
331 lines
11 KiB

Test the lgr model
import os
import sys
import shutil
import numpy as np
import flopy
import pymake
print('could not import pymake')
cpth = os.path.join('temp', 't035')
# delete the directory if it exists
if os.path.isdir(cpth):
exe_name = 'mflgr'
v = flopy.which(exe_name)
run = True
if v is None:
run = False
# fix for intermittent CI failure on windows
if sys.platform.lower() in ("win32", "darwin"):
run = False
def test_simplelgr_load_and_write(silent=True):
# Test load and write of distributed MODFLOW-LGR example problem
pth = os.path.join('..', 'examples', 'data', 'mflgr_v2', 'ex3')
opth = os.path.join(cpth, 'ex3', 'orig')
# delete the directory if it exists
if os.path.isdir(opth):
# copy the original files
files = os.listdir(pth)
for file in files:
src = os.path.join(pth, file)
dst = os.path.join(opth, file)
shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
# load the lgr model
lgr = flopy.modflowlgr.ModflowLgr.load('ex3.lgr', verbose=True,
model_ws=opth, exe_name=exe_name)
# get the namefiles of the parent and child
namefiles = lgr.get_namefiles()
msg = 'get_namefiles returned {} items instead of 2'.format(len(namefiles))
assert len(namefiles) == 2, msg
tpth = os.path.dirname(namefiles[0])
msg = 'dir path is {} not {}'.format(tpth, opth)
assert tpth == opth, msg
# run the lgr model
if run:
success, buff = lgr.run_model(silent=silent)
assert success, 'could not run original modflow-lgr model'
# check that a parent and child were read
msg = 'modflow-lgr ex3 does not have 2 grids'
assert lgr.ngrids == 2, msg
npth = os.path.join(cpth, 'ex3', 'new')
lgr.change_model_ws(new_pth=npth, reset_external=True)
# get the namefiles of the parent and child
namefiles = lgr.get_namefiles()
msg = 'get_namefiles returned {} items instead of 2'.format(len(namefiles))
assert len(namefiles) == 2, msg
tpth = os.path.dirname(namefiles[0])
msg = 'dir path is {} not {}'.format(tpth, npth)
assert tpth == npth, msg
# write the lgr model in to the new path
# run the lgr model
if run:
success, buff = lgr.run_model(silent=silent)
assert success, 'could not run new modflow-lgr model'
# compare parent results
print('compare parent results')
pth0 = os.path.join(opth, 'ex3_parent.nam')
pth1 = os.path.join(npth, 'ex3_parent.nam')
msg = 'parent heads do not match'
success = pymake.compare_heads(pth0, pth1)
assert success, msg
# compare child results
print('compare child results')
pth0 = os.path.join(opth, 'ex3_child.nam')
pth1 = os.path.join(npth, 'ex3_child.nam')
msg = 'child heads do not match'
success = pymake.compare_heads(pth0, pth1)
assert success, msg
# clean up
def singleModel(iChild,
modelname, Lx, Ly,
nlay, nrow, ncol, delr, delc, botm,
hkPerLayer, vkaPerLayer, laytyp, ssPerLayer,
nper, perlen, tsmult, nstp, steady,
xul, yul, proj4_str, mfExe, rundir='.',
welInfo=[], startingHead=0., lRunSingle=False):
if iChild > 0:
print('child model' + modelname)
iLUoffset = 100 * int(iChild)
print('increase Unit Numbers by ' + str(iLUoffset))
print('parent model ' + modelname)
iLUoffset = 0
if steady:
nper = 1
perlen = 1
nstp = [1]
# Assign name and create modflow model object
mf = flopy.modflow.Modflow(modelname, exe_name=mfExe,
listunit=2 + iLUoffset, model_ws=rundir)
# Create the discretization object
dis = flopy.modflow.ModflowDis(mf,
nlay=nlay, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, delr=delr,
delc=delc, top=botm[0], botm=botm[1:],
nper=nper, perlen=perlen, tsmult=1.07,
steady=steady, itmuni=4, lenuni=2,
unitnumber=11 + iLUoffset,
xul=xul, yul=yul, proj4_str=proj4_str,
# Variables for the BAS package
ibound = np.ones((nlay, nrow, ncol), dtype=np.int32)
if iChild > 0:
iBndBnd = 59 # code for child cell to be linked to parent; value assigned to ibflg in the LGR-data
iBndBnd = -1
ibound[:, 0, :] = iBndBnd
ibound[:, -1, :] = iBndBnd
ibound[:, :, 0] = iBndBnd
ibound[:, :, -1] = iBndBnd
strt = np.ones((nlay, nrow, ncol), dtype=np.float32) * startingHead
bas = flopy.modflow.ModflowBas(mf,
ibound=ibound, strt=strt,
unitnumber=13 + iLUoffset)
# Add LPF package to the MODFLOW model
lpf = flopy.modflow.ModflowLpf(mf,
hk=hkPerLayer, vka=vkaPerLayer,
ipakcb=53 + iLUoffset,
unitnumber=15 + iLUoffset)
# add WEL package to the MODFLOW model
if len(welInfo) > 0:
wel_sp = []
for welData in welInfo:
# get data for current well
welLay = welData[0]
welX = welData[1]
welY = welData[2]
welQ = welData[3]
# calculate row and column for current well in grid
welRow = int((yul - welY) / delc) # check this calculation !!!
welCol = int((welX - xul) / delr) # check this calculation !!!
if (
welRow < nrow and welRow >= 0 and welCol < ncol and welCol >= 0):
# add well package data for well
wel_sp.append([welLay, welRow, welCol, welQ])
if len(wel_sp) > 0:
stress_period_data = {0: wel_sp}
wel = flopy.modflow.ModflowWel(mf,
unitnumber=20 + iLUoffset)
# Add OC package to the MODFLOW model
spd = {}
for kper in range(nper):
for kstp in range(nstp[kper]):
spd[(kper, kstp)] = ['save head', 'save budget']
oc = flopy.modflow.ModflowOc(mf,
stress_period_data=spd, compact=True,
extension=['oc', 'hds', 'cbc'],
unitnumber=[14 + iLUoffset, 51 + iLUoffset,
53 + iLUoffset])
# Add PCG package to the MODFLOW model
pcg = flopy.modflow.ModflowPcg(mf,
unitnumber=27 + iLUoffset)
if lRunSingle:
# Write the MODFLOW model input files
# Run the MODFLOW model
if run:
success, buff = mf.run_model()
if success:
print(modelname, ' ran successfully')
print('problem running ', modelname)
return mf
def test_simple_lgrmodel_from_scratch(silent=True):
# coordinates and extend Mother
Lx_m = 1500.
Ly_m = 2500.
nrow_m = 25
ncol_m = 15
delr_m = Lx_m / ncol_m
delc_m = Ly_m / nrow_m
xul_m = 50550
yul_m = 418266
# Child Model domain and grid definition
modelname = 'child0' # steady steate version of 'T_PW_50cm'
Lx = 300.
Ly = 300.
ncpp = 10 # number of child cells per parent cell
nrow = int(Ly * float(ncpp) / float(delc_m))
ncol = int(Lx * float(ncpp) / float(delr_m))
delr = Lx / ncol
delc = Ly / nrow
botm = [0.0, -15.0, -20.0, -40.0]
hkPerLayer = [1., 0.0015, 15.]
ssPerLayer = [0.1, 0.001, 0.001]
nlay = len(hkPerLayer)
ilayW = 2
laytyp = 0
xul_c = 50985.00
yul_c = 416791.06
proj4_str = "EPSG:28992"
nper = 1
at = 42
perlen = [at]
ats = 100
nstp = [ats]
tsmult = 1.07
steady = True
rundir = cpth + 'b'
lgrExe = exe_name
# wel data
pumping_rate = -720
infiltration_rate = 360
welInfo = [[ilayW, 51135., 416641., pumping_rate],
[ilayW, 51059., 416750., infiltration_rate],
[ilayW, 51170., 416560., 0.],
[ilayW, 51012., 416693., infiltration_rate],
[ilayW, 51220., 416628., 0.]]
child = singleModel(1,
modelname, Lx, Ly,
nlay, nrow, ncol, delr, delc, botm,
hkPerLayer, hkPerLayer, laytyp, ssPerLayer,
nper, perlen, tsmult, nstp, steady,
xul_c, yul_c, proj4_str, exe_name, rundir=rundir,
welInfo=welInfo, startingHead=-2.)
modelname = 'mother0'
mother = singleModel(0,
modelname, Lx_m, Ly_m,
nlay, nrow_m, ncol_m, delr_m, delc_m, botm,
hkPerLayer, hkPerLayer, laytyp, ssPerLayer,
nper, perlen, tsmult, nstp, steady,
xul_m, yul_m, proj4_str, exe_name, rundir=rundir,
welInfo=welInfo, startingHead=-2.)
# setup LGR
nprbeg = int((yul_m - yul_c) / delc_m)
npcbeg = int((xul_c - xul_m) / delr_m)
nprend = int(nrow / ncpp + nprbeg - 1)
npcend = int(ncol / ncpp + npcbeg - 1)
childData = [flopy.modflowlgr.mflgr.LgrChild(ishflg=1,
ibflg=59, iucbhsv=80,
mxlgriter=20, ioutlgr=1,
relaxh=0.4, relaxf=0.4,
nplbeg=0, nprbeg=nprbeg,
nplend=nlay - 1,
ncpp=ncpp, ncppl=1)]
lgrModel = flopy.modflowlgr.mflgr.ModflowLgr(modelname='PS1',
iupbhsv=82, iupbfsv=83,
# write LGR-files
# run LGR
if run:
success, buff = lgrModel.run_model(silent=silent)
assert success
# clean up
if __name__ == '__main__':