
2068 lines
56 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* Copyright 2016 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "wasm/WasmBinaryToAST.h"
#include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h"
#include "mozilla/MathAlgorithms.h"
#include "mozilla/Sprintf.h"
#include "jscntxt.h"
#include "wasm/WasmBinaryFormat.h"
#include "wasm/WasmBinaryIterator.h"
using namespace js;
using namespace js::wasm;
using mozilla::CheckedInt;
using mozilla::FloorLog2;
enum AstDecodeTerminationKind
struct AstDecodeStackItem
AstExpr* expr;
AstDecodeTerminationKind terminationKind;
ExprType type;
explicit AstDecodeStackItem()
: expr(nullptr),
explicit AstDecodeStackItem(AstDecodeTerminationKind terminationKind, ExprType type)
: expr(nullptr),
explicit AstDecodeStackItem(AstExpr* expr)
: expr(expr),
// We don't define a Value type because OpIter doesn't push void values, which
// we actually need here because we're building an AST, so we maintain our own
// stack.
struct AstDecodePolicy : OpIterPolicy
// Enable validation because we can be called from wasmBinaryToText on bytes
// which are not necessarily valid, and we shouldn't run the decoder in
// non-validating mode on invalid code.
static const bool Validate = true;
static const bool Output = true;
typedef OpIter<AstDecodePolicy> AstDecodeOpIter;
class AstDecodeContext
typedef AstVector<uint32_t> AstIndexVector;
typedef AstVector<AstDecodeStackItem> AstDecodeStack;
typedef AstVector<uint32_t> DepthStack;
JSContext* cx;
LifoAlloc& lifo;
Decoder& d;
bool generateNames;
AstModule& module_;
AstIndexVector funcDefSigs_;
AstDecodeOpIter *iter_;
AstDecodeStack exprs_;
DepthStack depths_;
const ValTypeVector* locals_;
GlobalDescVector globals_;
AstNameVector blockLabels_;
uint32_t currentLabelIndex_;
ExprType retType_;
AstDecodeContext(JSContext* cx, LifoAlloc& lifo, Decoder& d, AstModule& module,
bool generateNames)
: cx(cx),
AstModule& module() { return module_; }
AstIndexVector& funcDefSigs() { return funcDefSigs_; }
AstDecodeOpIter& iter() { return *iter_; }
AstDecodeStack& exprs() { return exprs_; }
DepthStack& depths() { return depths_; }
AstNameVector& blockLabels() { return blockLabels_; }
ExprType retType() const { return retType_; }
const ValTypeVector& locals() const { return *locals_; }
bool addGlobalDesc(ValType type, bool isMutable, bool isImport) {
if (isImport)
return globals_.append(GlobalDesc(type, isMutable, globals_.length()));
// No need to have the precise init expr value; we just need the right
// type.
Val dummy;
switch (type) {
case ValType::I32: dummy = Val(uint32_t(0)); break;
case ValType::I64: dummy = Val(uint64_t(0)); break;
case ValType::F32: dummy = Val(RawF32(0.f)); break;
case ValType::F64: dummy = Val(RawF64(0.0)); break;
default: return false;
return globals_.append(GlobalDesc(InitExpr(dummy), isMutable));
const GlobalDescVector& globalDescs() const { return globals_; }
void popBack() { return exprs().popBack(); }
AstDecodeStackItem popCopy() { return exprs().popCopy(); }
AstDecodeStackItem& top() { return exprs().back(); }
MOZ_MUST_USE bool push(AstDecodeStackItem item) { return exprs().append(item); }
bool needFirst() {
for (size_t i = depths().back(); i < exprs().length(); ++i) {
if (!exprs()[i].expr->isVoid())
return true;
return false;
AstExpr* handleVoidExpr(AstExpr* voidNode)
// To attach a node that "returns void" to the middle of an AST, wrap it
// in a first node next to the node it should accompany.
if (needFirst()) {
AstExpr *prev = popCopy().expr;
// If the previous/A node is already a First, reuse it.
if (prev->kind() == AstExprKind::First) {
if (!prev->as<AstFirst>().exprs().append(voidNode))
return nullptr;
return prev;
AstExprVector exprs(lifo);
if (!exprs.append(prev))
return nullptr;
if (!exprs.append(voidNode))
return nullptr;
return new(lifo) AstFirst(Move(exprs));
return voidNode;
void startFunction(AstDecodeOpIter* iter, const ValTypeVector* locals, ExprType retType)
iter_ = iter;
locals_ = locals;
currentLabelIndex_ = 0;
retType_ = retType;
void endFunction()
iter_ = nullptr;
locals_ = nullptr;
retType_ = ExprType::Limit;
MOZ_ASSERT(blockLabels_.length() == 0);
uint32_t nextLabelIndex()
return currentLabelIndex_++;
static bool
GenerateName(AstDecodeContext& c, const AstName& prefix, uint32_t index, AstName* name)
if (!c.generateNames) {
*name = AstName();
return true;
AstVector<char16_t> result(c.lifo);
if (!result.append(u'$'))
return false;
if (!result.append(prefix.begin(), prefix.length()))
return false;
uint32_t tmp = index;
do {
if (!result.append(u'0'))
return false;
tmp /= 10;
} while (tmp);
if (index) {
char16_t* p = result.end();
for (tmp = index; tmp; tmp /= 10)
*(--p) = u'0' + (tmp % 10);
size_t length = result.length();
char16_t* begin = result.extractOrCopyRawBuffer();
if (!begin)
return false;
*name = AstName(begin, length);
return true;
static bool
GenerateRef(AstDecodeContext& c, const AstName& prefix, uint32_t index, AstRef* ref)
MOZ_ASSERT(index != AstNoIndex);
if (!c.generateNames) {
*ref = AstRef(index);
return true;
AstName name;
if (!GenerateName(c, prefix, index, &name))
return false;
*ref = AstRef(name);
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeCallArgs(AstDecodeContext& c, const AstSig& sig, AstExprVector* funcArgs)
const AstValTypeVector& args = sig.args();
uint32_t numArgs = args.length();
if (!funcArgs->resize(numArgs))
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) {
ValType argType = args[i];
AstDecodeStackItem item;
if (!c.iter().readCallArg(argType, numArgs, i, nullptr))
return false;
(*funcArgs)[i] = c.exprs()[c.exprs().length() - numArgs + i].expr;
return c.iter().readCallArgsEnd(numArgs);
static bool
AstDecodeCallReturn(AstDecodeContext& c, const AstSig& sig)
return c.iter().readCallReturn(sig.ret());
static bool
AstDecodeExpr(AstDecodeContext& c);
static bool
AstDecodeDrop(AstDecodeContext& c)
if (!c.iter().readDrop())
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem value = c.popCopy();
AstExpr* tmp = new(c.lifo) AstDrop(*value.expr);
if (!tmp)
return false;
tmp = c.handleVoidExpr(tmp);
if (!tmp)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(tmp)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeCall(AstDecodeContext& c)
uint32_t funcIndex;
if (!c.iter().readCall(&funcIndex))
return false;
if (!c.iter().inReachableCode())
return true;
uint32_t sigIndex;
AstRef funcRef;
if (funcIndex < c.module().numFuncImports()) {
AstImport* import = c.module().imports()[funcIndex];
sigIndex = import->funcSig().index();
funcRef = AstRef(import->name());
} else {
uint32_t funcDefIndex = funcIndex - c.module().numFuncImports();
if (funcDefIndex >= c.funcDefSigs().length())
return c.iter().fail("callee index out of range");
sigIndex = c.funcDefSigs()[funcDefIndex];
if (!GenerateRef(c, AstName(u"func"), funcIndex, &funcRef))
return false;
const AstSig* sig = c.module().sigs()[sigIndex];
AstExprVector args(c.lifo);
if (!AstDecodeCallArgs(c, *sig, &args))
return false;
if (!AstDecodeCallReturn(c, *sig))
return false;
AstCall* call = new(c.lifo) AstCall(Op::Call, sig->ret(), funcRef, Move(args));
if (!call)
return false;
AstExpr* result = call;
if (IsVoid(sig->ret()))
result = c.handleVoidExpr(call);
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(result)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeCallIndirect(AstDecodeContext& c)
uint32_t sigIndex;
if (!c.iter().readCallIndirect(&sigIndex, nullptr))
return false;
if (!c.iter().inReachableCode())
return true;
if (sigIndex >= c.module().sigs().length())
return c.iter().fail("signature index out of range");
AstDecodeStackItem index = c.popCopy();
AstRef sigRef;
if (!GenerateRef(c, AstName(u"type"), sigIndex, &sigRef))
return false;
const AstSig* sig = c.module().sigs()[sigIndex];
AstExprVector args(c.lifo);
if (!AstDecodeCallArgs(c, *sig, &args))
return false;
if (!AstDecodeCallReturn(c, *sig))
return false;
AstCallIndirect* call = new(c.lifo) AstCallIndirect(sigRef, sig->ret(),
Move(args), index.expr);
if (!call)
return false;
AstExpr* result = call;
if (IsVoid(sig->ret()))
result = c.handleVoidExpr(call);
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(result)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeGetBlockRef(AstDecodeContext& c, uint32_t depth, AstRef* ref)
if (!c.generateNames || depth >= c.blockLabels().length()) {
// Also ignoring if it's a function body label.
*ref = AstRef(depth);
return true;
uint32_t index = c.blockLabels().length() - depth - 1;
if (c.blockLabels()[index].empty()) {
if (!GenerateName(c, AstName(u"label"), c.nextLabelIndex(), &c.blockLabels()[index]))
return false;
*ref = AstRef(c.blockLabels()[index]);
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeBrTable(AstDecodeContext& c)
uint32_t tableLength;
ExprType type;
if (!c.iter().readBrTable(&tableLength, &type, nullptr, nullptr))
return false;
AstRefVector table(c.lifo);
if (!table.resize(tableLength))
return false;
uint32_t depth;
for (size_t i = 0, e = tableLength; i < e; ++i) {
if (!c.iter().readBrTableEntry(&type, nullptr, &depth))
return false;
if (!AstDecodeGetBlockRef(c, depth, &table[i]))
return false;
// Read the default label.
if (!c.iter().readBrTableDefault(&type, nullptr, &depth))
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem index = c.popCopy();
AstDecodeStackItem value;
if (!IsVoid(type))
value = c.popCopy();
AstRef def;
if (!AstDecodeGetBlockRef(c, depth, &def))
return false;
AstBranchTable* branchTable = new(c.lifo) AstBranchTable(*index.expr,
def, Move(table), value.expr);
if (!branchTable)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(branchTable)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeBlock(AstDecodeContext& c, Op op)
MOZ_ASSERT(op == Op::Block || op == Op::Loop);
if (!c.blockLabels().append(AstName()))
return false;
if (op == Op::Loop) {
if (!c.iter().readLoop())
return false;
} else {
if (!c.iter().readBlock())
return false;
if (!c.depths().append(c.exprs().length()))
return false;
ExprType type;
while (true) {
if (!AstDecodeExpr(c))
return false;
const AstDecodeStackItem& item =;
if (!item.expr) { // Op::End was found
type = item.type;
AstExprVector exprs(c.lifo);
for (auto i = c.exprs().begin() + c.depths().back(), e = c.exprs().end();
i != e; ++i) {
if (!exprs.append(i->expr))
return false;
AstName name = c.blockLabels().popCopy();
AstBlock* block = new(c.lifo) AstBlock(op, type, name, Move(exprs));
if (!block)
return false;
AstExpr* result = block;
if (IsVoid(type))
result = c.handleVoidExpr(block);
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(result)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeIf(AstDecodeContext& c)
if (!c.iter().readIf(nullptr))
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem cond = c.popCopy();
bool hasElse = false;
if (!c.depths().append(c.exprs().length()))
return false;
if (!c.blockLabels().append(AstName()))
return false;
ExprType type;
while (true) {
if (!AstDecodeExpr(c))
return false;
const AstDecodeStackItem& item =;
if (!item.expr) { // Op::End was found
hasElse = item.terminationKind == AstDecodeTerminationKind::Else;
type = item.type;
AstExprVector thenExprs(c.lifo);
for (auto i = c.exprs().begin() + c.depths().back(), e = c.exprs().end();
i != e; ++i) {
if (!thenExprs.append(i->expr))
return false;
AstExprVector elseExprs(c.lifo);
if (hasElse) {
while (true) {
if (!AstDecodeExpr(c))
return false;
const AstDecodeStackItem& item =;
if (!item.expr) { // Op::End was found
for (auto i = c.exprs().begin() + c.depths().back(), e = c.exprs().end();
i != e; ++i) {
if (!elseExprs.append(i->expr))
return false;
AstName name = c.blockLabels().popCopy();
AstIf* if_ = new(c.lifo) AstIf(type, cond.expr, name, Move(thenExprs), Move(elseExprs));
if (!if_)
return false;
AstExpr* result = if_;
if (IsVoid(type))
result = c.handleVoidExpr(if_);
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(result)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeEnd(AstDecodeContext& c)
LabelKind kind;
ExprType type;
if (!c.iter().readEnd(&kind, &type, nullptr))
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(AstDecodeTerminationKind::End, type)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeElse(AstDecodeContext& c)
ExprType type;
if (!c.iter().readElse(&type, nullptr))
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(AstDecodeTerminationKind::Else, type)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeNop(AstDecodeContext& c)
if (!c.iter().readNop())
return false;
AstExpr* tmp = new(c.lifo) AstNop();
if (!tmp)
return false;
tmp = c.handleVoidExpr(tmp);
if (!tmp)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(tmp)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeUnary(AstDecodeContext& c, ValType type, Op op)
if (!c.iter().readUnary(type, nullptr))
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem operand = c.popCopy();
AstUnaryOperator* unary = new(c.lifo) AstUnaryOperator(op, operand.expr);
if (!unary)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(unary)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeBinary(AstDecodeContext& c, ValType type, Op op)
if (!c.iter().readBinary(type, nullptr, nullptr))
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem rhs = c.popCopy();
AstDecodeStackItem lhs = c.popCopy();
AstBinaryOperator* binary = new(c.lifo) AstBinaryOperator(op, lhs.expr, rhs.expr);
if (!binary)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(binary)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeSelect(AstDecodeContext& c)
ValType type;
if (!c.iter().readSelect(&type, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr))
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem selectFalse = c.popCopy();
AstDecodeStackItem selectTrue = c.popCopy();
AstDecodeStackItem cond = c.popCopy();
AstTernaryOperator* ternary = new(c.lifo) AstTernaryOperator(Op::Select, cond.expr, selectTrue.expr, selectFalse.expr);
if (!ternary)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(ternary)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeComparison(AstDecodeContext& c, ValType type, Op op)
if (!c.iter().readComparison(type, nullptr, nullptr))
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem rhs = c.popCopy();
AstDecodeStackItem lhs = c.popCopy();
AstComparisonOperator* comparison = new(c.lifo) AstComparisonOperator(op, lhs.expr, rhs.expr);
if (!comparison)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(comparison)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeConversion(AstDecodeContext& c, ValType fromType, ValType toType, Op op)
if (!c.iter().readConversion(fromType, toType, nullptr))
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem operand = c.popCopy();
AstConversionOperator* conversion = new(c.lifo) AstConversionOperator(op, operand.expr);
if (!conversion)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(conversion)))
return false;
return true;
static AstLoadStoreAddress
AstDecodeLoadStoreAddress(const LinearMemoryAddress<Nothing>& addr, const AstDecodeStackItem& item)
uint32_t flags = FloorLog2(addr.align);
return AstLoadStoreAddress(item.expr, flags, addr.offset);
static bool
AstDecodeLoad(AstDecodeContext& c, ValType type, uint32_t byteSize, Op op)
LinearMemoryAddress<Nothing> addr;
if (!c.iter().readLoad(type, byteSize, &addr))
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem item = c.popCopy();
AstLoad* load = new(c.lifo) AstLoad(op, AstDecodeLoadStoreAddress(addr, item));
if (!load)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(load)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeStore(AstDecodeContext& c, ValType type, uint32_t byteSize, Op op)
LinearMemoryAddress<Nothing> addr;
if (!c.iter().readStore(type, byteSize, &addr, nullptr))
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem value = c.popCopy();
AstDecodeStackItem item = c.popCopy();
AstStore* store = new(c.lifo) AstStore(op, AstDecodeLoadStoreAddress(addr, item), value.expr);
if (!store)
return false;
AstExpr* wrapped = c.handleVoidExpr(store);
if (!wrapped)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(wrapped)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeCurrentMemory(AstDecodeContext& c)
if (!c.iter().readCurrentMemory())
return false;
AstCurrentMemory* gm = new(c.lifo) AstCurrentMemory();
if (!gm)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(gm)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeGrowMemory(AstDecodeContext& c)
if (!c.iter().readGrowMemory(nullptr))
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem operand = c.popCopy();
AstGrowMemory* gm = new(c.lifo) AstGrowMemory(operand.expr);
if (!gm)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(gm)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeBranch(AstDecodeContext& c, Op op)
MOZ_ASSERT(op == Op::Br || op == Op::BrIf);
uint32_t depth;
ExprType type;
AstDecodeStackItem value;
AstDecodeStackItem cond;
if (op == Op::Br) {
if (!c.iter().readBr(&depth, &type, nullptr))
return false;
if (!IsVoid(type))
value = c.popCopy();
} else {
if (!c.iter().readBrIf(&depth, &type, nullptr, nullptr))
return false;
if (!IsVoid(type))
value = c.popCopy();
cond = c.popCopy();
AstRef depthRef;
if (!AstDecodeGetBlockRef(c, depth, &depthRef))
return false;
if (op == Op::Br || !value.expr)
type = ExprType::Void;
AstBranch* branch = new(c.lifo) AstBranch(op, type, cond.expr, depthRef, value.expr);
if (!branch)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(branch)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeGetLocal(AstDecodeContext& c)
uint32_t getLocalId;
if (!c.iter().readGetLocal(c.locals(), &getLocalId))
return false;
AstRef localRef;
if (!GenerateRef(c, AstName(u"var"), getLocalId, &localRef))
return false;
AstGetLocal* getLocal = new(c.lifo) AstGetLocal(localRef);
if (!getLocal)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(getLocal)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeSetLocal(AstDecodeContext& c)
uint32_t setLocalId;
if (!c.iter().readSetLocal(c.locals(), &setLocalId, nullptr))
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem setLocalValue = c.popCopy();
AstRef localRef;
if (!GenerateRef(c, AstName(u"var"), setLocalId, &localRef))
return false;
AstSetLocal* setLocal = new(c.lifo) AstSetLocal(localRef, *setLocalValue.expr);
if (!setLocal)
return false;
AstExpr* expr = c.handleVoidExpr(setLocal);
if (!expr)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(expr)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeTeeLocal(AstDecodeContext& c)
uint32_t teeLocalId;
if (!c.iter().readTeeLocal(c.locals(), &teeLocalId, nullptr))
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem teeLocalValue = c.popCopy();
AstRef localRef;
if (!GenerateRef(c, AstName(u"var"), teeLocalId, &localRef))
return false;
AstTeeLocal* teeLocal = new(c.lifo) AstTeeLocal(localRef, *teeLocalValue.expr);
if (!teeLocal)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(teeLocal)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeGetGlobal(AstDecodeContext& c)
uint32_t globalId;
if (!c.iter().readGetGlobal(c.globalDescs(), &globalId))
return false;
AstRef globalRef;
if (!GenerateRef(c, AstName(u"global"), globalId, &globalRef))
return false;
auto* getGlobal = new(c.lifo) AstGetGlobal(globalRef);
if (!getGlobal)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(getGlobal)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeSetGlobal(AstDecodeContext& c)
uint32_t globalId;
if (!c.iter().readSetGlobal(c.globalDescs(), &globalId, nullptr))
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem value = c.popCopy();
AstRef globalRef;
if (!GenerateRef(c, AstName(u"global"), globalId, &globalRef))
return false;
auto* setGlobal = new(c.lifo) AstSetGlobal(globalRef, *value.expr);
if (!setGlobal)
return false;
AstExpr* expr = c.handleVoidExpr(setGlobal);
if (!expr)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(expr)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeReturn(AstDecodeContext& c)
if (!c.iter().readReturn(nullptr))
return false;
AstDecodeStackItem result;
if (!IsVoid(c.retType()))
result = c.popCopy();
AstReturn* ret = new(c.lifo) AstReturn(result.expr);
if (!ret)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(ret)))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeExpr(AstDecodeContext& c)
uint32_t exprOffset = c.iter().currentOffset();
uint16_t op;
if (!c.iter().readOp(&op))
return false;
AstExpr* tmp;
switch (op) {
case uint16_t(Op::Nop):
if (!AstDecodeNop(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::Drop):
if (!AstDecodeDrop(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::Call):
if (!AstDecodeCall(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::CallIndirect):
if (!AstDecodeCallIndirect(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I32Const):
int32_t i32;
if (!c.iter().readI32Const(&i32))
return false;
tmp = new(c.lifo) AstConst(Val((uint32_t)i32));
if (!tmp || !c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(tmp)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64Const):
int64_t i64;
if (!c.iter().readI64Const(&i64))
return false;
tmp = new(c.lifo) AstConst(Val((uint64_t)i64));
if (!tmp || !c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(tmp)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F32Const): {
RawF32 f32;
if (!c.iter().readF32Const(&f32))
return false;
tmp = new(c.lifo) AstConst(Val(f32));
if (!tmp || !c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(tmp)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F64Const): {
RawF64 f64;
if (!c.iter().readF64Const(&f64))
return false;
tmp = new(c.lifo) AstConst(Val(f64));
if (!tmp || !c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(tmp)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::GetLocal):
if (!AstDecodeGetLocal(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::SetLocal):
if (!AstDecodeSetLocal(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::TeeLocal):
if (!AstDecodeTeeLocal(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::Select):
if (!AstDecodeSelect(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::Block):
case uint16_t(Op::Loop):
if (!AstDecodeBlock(c, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::If):
if (!AstDecodeIf(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::Else):
if (!AstDecodeElse(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::End):
if (!AstDecodeEnd(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I32Clz):
case uint16_t(Op::I32Ctz):
case uint16_t(Op::I32Popcnt):
if (!AstDecodeUnary(c, ValType::I32, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64Clz):
case uint16_t(Op::I64Ctz):
case uint16_t(Op::I64Popcnt):
if (!AstDecodeUnary(c, ValType::I64, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F32Abs):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Neg):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Ceil):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Floor):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Sqrt):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Trunc):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Nearest):
if (!AstDecodeUnary(c, ValType::F32, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F64Abs):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Neg):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Ceil):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Floor):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Sqrt):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Trunc):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Nearest):
if (!AstDecodeUnary(c, ValType::F64, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I32Add):
case uint16_t(Op::I32Sub):
case uint16_t(Op::I32Mul):
case uint16_t(Op::I32DivS):
case uint16_t(Op::I32DivU):
case uint16_t(Op::I32RemS):
case uint16_t(Op::I32RemU):
case uint16_t(Op::I32And):
case uint16_t(Op::I32Or):
case uint16_t(Op::I32Xor):
case uint16_t(Op::I32Shl):
case uint16_t(Op::I32ShrS):
case uint16_t(Op::I32ShrU):
case uint16_t(Op::I32Rotl):
case uint16_t(Op::I32Rotr):
if (!AstDecodeBinary(c, ValType::I32, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64Add):
case uint16_t(Op::I64Sub):
case uint16_t(Op::I64Mul):
case uint16_t(Op::I64DivS):
case uint16_t(Op::I64DivU):
case uint16_t(Op::I64RemS):
case uint16_t(Op::I64RemU):
case uint16_t(Op::I64And):
case uint16_t(Op::I64Or):
case uint16_t(Op::I64Xor):
case uint16_t(Op::I64Shl):
case uint16_t(Op::I64ShrS):
case uint16_t(Op::I64ShrU):
case uint16_t(Op::I64Rotl):
case uint16_t(Op::I64Rotr):
if (!AstDecodeBinary(c, ValType::I64, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F32Add):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Sub):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Mul):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Div):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Min):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Max):
case uint16_t(Op::F32CopySign):
if (!AstDecodeBinary(c, ValType::F32, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F64Add):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Sub):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Mul):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Div):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Min):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Max):
case uint16_t(Op::F64CopySign):
if (!AstDecodeBinary(c, ValType::F64, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I32Eq):
case uint16_t(Op::I32Ne):
case uint16_t(Op::I32LtS):
case uint16_t(Op::I32LtU):
case uint16_t(Op::I32LeS):
case uint16_t(Op::I32LeU):
case uint16_t(Op::I32GtS):
case uint16_t(Op::I32GtU):
case uint16_t(Op::I32GeS):
case uint16_t(Op::I32GeU):
if (!AstDecodeComparison(c, ValType::I32, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64Eq):
case uint16_t(Op::I64Ne):
case uint16_t(Op::I64LtS):
case uint16_t(Op::I64LtU):
case uint16_t(Op::I64LeS):
case uint16_t(Op::I64LeU):
case uint16_t(Op::I64GtS):
case uint16_t(Op::I64GtU):
case uint16_t(Op::I64GeS):
case uint16_t(Op::I64GeU):
if (!AstDecodeComparison(c, ValType::I64, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F32Eq):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Ne):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Lt):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Le):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Gt):
case uint16_t(Op::F32Ge):
if (!AstDecodeComparison(c, ValType::F32, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F64Eq):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Ne):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Lt):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Le):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Gt):
case uint16_t(Op::F64Ge):
if (!AstDecodeComparison(c, ValType::F64, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I32Eqz):
if (!AstDecodeConversion(c, ValType::I32, ValType::I32, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64Eqz):
case uint16_t(Op::I32WrapI64):
if (!AstDecodeConversion(c, ValType::I64, ValType::I32, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I32TruncSF32):
case uint16_t(Op::I32TruncUF32):
case uint16_t(Op::I32ReinterpretF32):
if (!AstDecodeConversion(c, ValType::F32, ValType::I32, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I32TruncSF64):
case uint16_t(Op::I32TruncUF64):
if (!AstDecodeConversion(c, ValType::F64, ValType::I32, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64ExtendSI32):
case uint16_t(Op::I64ExtendUI32):
if (!AstDecodeConversion(c, ValType::I32, ValType::I64, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64TruncSF32):
case uint16_t(Op::I64TruncUF32):
if (!AstDecodeConversion(c, ValType::F32, ValType::I64, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64TruncSF64):
case uint16_t(Op::I64TruncUF64):
case uint16_t(Op::I64ReinterpretF64):
if (!AstDecodeConversion(c, ValType::F64, ValType::I64, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F32ConvertSI32):
case uint16_t(Op::F32ConvertUI32):
case uint16_t(Op::F32ReinterpretI32):
if (!AstDecodeConversion(c, ValType::I32, ValType::F32, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F32ConvertSI64):
case uint16_t(Op::F32ConvertUI64):
if (!AstDecodeConversion(c, ValType::I64, ValType::F32, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F32DemoteF64):
if (!AstDecodeConversion(c, ValType::F64, ValType::F32, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F64ConvertSI32):
case uint16_t(Op::F64ConvertUI32):
if (!AstDecodeConversion(c, ValType::I32, ValType::F64, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F64ConvertSI64):
case uint16_t(Op::F64ConvertUI64):
case uint16_t(Op::F64ReinterpretI64):
if (!AstDecodeConversion(c, ValType::I64, ValType::F64, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F64PromoteF32):
if (!AstDecodeConversion(c, ValType::F32, ValType::F64, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I32Load8S):
case uint16_t(Op::I32Load8U):
if (!AstDecodeLoad(c, ValType::I32, 1, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I32Load16S):
case uint16_t(Op::I32Load16U):
if (!AstDecodeLoad(c, ValType::I32, 2, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I32Load):
if (!AstDecodeLoad(c, ValType::I32, 4, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64Load8S):
case uint16_t(Op::I64Load8U):
if (!AstDecodeLoad(c, ValType::I64, 1, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64Load16S):
case uint16_t(Op::I64Load16U):
if (!AstDecodeLoad(c, ValType::I64, 2, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64Load32S):
case uint16_t(Op::I64Load32U):
if (!AstDecodeLoad(c, ValType::I64, 4, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64Load):
if (!AstDecodeLoad(c, ValType::I64, 8, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F32Load):
if (!AstDecodeLoad(c, ValType::F32, 4, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F64Load):
if (!AstDecodeLoad(c, ValType::F64, 8, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I32Store8):
if (!AstDecodeStore(c, ValType::I32, 1, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I32Store16):
if (!AstDecodeStore(c, ValType::I32, 2, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I32Store):
if (!AstDecodeStore(c, ValType::I32, 4, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64Store8):
if (!AstDecodeStore(c, ValType::I64, 1, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64Store16):
if (!AstDecodeStore(c, ValType::I64, 2, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64Store32):
if (!AstDecodeStore(c, ValType::I64, 4, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::I64Store):
if (!AstDecodeStore(c, ValType::I64, 8, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F32Store):
if (!AstDecodeStore(c, ValType::F32, 4, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::F64Store):
if (!AstDecodeStore(c, ValType::F64, 8, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::CurrentMemory):
if (!AstDecodeCurrentMemory(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::GrowMemory):
if (!AstDecodeGrowMemory(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::SetGlobal):
if (!AstDecodeSetGlobal(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::GetGlobal):
if (!AstDecodeGetGlobal(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::Br):
case uint16_t(Op::BrIf):
if (!AstDecodeBranch(c, Op(op)))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::BrTable):
if (!AstDecodeBrTable(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::Return):
if (!AstDecodeReturn(c))
return false;
case uint16_t(Op::Unreachable):
if (!c.iter().readUnreachable())
return false;
tmp = new(c.lifo) AstUnreachable();
if (!tmp)
return false;
if (!c.push(AstDecodeStackItem(tmp)))
return false;
return c.iter().unrecognizedOpcode(op);
AstExpr* lastExpr =;
if (lastExpr)
return true;
// wasm decoding and generation
static bool
AstDecodeTypeSection(AstDecodeContext& c, SigWithIdVector* sigs)
if (!DecodeTypeSection(c.d, sigs))
return false;
for (size_t sigIndex = 0; sigIndex < sigs->length(); sigIndex++) {
const Sig& sig = (*sigs)[sigIndex];
AstValTypeVector args(c.lifo);
if (!args.appendAll(sig.args()))
return false;
AstSig sigNoName(Move(args), sig.ret());
AstName sigName;
if (!GenerateName(c, AstName(u"type"), sigIndex, &sigName))
return false;
AstSig* astSig = new(c.lifo) AstSig(sigName, Move(sigNoName));
if (!astSig || !c.module().append(astSig))
return false;
return true;
static AstName
ToAstName(AstDecodeContext& c, const UniqueChars& name)
size_t len = strlen(name.get());
char16_t* buffer = static_cast<char16_t *>(c.lifo.alloc(len * sizeof(char16_t)));
if (!buffer)
return AstName();
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
buffer[i] = name.get()[i];
return AstName(buffer, len);
static bool
AstDecodeImportSection(AstDecodeContext& c, const SigWithIdVector& sigs)
Uint32Vector funcSigIndices;
GlobalDescVector globals;
TableDescVector tables;
Maybe<Limits> memory;
ImportVector imports;
if (!DecodeImportSection(c.d, sigs, &funcSigIndices, &globals, &tables, &memory, &imports))
return false;
size_t lastFunc = 0;
size_t lastGlobal = 0;
size_t lastTable = 0;
size_t lastMemory = 0;
for (size_t importIndex = 0; importIndex < imports.length(); importIndex++) {
const Import& import = imports[importIndex];
AstName moduleName = ToAstName(c, import.module);
AstName fieldName = ToAstName(c, import.field);
AstImport* ast = nullptr;
switch (import.kind) {
case DefinitionKind::Function: {
AstName importName;
if (!GenerateName(c, AstName(u"import"), lastFunc, &importName))
return false;
AstRef sigRef;
if (!GenerateRef(c, AstName(u"type"), funcSigIndices[lastFunc], &sigRef))
return false;
ast = new(c.lifo) AstImport(importName, moduleName, fieldName, sigRef);
case DefinitionKind::Global: {
AstName importName;
if (!GenerateName(c, AstName(u"global"), lastGlobal, &importName))
return false;
const GlobalDesc& global = globals[lastGlobal];
ValType type = global.type();
bool isMutable = global.isMutable();
if (!c.addGlobalDesc(type, isMutable, /* import */ true))
return false;
ast = new(c.lifo) AstImport(importName, moduleName, fieldName,
AstGlobal(importName, type, isMutable));
case DefinitionKind::Table: {
AstName importName;
if (!GenerateName(c, AstName(u"table"), lastTable, &importName))
return false;
ast = new(c.lifo) AstImport(importName, moduleName, fieldName, DefinitionKind::Table,
case DefinitionKind::Memory: {
AstName importName;
if (!GenerateName(c, AstName(u"memory"), lastMemory, &importName))
return false;
ast = new(c.lifo) AstImport(importName, moduleName, fieldName, DefinitionKind::Memory,
if (!ast || !c.module().append(ast))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeFunctionSection(AstDecodeContext& c, const SigWithIdVector& sigs)
Uint32Vector funcSigIndexes;
if (!DecodeFunctionSection(c.d, sigs, c.module().numFuncImports(), &funcSigIndexes))
return false;
return c.funcDefSigs().appendAll(funcSigIndexes);
static bool
AstDecodeTableSection(AstDecodeContext& c)
uint32_t sectionStart, sectionSize;
if (!c.d.startSection(SectionId::Table, &sectionStart, &sectionSize, "table"))
return false;
if (sectionStart == Decoder::NotStarted)
return true;
uint32_t numTables;
if (!c.d.readVarU32(&numTables))
return"failed to read number of tables");
if (numTables != 1)
return"the number of tables must be exactly one");
uint32_t typeConstructorValue;
if (!c.d.readVarU32(&typeConstructorValue))
return"expected type constructor kind");
if (typeConstructorValue != uint32_t(TypeCode::AnyFunc))
return"unknown type constructor kind");
Limits table;
if (!DecodeLimits(c.d, &table))
return false;
if (table.initial > MaxTableElems)
return"too many table elements");
if (c.module().hasTable())
return"already have a table");
AstName name;
if (!GenerateName(c, AstName(u"table"), c.module().tables().length(), &name))
return false;
if (!c.module().addTable(name, table))
return false;
if (!c.d.finishSection(sectionStart, sectionSize, "table"))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeName(AstDecodeContext& c, AstName* name)
uint32_t length;
if (!c.d.readVarU32(&length))
return false;
const uint8_t* bytes;
if (!c.d.readBytes(length, &bytes))
return false;
char16_t* buffer = static_cast<char16_t *>(c.lifo.alloc(length * sizeof(char16_t)));
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
buffer[i] = bytes[i];
*name = AstName(buffer, length);
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeMemorySection(AstDecodeContext& c)
bool present;
Limits memory;
if (!DecodeMemorySection(c.d, c.module().hasMemory(), &memory, &present))
return false;
if (present) {
AstName name;
if (!GenerateName(c, AstName(u"memory"), c.module().memories().length(), &name))
return false;
if (!c.module().addMemory(name, memory))
return false;
return true;
static AstExpr*
ToAstExpr(AstDecodeContext& c, const InitExpr& initExpr)
switch (initExpr.kind()) {
case InitExpr::Kind::Constant: {
return new(c.lifo) AstConst(Val(initExpr.val()));
case InitExpr::Kind::GetGlobal: {
AstRef globalRef;
if (!GenerateRef(c, AstName(u"global"), initExpr.globalIndex(), &globalRef))
return nullptr;
return new(c.lifo) AstGetGlobal(globalRef);
return nullptr;
static bool
AstDecodeInitializerExpression(AstDecodeContext& c, ValType type, AstExpr** init)
InitExpr initExpr;
if (!DecodeInitializerExpression(c.d, c.globalDescs(), type, &initExpr))
return false;
*init = ToAstExpr(c, initExpr);
return !!*init;
static bool
AstDecodeGlobal(AstDecodeContext& c, uint32_t i, AstGlobal* global)
AstName name;
if (!GenerateName(c, AstName(u"global"), i, &name))
return false;
ValType type;
bool isMutable;
if (!DecodeGlobalType(c.d, &type, &isMutable))
return false;
AstExpr* init;
if (!AstDecodeInitializerExpression(c, type, &init))
return false;
if (!c.addGlobalDesc(type, isMutable, /* import */ false))
return false;
*global = AstGlobal(name, type, isMutable, Some(init));
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeGlobalSection(AstDecodeContext& c)
uint32_t sectionStart, sectionSize;
if (!c.d.startSection(SectionId::Global, &sectionStart, &sectionSize, "global"))
return false;
if (sectionStart == Decoder::NotStarted)
return true;
uint32_t numGlobals;
if (!c.d.readVarU32(&numGlobals))
return"expected number of globals");
uint32_t numImported = c.globalDescs().length();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numGlobals; i++) {
auto* global = new(c.lifo) AstGlobal;
if (!AstDecodeGlobal(c, i + numImported, global))
return false;
if (!c.module().append(global))
return false;
if (!c.d.finishSection(sectionStart, sectionSize, "global"))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeExport(AstDecodeContext& c, AstExport** export_)
AstName fieldName;
if (!AstDecodeName(c, &fieldName))
return"expected export name");
uint32_t kindValue;
if (!c.d.readVarU32(&kindValue))
return"expected export kind");
uint32_t index;
if (!c.d.readVarU32(&index))
return"expected export internal index");
*export_ = new(c.lifo) AstExport(fieldName, DefinitionKind(kindValue), AstRef(index));
if (!*export_)
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeExportSection(AstDecodeContext& c)
uint32_t sectionStart, sectionSize;
if (!c.d.startSection(SectionId::Export, &sectionStart, &sectionSize, "export"))
return false;
if (sectionStart == Decoder::NotStarted)
return true;
uint32_t numExports;
if (!c.d.readVarU32(&numExports))
return"failed to read number of exports");
if (numExports > MaxExports)
return"too many exports");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numExports; i++) {
AstExport* export_ = nullptr;
if (!AstDecodeExport(c, &export_))
return false;
if (!c.module().append(export_))
return false;
if (!c.d.finishSection(sectionStart, sectionSize, "export"))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeFunctionBody(AstDecodeContext &c, uint32_t funcDefIndex, AstFunc** func)
uint32_t offset = c.d.currentOffset();
uint32_t bodySize;
if (!c.d.readVarU32(&bodySize))
return"expected number of function body bytes");
if (c.d.bytesRemain() < bodySize)
return"function body length too big");
const uint8_t* bodyBegin = c.d.currentPosition();
const uint8_t* bodyEnd = bodyBegin + bodySize;
AstDecodeOpIter iter(c.d);
uint32_t sigIndex = c.funcDefSigs()[funcDefIndex];
const AstSig* sig = c.module().sigs()[sigIndex];
AstValTypeVector vars(c.lifo);
AstNameVector localsNames(c.lifo);
AstExprVector body(c.lifo);
ValTypeVector locals;
if (!locals.appendAll(sig->args()))
return false;
if (!DecodeLocalEntries(c.d, ModuleKind::Wasm, &locals))
return"failed decoding local entries");
c.startFunction(&iter, &locals, sig->ret());
AstName funcName;
if (!GenerateName(c, AstName(u"func"), c.module().numFuncImports() + funcDefIndex, &funcName))
return false;
uint32_t numParams = sig->args().length();
uint32_t numLocals = locals.length();
for (uint32_t i = numParams; i < numLocals; i++) {
if (!vars.append(locals[i]))
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numLocals; i++) {
AstName varName;
if (!GenerateName(c, AstName(u"var"), i, &varName))
return false;
if (!localsNames.append(varName))
return false;
if (!c.iter().readFunctionStart(sig->ret()))
return false;
if (!c.depths().append(c.exprs().length()))
return false;
while (c.d.currentPosition() < bodyEnd) {
if (!AstDecodeExpr(c))
return false;
const AstDecodeStackItem& item =;
if (!item.expr) { // Op::End was found
for (auto i = c.exprs().begin() + c.depths().back(), e = c.exprs().end();
i != e; ++i) {
if (!body.append(i->expr))
return false;
if (!c.iter().readFunctionEnd())
return false;
if (c.d.currentPosition() != bodyEnd)
return"function body length mismatch");
AstRef sigRef;
if (!GenerateRef(c, AstName(u"type"), sigIndex, &sigRef))
return false;
*func = new(c.lifo) AstFunc(funcName, sigRef, Move(vars), Move(localsNames), Move(body));
if (!*func)
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeCodeSection(AstDecodeContext &c)
uint32_t sectionStart, sectionSize;
if (!c.d.startSection(SectionId::Code, &sectionStart, &sectionSize, "code"))
return false;
if (sectionStart == Decoder::NotStarted) {
if (c.funcDefSigs().length() != 0)
return"expected function bodies");
return false;
uint32_t numFuncBodies;
if (!c.d.readVarU32(&numFuncBodies))
return"expected function body count");
if (numFuncBodies != c.funcDefSigs().length())
return"function body count does not match function signature count");
for (uint32_t funcDefIndex = 0; funcDefIndex < numFuncBodies; funcDefIndex++) {
AstFunc* func;
if (!AstDecodeFunctionBody(c, funcDefIndex, &func))
return false;
if (!c.module().append(func))
return false;
if (!c.d.finishSection(sectionStart, sectionSize, "code"))
return false;
return true;
// Number of bytes to display in a single fragment of a data section (per line).
static const size_t WRAP_DATA_BYTES = 30;
static bool
AstDecodeDataSection(AstDecodeContext &c)
DataSegmentVector segments;
bool hasMemory = c.module().hasMemory();
MOZ_ASSERT(c.module().memories().length() <= 1, "at most one memory in MVP");
uint32_t memByteLength = hasMemory ? c.module().memories()[0].limits.initial : 0;
if (!DecodeDataSection(c.d, hasMemory, memByteLength, c.globalDescs(), &segments))
return false;
for (DataSegment& s : segments) {
const uint8_t* src = c.d.begin() + s.bytecodeOffset;
char16_t* buffer = static_cast<char16_t*>(c.lifo.alloc(s.length * sizeof(char16_t)));
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
buffer[i] = src[i];
AstExpr* offset = ToAstExpr(c, s.offset);
if (!offset)
return false;
AstNameVector fragments(c.lifo);
for (size_t start = 0; start < s.length; start += WRAP_DATA_BYTES) {
AstName name(buffer + start, Min(WRAP_DATA_BYTES, s.length - start));
if (!fragments.append(name))
return false;
AstDataSegment* segment = new(c.lifo) AstDataSegment(offset, Move(fragments));
if (!segment || !c.module().append(segment))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeElemSection(AstDecodeContext &c)
uint32_t sectionStart, sectionSize;
if (!c.d.startSection(SectionId::Elem, &sectionStart, &sectionSize, "elem"))
return false;
if (sectionStart == Decoder::NotStarted)
return true;
uint32_t numElems;
if (!c.d.readVarU32(&numElems))
return"failed to read number of table elements");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numElems; i++) {
uint32_t tableIndex;
if (!c.d.readVarU32(&tableIndex))
return"expected table index for element");
if (tableIndex != 0)
return"non-zero table index for element");
AstExpr* offset;
if (!AstDecodeInitializerExpression(c, ValType::I32, &offset))
return false;
uint32_t count;
if (!c.d.readVarU32(&count))
return"expected element count");
AstRefVector elems(c.lifo);
if (!elems.resize(count))
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
uint32_t index;
if (!c.d.readVarU32(&index))
return"expected element index");
elems[i] = AstRef(index);
AstElemSegment* segment = new(c.lifo) AstElemSegment(offset, Move(elems));
if (!segment || !c.module().append(segment))
return false;
if (!c.d.finishSection(sectionStart, sectionSize, "elem"))
return false;
return true;
static bool
AstDecodeStartSection(AstDecodeContext &c)
uint32_t sectionStart, sectionSize;
if (!c.d.startSection(SectionId::Start, &sectionStart, &sectionSize, "start"))
return false;
if (sectionStart == Decoder::NotStarted)
return true;
uint32_t funcIndex;
if (!c.d.readVarU32(&funcIndex))
return"failed to read start func index");
AstRef funcRef;
if (!GenerateRef(c, AstName(u"func"), funcIndex, &funcRef))
return false;
if (!c.d.finishSection(sectionStart, sectionSize, "start"))
return false;
return true;
wasm::BinaryToAst(JSContext* cx, const uint8_t* bytes, uint32_t length,
LifoAlloc& lifo, AstModule** module)
AstModule* result = new(lifo) AstModule(lifo);
if (!result->init())
return false;
UniqueChars error;
Decoder d(bytes, bytes + length, &error);
AstDecodeContext c(cx, lifo, d, *result, true);
SigWithIdVector sigs;
if (!DecodePreamble(d) ||
!AstDecodeTypeSection(c, &sigs) ||
!AstDecodeImportSection(c, sigs) ||
!AstDecodeFunctionSection(c, sigs) ||
!AstDecodeTableSection(c) ||
!AstDecodeMemorySection(c) ||
!AstDecodeGlobalSection(c) ||
!AstDecodeExportSection(c) ||
!AstDecodeStartSection(c) ||
!AstDecodeElemSection(c) ||
!AstDecodeCodeSection(c) ||
!AstDecodeDataSection(c) ||
if (error) {
JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_WASM_COMPILE_ERROR,
return false;
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(!error, "unreported error in decoding");
*module = result;
return true;