "input3" then
raster = realterrain.input3.image
bits = realterrain.input3.bits
if gm then
enumeration = realterrain.dem.image:clone():crop(width,length,xstart,zstart):format("txt"):toString()
elseif magick then
local tmpimg
tmpimg = realterrain.dem.image:clone()
enumeration = tmpimg:get_blob()
elseif imlib2 then
--no method for this in imlib2
--local cmd = convert..' "'..RASTERS..realterrain.settings.filedem..'"'..' -crop 80x80+'..col..'+'..row..' txt:-'
return enumeration
@ -1289,84 +1252,92 @@ function realterrain.build_heightmap(xstart, xend, zstart, zend, get_cover, get_
--print("width: "..width ..", length: "..length)
print("request entries: "..width*length)
zstart = 0 - zstart
local enumeration = realterrain.get_enumeration(realterrain.dem.image, xstart, width, zstart, length)
--print("entire enumeration: "..enumeration)
local entries = 0
local mincol, maxcol, minrow, maxrow
local firstline = true
for k,line in next, string.split(enumeration, "\n") do
if magick and firstline then
firstline = false --first line is a head in IM but not GM
entries = entries + 1
--print(entries .." :: " .. v)
value, right, down = realterrain.parse_enumeration(line)
--print("elev: "..e)
value = math.floor((value / tonumber(realterrain.settings.yscale)) + tonumber(realterrain.settings.yoffset))
local x = xstart + right -1
local z = 0- zstart + down
if not mincol then
mincol = x
maxcol = x
minrow = z
maxrow = z
if x < mincol then mincol = x end
if x > maxcol then maxcol = x end
if z < minrow then minrow = z end
if z > maxrow then maxrow = z end
--print ("x: "..x..", z: "..z..", elev: "..value)
if not pixels[z] then pixels[z] = {} end
pixels[z][x] = {elev=value}
local firstline = true
if get_cover then
local enumeration = realterrain.get_enumeration(realterrain.cover.image, xstart, width, zstart, length)
if py then
v = py.eval(raster..".getpixel(("..x..","..z.."))") --no bit depth conversion required
v = tonumber(tostring(v))
local enumeration = realterrain.get_enumeration("dem", xstart, width, zstart, length)
--print("entire enumeration: "..enumeration)
local entries = 0
local mincol, maxcol, minrow, maxrow
local firstline = true
for k,line in next, string.split(enumeration, "\n") do
if magick and firstline then
firstline = false --first line is a head in IM but not GM
value, right, down = realterrain.parse_enumeration(line)
entries = entries + 1
--print(entries .." :: " .. v)
local value, right, down = realterrain.parse_enumeration(line)
--print("elev: "..e)
value = math.floor((value / tonumber(realterrain.settings.yscale)) + tonumber(realterrain.settings.yoffset))
local x = xstart + right -1
local z = 0- zstart + down
if not mincol then
mincol = x
maxcol = x
minrow = z
maxrow = z
if x < mincol then mincol = x end
if x > maxcol then maxcol = x end
if z < minrow then minrow = z end
if z > maxrow then maxrow = z end
--print ("x: "..x..", z: "..z..", elev: "..value)
if not pixels[z] then pixels[z] = {} end
pixels[z][x] = {cover=value}
pixels[z][x] = {elev=value}
local firstline = true
if get_input then
local enumeration = realterrain.get_enumeration(realterrain.input.image, xstart, width, zstart, length)
for k,line in next, string.split(enumeration, "\n") do
if magick and firstline then
firstline = false --first line is a head in IM but not GM
value, right, down = realterrain.parse_enumeration(line)
value = math.floor((value / tonumber(realterrain.settings.yscale)) + tonumber(realterrain.settings.yoffset))
local x = xstart + right -1
local z = 0- zstart + down
if not pixels[z] then pixels[z] = {} end
pixels[z][x] = {input=value}
local firstline = true
if get_cover then
local enumeration = realterrain.get_enumeration("cover", xstart, width, zstart, length)
for k,line in next, string.split(enumeration, "\n") do
if magick and firstline then
firstline = false --first line is a head in IM but not GM
value, right, down = realterrain.parse_enumeration(line)
value = math.floor((value / tonumber(realterrain.settings.yscale)) + tonumber(realterrain.settings.yoffset))
local x = xstart + right -1
local z = 0- zstart + down
if not pixels[z] then pixels[z] = {} end
pixels[z][x] = {cover=value}
local firstline = true
if get_input then
local enumeration = realterrain.get_enumeration("input", xstart, width, zstart, length)
for k,line in next, string.split(enumeration, "\n") do
if magick and firstline then
firstline = false --first line is a head in IM but not GM
value, right, down = realterrain.parse_enumeration(line)
value = math.floor((value / tonumber(realterrain.settings.yscale)) + tonumber(realterrain.settings.yoffset))
local x = xstart + right -1
local z = 0- zstart + down
if not pixels[z] then pixels[z] = {} end
pixels[z][x] = {input=value}
print("result range: x:"..mincol..","..maxcol.."; z:"..minrow..","..maxrow)
print("result entries: "..entries)
print("result range: x:"..mincol..","..maxcol.."; z:"..minrow..","..maxrow)
print("result entries: "..entries)
return pixels
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 199 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 199 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 199 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 199 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 128 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 128 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 29 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 29 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 296 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 296 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 259 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 259 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.8 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.8 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 64 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 64 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 37 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 37 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.7 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.7 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 677 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 677 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.3 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.3 KiB |