
14 lines
606 B

1 function with some indirect sub-type change:
[C]'function SECStatus PK11_GetModInfo(SECMODModule*, CK_INFO*)' at pk11util.c:613:1 has some indirect sub-type changes:
parameter 1 of type 'SECMODModule*' has sub-type changes:
in pointed to type 'typedef SECMODModule' at secmodt.h:29:1:
underlying type 'struct SECMODModuleStr' at secmodt.h:44:1 changed:
type size changed from 1600 to 1664 (in bits)
1 data member insertion:
'CK_FLAGS SECMODModuleStr::flags', at offset 1600 (in bits) at secmodt.h:76:1
no data member change (1 filtered);