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<title>Test for template element</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
function shouldNotCall() {
ok(false, "Template contents should be inert.");
<a target="_blank" href="">Bug 818976</a>
<template id="grabme"><div id="insidetemplate"></div></template>
<template id="justtemplate"></template>
<template id="first">Hi<template>Bye</template></template>
<div><template id="second"><span></span></template></div>
<template id="cloneme"><span>I want a clone</span><span>me too</span></template>
<template id="cycleone"></template>
<template id="cycletwo"><template></template></template>
<template id="cyclethree"></template>
<template id="cyclefour"><template></template></template>
<template id="appendtome"></template>
<template id="insertinme"></template>
<div id="fillme"></div>
var templateEl = document.getElementById("grabme");
ok(templateEl, "template element should be in document.");
is(window.getComputedStyle(templateEl).display, "none", "Template element should not be visible.");
ok(!document.getElementById("insidetemplate"), "Template content should not be in document.");
is(templateEl.childNodes.length, 0, "Template element should have no children.");
is(templateEl.content.childNodes.length, 1, "Template content should have 1 child <div>.");
// Make sure that template is owned by different document.
ok(templateEl.content.ownerDocument != templateEl.ownerDocument, "Template should be in a different document because the current document has a browsing context.");
var otherTemplateEl = document.getElementById("first");
is(templateEl.content.ownerDocument, otherTemplateEl.content.ownerDocument, "Template contents within the same document should be owned by the same template contents owner.");
var htmlDoc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
var otherDocTemplateEl = htmlDoc.createElement("template");
isnot(otherDocTemplateEl.content.ownerDocument, htmlDoc, "Template content owner should be a new document.");
var templateOwnerDoc = otherDocTemplateEl.content.ownerDocument;
var docCreatedTemplateEl = templateOwnerDoc.createElement("template");
is(docCreatedTemplateEl.content.ownerDocument, templateOwnerDoc, "Template content owner of template elements created by a template document should be the template document.");
// Tests for XMLSerializer
templateEl = document.getElementById("justtemplate");
var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
is(serializer.serializeToString(templateEl), '<template xmlns="" id="justtemplate"></template>', "XMLSerializer should serialize template element.");
templateEl = document.getElementById("first");
is(serializer.serializeToString(templateEl), '<template xmlns="" id="first">Hi<template>Bye</template></template>', "XMLSerializer should serialize template content.");
// Tests for innerHTML.
is(templateEl.innerHTML, 'Hi<template>Bye</template>', "innerHTML should serialize content.");
// Tests for outerHTML, not specified but should do something reasonable.
is(templateEl.outerHTML, '<template id="first">Hi<template>Bye</template></template>', "outerHTML should serialize content.");
templateEl.innerHTML = "Hello";
is(templateEl.innerHTML, "Hello", "innerHTML of template should be set to 'Hello'");
is(templateEl.childNodes.length, 0, "Template element should have no children.");
is(templateEl.content.childNodes.length, 1, "Template content should have 'Hello' as child.");
// Test for innerHTML on parent of template element.
var templateParent = document.getElementById("second").parentNode;
is(templateParent.innerHTML, '<template id="second"><span></span></template>', "InnerHTML on parent of template element should serialize template and template content.");
templateEl.innerHTML = '<template id="inner">Hello</template>';
ok(templateEl.content.childNodes[0] instanceof HTMLTemplateElement, "Template content should have <template> as child.");
is(templateEl.content.childNodes[0].childNodes.length, 0, "Parsed temlate element should have no children.");
is(templateEl.content.childNodes[0].content.childNodes.length, 1, "Parsed temlate element should have 'Hello' in content.");
// Test cloning.
templateEl = document.getElementById("cloneme");
var nonDeepClone = templateEl.cloneNode(false);
is(nonDeepClone.childNodes.length, 0, "There should be no children on the clone.");
is(nonDeepClone.content.childNodes.length, 0, "Content should not be cloned.");
var deepClone = templateEl.cloneNode(true);
is(deepClone.childNodes.length, 0, "There should be no children on the clone.");
is(deepClone.content.childNodes.length, 2, "The content should be cloned.");
// Append content into a node.
var parentEl = document.getElementById("fillme");
is(parentEl.childNodes.length, 2, "Parent should be appended with cloned content.");
// Test exceptions thrown for cycles.
templateEl = document.getElementById("cycleone");
try {
ok(false, "Exception should be thrown when creating cycles in template content.");
} catch (ex) {
ok(true, "Exception should be thrown when creating cycles in template content.");
templateEl = document.getElementById("cycletwo");
try {
// Append template to template content within the template content.
ok(false, "Exception should be thrown when creating cycles in template content.");
} catch (ex) {
ok(true, "Exception should be thrown when creating cycles in template content.");
templateEl = document.getElementById("cyclethree");
try {
ok(false, "Exception should be thrown when creating cycles in hierarchy.");
} catch (ex) {
ok(true, "Exception should be thrown when creating cycles in hierarchy.");
templateEl = document.getElementById("cyclefour");
try {
ok(false, "Exception should be thrown when creating cycles in hierarchy.");
} catch (ex) {
ok(true, "Exception should be thrown when creating cycles in hierarchy.");
templateEl = document.getElementById("insertinme");
var sentinel = document.createElement("div");
try {
templateEl.content.insertBefore(templateEl, sentinel);
ok(false, "Exception should be thrown when creating cycles in hierarchy.");
} catch (ex) {
ok(true, "Exception should be thrown when creating cycles in hierarchy.");
// Appending normal stuff into content should work.
templateEl = document.getElementById("appendtome");
is(templateEl.content.childNodes.length, 1, "Template should have div element appended as child");