
1224 lines
36 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ExtensionUtils"];
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Cu = Components.utils;
const Cr = Components.results;
const INTEGER = /^[1-9]\d*$/;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AddonManager",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ConsoleAPI",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "LanguageDetector",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Locale",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "MessageChannel",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Preferences",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Schemas",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "styleSheetService",
function getConsole() {
return new ConsoleAPI({
maxLogLevelPref: "extensions.webextensions.log.level",
prefix: "WebExtensions",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "console", getConsole);
let nextId = 0;
const {uniqueProcessID} = Services.appinfo;
function getUniqueId() {
return `${nextId++}-${uniqueProcessID}`;
* An Error subclass for which complete error messages are always passed
* to extensions, rather than being interpreted as an unknown error.
class ExtensionError extends Error {}
function filterStack(error) {
return String(error.stack).replace(/(^.*(Task\.jsm|Promise-backend\.js).*\n)+/gm, "<Promise Chain>\n");
// Run a function and report exceptions.
function runSafeSyncWithoutClone(f, ...args) {
try {
return f(...args);
} catch (e) {
dump(`Extension error: ${e} ${e.fileName} ${e.lineNumber}\n[[Exception stack\n${filterStack(e)}Current stack\n${filterStack(Error())}]]\n`);
// Run a function and report exceptions.
function runSafeWithoutClone(f, ...args) {
if (typeof(f) != "function") {
dump(`Extension error: expected function\n${filterStack(Error())}`);
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
runSafeSyncWithoutClone(f, ...args);
// Run a function, cloning arguments into context.cloneScope, and
// report exceptions. |f| is expected to be in context.cloneScope.
function runSafeSync(context, f, ...args) {
if (context.unloaded) {
Cu.reportError("runSafeSync called after context unloaded");
try {
args = Cu.cloneInto(args, context.cloneScope);
} catch (e) {
dump(`runSafe failure: cloning into ${context.cloneScope}: ${e}\n\n${filterStack(Error())}`);
return runSafeSyncWithoutClone(f, ...args);
// Run a function, cloning arguments into context.cloneScope, and
// report exceptions. |f| is expected to be in context.cloneScope.
function runSafe(context, f, ...args) {
try {
args = Cu.cloneInto(args, context.cloneScope);
} catch (e) {
dump(`runSafe failure: cloning into ${context.cloneScope}: ${e}\n\n${filterStack(Error())}`);
if (context.unloaded) {
dump(`runSafe failure: context is already unloaded ${filterStack(new Error())}\n`);
return undefined;
return runSafeWithoutClone(f, ...args);
function getInnerWindowID(window) {
return window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
// Return true if the given value is an instance of the given
// native type.
function instanceOf(value, type) {
return {} == `[object ${type}]`;
// Extend the object |obj| with the property descriptors of each object in
// |args|.
function extend(obj, ...args) {
for (let arg of args) {
let props = [...Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arg),
for (let prop of props) {
let descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(arg, prop);
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor);
return obj;
* Similar to a WeakMap, but creates a new key with the given
* constructor if one is not present.
class DefaultWeakMap extends WeakMap {
constructor(defaultConstructor, init) {
this.defaultConstructor = defaultConstructor;
get(key) {
if (!this.has(key)) {
this.set(key, this.defaultConstructor(key));
return super.get(key);
class DefaultMap extends Map {
constructor(defaultConstructor, init) {
this.defaultConstructor = defaultConstructor;
get(key) {
if (!this.has(key)) {
this.set(key, this.defaultConstructor(key));
return super.get(key);
class SpreadArgs extends Array {
constructor(args) {
// Manages icon details for toolbar buttons in the |pageAction| and
// |browserAction| APIs.
let IconDetails = {
// Normalizes the various acceptable input formats into an object
// with icon size as key and icon URL as value.
// If a context is specified (function is called from an extension):
// Throws an error if an invalid icon size was provided or the
// extension is not allowed to load the specified resources.
// If no context is specified, instead of throwing an error, this
// function simply logs a warning message.
normalize(details, extension, context = null) {
let result = {};
try {
if (details.imageData) {
let imageData = details.imageData;
if (typeof imageData == "string") {
imageData = {"19": imageData};
for (let size of Object.keys(imageData)) {
if (!INTEGER.test(size)) {
throw new ExtensionError(`Invalid icon size ${size}, must be an integer`);
result[size] = imageData[size];
if (details.path) {
let path = details.path;
if (typeof path != "object") {
path = {"19": path};
let baseURI = context ? context.uri : extension.baseURI;
for (let size of Object.keys(path)) {
if (!INTEGER.test(size)) {
throw new ExtensionError(`Invalid icon size ${size}, must be an integer`);
let url = baseURI.resolve(path[size]);
// The Chrome documentation specifies these parameters as
// relative paths. We currently accept absolute URLs as well,
// which means we need to check that the extension is allowed
// to load them. This will throw an error if it's not allowed.
try {
extension.principal, url,
} catch (e) {
throw new ExtensionError(`Illegal URL ${url}`);
result[size] = url;
} catch (e) {
// Function is called from extension code, delegate error.
if (context) {
throw e;
// If there's no context, it's because we're handling this
// as a manifest directive. Log a warning rather than
// raising an error.
extension.manifestError(`Invalid icon data: ${e}`);
return result;
// Returns the appropriate icon URL for the given icons object and the
// screen resolution of the given window.
getPreferredIcon(icons, extension = null, size = 16) {
const DEFAULT = "chrome://browser/content/extension.svg";
let bestSize = null;
if (icons[size]) {
bestSize = size;
} else if (icons[2 * size]) {
bestSize = 2 * size;
} else {
let sizes = Object.keys(icons)
.map(key => parseInt(key, 10))
.sort((a, b) => a - b);
bestSize = sizes.find(candidate => candidate > size) || sizes.pop();
if (bestSize) {
return {size: bestSize, icon: icons[bestSize]};
return {size, icon: DEFAULT};
convertImageURLToDataURL(imageURL, contentWindow, browserWindow, size = 18) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let image = new contentWindow.Image();
image.onload = function() {
let canvas = contentWindow.document.createElement("canvas");
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
let dSize = size * browserWindow.devicePixelRatio;
// Scales the image while maintaing width to height ratio.
// If the width and height differ, the image is centered using the
// smaller of the two dimensions.
let dWidth, dHeight, dx, dy;
if (this.width > this.height) {
dWidth = dSize;
dHeight = image.height * (dSize / image.width);
dx = 0;
dy = (dSize - dHeight) / 2;
} else {
dWidth = image.width * (dSize / image.height);
dHeight = dSize;
dx = (dSize - dWidth) / 2;
dy = 0;
ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0, this.width, this.height, dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight);
image.onerror = reject;
image.src = imageURL;
const LISTENERS = Symbol("listeners");
class EventEmitter {
constructor() {
this[LISTENERS] = new Map();
* Adds the given function as a listener for the given event.
* The listener function may optionally return a Promise which
* resolves when it has completed all operations which event
* dispatchers may need to block on.
* @param {string} event
* The name of the event to listen for.
* @param {function(string, ...any)} listener
* The listener to call when events are emitted.
on(event, listener) {
if (!this[LISTENERS].has(event)) {
this[LISTENERS].set(event, new Set());
* Removes the given function as a listener for the given event.
* @param {string} event
* The name of the event to stop listening for.
* @param {function(string, ...any)} listener
* The listener function to remove.
off(event, listener) {
if (this[LISTENERS].has(event)) {
let set = this[LISTENERS].get(event);
if (!set.size) {
* Triggers all listeners for the given event, and returns a promise
* which resolves when all listeners have been called, and any
* promises they have returned have likewise resolved.
* @param {string} event
* The name of the event to emit.
* @param {any} args
* Arbitrary arguments to pass to the listener functions, after
* the event name.
* @returns {Promise}
emit(event, ...args) {
let listeners = this[LISTENERS].get(event) || new Set();
let promises = Array.from(listeners, listener => {
return runSafeSyncWithoutClone(listener, event, ...args);
return Promise.all(promises);
function LocaleData(data) {
this.defaultLocale = data.defaultLocale;
this.selectedLocale = data.selectedLocale;
this.locales = data.locales || new Map();
this.warnedMissingKeys = new Set();
// Map(locale-name -> Map(message-key -> localized-string))
// Contains a key for each loaded locale, each of which is a
// Map of message keys to their localized strings.
this.messages = data.messages || new Map();
if (data.builtinMessages) {
this.messages.set(this.BUILTIN, data.builtinMessages);
LocaleData.prototype = {
// Representation of the object to send to content processes. This
// should include anything the content process might need.
serialize() {
return {
defaultLocale: this.defaultLocale,
selectedLocale: this.selectedLocale,
messages: this.messages,
locales: this.locales,
has(locale) {
return this.messages.has(locale);
localizeMessage(message, substitutions = [], options = {}) {
let defaultOptions = {
locale: this.selectedLocale,
defaultValue: "",
cloneScope: null,
options = Object.assign(defaultOptions, options);
let locales = new Set([this.BUILTIN, options.locale, this.defaultLocale]
.filter(locale => this.messages.has(locale)));
// Message names are case-insensitive, so normalize them to lower-case.
message = message.toLowerCase();
for (let locale of locales) {
let messages = this.messages.get(locale);
if (messages.has(message)) {
let str = messages.get(message);
if (!Array.isArray(substitutions)) {
substitutions = [substitutions];
let replacer = (matched, index, dollarSigns) => {
if (index) {
// This is not quite Chrome-compatible. Chrome consumes any number
// of digits following the $, but only accepts 9 substitutions. We
// accept any number of substitutions.
index = parseInt(index, 10) - 1;
return index in substitutions ? substitutions[index] : "";
// For any series of contiguous `$`s, the first is dropped, and
// the rest remain in the output string.
return dollarSigns;
return str.replace(/\$(?:([1-9]\d*)|(\$+))/g, replacer);
// Check for certain pre-defined messages.
if (message == "@@ui_locale") {
return this.uiLocale;
} else if (message.startsWith("@@bidi_")) {
let registry = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIXULChromeRegistry);
let rtl = registry.isLocaleRTL("global");
if (message == "@@bidi_dir") {
return rtl ? "rtl" : "ltr";
} else if (message == "@@bidi_reversed_dir") {
return rtl ? "ltr" : "rtl";
} else if (message == "@@bidi_start_edge") {
return rtl ? "right" : "left";
} else if (message == "@@bidi_end_edge") {
return rtl ? "left" : "right";
if (!this.warnedMissingKeys.has(message)) {
let error = `Unknown localization message ${message}`;
if (options.cloneScope) {
error = new options.cloneScope.Error(error);
return options.defaultValue;
// Localize a string, replacing all |__MSG_(.*)__| tokens with the
// matching string from the current locale, as determined by
// |this.selectedLocale|.
// This may not be called before calling either |initLocale| or
// |initAllLocales|.
localize(str, locale = this.selectedLocale) {
if (!str) {
return str;
return str.replace(/__MSG_([A-Za-z0-9@_]+?)__/g, (matched, message) => {
return this.localizeMessage(message, [], {locale, defaultValue: matched});
// Validates the contents of a locale JSON file, normalizes the
// messages into a Map of message key -> localized string pairs.
addLocale(locale, messages, extension) {
let result = new Map();
// Chrome does not document the semantics of its localization
// system very well. It handles replacements by pre-processing
// messages, replacing |$[a-zA-Z0-9@_]+$| tokens with the value of their
// replacements. Later, it processes the resulting string for
// |$[0-9]| replacements.
// Again, it does not document this, but it accepts any number
// of sequential |$|s, and replaces them with that number minus
// 1. It also accepts |$| followed by any number of sequential
// digits, but refuses to process a localized string which
// provides more than 9 substitutions.
if (!instanceOf(messages, "Object")) {
extension.packagingError(`Invalid locale data for ${locale}`);
return result;
for (let key of Object.keys(messages)) {
let msg = messages[key];
if (!instanceOf(msg, "Object") || typeof(msg.message) != "string") {
extension.packagingError(`Invalid locale message data for ${locale}, message ${JSON.stringify(key)}`);
// Substitutions are case-insensitive, so normalize all of their names
// to lower-case.
let placeholders = new Map();
if (instanceOf(msg.placeholders, "Object")) {
for (let key of Object.keys(msg.placeholders)) {
placeholders.set(key.toLowerCase(), msg.placeholders[key]);
let replacer = (match, name) => {
let replacement = placeholders.get(name.toLowerCase());
if (instanceOf(replacement, "Object") && "content" in replacement) {
return replacement.content;
return "";
let value = msg.message.replace(/\$([A-Za-z0-9@_]+)\$/g, replacer);
// Message names are also case-insensitive, so normalize them to lower-case.
result.set(key.toLowerCase(), value);
this.messages.set(locale, result);
return result;
get acceptLanguages() {
let result = Preferences.get("intl.accept_languages", "", Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString);
return result.split(/\s*,\s*/g);
get uiLocale() {
// Return the browser locale, but convert it to a Chrome-style
// locale code.
return Locale.getLocale().replace(/-/g, "_");
// This is a generic class for managing event listeners. Example usage:
// new EventManager(context, "api.subAPI", fire => {
// let listener = (...) => {
// // Fire any listeners registered with addListener.
// fire(arg1, arg2);
// };
// // Register the listener.
// SomehowRegisterListener(listener);
// return () => {
// // Return a way to unregister the listener.
// SomehowUnregisterListener(listener);
// };
// }).api()
// The result is an object with addListener, removeListener, and
// hasListener methods. |context| is an add-on scope (either an
// ExtensionContext in the chrome process or ExtensionContext in a
// content process). |name| is for debugging. |register| is a function
// to register the listener. |register| is only called once, even if
// multiple listeners are registered. |register| should return an
// unregister function that will unregister the listener.
function EventManager(context, name, register) {
this.context = context; = name;
this.register = register;
this.unregister = null;
this.callbacks = new Set();
EventManager.prototype = {
addListener(callback) {
if (typeof(callback) != "function") {
dump(`Expected function\n${Error().stack}`);
if (this.context.unloaded) {
dump(`Cannot add listener to ${} after context unloaded`);
if (!this.callbacks.size) {
let fireFunc =;
let fireWithoutClone = this.fireWithoutClone.bind(this);
fireFunc.withoutClone = fireWithoutClone;
this.unregister = this.register(fireFunc);
removeListener(callback) {
if (!this.callbacks.size) {
if (this.callbacks.size == 0) {
this.unregister = null;
hasListener(callback) {
return this.callbacks.has(callback);
fire(...args) {
this._fireCommon("runSafe", args);
fireWithoutClone(...args) {
this._fireCommon("runSafeWithoutClone", args);
_fireCommon(runSafeMethod, args) {
for (let callback of this.callbacks) {
Promise.resolve(callback).then(callback => {
if (this.context.unloaded) {
dump(`${} event fired after context unloaded.\n`);
} else if (! {
dump(`${} event fired while context is inactive.\n`);
} else if (this.callbacks.has(callback)) {
this.context[runSafeMethod](callback, ...args);
close() {
if (this.callbacks.size) {
this.register = null;
this.unregister = null;
api() {
return {
addListener: callback => this.addListener(callback),
removeListener: callback => this.removeListener(callback),
hasListener: callback => this.hasListener(callback),
// Similar to EventManager, but it doesn't try to consolidate event
// notifications. Each addListener call causes us to register once. It
// allows extra arguments to be passed to addListener.
function SingletonEventManager(context, name, register) {
this.context = context; = name;
this.register = register;
this.unregister = new Map();
SingletonEventManager.prototype = {
addListener(callback, ...args) {
let wrappedCallback = (...args) => {
if (this.context.unloaded) {
dump(`${} event fired after context unloaded.\n`);
} else if (this.unregister.has(callback)) {
return callback(...args);
let unregister = this.register(wrappedCallback, ...args);
this.unregister.set(callback, unregister);
removeListener(callback) {
if (!this.unregister.has(callback)) {
let unregister = this.unregister.get(callback);
hasListener(callback) {
return this.unregister.has(callback);
close() {
for (let unregister of this.unregister.values()) {
api() {
return {
addListener: (...args) => this.addListener(...args),
removeListener: (...args) => this.removeListener(...args),
hasListener: (...args) => this.hasListener(...args),
// Simple API for event listeners where events never fire.
function ignoreEvent(context, name) {
return {
addListener: function(callback) {
let id =;
let frame = Components.stack.caller;
let msg = `In add-on ${id}, attempting to use listener "${name}", which is unimplemented.`;
let scriptError = Cc[";1"]
scriptError.init(msg, frame.filename, null, frame.lineNumber,
frame.columnNumber, Ci.nsIScriptError.warningFlag,
"content javascript");
let consoleService = Cc[";1"]
removeListener: function(callback) {},
hasListener: function(callback) {},
// Copy an API object from |source| into the scope |dest|.
function injectAPI(source, dest) {
for (let prop in source) {
// Skip names prefixed with '_'.
if (prop[0] == "_") {
let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, prop);
if (typeof(desc.value) == "function") {
Cu.exportFunction(desc.value, dest, {defineAs: prop});
} else if (typeof(desc.value) == "object") {
let obj = Cu.createObjectIn(dest, {defineAs: prop});
injectAPI(desc.value, obj);
} else {
Object.defineProperty(dest, prop, desc);
* Returns a Promise which resolves when the given document's DOM has
* fully loaded.
* @param {Document} doc The document to await the load of.
* @returns {Promise<Document>}
function promiseDocumentReady(doc) {
if (doc.readyState == "interactive" || doc.readyState == "complete") {
return Promise.resolve(doc);
return new Promise(resolve => {
doc.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function onReady(event) {
if ( === event.currentTarget) {
doc.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onReady, true);
}, true);
* Returns a Promise which resolves when the given document is fully
* loaded.
* @param {Document} doc The document to await the load of.
* @returns {Promise<Document>}
function promiseDocumentLoaded(doc) {
if (doc.readyState == "complete") {
return Promise.resolve(doc);
return new Promise(resolve => {
doc.defaultView.addEventListener("load", function onReady(event) {
doc.defaultView.removeEventListener("load", onReady);
* Returns a Promise which resolves when the given event is dispatched to the
* given element.
* @param {Element} element
* The element on which to listen.
* @param {string} eventName
* The event to listen for.
* @param {boolean} [useCapture = true]
* If true, listen for the even in the capturing rather than
* bubbling phase.
* @param {Event} [test]
* An optional test function which, when called with the
* observer's subject and data, should return true if this is the
* expected event, false otherwise.
* @returns {Promise<Event>}
function promiseEvent(element, eventName, useCapture = true, test = event => true) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
function listener(event) {
if (test(event)) {
element.removeEventListener(eventName, listener, useCapture);
element.addEventListener(eventName, listener, useCapture);
* Returns a Promise which resolves the given observer topic has been
* observed.
* @param {string} topic
* The topic to observe.
* @param {function(nsISupports, string)} [test]
* An optional test function which, when called with the
* observer's subject and data, should return true if this is the
* expected notification, false otherwise.
* @returns {Promise<object>}
function promiseObserved(topic, test = () => true) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let observer = (subject, topic, data) => {
if (test(subject, data)) {
Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, topic);
resolve({subject, data});
Services.obs.addObserver(observer, topic, false);
function getMessageManager(target) {
if (target instanceof Ci.nsIFrameLoaderOwner) {
return target.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFrameLoaderOwner).frameLoader.messageManager;
return target.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIMessageSender);
function flushJarCache(jarFile) {
Services.obs.notifyObservers(jarFile, "flush-cache-entry", null);
const PlatformInfo = Object.freeze({
os: (function() {
let os = "linux";
#elif XP_WIN
let os = "win";
let os = "mac";
let os = "android";
#elif XP_LINUX
let os = "linux";
let os = "other";
return os;
arch: (function() {
let abi = Services.appinfo.XPCOMABI;
let [arch] = abi.split("-");
if (arch == "x86") {
arch = "x86-32";
} else if (arch == "x86_64") {
arch = "x86-64";
return arch;
function detectLanguage(text) {
return LanguageDetector.detectLanguage(text).then(result => ({
isReliable: result.confident,
languages: => {
return {
language: lang.languageCode,
percentage: lang.percent,
* Convert any of several different representations of a date/time to a Date object.
* Accepts several formats:
* a Date object, an ISO8601 string, or a number of milliseconds since the epoch as
* either a number or a string.
* @param {Date|string|number} date
* The date to convert.
* @returns {Date}
* A Date object
function normalizeTime(date) {
// Of all the formats we accept the "number of milliseconds since the epoch as a string"
// is an outlier, everything else can just be passed directly to the Date constructor.
return new Date((typeof date == "string" && /^\d+$/.test(date))
? parseInt(date, 10) : date);
const stylesheetMap = new DefaultMap(url => {
let uri = NetUtil.newURI(url);
return styleSheetService.preloadSheet(uri, styleSheetService.AGENT_SHEET);
* Defines a lazy getter for the given property on the given object. The
* first time the property is accessed, the return value of the getter
* is defined on the current `this` object with the given property name.
* Importantly, this means that a lazy getter defined on an object
* prototype will be invoked separately for each object instance that
* it's accessed on.
* @param {object} object
* The prototype object on which to define the getter.
* @param {string|Symbol} prop
* The property name for which to define the getter.
* @param {function} getter
* The function to call in order to generate the final property
* value.
function defineLazyGetter(object, prop, getter) {
let redefine = (obj, value) => {
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
return value;
Object.defineProperty(object, prop, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get() {
return redefine(this,;
set(value) {
redefine(this, value);
function findPathInObject(obj, path, printErrors = true) {
let parent;
for (let elt of path.split(".")) {
if (!obj || !(elt in obj)) {
if (printErrors) {
let appname =;
Cu.reportError(`WebExtension API ${path} not found (it may be unimplemented by ${appname}).`);
return null;
parent = obj;
obj = obj[elt];
if (typeof obj === "function") {
return obj.bind(parent);
return obj;
* Acts as a proxy for a message manager or message manager owner, and
* tracks docShell swaps so that messages are always sent to the same
* receiver, even if it is moved to a different <browser>.
* @param {nsIMessageSender|Element} target
* The target message manager on which to send messages, or the
* <browser> element which owns it.
class MessageManagerProxy {
constructor(target) {
this.listeners = new DefaultMap(() => new Map());
if (target instanceof Ci.nsIMessageSender) {
Object.defineProperty(this, "messageManager", {
value: target,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
} else {
* Disposes of the proxy object, removes event listeners, and drops
* all references to the underlying message manager.
* Must be called before the last reference to the proxy is dropped,
* unless the underlying message manager or <browser> is also being
* destroyed.
dispose() {
if (this.eventTarget) {
this.eventTarget = null;
} else {
this.messageManager = null;
* Returns true if the given target is the same as, or owns, the given
* message manager.
* @param {nsIMessageSender|MessageManagerProxy|Element} target
* The message manager, MessageManagerProxy, or <browser>
* element agaisnt which to match.
* @param {nsIMessageSender} messageManager
* The message manager against which to match `target`.
* @returns {boolean}
* True if `messageManager` is the same object as `target`, or
* `target` is a MessageManagerProxy or <browser> element that
* is tied to it.
static matches(target, messageManager) {
return target === messageManager || target.messageManager === messageManager;
* @property {nsIMessageSender|null} messageManager
* The message manager that is currently being proxied. This
* may change during the life of the proxy object, so should
* not be stored elsewhere.
get messageManager() {
return this.eventTarget && this.eventTarget.messageManager;
* Sends a message on the proxied message manager.
* @param {array} args
* Arguments to be passed verbatim to the underlying
* sendAsyncMessage method.
* @returns {undefined}
sendAsyncMessage(...args) {
if (this.messageManager) {
return this.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage(...args);
/* globals uneval */
Cu.reportError(`Cannot send message: Other side disconnected: ${uneval(args)}`);
* Adds a message listener to the current message manager, and
* transfers it to the new message manager after a docShell swap.
* @param {string} message
* The name of the message to listen for.
* @param {nsIMessageListener} listener
* The listener to add.
* @param {boolean} [listenWhenClosed = false]
* If true, the listener will receive messages which were sent
* after the remote side of the listener began closing.
addMessageListener(message, listener, listenWhenClosed = false) {
this.messageManager.addMessageListener(message, listener, listenWhenClosed);
this.listeners.get(message).set(listener, listenWhenClosed);
* Adds a message listener from the current message manager.
* @param {string} message
* The name of the message to stop listening for.
* @param {nsIMessageListener} listener
* The listener to remove.
removeMessageListener(message, listener) {
this.messageManager.removeMessageListener(message, listener);
let listeners = this.listeners.get(message);
if (!listeners.size) {
* @private
* Iterates over all of the currently registered message listeners.
* iterListeners() {
for (let [message, listeners] of this.listeners) {
for (let [listener, listenWhenClosed] of listeners) {
yield {message, listener, listenWhenClosed};
* @private
* Adds docShell swap listeners to the message manager owner.
* @param {Element} target
* The target element.
addListeners(target) {
target.addEventListener("SwapDocShells", this);
for (let {message, listener, listenWhenClosed} of this.iterListeners()) {
target.addMessageListener(message, listener, listenWhenClosed);
this.eventTarget = target;
* @private
* Removes docShell swap listeners to the message manager owner.
* @param {Element} target
* The target element.
removeListeners(target) {
target.removeEventListener("SwapDocShells", this);
for (let {message, listener} of this.iterListeners()) {
target.removeMessageListener(message, listener);
handleEvent(event) {
if (event.type == "SwapDocShells") {
this.ExtensionUtils = {