
414 lines
14 KiB

from __future__ import print_function
import subprocess
import os
import sys
import datetime
import json
# update files and paths so that there are the same number of
# path and file entries in the paths and files list. Enter '.'
# as the path if the file is in the root repository directory
paths = ['flopy', '.',
'docs', 'docs',
'.', '.']
files = ['version.py', 'README.md',
'USGS_release.md', 'PyPi_release.md',
'code.json', 'DISCLAIMER.md']
# check that there are the same number of entries in files and paths
if len(paths) != len(files):
msg = 'The number of entries in paths ' + \
'({}) must equal '.format(len(paths)) + \
'the number of entries in files ({})'.format(len(files))
assert False, msg
pak = 'flopy'
approved = '''Disclaimer
This software has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS). Although the software has been subjected to rigorous review, the USGS
reserves the right to update the software as needed pursuant to further analysis
and review. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S.
Government as to the functionality of the software and related material nor
shall the fact of release constitute any such warranty. Furthermore, the
software is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government
shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or
unauthorized use.
preliminary = '''Disclaimer
This software is preliminary or provisional and is subject to revision. It is
being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The software has not
received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). No warranty,
expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the
functionality of the software and related material nor shall the fact of release
constitute any such warranty. The software is provided on the condition that
neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages
resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the software.
def get_disclaimer(branch):
if 'release' in branch.lower() or 'master' in branch.lower():
disclaimer = approved
disclaimer = preliminary
return disclaimer
def get_branch():
# determine current buildstat branch
b = subprocess.Popen(("git", "status"),
if isinstance(b, bytes):
b = b.decode('utf-8')
# determine current buildstat branch
for line in b.splitlines():
if 'On branch' in line:
branch = line.replace('On branch ', '').rstrip()
branch = None
return branch
def get_version_str(v0, v1, v2, v3):
version_type = ('{}'.format(v0),
version = '.'.join(version_type)
return version
def get_tag(v0, v1, v2):
tag_type = ('{}'.format(v0),
tag = '.'.join(tag_type)
return tag
def update_version():
pth = os.path.join(pak, files[0])
vmajor = 0
vminor = 0
vmicro = 0
vbuild = 0
lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(pth, 'r')]
for line in lines:
t = line.split()
if 'major =' in line:
vmajor = int(t[2])
elif 'minor =' in line:
vminor = int(t[2])
elif 'micro =' in line:
vmicro = int(t[2])
elif 'build =' in line:
vbuild = int(t[2])
v0 = get_version_str(vmajor, vminor, vmicro, vbuild)
# get latest build number
tag = get_tag(vmajor, vminor, vmicro)
print('determining version build from {}'.format(tag))
b = subprocess.Popen(("git", "describe", "--match", tag),
vbuild = int(b.decode().strip().split('-')[1]) + 1
# assume if tag does not exist that it has not been added
vbuild = 0
v1 = get_version_str(vmajor, vminor, vmicro, vbuild)
# get current build number
b = subprocess.Popen(("git", "describe", "--match", "build"),
vcommit = int(b.decode().strip().split('-')[1]) + 2
print('Updating version:')
print(' ', v0, '->', v1)
# write new version file
f = open(pth, 'w')
f.write('# {} version file automatically '.format(pak) +
'created using...{0}\n'.format(os.path.basename(__file__)))
f.write('# created on...' +
datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S")))
f.write('major = {}\n'.format(vmajor))
f.write('minor = {}\n'.format(vminor))
f.write('micro = {}\n'.format(vmicro))
f.write('build = {}\n'.format(vbuild))
f.write('commit = {}\n\n'.format(vcommit))
f.write("__version__ = '{:d}.{:d}.{:d}'.format(major, minor, micro)\n")
"__build__ = '{:d}.{:d}.{:d}.{:d}'.format(major, minor, micro, build)\n")
f.write("__git_commit__ = '{:d}'.format(commit)\n")
print('Succesfully updated version.py')
print('There was a problem updating the version file')
# update README.md with new version information
update_readme_markdown(vmajor, vminor, vmicro, vbuild)
# update code.json
update_codejson(vmajor, vminor, vmicro, vbuild)
# update docs/USGS_release.md with new version information
update_USGSmarkdown(vmajor, vminor, vmicro, vbuild)
def add_updated_files():
cargs = ['git', 'add']
for (p, f) in zip(paths, files):
if p == '.':
fpth = f
fpth = os.path.join(p, f)
# add modified version file
print('Adding updated files to repo')
b = subprocess.Popen(cargs,
print('Could not add updated files')
def update_codejson(vmajor, vminor, vmicro, vbuild):
# get branch
branch = get_branch()
if branch is None:
print('Cannot update code.json - could not determine current branch')
# create version
version = get_tag(vmajor, vminor, vmicro)
# load and modify json file
jsonFile = open('code.json', 'r') # Open the JSON file for reading
data = json.load(jsonFile) # Read the JSON into the buffer
jsonFile.close() # Close the JSON file
# modify the json file data
now = datetime.datetime.now()
sdate = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
data[0]['date']['metadataLastUpdated'] = sdate
if 'release' in branch.lower() or 'master' in branch.lower():
data[0]['version'] = version
data[0]['status'] = 'Production'
data[0]['version'] = version + '.{}'.format(vbuild)
data[0]['status'] = 'Release Candidate'
# rewrite the json file
with open(files[4], 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f, indent=4)
def update_readme_markdown(vmajor, vminor, vmicro, vbuild):
# get branch
branch = get_branch()
if branch is None:
print('Cannot update README.md - could not determine current branch')
# create version
version = get_tag(vmajor, vminor, vmicro)
# create disclaimer text
disclaimer = get_disclaimer(branch)
# read README.md into memory
with open(files[1], 'r') as file:
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in file]
# rewrite README.md
terminate = False
f = open(files[1], 'w')
for line in lines:
if '### Version ' in line:
line = '### Version {}'.format(version)
if vbuild > 0:
line += ' {} — build {}'.format(branch, vbuild)
elif '[Build Status]' in line:
line = '[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/modflowpy/' + \
'flopy.svg?branch={})]'.format(branch) + \
elif '[Coverage Status]' in line:
line = '[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/' + \
'modflowpy/flopy/badge.svg?branch={})]'.format(branch) + \
'(https://coveralls.io/github/modflowpy/' + \
elif 'http://dx.doi.org/10.5066/F7BK19FH' in line:
now = datetime.datetime.now()
sb = ''
if vbuild > 0:
sb = ' — {}'.format(branch)
line = '[Bakker, M., Post, V., Langevin, C.D., Hughes, J.D., ' + \
'White, J.T., Starn, J.J., and Fienen, M.N., ' + \
'{}, '.format(now.year) + \
'FloPy v{}{}: '.format(version, sb) + \
'U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, ' + \
'{}, '.format(now.strftime('%d %B %Y')) + \
'http://dx.doi.org/10.5066/F7BK19FH]' + \
elif 'Disclaimer' in line:
line = disclaimer
terminate = True
if terminate:
# write disclaimer markdown file
f = open('DISCLAIMER.md', 'w')
def update_USGSmarkdown(vmajor, vminor, vmicro, vbuild):
# determine current buildstat branch
b = subprocess.Popen(("git", "status"),
if isinstance(b, bytes):
b = b.decode('utf-8')
# determine current buildstat branch
for line in b.splitlines():
if 'On branch' in line:
branch = line.replace('On branch ', '').rstrip()
print('Cannot update README.md - could not determine current branch')
# create version
version = get_tag(vmajor, vminor, vmicro)
# read README.md into memory
with open(files[1], 'r') as file:
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in file]
# write USGS_release.md
fpth = os.path.join(paths[2], files[2])
f = open(fpth, 'w')
# write PyPi_release.md
fpth = os.path.join(paths[3], files[3])
f2 = open(fpth, 'w')
# date and branch information
now = datetime.datetime.now()
sdate = now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
sb = ''
if vbuild > 0:
sb = ' — {}'.format(branch)
# write header information
f.write('title: FloPy Release Notes\n')
f.write(' - Mark Bakker\n')
f.write(' - Vincent Post\n')
f.write(' - Christian D. Langevin\n')
f.write(' - Joseph D. Hughes\n')
f.write(' - Jeremy T. White\n')
f.write(' - Andrew T. Leaf\n')
f.write(' - Scott R. Paulinski\n')
f.write(' - Jeffrey Starn\n')
f.write(' - Michael N. Fienen\n')
f.write(' - \\usepackage{fancyhdr}\n')
f.write(' - \\usepackage{lastpage}\n')
f.write(' - \\pagestyle{fancy}\n')
f.write(' - \\fancyhf{{}}\n')
f.write(' - \\fancyhead[LE, LO, RE, RO]{}\n')
f.write(' - \\fancyhead[CE, CO]{FloPy Release Notes}\n')
f.write(' - \\fancyfoot[LE, RO]{{FloPy version {}{}}}\n'.format(version,
f.write(' - \\fancyfoot[CO, CE]{\\thepage\\ of \\pageref{LastPage}}\n')
f.write(' - \\fancyfoot[RE, LO]{{{}}}\n'.format(sdate))
f.write('geometry: margin=0.75in\n')
# write select information from README.md
writeline = False
for line in lines:
if line == 'Introduction':
writeline = True
elif line == 'Examples':
writeline = False
elif 'Click [here](docs/mf6.md) for more information.' in line:
line = line.replace(
'Click [here](docs/mf6.md) for more information.', '')
elif ' Pull requests will only be accepted on the develop branch of the repository.' in line:
line = line.replace(
' Pull requests will only be accepted on the develop branch of the repository.',
if writeline:
line = line.replace('***', '*')
line = line.replace('##### ', '')
# write installation information
cweb = 'https://water.usgs.gov/ogw/flopy/flopy-{}.zip'.format(version)
line = ''
line += 'Installation\n'
line += '-----------------------------------------------\n'
line += 'To install FloPy version {}{} '.format(version, sb)
line += 'from the USGS FloPy website:\n'
line += '```\n'
line += 'pip install {}\n'.format(cweb)
line += '```\n\n'
line += 'To update to FloPy version {}{} '.format(version, sb)
line += 'from the USGS FloPy website:\n'
line += '```\n'
line += 'pip install {} --upgrade\n'.format(cweb)
line += '```\n'
# close the USGS_release.md file
line = line.replace(cweb, 'flopy')
line = line.replace(' from the USGS FloPy website', '')
# close the PyPi_release.md file
if __name__ == "__main__":