
650 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <stack>
#include <ctime>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include "rivermapper.h"
#include "random.h"
using namespace std;
RiverMapper::RiverMapper(Map<double>* dem_map) : width(dem_map->width), height(dem_map->height), size(dem_map->size)
dem = dem_map->data;
water = new double[size];
dirs_ref = new size_t[size];
lakes = new double[size];
dirs = new uint8_t[size];
ndonors = new uint8_t[size];
basin_id = new uint32_t[size];
erosion_time = new double[size];
pcg = new PcgRandom();
delete[] water;
delete[] dirs_ref;
delete[] lakes;
delete[] dirs;
delete[] ndonors;
delete[] basin_id;
delete[] erosion_time;
delete[] pcg;
inline double diff_or_zero(const double a, const double b) {
return (a > b) ? a-b : 0;
inline double min(const double a, const double b) {
return (a < b) ? a : b;
inline double max(const double a, const double b) {
return (a > b) ? a : b;
inline double max3(const double a, const double b, const double c) {
return (a > b) ? ((a > c) ? a : c) : ((b > c) ? b : c);
inline int RiverMapper::flow_local(const double zdiffs[], const int nz)
double sum = 0.0f;
for (int i=0; i<nz; i++) {
sum += zdiffs[i];
if (sum <= 0.0f)
return 0;
double rn = pcg->rand() * sum;
for (int i=0; i<nz; i++) {
if (zdiffs[i] > rn) {
return i+1;
rn -= zdiffs[i];
return 0;
inline uint64_t get_key(uint32_t k1, uint32_t k2) {
return ((uint64_t)k1 << 32) | (uint64_t)k2;
struct Link {uint32_t basins[2]; size_t x; size_t y; double elev; bool isY;};
struct LinkManager {
Link* linklist;
unordered_map<uint64_t, Link*> linkmap;
size_t n = 0;
LinkManager(size_t num_basins) {
size_t max_num_links = 1;
if (num_basins > 2)
max_num_links = (size_t)num_basins*3 - 6; // From Euler's characteristics, a planar graph of n vertices can have at most 3n-6 edges.
linklist = new Link[max_num_links];
~LinkManager() {
delete[] linklist;
void add_link(uint32_t b1, uint32_t b2, size_t x, size_t y, double elev, bool isY) {
if (b1 > b2) {
uint32_t b3 = b1;
b1 = b2; b2 = b3;
uint64_t key = get_key(b1, b2);
auto item = linkmap.find(get_key(b1, b2));
if (item == linkmap.end()) {
Link* ln = &linklist[n++];
*ln = {b1, b2, x, y, elev, isY};
linkmap.insert({key, ln});
} else {
Link* ln = item->second;
if (elev < ln->elev) {
ln->x = x;
ln->y = y;
ln->elev = elev;
ln->isY = isY;
struct Adjacency{size_t next; size_t nbasin;};
struct Basin{size_t begin; size_t size;};
void planar_boruvka(Link* linklist, Link** graph, const size_t nlinks, const size_t nbasins)
//cout << "Building adjacency list" << endl;
adjacencylist: List that stores all links of linklist, in the same order, but duplicated (one for both directions). The '.next' parameters points to another link coming from the same node.
basinlist: first edge of every node, and number of edges.
Adjacency* adjacencylist = new Adjacency[nlinks*2];
Basin* basinlist = new Basin[nbasins];
bool* active_edges = new bool[nlinks];
size_t* bucket = new size_t[nbasins];
for (int i=0; i<nbasins; i++)
basinlist[i] = {(size_t)-1, 0};
for (size_t i=0; i<nlinks; i++) { // Fill the adjacency list
active_edges[i] = true;
Link& link = linklist[i];
// Add link from basin 1 to basin 2
Basin* basin = &basinlist[link.basins[0]];
adjacencylist[i*2] = {basin->begin, link.basins[1]};
basin->begin = i*2;
// Add link from basin 2 to basin 1
basin = &basinlist[link.basins[1]];
adjacencylist[i*2+1] = {basin->begin, link.basins[0]};
basin->begin = i*2+1;
vector<size_t> lowlevel;
vector<size_t> highlevel;
for (size_t i=0; i<nbasins; i++) // Select basins based on their number of links
if (basinlist[i].size <= 8)
else {
for (size_t i=0; i<nbasins; i++)
bucket[i] = (size_t)-1;
vector<size_t> in_bucket;
size_t g = 0;
while (!lowlevel.empty()) {
for (const size_t b1 : lowlevel) { // Process all basins with 8 edges or less
if (basinlist[b1].size > 8) { // Check that the basin has less than 8 edges. It may have changed.
size_t lowest_last_n;
size_t lowest_n;
double lowest_elev = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
size_t n = basinlist[b1].begin;
size_t nlast = (size_t)-1;
size_t count = 0;
while (n != (size_t)-1) { // Loop over b1's edges
const size_t nlink = n >> 1; // Corresponding index in linklist
if (!active_edges[nlink]) {
// If edge is inactive, remove it and skip
// Removing the nth edge: making the n-1th edge pointing to the n+1th one.
if (nlast == (size_t)-1)
basinlist[b1].begin = adjacencylist[n].next;
adjacencylist[nlast].next = adjacencylist[n].next;
n = adjacencylist[n].next; // Move to next link
// If it is the lowest edge yet
if (linklist[nlink].elev < lowest_elev) {
lowest_elev = linklist[nlink].elev;
lowest_last_n = nlast;
lowest_n = n;
nlast = n;
n = adjacencylist[n].next; // Move to next link
if (count != basinlist[b1].size)
cout << "Inconsistent size for node B" << b1 << ";: " << count << " links instead of " << basinlist[b1].size << endl;
if (!isfinite(lowest_elev)) {
// If node is empty! (Should happen only for last node)
// Add link to the graph
graph[g++] = &linklist[lowest_n>>1];
const size_t b2 = adjacencylist[lowest_n].nbasin;
// We are going to merge basin b1 into b2.
// First, edges that were pointing to basin b1 should be redirected to b2
n = basinlist[b1].begin;
while (n != (size_t)-1) { // Loop again over the b1's edges
if (adjacencylist[n].nbasin == b2) { // Links that point to b2 should be removed
active_edges[n>>1] = false; // Mark the link as disused, it will be removed when encountered
basinlist[b1].size--; // Decrement basin sizes (applies to both basins)
// Redirect reciprocal edges to b2
adjacencylist[n^(size_t)1].nbasin = b2; // n^1 corresponds to the reciprocal edge (because pairs of edges are stored next to each other)
n = adjacencylist[n].next;
adjacencylist[nlast].next = basinlist[b2].begin; // Append b2 after b1 by referencing last b1 member on first b2 one
basinlist[b2].begin = basinlist[b1].begin; // Merge b2 and b1
basinlist[b2].size += basinlist[b1].size; // Increment b2's size
basinlist[b1] = {(size_t)-1, 0}; // Delete b1
// Clean the graph, to remove many duplicate or self-loop edges that may appear
size_t cur_highlevel = 0;
if (highlevel.size() == 0)
for (const size_t b1 : highlevel) { // High level nodes are the only ones remaining
size_t n = basinlist[b1].begin;
size_t j = 0;
while (n != (size_t)-1) { // Loop over edges
const size_t b2 = adjacencylist[n].nbasin;
if (!active_edges[n>>1]) { // Skip disused edges
n = adjacencylist[n].next;
size_t jref = bucket[b2]; // Check the content of the bucket for the opposite basin. If that basin has already been seen, it contains an index to the corresponding item in 'in_bucket'.
if (jref == (size_t)-1) { // First time a link to this basin is encountered, keep it
bucket[b2] = j++;
} else { // There is already a link to this basin
if (linklist[n >> 1].elev < linklist[in_bucket[jref] >> 1].elev) { // Check elevation: if the new link found is lower, replace the older, otherwise, ignore it.
active_edges[in_bucket[jref]>>1] = false;
in_bucket[jref] = n;
} else {
active_edges[n>>1] = false;
n = adjacencylist[n].next; // Move to next edge
size_t nlast = (size_t)-1;
if (in_bucket.size() == 0) {
basinlist[b1] = {(size_t)-1, 0};
// Reconstruct adjacency of b1
for (const size_t na : in_bucket) {// na to avoid confusion with n
bucket[adjacencylist[na].nbasin] = (size_t)-1;
if (nlast == (size_t)-1) {
basinlist[b1].begin = na;
} else
adjacencylist[nlast].next = na;
nlast = na;
adjacencylist[nlast].next = (size_t)-1;
// Recompute size and push into appropriate list
basinlist[b1].size = in_bucket.size();
if ((basinlist[b1].size <= 8) && (basinlist[b1].size > 0))
else {
highlevel[cur_highlevel++] = b1;
delete[] adjacencylist;
delete[] basinlist;
delete[] active_edges;
delete[] bucket;
inline double disptime(clock_t delta) {
double time = (double)delta / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
return time;
void RiverMapper::flow()
clock_t t0, t1;
clock_t t_total = 0;
cout << "Calculating local flow directions..." << endl;
t0 = clock();
// Reinitialize array
for (size_t i=0; i<size; i++) {
dirs[i] = 0u;
const size_t Xmax = width-1;
const size_t Ymax = height-1;
vector<size_t> singular;
// Determine local flow dirs
size_t i = 0;
double zdiffs[4];
for (size_t y=0; y<height; y++) {
for (size_t x=0; x<width; x++, i++) {
double z = dem[i];
zdiffs[0] = (x < Xmax) ? diff_or_zero(z, dem[i+1]) : 0;
zdiffs[1] = (y < Ymax) ? diff_or_zero(z, dem[i+width]) : 0;
zdiffs[2] = (x > 0) ? diff_or_zero(z, dem[i-1]) : 0;
zdiffs[3] = (y > 0) ? diff_or_zero(z, dem[i-width]) : 0;
uint8_t d = flow_local(zdiffs, 4u);
switch (d) {
case 1: {
dirs[i+1] |= (uint8_t)1u;
dirs_ref[i] = i+1;
case 2: {
dirs[i+width] |= (uint8_t)2u;
dirs_ref[i] = i+width;
case 3: {
dirs[i-1] |= (uint8_t)4u;
dirs_ref[i] = i-1;
case 4: {
dirs[i-width] |= (uint8_t)8u;
dirs_ref[i] = i-width;
default: {
dirs_ref[i] = SIZE_MAX;
t1 = clock();
t_total += (t1-t0);
cout << "\tCompleted in " << disptime(t1-t0) << " s" << endl;
cout << "Percolating drainage basins (" << singular.size() << " basins)..." << endl;
t0 = clock();
uint32_t nb = 0;
std::stack<size_t> s;
for (size_t i : singular) {
while (!s.empty()) {
i =;
uint8_t d = dirs[i];
if (d & (uint8_t)1u)
if (d & (uint8_t)2u)
if (d & (uint8_t)4u)
if (d & (uint8_t)8u)
basin_id[i] = nb;
const size_t basin_max = nb;
t1 = clock();
t_total += (t1-t0);
cout << "\tCompleted in " << disptime(t1-t0) << " s" << endl;
cout << "Finding lowest passes between basins..." << endl;
t0 = clock();
LinkManager linkmgr(basin_max+1);
// Link basins
i = 0;
for (size_t y=0; y<height; y++) {
uint32_t b1 = basin_id[i];
linkmgr.add_link(b1, basin_max, 0, y, dem[i], false);
for (size_t x=1; x<width; x++, i++) {
const uint32_t b2 = basin_id[i];
if (b1 != b2)
linkmgr.add_link(b1, b2, x, y, max(dem[i], dem[i-1]), false);
b1 = b2;
linkmgr.add_link(b1, basin_max, width, y, dem[i-1], false);
for (size_t x=0; x<width; x++) {
i = x;
uint32_t b1 = basin_id[i];
linkmgr.add_link(b1, basin_max, x, 0, dem[i], true);
for (size_t y=1; y<height; y++, i+=width) {
const uint32_t b2 = basin_id[i];
if (b1 != b2)
linkmgr.add_link(b1, b2, x, y, max(dem[i], dem[i-width]), true);
b1 = b2;
linkmgr.add_link(b1, basin_max, x, height, dem[i-width], true);
t1 = clock();
t_total += (t1-t0);
cout << "\tCompleted in " << disptime(t1-t0) << " s" << endl;
cout << "Building basin flow tree..." << endl;
t0 = clock();
Link** basin_tree = new Link*[basin_max];
planar_boruvka(linkmgr.linklist, basin_tree, linkmgr.n, basin_max+1); // This computes basin tree
t1 = clock();
t_total += (t1-t0);
cout << "\tCompleted in " << disptime(t1-t0) << " s" << endl;
cout << "Orienting basin tree and updating flow directions..." << endl;
t0 = clock();
// Compute adjacency list of the basin tree
size_t* adjacencylist = new size_t[basin_max*2];
size_t* basinlist = new size_t[basin_max+1];
for (size_t i=0; i<basin_max+1; i++)
basinlist[i] = (size_t)-1;
for (size_t i=0; i<basin_max; i++) {
Link& link = *basin_tree[i];
adjacencylist[i*2] = basinlist[link.basins[0]];
basinlist[link.basins[0]] = i*2;
adjacencylist[i*2+1] = basinlist[link.basins[1]];
basinlist[link.basins[1]] = i*2+1;
// Resolve links
double* lake_elev = new double[basin_max+1];
lake_elev[basin_max] = -numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
stack<size_t> basin_stack;
while (!basin_stack.empty()) {
const size_t b1 =;
const double b1_lake_elev = lake_elev[b1];
size_t n = basinlist[b1];
while (n != (size_t)-1) {
if (basin_tree[n>>1] == nullptr) {
n = adjacencylist[n];
Link& link = *basin_tree[n>>1];
const size_t b2 = (link.basins[0]==b1) ? link.basins[1] : link.basins[0];
lake_elev[b2] = max(b1_lake_elev, link.elev);
// Resolve link
size_t offset = link.isY ? width : 1;
size_t i1 = link.y*width + link.x;
bool forward = (link.x == width) || (link.y == height) || (basin_id[i1] != b2);
bool border = link.isY ? ((link.y==0) || (link.y==height)) : ((link.x==0) || (link.x==width));
size_t i2;
if (forward) {
i2 = i1;
i1 -= offset;
} else {
i2 = i1 - offset;
if (border) {
i2 = SIZE_MAX;
while (i1 != SIZE_MAX) {
if (basin_id[i1] != b2)
cout << "Basin " << basin_id[i1] << " instead of " << b2 << "!" << endl;
const size_t temp = dirs_ref[i1];
dirs_ref[i1] = i2;
i2 = i1;
i1 = temp;
basin_tree[n>>1] = nullptr; // To avoid looping twice on the same link
n = adjacencylist[n];
for (size_t i=0; i<size; i++) {
lakes[i] = lake_elev[basin_id[i]];
const int dir_diff = dirs_ref[i] - i;
uint8_t d = 0u;
if (dir_diff==-width)
d = 1u;
else if (dir_diff==1)
d = 2u;
else if (dir_diff==width)
d = 3u;
else if (dir_diff==-1)
d = 4u;
dirs[i] = d;
delete[] basin_tree;
delete[] adjacencylist;
delete[] basinlist;
delete[] lake_elev;
t1 = clock();
t_total += (t1-t0);
cout << "\tCompleted in " << disptime(t1-t0) << " s" << endl;
cout << "Accumulating water..." << endl;
t0 = clock();
for (size_t i=0; i<size; i++)
water[i] = 1;
t1 = clock();
t_total += (t1-t0);
cout << "\tCompleted in " << disptime(t1-t0) << " s" << endl;
cout << "Full flow calculation completed in " << disptime(t_total) << " s" << endl;
void RiverMapper::accumulate()
for (size_t i=0; i<size; i++)
ndonors[i] = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<size; i++) {
size_t d = dirs_ref[i];
if (d == SIZE_MAX)
for (size_t i=0; i<size; i++) {
if (ndonors[i] > 0)
double* w1 = &water[i];
size_t iw = i;
while(true) {
iw = dirs_ref[iw];
if (iw == SIZE_MAX) {
double* w2 = &water[iw];
*w2 += *w1; // Flow w1 into w2
w1 = w2; // Now we will follow w2
if (ndonors[iw] > 1) {
void RiverMapper::erode(const double time, const double K, const double m, const double sea_level) {
cout << "Eroding landscape..." << endl;
clock_t t0 = clock();
for (size_t i=1; i<size; i++) {
erosion_time[i] = 1.0f / (K * std::pow(water[i], m));
lakes[i] = max3(dem[i], lakes[i], sea_level);
for (size_t i=1; i<size; i++) {
size_t iw = i;
double remaining = time;
double new_elev;
while (true) {
if (dirs_ref[iw] == SIZE_MAX) {
new_elev = lakes[iw];
if (remaining <= erosion_time[iw]) {
double c = remaining / erosion_time[iw];
new_elev = (1-c) * lakes[iw] + c * lakes[dirs_ref[iw]];
remaining -= erosion_time[iw];
iw = dirs_ref[iw];
dem[i] = min(dem[i], new_elev);
clock_t t1 = clock();
cout << "\tCompleted in " << disptime(t1-t0) << " s" << endl;