
132 lines
4.9 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
"use strict";
// Test that the breadcrumbs widget content is correct.
const TEST_URI = URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_breadcrumbs.html";
const NODES = [
{selector: "#i1111", ids: "i1 i11 i111 i1111", nodeName: "div",
title: "div#i1111"},
{selector: "#i22", ids: "i2 i22", nodeName: "div",
title: "div#i22"},
{selector: "#i2111", ids: "i2 i21 i211 i2111", nodeName: "div",
title: "div#i2111"},
{selector: "#i21", ids: "i2 i21 i211 i2111", nodeName: "div",
title: "div#i21"},
{selector: "#i22211", ids: "i2 i22 i222 i2221 i22211", nodeName: "div",
title: "div#i22211"},
{selector: "#i22", ids: "i2 i22 i222 i2221 i22211", nodeName: "div",
title: "div#i22"},
{selector: "#i3", ids: "i3", nodeName: "article",
title: "article#i3"},
{selector: "clipPath", ids: "vector clip", nodeName: "clipPath",
title: "clipPath#clip"},
add_task(function* () {
let { inspector } = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URI);
let breadcrumbs = inspector.panelDoc.getElementById("inspector-breadcrumbs");
let container = breadcrumbs.querySelector(".html-arrowscrollbox-inner");
for (let node of NODES) {
info("Testing node " + node.selector);
info("Selecting node and waiting for breadcrumbs to update");
let breadcrumbsUpdated = inspector.once("breadcrumbs-updated");
yield selectNode(node.selector, inspector);
yield breadcrumbsUpdated;
info("Performing checks for node " + node.selector);
let buttonsLabelIds = node.ids.split(" ");
// html > body > …
is(container.childNodes.length, buttonsLabelIds.length + 2,
"Node " + node.selector + ": Items count");
for (let i = 2; i < container.childNodes.length; i++) {
let expectedId = "#" + buttonsLabelIds[i - 2];
let button = container.childNodes[i];
let labelId = button.querySelector(".breadcrumbs-widget-item-id");
is(labelId.textContent, expectedId,
"Node " + node.selector + ": button " + i + " matches");
let checkedButton = container.querySelector("button[checked]");
let labelId = checkedButton.querySelector(".breadcrumbs-widget-item-id");
let id =;
is(labelId.textContent, "#" + id,
"Node " + node.selector + ": selection matches");
let labelTag = checkedButton.querySelector(".breadcrumbs-widget-item-tag");
is(labelTag.textContent, node.nodeName,
"Node " + node.selector + " has the expected tag name");
is(checkedButton.getAttribute("title"), node.title,
"Node " + node.selector + " has the expected tooltip");
yield testPseudoElements(inspector, container);
yield testComments(inspector, container);
function* testPseudoElements(inspector, container) {
info("Checking for pseudo elements");
let pseudoParent = yield getNodeFront("#pseudo-container", inspector);
let children = yield inspector.walker.children(pseudoParent);
is(children.nodes.length, 2, "Pseudo children returned from walker");
let beforeElement = children.nodes[0];
let breadcrumbsUpdated = inspector.once("breadcrumbs-updated");
yield selectNode(beforeElement, inspector);
yield breadcrumbsUpdated;
is(container.childNodes[3].textContent, "::before",
"::before shows up in breadcrumb");
let afterElement = children.nodes[1];
breadcrumbsUpdated = inspector.once("breadcrumbs-updated");
yield selectNode(afterElement, inspector);
yield breadcrumbsUpdated;
is(container.childNodes[3].textContent, "::after",
"::before shows up in breadcrumb");
function* testComments(inspector, container) {
info("Checking for comment elements");
let breadcrumbs = inspector.breadcrumbs;
let checkedButtonIndex = 2;
let button = container.childNodes[checkedButtonIndex];
let onBreadcrumbsUpdated = inspector.once("breadcrumbs-updated");;
yield onBreadcrumbsUpdated;
is(breadcrumbs.currentIndex, checkedButtonIndex, "New button is selected");
"Active descendant must be set");
let comment = [...inspector.markup._containers].find(([node]) =>
node.nodeType === Ci.nsIDOMNode.COMMENT_NODE)[0];
let onInspectorUpdated = inspector.once("inspector-updated");
yield onInspectorUpdated;
is(breadcrumbs.currentIndex, -1,
"When comment is selected no breadcrumb should be checked");
"Active descendant must not be set");
onInspectorUpdated = inspector.once("inspector-updated");
onBreadcrumbsUpdated = inspector.once("breadcrumbs-updated");;
yield Promise.all([onInspectorUpdated, onBreadcrumbsUpdated]);
is(breadcrumbs.currentIndex, checkedButtonIndex,
"Same button is selected again");
"Active descendant must be set again");