
94 lines
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/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* */
/* import-globals-from shared-head.js */
"use strict";
* Check that the detached devtools window title is not updated when switching
* the selected frame. Also check that frames command button has 'open'
* attribute set when the list of frames is opened.
var {Toolbox} = require("devtools/client/framework/toolbox");
const URL = URL_ROOT + "browser_toolbox_window_title_frame_select_page.html";
const IFRAME_URL = URL_ROOT + "browser_toolbox_window_title_changes_page.html";
add_task(function* () {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.command-button-frames.enabled", true);
yield addTab(URL);
let target = TargetFactory.forTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
let toolbox = yield gDevTools.showToolbox(target, null,
let onTitleChanged = waitForTitleChange(toolbox);
yield toolbox.selectTool("inspector");
yield onTitleChanged;
yield toolbox.switchHost(Toolbox.HostType.WINDOW);
// Wait for title change event *after* switch host, in order to listen
// for the event on the WINDOW host window, which only exists after switchHost
yield waitForTitleChange(toolbox);
is(getTitle(), `Developer Tools - Page title - ${URL}`,
"Devtools title correct after switching to detached window host");
// Wait for tick to avoid unexpected 'popuphidden' event, which
// blocks the frame popup menu opened below. See also bug 1276873
yield waitForTick();
// Open frame menu and wait till it's available on the screen.
// Also check 'open' attribute on the command button.
let btn = toolbox.doc.getElementById("command-button-frames");
ok(!btn.getAttribute("open"), "The open attribute must not be present");
let menu = toolbox.showFramesMenu({target: btn});
yield once(menu, "open");
is(btn.getAttribute("open"), "true", "The open attribute must be set");
// Verify that the frame list menu is populated
let frames = menu.items;
is(frames.length, 2, "We have both frames in the list");
let topFrameBtn = frames.filter(b => b.label == URL)[0];
let iframeBtn = frames.filter(b => b.label == IFRAME_URL)[0];
ok(topFrameBtn, "Got top level document in the list");
ok(iframeBtn, "Got iframe document in the list");
// Listen to will-navigate to check if the view is empty
let willNavigate ="will-navigate");
onTitleChanged = waitForTitleChange(toolbox);
// Only select the iframe after we are able to select an element from the top
// level document.
let newRoot = toolbox.getPanel("inspector").once("new-root");
info("Select the iframe");;
yield willNavigate;
yield newRoot;
yield onTitleChanged;
info("Navigation to the iframe is done, the inspector should be back up");
is(getTitle(), `Developer Tools - Page title - ${URL}`,
"Devtools title was not updated after changing inspected frame");
info("Cleanup toolbox and test preferences.");
yield toolbox.destroy();
toolbox = null;
function getTitle() {
return Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("devtools:toolbox").document.title;