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43 KiB

util_list module. Contains the mflist class.
This classes encapsulates modflow-style list inputs away
from the individual packages. The end-user should not need to
instantiate this class directly.
some more info
from __future__ import division, print_function
import os
import warnings
import numpy as np
from ..datbase import DataInterface, DataListInterface, DataType
from ..utils.recarray_utils import create_empty_recarray
from numpy.lib import NumpyVersion
numpy114 = NumpyVersion(np.__version__) >= "1.14.0"
except ImportError:
numpy114 = False
class MfList(DataInterface, DataListInterface):
a generic object for handling transient boundary condition lists
package : package object
The package object (of type :class:`flopy.pakbase.Package`) to which
this MfList will be added.
data : varies
the data of the transient list (optional). (the default is None)
mxact : int
the max number of active bc for any stress period
add_record(kper,index,value) : None
add a record to stress period kper at index location
write_transient(f) : None
write the transient sequence to the model input file f
check_kij() : None
checks for boundaries outside of model domain - issues warnings only
See Also
def __init__(
if isinstance(data, MfList):
for attr in data.__dict__.items():
setattr(self, attr[0], attr[1])
if model is None:
self._model = package.parent
self._model = model
self._package = package
self._package = package
if model is None:
self._model = package.parent
self._model = model
if dtype is None:
assert isinstance(self.package.dtype, np.dtype)
self.__dtype = self.package.dtype
self.__dtype = dtype
self.__binary = binary
self.__vtype = {}
self.__data = {}
if data is not None:
self.__df = None
if list_free_format is None:
if package.parent.version == "mf2k":
list_free_format = False
self.list_free_format = list_free_format
def name(self):
return self.package.name
def mg(self):
return self._model.modelgrid
def sr(self):
return self.mg.sr
def model(self):
return self._model
def package(self):
return self._package
def data_type(self):
return DataType.transientlist
def plotable(self):
return True
def get_empty(self, ncell=0):
d = create_empty_recarray(ncell, self.dtype, default_value=-1.0e10)
return d
def export(self, f, **kwargs):
from flopy import export
return export.utils.mflist_export(f, self, **kwargs)
def append(self, other):
"""append the recarrays from one MfList to another
other: variable: an item that can be cast in to an MfList
that corresponds with self
dict of {kper:recarray}
if not isinstance(other, MfList):
other = MfList(
msg = (
"MfList.append(): other arg must be "
+ "MfList or dict, not {0}".format(type(other))
assert isinstance(other, MfList), msg
other_kpers = list(other.data.keys())
self_kpers = list(self.data.keys())
new_dict = {}
for kper in range(self._model.nper):
other_data = other[kper].copy()
self_data = self[kper].copy()
other_len = other_data.shape[0]
self_len = self_data.shape[0]
if (other_len == 0 and self_len == 0) or (
kper not in self_kpers and kper not in other_kpers
elif self_len == 0:
new_dict[kper] = other_data
elif other_len == 0:
new_dict[kper] = self_data
new_len = other_data.shape[0] + self_data.shape[0]
new_data = np.recarray(new_len, dtype=self.dtype)
new_data[:self_len] = self_data
new_data[self_len : self_len + other_len] = other_data
new_dict[kper] = new_data
return new_dict
def drop(self, fields):
"""drop fields from an MfList
fields : list or set of field names to drop
dropped : MfList without the dropped fields
if not isinstance(fields, list):
fields = [fields]
names = [n for n in self.dtype.names if n not in fields]
dtype = np.dtype(
[(k, d) for k, d in self.dtype.descr if k not in fields]
spd = {}
for k, v in self.data.items():
# because np 1.9 doesn't support indexing by list of columns
newarr = np.array([self.data[k][n] for n in names]).transpose()
newarr = np.array(list(map(tuple, newarr)), dtype=dtype).view(
for n in dtype.names:
newarr[n] = self.data[k][n]
spd[k] = newarr
return MfList(self.package, spd, dtype=dtype)
def data(self):
return self.__data
def df(self):
if self.__df is None:
self.__df = self.get_dataframe()
return self.__df
def vtype(self):
return self.__vtype
def dtype(self):
return self.__dtype
# Get the itmp for a given kper
def get_itmp(self, kper):
if kper not in list(self.__data.keys()):
return None
if self.__vtype[kper] is None:
return -1
# If an external file, have to load it
if self.__vtype[kper] == str:
return self.__fromfile(self.__data[kper]).shape[0]
if self.__vtype[kper] == np.recarray:
return self.__data[kper].shape[0]
# If not any of the above, it must be an int
return self.__data[kper]
def mxact(self):
mxact = 0
for kper in list(self.__data.keys()):
mxact = max(mxact, self.get_itmp(kper))
return mxact
def fmt_string(self):
"""Returns a C-style fmt string for numpy savetxt that corresponds to
the dtype"""
if self.list_free_format is not None:
use_free = self.list_free_format
use_free = True
if self.package.parent.has_package("bas6"):
use_free = self.package.parent.bas6.ifrefm
# mt3d list data is fixed format
if "mt3d" in self.package.parent.version.lower():
use_free = False
fmts = []
for field in self.dtype.descr:
vtype = field[1][1].lower()
if vtype in ("i", "b"):
if use_free:
elif vtype == "f":
if use_free:
if numpy114:
# Use numpy's floating-point formatter (Dragon4)
elif vtype == "o":
if use_free:
elif vtype == "s":
msg = (
"MfList.fmt_string error: 'str' type found in dtype. "
"This gives unpredictable results when "
"recarray to file - change to 'object' type"
raise TypeError(msg)
raise TypeError(
"MfList.fmt_string error: unknown vtype in "
"field: {}".format(field)
if use_free:
fmt_string = " " + " ".join(fmts)
fmt_string = "".join(fmts)
return fmt_string
# Private method to cast the data argument
# Should only be called by the constructor
def __cast_data(self, data):
# If data is a list, then all we can do is try to cast it to
# an ndarray, then cast again to a recarray
if isinstance(data, list):
# warnings.warn("MfList casting list to array")
data = np.array(data)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
"MfList error: casting list to ndarray: " + str(e)
# If data is a dict, the we have to assume it is keyed on kper
if isinstance(data, dict):
if not list(data.keys()):
raise Exception("MfList error: data dict is empty")
for kper, d in data.items():
kper = int(kper)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
"MfList error: data dict key "
+ "{0:s} not integer: ".format(kper)
+ str(type(kper))
+ "\n"
+ str(e)
# Same as before, just try...
if isinstance(d, list):
# warnings.warn("MfList: casting list to array at " +\
# "kper {0:d}".format(kper))
d = np.array(d)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
"MfList error: casting list "
+ "to ndarray: "
+ str(e)
# super hack - sick of recarrays already
# if (isinstance(d,np.ndarray) and len(d.dtype.fields) > 1):
# d = d.view(np.recarray)
if isinstance(d, np.recarray):
self.__cast_recarray(kper, d)
elif isinstance(d, np.ndarray):
self.__cast_ndarray(kper, d)
elif isinstance(d, int):
self.__cast_int(kper, d)
elif isinstance(d, str):
self.__cast_str(kper, d)
elif d is None:
self.__data[kper] = -1
self.__vtype[kper] = None
raise Exception(
"MfList error: unsupported data type: "
+ str(type(d))
+ " at kper "
+ "{0:d}".format(kper)
# A single recarray - same MfList for all stress periods
elif isinstance(data, np.recarray):
self.__cast_recarray(0, data)
# A single ndarray
elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
self.__cast_ndarray(0, data)
# A single filename
elif isinstance(data, str):
self.__cast_str(0, data)
raise Exception(
"MfList error: unsupported data type: " + str(type(data))
def __cast_str(self, kper, d):
# If d is a string, assume it is a filename and check that it exists
assert os.path.exists(d), (
"MfList error: dict filename (string) '"
+ d
+ "' value for "
+ "kper {0:d} not found".format(kper)
self.__data[kper] = d
self.__vtype[kper] = str
def __cast_int(self, kper, d):
# If d is an integer, then it must be 0 or -1
if d > 0:
raise Exception(
"MfList error: dict integer value for "
"kper {0:10d} must be 0 or -1, "
"not {1:10d}".format(kper, d)
if d == 0:
self.__data[kper] = 0
self.__vtype[kper] = None
self.__data[kper] = -1
self.__vtype[kper] = None
def __cast_recarray(self, kper, d):
assert d.dtype == self.__dtype, (
"MfList error: recarray dtype: "
+ str(d.dtype)
+ " doesn't match "
+ "self dtype: "
+ str(self.dtype)
self.__data[kper] = d
self.__vtype[kper] = np.recarray
def __cast_ndarray(self, kper, d):
d = np.atleast_2d(d)
if d.dtype != self.__dtype:
assert d.shape[1] == len(self.dtype), (
"MfList error: ndarray "
+ "shape "
+ str(d.shape)
+ " doesn't match dtype "
+ "len: "
+ str(len(self.dtype))
# warnings.warn("MfList: ndarray dtype does not match self " +\
# "dtype, trying to cast")
self.__data[kper] = np.core.records.fromarrays(
d.transpose(), dtype=self.dtype
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
"MfList error: casting ndarray to recarray: " + str(e)
self.__vtype[kper] = np.recarray
def get_dataframe(self, squeeze=True):
Cast recarrays for stress periods into single
dataframe containing all stress periods.
squeeze : bool
Reduce number of columns in dataframe to only include
stress periods where a variable changes.
df : dataframe
Dataframe of shape nrow = ncells, ncol = nvar x nper. If
the squeeze option is chosen, nper is the number of
stress periods where at least one cells is different,
otherwise it is equal to the number of keys in MfList.data.
Requires pandas.
import pandas as pd
except Exception as e:
msg = "MfList.get_dataframe() requires pandas"
raise ImportError(msg)
# make a dataframe of all data for all stress periods
names = ["k", "i", "j"]
if "MNW2" in self.package.name:
names += ["wellid"]
# find relevant variable names
# may have to iterate over the first stress period
for per in range(self._model.nper):
if hasattr(self.data[per], "dtype"):
varnames = list(
[n for n in self.data[per].dtype.names if n not in names]
# create list of dataframes for each stress period
# each with index of k, i, j
dfs = []
for per in self.data.keys():
recs = self.data[per]
if recs is None or len(recs) == 0:
# add an empty dataframe if a stress period is
# empty (e.g. no pumping during a predevelopment
# period)
columns = names + list(
["{}{}".format(c, per) for c in varnames]
dfi = pd.DataFrame(data=None, columns=columns)
dfi = dfi.set_index(names)
dfi = pd.DataFrame.from_records(recs)
dfg = dfi.groupby(names)
count = dfg[varnames[0]].count().rename("n")
if (count > 1).values.any():
"Duplicated list entry locations aggregated "
"for kper {}".format(per)
for kij in count[count > 1].index.values:
print(" (k,i,j) {}".format(kij))
dfi = dfg.sum() # aggregate
dfi.columns = list(["{}{}".format(c, per) for c in varnames])
df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1)
if squeeze:
keep = []
for var in varnames:
diffcols = list([n for n in df.columns if var in n])
diff = df[diffcols].fillna(0).diff(axis=1)
] = 1 # always return the first stress period
changed = diff.sum(axis=0) != 0
keep.append(df.loc[:, changed.index[changed]])
df = pd.concat(keep, axis=1)
df = df.reset_index()
df.insert(len(names), "node", df.i * self._model.ncol + df.j)
return df
def add_record(self, kper, index, values):
# Add a record to possible already set list for a given kper
# index is a list of k,i,j or nodes.
# values is a list of floats.
# The length of index + values must be equal to the number of names
# in dtype
assert len(index) + len(values) == len(self.dtype), (
"MfList.add_record() error: length of index arg +"
+ "length of value arg != length of self dtype"
# If we already have something for this kper, then add to it
if kper in list(self.__data.keys()):
if self.vtype[kper] == int:
# If a 0 or -1, reset
self.__data[kper] = self.get_empty(1)
self.__vtype[kper] = np.recarray
elif self.vtype[kper] == str:
# If filename, load into recarray
d = self.__fromfile(self.data[kper])
d.resize(d.shape[0], d.shape[1])
self.__data[kper] = d
self.__vtype[kper] = np.recarray
elif self.vtype[kper] == np.recarray:
# Extend the recarray
self.__data[kper] = np.append(
self.__data[kper], self.get_empty(1)
self.__data[kper] = self.get_empty(1)
self.__vtype[kper] = np.recarray
rec = list(index)
self.__data[kper][-1] = tuple(rec)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
"MfList.add_record() error: adding record to "
+ "recarray: "
+ str(e)
def __getitem__(self, kper):
# Get the recarray for a given kper
# If the data entry for kper is a string,
# return the corresponding recarray,
# but don't reset the value in the data dict
# assert kper in list(self.data.keys()), "MfList.__getitem__() kper " + \
# str(kper) + " not in data.keys()"
kper = int(kper)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
"MfList error: _getitem__() passed invalid kper index:"
+ str(kper)
if kper not in list(self.data.keys()):
if kper == 0:
return self.get_empty()
return self.data[self.__find_last_kper(kper)]
if self.vtype[kper] == int:
if self.data[kper] == 0:
return self.get_empty()
return self.data[self.__find_last_kper(kper)]
if self.vtype[kper] == str:
return self.__fromfile(self.data[kper])
if self.vtype[kper] == np.recarray:
return self.data[kper]
def __setitem__(self, kper, data):
if kper in list(self.__data.keys()):
if self._model.verbose:
print("removing existing data for kper={}".format(kper))
# If data is a list, then all we can do is try to cast it to
# an ndarray, then cast again to a recarray
if isinstance(data, list):
# warnings.warn("MfList casting list to array")
data = np.array(data)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
"MfList error: casting list to ndarray: " + str(e)
# cast data
if isinstance(data, int):
self.__cast_int(kper, data)
elif isinstance(data, np.recarray):
self.__cast_recarray(kper, data)
# A single ndarray
elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
self.__cast_ndarray(kper, data)
# A single filename
elif isinstance(data, str):
self.__cast_str(kper, data)
raise Exception(
"MfList error: unsupported data type: " + str(type(data))
# raise NotImplementedError("MfList.__setitem__() not implemented")
def __fromfile(self, f):
# d = np.fromfile(f,dtype=self.dtype,count=count)
d = np.genfromtxt(f, dtype=self.dtype)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
"MfList.__fromfile() error reading recarray "
+ "from file "
+ str(e)
return d
def get_filenames(self):
kpers = list(self.data.keys())
filenames = []
first = kpers[0]
for kper in list(range(0, max(self._model.nper, max(kpers) + 1))):
# Fill missing early kpers with 0
if kper < first:
itmp = 0
kper_vtype = int
elif kper in kpers:
kper_vtype = self.__vtype[kper]
if (
and self._model.external_path is not None
# py_filepath = ''
# py_filepath = os.path.join(py_filepath,
# self._model.external_path)
filename = self.package.name[0] + "_{0:04d}.dat".format(kper)
return filenames
def get_filename(self, kper):
ext = "dat"
if self.binary:
ext = "bin"
return self.package.name[0] + "_{0:04d}.{1}".format(kper, ext)
def binary(self):
return bool(self.__binary)
def write_transient(self, f, single_per=None, forceInternal=False):
# forceInternal overrides isExternal (set below) for cases where
# external arrays are not supported (oh hello MNW1!)
# write the transient sequence described by the data dict
nr, nc, nl, nper = self._model.get_nrow_ncol_nlay_nper()
assert hasattr(f, "read"), (
"MfList.write() error: " + "f argument must be a file handle"
kpers = list(self.data.keys())
first = kpers[0]
if single_per is None:
loop_over_kpers = list(range(0, max(nper, max(kpers) + 1)))
if not isinstance(single_per, list):
single_per = [single_per]
loop_over_kpers = single_per
for kper in loop_over_kpers:
# Fill missing early kpers with 0
if kper < first:
itmp = 0
kper_vtype = int
elif kper in kpers:
kper_data = self.__data[kper]
kper_vtype = self.__vtype[kper]
if kper_vtype == str:
if not self._model.array_free_format:
kper_data = self.__fromfile(kper_data)
kper_vtype = np.recarray
itmp = self.get_itmp(kper)
if kper_vtype == np.recarray:
itmp = kper_data.shape[0]
elif (kper_vtype == int) or (kper_vtype is None):
itmp = kper_data
# Fill late missing kpers with -1
itmp = -1
kper_vtype = int
" {0:9d} {1:9d} # stress period {2:d}\n".format(
itmp, 0, kper + 1
isExternal = False
if (
and self._model.external_path is not None
and forceInternal is False
isExternal = True
if self.__binary:
isExternal = True
if isExternal:
if kper_vtype == np.recarray:
py_filepath = ""
if self._model.model_ws is not None:
py_filepath = self._model.model_ws
if self._model.external_path is not None:
py_filepath = os.path.join(
py_filepath, self._model.external_path
filename = self.get_filename(kper)
py_filepath = os.path.join(py_filepath, filename)
model_filepath = filename
if self._model.external_path is not None:
model_filepath = os.path.join(
self._model.external_path, filename
self.__tofile(py_filepath, kper_data)
kper_vtype = str
kper_data = model_filepath
if kper_vtype == np.recarray:
name = f.name
if self.__binary or not numpy114:
# switch file append mode to binary
with open(name, "ab+") as f:
self.__tofile(f, kper_data)
# continue back to non-binary
f = open(name, "a")
self.__tofile(f, kper_data)
elif kper_vtype == str:
f.write(" open/close " + kper_data)
if self.__binary:
f.write(" (BINARY)")
def __tofile(self, f, data):
# Write the recarray (data) to the file (or file handle) f
assert isinstance(data, np.recarray), (
"MfList.__tofile() data arg " + "not a recarray"
# Add one to the kij indices
lnames = [name.lower() for name in self.dtype.names]
# --make copy of data for multiple calls
d = data.copy()
for idx in ["k", "i", "j", "node"]:
if idx in lnames:
d[idx] += 1
if self.__binary:
dtype2 = []
for name in self.dtype.names:
dtype2.append((name, np.float32))
dtype2 = np.dtype(dtype2)
d = np.array(d, dtype=dtype2)
np.savetxt(f, d, fmt=self.fmt_string, delimiter="")
def check_kij(self):
names = self.dtype.names
if ("k" not in names) or ("i" not in names) or ("j" not in names):
"MfList.check_kij(): index fieldnames 'k,i,j' "
+ "not found in self.dtype names: "
+ str(names)
nr, nc, nl, nper = self._model.get_nrow_ncol_nlay_nper()
if nl == 0:
"MfList.check_kij(): unable to get dis info from " + "model"
for kper in list(self.data.keys()):
out_idx = []
data = self[kper]
if data is not None:
k = data["k"]
k_idx = np.where(np.logical_or(k < 0, k >= nl))
if k_idx[0].shape[0] > 0:
i = data["i"]
i_idx = np.where(np.logical_or(i < 0, i >= nr))
if i_idx[0].shape[0] > 0:
j = data["j"]
j_idx = np.where(np.logical_or(j < 0, j >= nc))
if j_idx[0].shape[0]:
if len(out_idx) > 0:
warn_str = (
"MfList.check_kij(): warning the following "
+ "indices are out of bounds in kper "
+ str(kper)
+ ":\n"
for idx in out_idx:
d = data[idx]
warn_str += " {0:9d} {1:9d} {2:9d}\n".format(
d["k"] + 1, d["i"] + 1, d["j"] + 1
def __find_last_kper(self, kper):
kpers = list(self.data.keys())
last = 0
for kkper in kpers[::-1]:
# if this entry is valid
if self.vtype[kkper] != int or self.data[kkper] != -1:
last = kkper
if kkper <= kper:
return kkper
def get_indices(self):
a helper function for plotting - get all unique indices
names = self.dtype.names
lnames = []
[lnames.append(name.lower()) for name in names]
if "k" not in lnames or "j" not in lnames:
raise NotImplementedError("MfList.get_indices requires kij")
kpers = list(self.data.keys())
indices = []
for i, kper in enumerate(kpers):
kper_vtype = self.__vtype[kper]
if (kper_vtype != int) or (kper_vtype is not None):
d = self.data[kper]
if not indices:
indices = list(zip(d["k"], d["i"], d["j"]))
new_indices = list(zip(d["k"], d["i"], d["j"]))
for ni in new_indices:
if ni not in indices:
return indices
def attribute_by_kper(self, attr, function=np.mean, idx_val=None):
assert attr in self.dtype.names
if idx_val is not None:
assert idx_val[0] in self.dtype.names
kpers = list(self.data.keys())
values = []
for kper in range(0, max(self._model.nper, max(kpers))):
if kper < min(kpers):
elif kper > max(kpers) or kper not in kpers:
kper_data = self.__data[kper]
if idx_val is not None:
kper_data = kper_data[
np.where(kper_data[idx_val[0]] == idx_val[1])
# kper_vtype = self.__vtype[kper]
v = function(kper_data[attr])
return values
def plot(
Plot stress period boundary condition (MfList) data for a specified
stress period
key : str
MfList dictionary key. (default is None)
names : list
List of names for figure titles. (default is None)
kper : int
MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. (default is zero)
filename_base : str
Base file name that will be used to automatically generate file
names for output image files. Plots will be exported as image
files if file_name_base is not None. (default is None)
file_extension : str
Valid matplotlib.pyplot file extension for savefig(). Only used
if filename_base is not None. (default is 'png')
mflay : int
MODFLOW zero-based layer number to return. If None, then all
all layers will be included. (default is None)
**kwargs : dict
axes : list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis
List of matplotlib.pyplot.axis that will be used to plot
data for each layer. If axes=None axes will be generated.
(default is None)
pcolor : bool
Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh
plot will be plotted. (default is True)
colorbar : bool
Boolean used to determine if a color bar will be added to
the matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh. Only used if pcolor=True.
(default is False)
inactive : bool
Boolean used to determine if a black overlay in inactive
cells in a layer will be displayed. (default is True)
contour : bool
Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.contour
plot will be plotted. (default is False)
clabel : bool
Boolean used to determine if matplotlib.pyplot.clabel
will be plotted. Only used if contour=True. (default is False)
grid : bool
Boolean used to determine if the model grid will be plotted
on the figure. (default is False)
masked_values : list
List of unique values to be excluded from the plot.
out : list
Empty list is returned if filename_base is not None. Otherwise
a list of matplotlib.pyplot.axis is returned.
See Also
>>> import flopy
>>> ml = flopy.modflow.Modflow.load('test.nam')
>>> ml.wel.stress_period_data.plot(ml.wel, kper=1)
from flopy.plot import PlotUtilities
axes = PlotUtilities._plot_mflist_helper(
return axes
def to_shapefile(self, filename, kper=None):
Export stress period boundary condition (MfList) data for a specified
stress period
filename : str
Shapefile name to write
kper : int
MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. (default is None)
See Also
>>> import flopy
>>> ml = flopy.modflow.Modflow.load('test.nam')
>>> ml.wel.to_shapefile('test_hk.shp', kper=1)
import warnings
"Deprecation warning: to_shapefile() is deprecated. use .export()"
# if self.sr is None:
# raise Exception("MfList.to_shapefile: SpatialReference not set")
# import flopy.utils.flopy_io as fio
# if kper is None:
# keys = self.data.keys()
# keys.sort()
# else:
# keys = [kper]
# array_dict = {}
# for kk in keys:
# arrays = self.to_array(kk)
# for name, array in arrays.items():
# for k in range(array.shape[0]):
# #aname = name+"{0:03d}_{1:02d}".format(kk, k)
# n = fio.shape_attr_name(name, length=4)
# aname = "{}{:03d}{:03d}".format(n, k+1, int(kk)+1)
# array_dict[aname] = array[k]
# fio.write_grid_shapefile(filename, self.sr, array_dict)
self.export(filename, kper=kper)
def to_array(self, kper=0, mask=False):
Convert stress period boundary condition (MfList) data for a
specified stress period to a 3-D numpy array
kper : int
MODFLOW zero-based stress period number to return. (default is zero)
mask : boolean
return array with np.NaN instead of zero
out : dict of numpy.ndarrays
Dictionary of 3-D numpy arrays containing the stress period data for
a selected stress period. The dictionary keys are the MfList dtype
names for the stress period data ('cond', 'flux', 'bhead', etc.).
See Also
>>> import flopy
>>> ml = flopy.modflow.Modflow.load('test.nam')
>>> v = ml.wel.stress_period_data.to_array(kper=1)
i0 = 3
unstructured = False
if "inode" in self.dtype.names:
raise NotImplementedError()
if "node" in self.dtype.names:
if "i" not in self.dtype.names and "j" not in self.dtype.names:
i0 = 1
unstructured = True
arrays = {}
for name in self.dtype.names[i0:]:
if not self.dtype.fields[name][0] == object:
if unstructured:
arr = np.zeros((self._model.nlay * self._model.ncpl,))
arr = np.zeros(
(self._model.nlay, self._model.nrow, self._model.ncol)
arrays[name] = arr.copy()
# if this kper is not found
if kper not in self.data.keys():
kpers = list(self.data.keys())
# if this kper is before the first entry,
# (maybe) mask and return
if kper < kpers[0]:
if mask:
for name, arr in arrays.items():
arrays[name][:] = np.NaN
return arrays
# find the last kper
kper = self.__find_last_kper(kper)
sarr = self.data[kper]
if np.isscalar(sarr):
# if there are no entries for this kper
if sarr == 0:
if mask:
for name, arr in arrays.items():
arrays[name][:] = np.NaN
return arrays
raise Exception("MfList: something bad happened")
for name, arr in arrays.items():
if unstructured:
cnt = np.zeros(
(self._model.nlay * self._model.ncpl,), dtype=np.float
cnt = np.zeros(
(self._model.nlay, self._model.nrow, self._model.ncol),
# print(name,kper)
for rec in sarr:
if unstructured:
arr[rec["node"]] += rec[name]
cnt[rec["node"]] += 1.0
arr[rec["k"], rec["i"], rec["j"]] += rec[name]
cnt[rec["k"], rec["i"], rec["j"]] += 1.0
# average keys that should not be added
if name not in ("cond", "flux"):
idx = cnt > 0.0
arr[idx] /= cnt[idx]
if mask:
arr = np.ma.masked_where(cnt == 0.0, arr)
arr[cnt == 0.0] = np.NaN
arrays[name] = arr.copy()
# elif mask:
# for name, arr in arrays.items():
# arrays[name][:] = np.NaN
return arrays
def masked_4D_arrays(self):
# get the first kper
arrays = self.to_array(kper=0, mask=True)
# initialize these big arrays
m4ds = {}
for name, array in arrays.items():
m4d = np.zeros(
m4d[0, :, :, :] = array
m4ds[name] = m4d
for kper in range(1, self._model.nper):
arrays = self.to_array(kper=kper, mask=True)
for name, array in arrays.items():
m4ds[name][kper, :, :, :] = array
return m4ds
def masked_4D_arrays_itr(self):
# get the first kper
arrays = self.to_array(kper=0, mask=True)
# initialize these big arrays
for name, array in arrays.items():
m4d = np.zeros(
m4d[0, :, :, :] = array
for kper in range(1, self._model.nper):
arrays = self.to_array(kper=kper, mask=True)
for tname, array in arrays.items():
if tname == name:
m4d[kper, :, :, :] = array
yield name, m4d
def array(self):
return self.masked_4D_arrays
def from_4d(cls, model, pak_name, m4ds):
"""construct an MfList instance from a dict of
(attribute_name,masked 4D ndarray
model : mbase derived type
pak_name : str package name (e.g GHB)
m4ds : {attribute name:4d masked numpy.ndarray}
MfList instance
sp_data = MfList.masked4D_arrays_to_stress_period_data(
model.get_package(pak_name).get_default_dtype(), m4ds
return cls(model.get_package(pak_name), data=sp_data)
def masked4D_arrays_to_stress_period_data(dtype, m4ds):
"""convert a dictionary of 4-dim masked arrays to
a stress_period_data style dict of recarray
dtype : numpy dtype
m4ds : dict {name:masked numpy 4-dim ndarray}
dict {kper:recarray}
assert isinstance(m4ds, dict)
for name, m4d in m4ds.items():
assert isinstance(m4d, np.ndarray)
assert name in dtype.names
assert m4d.ndim == 4
keys = list(m4ds.keys())
for i1, key1 in enumerate(keys):
a1 = np.isnan(m4ds[key1])
for i2, key2 in enumerate(keys[i1:]):
a2 = np.isnan(m4ds[key2])
if not np.array_equal(a1, a2):
raise Exception(
"Transient2d error: masking not equal"
+ " for {0} and {1}".format(key1, key2)
sp_data = {}
for kper in range(m4d.shape[0]):
vals = {}
for name, m4d in m4ds.items():
arr = m4d[kper, :, :, :]
isnan = np.argwhere(~np.isnan(arr))
v = []
for k, i, j in isnan:
v.append(arr[k, i, j])
vals[name] = v
kk = isnan[:, 0]
ii = isnan[:, 1]
jj = isnan[:, 2]
spd = np.recarray(shape=isnan.shape[0], dtype=dtype)
spd["i"] = ii
spd["k"] = kk
spd["j"] = jj
for n, v in vals.items():
spd[n] = v
sp_data[kper] = spd
return sp_data