
1156 lines
40 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["PlacesSyncUtils"];
const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu } = Components;
Cu.importGlobalProperties(["URL", "URLSearchParams"]);
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Log",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesUtils",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Preferences",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task",
* This module exports functions for Sync to use when applying remote
* records. The calls are similar to those in `Bookmarks.jsm` and
* `nsINavBookmarksService`, with special handling for smart bookmarks,
* tags, keywords, synced annotations, and missing parents.
var PlacesSyncUtils = {};
const { SOURCE_SYNC } = Ci.nsINavBookmarksService;
// These are defined as lazy getters to defer initializing the bookmarks
// service until it's needed.
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "ROOT_SYNC_ID_TO_GUID", () => ({
menu: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
places: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
tags: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid,
toolbar: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
unfiled: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
mobile: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "ROOT_GUID_TO_SYNC_ID", () => ({
[PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid]: "menu",
[PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid]: "places",
[PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid]: "tags",
[PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid]: "toolbar",
[PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid]: "unfiled",
[PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid]: "mobile",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "ROOTS", () =>
const BookmarkSyncUtils = PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks = Object.freeze({
SMART_BOOKMARKS_ANNO: "Places/SmartBookmark",
DESCRIPTION_ANNO: "bookmarkProperties/description",
SIDEBAR_ANNO: "bookmarkProperties/loadInSidebar",
SYNC_PARENT_ANNO: "sync/parent",
SYNC_MOBILE_ROOT_ANNO: "mobile/bookmarksRoot",
BOOKMARK: "bookmark",
// Microsummaries were removed from Places in bug 524091. For now, Sync
// treats them identically to bookmarks. Bug 745410 tracks removing them
// entirely.
MICROSUMMARY: "microsummary",
QUERY: "query",
FOLDER: "folder",
LIVEMARK: "livemark",
SEPARATOR: "separator",
get ROOTS() {
return ROOTS;
* Converts a Places GUID to a Sync ID. Sync IDs are identical to Places
* GUIDs for all items except roots.
guidToSyncId(guid) {
return ROOT_GUID_TO_SYNC_ID[guid] || guid;
* Converts a Sync record ID to a Places GUID.
syncIdToGuid(syncId) {
return ROOT_SYNC_ID_TO_GUID[syncId] || syncId;
* Fetches the sync IDs for a folder's children, ordered by their position
* within the folder.
fetchChildSyncIds: Task.async(function* (parentSyncId) {
let parentGuid = BookmarkSyncUtils.syncIdToGuid(parentSyncId);
let db = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
let children = yield fetchAllChildren(db, parentGuid);
return =>
* Reorders a folder's children, based on their order in the array of sync
* IDs.
* Sync uses this method to reorder all synced children after applying all
* incoming records.
order: Task.async(function* (parentSyncId, childSyncIds) {
if (!childSyncIds.length) {
return undefined;
let parentGuid = BookmarkSyncUtils.syncIdToGuid(parentSyncId);
if (parentGuid == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid) {
// Reordering roots doesn't make sense, but Sync will do this on the
// first sync.
return undefined;
let orderedChildrenGuids =;
return PlacesUtils.bookmarks.reorder(parentGuid, orderedChildrenGuids,
{ source: SOURCE_SYNC });
* Removes an item from the database. Options are passed through to
* PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove.
remove: Task.async(function* (syncId, options = {}) {
let guid = BookmarkSyncUtils.syncIdToGuid(syncId);
if (guid in ROOT_GUID_TO_SYNC_ID) {
BookmarkSyncLog.warn(`remove: Refusing to remove root ${syncId}`);
return null;
return PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(guid, Object.assign({}, options, {
source: SOURCE_SYNC,
* Returns true for sync IDs that are considered roots.
isRootSyncID(syncID) {
return ROOT_SYNC_ID_TO_GUID.hasOwnProperty(syncID);
* Changes the GUID of an existing item. This method only allows Places GUIDs
* because root sync IDs cannot be changed.
* @return {Promise} resolved once the GUID has been changed.
* @resolves to the new GUID.
* @rejects if the old GUID does not exist.
changeGuid: Task.async(function* (oldGuid, newGuid) {
let itemId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(oldGuid);
if (PlacesUtils.isRootItem(itemId)) {
throw new Error(`Cannot change GUID of Places root ${oldGuid}`);
return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("BookmarkSyncUtils: changeGuid",
Task.async(function* (db) {
yield db.executeCached(`UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET guid = :newGuid
WHERE id = :itemId`, { newGuid, itemId });
return newGuid;
* Updates a bookmark with synced properties. Only Sync should call this
* method; other callers should use `Bookmarks.update`.
* The following properties are supported:
* - kind: Optional.
* - guid: Required.
* - parentGuid: Optional; reparents the bookmark if specified.
* - title: Optional.
* - url: Optional.
* - tags: Optional; replaces all existing tags.
* - keyword: Optional.
* - description: Optional.
* - loadInSidebar: Optional.
* - query: Optional.
* @param info
* object representing a bookmark-item, as defined above.
* @return {Promise} resolved when the update is complete.
* @resolves to an object representing the updated bookmark.
* @rejects if it's not possible to update the given bookmark.
* @throws if the arguments are invalid.
update: Task.async(function* (info) {
let updateInfo = validateSyncBookmarkObject(info,
{ syncId: { required: true }
return updateSyncBookmark(updateInfo);
* Inserts a synced bookmark into the tree. Only Sync should call this
* method; other callers should use `Bookmarks.insert`.
* The following properties are supported:
* - kind: Required.
* - guid: Required.
* - parentGuid: Required.
* - url: Required for bookmarks.
* - query: A smart bookmark query string, optional.
* - tags: An optional array of tag strings.
* - keyword: An optional keyword string.
* - description: An optional description string.
* - loadInSidebar: An optional boolean; defaults to false.
* Sync doesn't set the index, since it appends and reorders children
* after applying all incoming items.
* @param info
* object representing a synced bookmark.
* @return {Promise} resolved when the creation is complete.
* @resolves to an object representing the created bookmark.
* @rejects if it's not possible to create the requested bookmark.
* @throws if the arguments are invalid.
insert: Task.async(function* (info) {
let insertInfo = validateNewBookmark(info);
return insertSyncBookmark(insertInfo);
* Fetches a Sync bookmark object for an item in the tree. The object contains
* the following properties, depending on the item's kind:
* - kind (all): A string representing the item's kind.
* - syncId (all): The item's sync ID.
* - parentSyncId (all): The sync ID of the item's parent.
* - parentTitle (all): The title of the item's parent, used for de-duping.
* Omitted for the Places root and parents with empty titles.
* - title ("bookmark", "folder", "livemark", "query"): The item's title.
* Omitted if empty.
* - url ("bookmark", "query"): The item's URL.
* - tags ("bookmark", "query"): An array containing the item's tags.
* - keyword ("bookmark"): The bookmark's keyword, if one exists.
* - description ("bookmark", "folder", "livemark"): The item's description.
* Omitted if one isn't set.
* - loadInSidebar ("bookmark", "query"): Whether to load the bookmark in
* the sidebar. Always `false` for queries.
* - feed ("livemark"): A `URL` object pointing to the livemark's feed URL.
* - site ("livemark"): A `URL` object pointing to the livemark's site URL,
* or `null` if one isn't set.
* - childSyncIds ("folder"): An array containing the sync IDs of the item's
* children, used to determine child order.
* - folder ("query"): The tag folder name, if this is a tag query.
* - query ("query"): The smart bookmark query name, if this is a smart
* bookmark.
* - index ("separator"): The separator's position within its parent.
fetch: Task.async(function* (syncId) {
let guid = BookmarkSyncUtils.syncIdToGuid(syncId);
let bookmarkItem = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch(guid);
if (!bookmarkItem) {
return null;
// Convert the Places bookmark object to a Sync bookmark and add
// kind-specific properties. Titles are required for bookmarks,
// folders, and livemarks; optional for queries, and omitted for
// separators.
let kind = yield getKindForItem(bookmarkItem);
let item;
switch (kind) {
case BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.BOOKMARK:
case BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.MICROSUMMARY:
item = yield fetchBookmarkItem(bookmarkItem);
case BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.QUERY:
item = yield fetchQueryItem(bookmarkItem);
case BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.FOLDER:
item = yield fetchFolderItem(bookmarkItem);
case BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.LIVEMARK:
item = yield fetchLivemarkItem(bookmarkItem);
case BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.SEPARATOR:
item = yield placesBookmarkToSyncBookmark(bookmarkItem);
item.index = bookmarkItem.index;
throw new Error(`Unknown bookmark kind: ${kind}`);
// Sync uses the parent title for de-duping. All Sync bookmark objects
// except the Places root should have this property.
if (bookmarkItem.parentGuid) {
let parent = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch(bookmarkItem.parentGuid);
item.parentTitle = parent.title || "";
return item;
* Get the sync record kind for the record with provided sync id.
* @param syncId
* Sync ID for the item in question
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves with the sync record kind (e.g.
* something under `PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.KIND`), or
* with `null` if no item with that guid exists.
* @throws if `guid` is invalid.
getKindForSyncId(syncId) {
let guid = BookmarkSyncUtils.syncIdToGuid(syncId);
return PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch(guid)
.then(item => {
if (!item) {
return null;
return getKindForItem(item)
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "BookmarkSyncLog", () => {
return Log.repository.getLogger("BookmarkSyncUtils");
function validateSyncBookmarkObject(input, behavior) {
return PlacesUtils.validateItemProperties(
PlacesUtils.SYNC_BOOKMARK_VALIDATORS, input, behavior);
// Similar to the private `fetchBookmarksByParent` implementation in
// `Bookmarks.jsm`.
var fetchAllChildren = Task.async(function* (db, parentGuid) {
let rows = yield db.executeCached(`
SELECT id, parent, position, type, guid
FROM moz_bookmarks
WHERE parent = (
SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid = :parentGuid
ORDER BY position`,
{ parentGuid }
return => ({
id: row.getResultByName("id"),
parentId: row.getResultByName("parent"),
index: row.getResultByName("position"),
type: row.getResultByName("type"),
guid: row.getResultByName("guid"),
// A helper for whenever we want to know if a GUID doesn't exist in the places
// database. Primarily used to detect orphans on incoming records.
var GUIDMissing = Task.async(function* (guid) {
try {
yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(guid);
return false;
} catch (ex) {
if (ex.message == "no item found for the given GUID") {
return true;
throw ex;
// Tag queries use a `place:` URL that refers to the tag folder ID. When we
// apply a synced tag query from a remote client, we need to update the URL to
// point to the local tag folder.
var updateTagQueryFolder = Task.async(function* (info) {
if (info.kind != BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.QUERY || !info.folder || !info.url ||
info.url.protocol != "place:") {
return info;
let params = new URLSearchParams(info.url.pathname);
let type = +params.get("type");
if (type != Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.RESULTS_AS_TAG_CONTENTS) {
return info;
let id = yield getOrCreateTagFolder(info.folder);
BookmarkSyncLog.debug(`updateTagQueryFolder: Tag query folder: ${
info.folder} = ${id}`);
// Rewrite the query to reference the new ID.
params.set("folder", id);
info.url = new URL(info.url.protocol + params);
return info;
var annotateOrphan = Task.async(function* (item, requestedParentSyncId) {
let guid = BookmarkSyncUtils.syncIdToGuid(item.syncId);
let itemId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(guid);
BookmarkSyncUtils.SYNC_PARENT_ANNO, requestedParentSyncId, 0,
var reparentOrphans = Task.async(function* (item) {
if (item.kind != BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.FOLDER) {
let orphanGuids = yield fetchGuidsWithAnno(BookmarkSyncUtils.SYNC_PARENT_ANNO,
let folderGuid = BookmarkSyncUtils.syncIdToGuid(item.syncId);
BookmarkSyncLog.debug(`reparentOrphans: Reparenting ${
JSON.stringify(orphanGuids)} to ${item.syncId}`);
for (let i = 0; i < orphanGuids.length; ++i) {
let isReparented = false;
try {
// Reparenting can fail if we have a corrupted or incomplete tree
// where an item's parent is one of its descendants.
BookmarkSyncLog.trace(`reparentOrphans: Attempting to move item ${
orphanGuids[i]} to new parent ${item.syncId}`);
yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.update({
guid: orphanGuids[i],
parentGuid: folderGuid,
index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
source: SOURCE_SYNC,
isReparented = true;
} catch (ex) {
BookmarkSyncLog.error(`reparentOrphans: Failed to reparent item ${
orphanGuids[i]} to ${item.syncId}`, ex);
if (isReparented) {
// Remove the annotation once we've reparented the item.
let orphanId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(orphanGuids[i]);
// Inserts a synced bookmark into the database.
var insertSyncBookmark = Task.async(function* (insertInfo) {
let requestedParentSyncId = insertInfo.parentSyncId;
let requestedParentGuid =
let isOrphan = yield GUIDMissing(requestedParentGuid);
// Default to "unfiled" for new bookmarks if the parent doesn't exist.
if (!isOrphan) {
BookmarkSyncLog.debug(`insertSyncBookmark: Item ${
insertInfo.syncId} is not an orphan`);
} else {
BookmarkSyncLog.debug(`insertSyncBookmark: Item ${
insertInfo.syncId} is an orphan: parent ${
insertInfo.parentSyncId} doesn't exist; reparenting to unfiled`);
insertInfo.parentSyncId = "unfiled";
// If we're inserting a tag query, make sure the tag exists and fix the
// folder ID to refer to the local tag folder.
insertInfo = yield updateTagQueryFolder(insertInfo);
let newItem;
if (insertInfo.kind == BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.LIVEMARK) {
newItem = yield insertSyncLivemark(insertInfo);
} else {
let bookmarkInfo = syncBookmarkToPlacesBookmark(insertInfo);
let bookmarkItem = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert(bookmarkInfo);
newItem = yield insertBookmarkMetadata(bookmarkItem, insertInfo);
if (!newItem) {
return null;
// If the item is an orphan, annotate it with its real parent sync ID.
if (isOrphan) {
yield annotateOrphan(newItem, requestedParentSyncId);
// Reparent all orphans that expect this folder as the parent.
yield reparentOrphans(newItem);
return newItem;
// Inserts a synced livemark.
var insertSyncLivemark = Task.async(function* (insertInfo) {
if (!insertInfo.feed) {
BookmarkSyncLog.debug(`insertSyncLivemark: ${
insertInfo.syncId} missing feed URL`);
return null;
let livemarkInfo = syncBookmarkToPlacesBookmark(insertInfo);
let parentIsLivemark = yield getAnno(livemarkInfo.parentGuid,
if (parentIsLivemark) {
// A livemark can't be a descendant of another livemark.
BookmarkSyncLog.debug(`insertSyncLivemark: Invalid parent ${
insertInfo.parentSyncId}; skipping livemark record ${
return null;
let livemarkItem = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(livemarkInfo);
return insertBookmarkMetadata(livemarkItem, insertInfo);
// Sets annotations, keywords, and tags on a new bookmark. Returns a Sync
// bookmark object.
var insertBookmarkMetadata = Task.async(function* (bookmarkItem, insertInfo) {
let itemId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmarkItem.guid);
let newItem = yield placesBookmarkToSyncBookmark(bookmarkItem);
if (insertInfo.query) {
BookmarkSyncUtils.SMART_BOOKMARKS_ANNO, insertInfo.query, 0,
newItem.query = insertInfo.query;
try {
newItem.tags = yield tagItem(bookmarkItem, insertInfo.tags);
} catch (ex) {
BookmarkSyncLog.warn(`insertBookmarkMetadata: Error tagging item ${
insertInfo.syncId}`, ex);
if (insertInfo.keyword) {
yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({
keyword: insertInfo.keyword,
url: bookmarkItem.url.href,
source: SOURCE_SYNC,
newItem.keyword = insertInfo.keyword;
if (insertInfo.description) {
BookmarkSyncUtils.DESCRIPTION_ANNO, insertInfo.description, 0,
newItem.description = insertInfo.description;
if (insertInfo.loadInSidebar) {
BookmarkSyncUtils.SIDEBAR_ANNO, insertInfo.loadInSidebar, 0,
newItem.loadInSidebar = insertInfo.loadInSidebar;
return newItem;
// Determines the Sync record kind for an existing bookmark.
var getKindForItem = Task.async(function* (item) {
switch (item.type) {
case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER: {
let isLivemark = yield getAnno(item.guid,
return isLivemark ? BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.LIVEMARK :
case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK:
return item.url.protocol == "place:" ?
BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.QUERY :
case PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR:
return BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.SEPARATOR;
return null;
// Returns the `nsINavBookmarksService` bookmark type constant for a Sync
// record kind.
function getTypeForKind(kind) {
switch (kind) {
case BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.BOOKMARK:
case BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.MICROSUMMARY:
case BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.QUERY:
return PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK;
case BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.FOLDER:
case BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.LIVEMARK:
return PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER;
case BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.SEPARATOR:
return PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR;
throw new Error(`Unknown bookmark kind: ${kind}`);
// Determines if a livemark should be reinserted. Returns true if `updateInfo`
// specifies different feed or site URLs; false otherwise.
var shouldReinsertLivemark = Task.async(function* (updateInfo) {
let hasFeed = updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("feed");
let hasSite = updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("site");
if (!hasFeed && !hasSite) {
return false;
let guid = BookmarkSyncUtils.syncIdToGuid(updateInfo.syncId);
let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({
if (hasFeed) {
let feedURI = PlacesUtils.toURI(updateInfo.feed);
if (!livemark.feedURI.equals(feedURI)) {
return true;
if (hasSite) {
if (! {
return !!livemark.siteURI;
let siteURI = PlacesUtils.toURI(;
if (!livemark.siteURI || !siteURI.equals(livemark.siteURI)) {
return true;
return false;
var updateSyncBookmark = Task.async(function* (updateInfo) {
let guid = BookmarkSyncUtils.syncIdToGuid(updateInfo.syncId);
let oldBookmarkItem = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch(guid);
if (!oldBookmarkItem) {
throw new Error(`Bookmark with sync ID ${
updateInfo.syncId} does not exist`);
let shouldReinsert = false;
let oldKind = yield getKindForItem(oldBookmarkItem);
if (updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("kind") && updateInfo.kind != oldKind) {
// If the item's aren't the same kind, we can't update the record;
// we must remove and reinsert.
shouldReinsert = true;
if (BookmarkSyncLog.level <= Log.Level.Warn) {
let oldSyncId = BookmarkSyncUtils.guidToSyncId(oldBookmarkItem.guid);
BookmarkSyncLog.warn(`updateSyncBookmark: Local ${
oldSyncId} kind = ${oldKind}; remote ${
updateInfo.syncId} kind = ${
updateInfo.kind}. Deleting and recreating`);
} else if (oldKind == BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.LIVEMARK) {
// Similarly, if we're changing a livemark's site or feed URL, we need to
// reinsert.
shouldReinsert = yield shouldReinsertLivemark(updateInfo);
if (BookmarkSyncLog.level <= Log.Level.Debug) {
let oldSyncId = BookmarkSyncUtils.guidToSyncId(oldBookmarkItem.guid);
BookmarkSyncLog.debug(`updateSyncBookmark: Local ${
oldSyncId} and remote ${
updateInfo.syncId} livemarks have different URLs`);
if (shouldReinsert) {
let newInfo = validateNewBookmark(updateInfo);
yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove({
source: SOURCE_SYNC,
// A reinsertion likely indicates a confused client, since there aren't
// public APIs for changing livemark URLs or an item's kind (e.g., turning
// a folder into a separator while preserving its annos and position).
// This might be a good case to repair later; for now, we assume Sync has
// passed a complete record for the new item, and don't try to merge
// `oldBookmarkItem` with `updateInfo`.
return insertSyncBookmark(newInfo);
let isOrphan = false, requestedParentSyncId;
if (updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("parentSyncId")) {
requestedParentSyncId = updateInfo.parentSyncId;
let oldParentSyncId =
if (requestedParentSyncId != oldParentSyncId) {
let oldId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(oldBookmarkItem.guid);
if (PlacesUtils.isRootItem(oldId)) {
throw new Error(`Cannot move Places root ${oldId}`);
let requestedParentGuid =
isOrphan = yield GUIDMissing(requestedParentGuid);
if (!isOrphan) {
BookmarkSyncLog.debug(`updateSyncBookmark: Item ${
updateInfo.syncId} is not an orphan`);
} else {
// Don't move the item if the new parent doesn't exist. Instead, mark
// the item as an orphan. We'll annotate it with its real parent after
// updating.
BookmarkSyncLog.trace(`updateSyncBookmark: Item ${
updateInfo.syncId} is an orphan: could not find parent ${
delete updateInfo.parentSyncId;
} else {
// If the parent is the same, just omit it so that `update` doesn't do
// extra work.
delete updateInfo.parentSyncId;
updateInfo = yield updateTagQueryFolder(updateInfo);
let bookmarkInfo = syncBookmarkToPlacesBookmark(updateInfo);
let newBookmarkItem = shouldUpdateBookmark(bookmarkInfo) ?
yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.update(bookmarkInfo) :
let newItem = yield updateBookmarkMetadata(oldBookmarkItem, newBookmarkItem,
// If the item is an orphan, annotate it with its real parent sync ID.
if (isOrphan) {
yield annotateOrphan(newItem, requestedParentSyncId);
// Reparent all orphans that expect this folder as the parent.
yield reparentOrphans(newItem);
return newItem;
// Updates tags, keywords, and annotations for an existing bookmark. Returns a
// Sync bookmark object.
var updateBookmarkMetadata = Task.async(function* (oldBookmarkItem,
updateInfo) {
let itemId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(newBookmarkItem.guid);
let newItem = yield placesBookmarkToSyncBookmark(newBookmarkItem);
try {
newItem.tags = yield tagItem(newBookmarkItem, updateInfo.tags);
} catch (ex) {
BookmarkSyncLog.warn(`updateBookmarkMetadata: Error tagging item ${
updateInfo.syncId}`, ex);
if (updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("keyword")) {
// Unconditionally remove the old keyword.
let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({
url: oldBookmarkItem.url.href,
if (entry) {
yield PlacesUtils.keywords.remove({
keyword: entry.keyword,
source: SOURCE_SYNC,
if (updateInfo.keyword) {
yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({
keyword: updateInfo.keyword,
url: newItem.url.href,
source: SOURCE_SYNC,
newItem.keyword = updateInfo.keyword;
if (updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("description")) {
if (updateInfo.description) {
BookmarkSyncUtils.DESCRIPTION_ANNO, updateInfo.description, 0,
} else {
newItem.description = updateInfo.description;
if (updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("loadInSidebar")) {
if (updateInfo.loadInSidebar) {
BookmarkSyncUtils.SIDEBAR_ANNO, updateInfo.loadInSidebar, 0,
} else {
newItem.loadInSidebar = updateInfo.loadInSidebar;
if (updateInfo.hasOwnProperty("query")) {
BookmarkSyncUtils.SMART_BOOKMARKS_ANNO, updateInfo.query, 0,
newItem.query = updateInfo.query;
return newItem;
function validateNewBookmark(info) {
let insertInfo = validateSyncBookmarkObject(info,
{ kind: { required: true }
, syncId: { required: true }
, url: { requiredIf: b => [ BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.BOOKMARK
, BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.QUERY ].includes(b.kind)
, validIf: b => [ BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.BOOKMARK
, BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.QUERY ].includes(b.kind) }
, parentSyncId: { required: true }
, title: { validIf: b => [ BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.BOOKMARK
, BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.QUERY
, BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.FOLDER
, BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.LIVEMARK ].includes(b.kind) }
, query: { validIf: b => b.kind == BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.QUERY }
, folder: { validIf: b => b.kind == BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.QUERY }
, tags: { validIf: b => [ BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.BOOKMARK
, BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.QUERY ].includes(b.kind) }
, keyword: { validIf: b => [ BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.BOOKMARK
, BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.QUERY ].includes(b.kind) }
, description: { validIf: b => [ BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.BOOKMARK
, BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.QUERY
, BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.FOLDER
, BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.LIVEMARK ].includes(b.kind) }
, loadInSidebar: { validIf: b => [ BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.BOOKMARK
, BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.QUERY ].includes(b.kind) }
, feed: { validIf: b => b.kind == BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.LIVEMARK }
, site: { validIf: b => b.kind == BookmarkSyncUtils.KINDS.LIVEMARK }
return insertInfo;
// Returns an array of GUIDs for items that have an `anno` with the given `val`.
var fetchGuidsWithAnno = Task.async(function* (anno, val) {
let db = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
let rows = yield db.executeCached(`
SELECT b.guid FROM moz_items_annos a
JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON = a.anno_attribute_id
JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON = a.item_id
WHERE = :anno AND
a.content = :val`,
{ anno, val });
return => row.getResultByName("guid"));
// Returns the value of an item's annotation, or `null` if it's not set.
var getAnno = Task.async(function* (guid, anno) {
let db = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
let rows = yield db.executeCached(`
SELECT a.content FROM moz_items_annos a
JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON = a.anno_attribute_id
JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON = a.item_id
WHERE b.guid = :guid AND = :anno`,
{ guid, anno });
return rows.length ? rows[0].getResultByName("content") : null;
var tagItem = Task.async(function (item, tags) {
if (!item.url) {
return [];
// Remove leading and trailing whitespace, then filter out empty tags.
let newTags = => tag.trim()).filter(Boolean);
// Removing the last tagged item will also remove the tag. To preserve
// tag IDs, we temporarily tag a dummy URI, ensuring the tags exist.
let dummyURI = PlacesUtils.toURI("about:weave#BStore_tagURI");
let bookmarkURI = PlacesUtils.toURI(item.url.href);
PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(dummyURI, newTags, SOURCE_SYNC);
PlacesUtils.tagging.untagURI(bookmarkURI, null, SOURCE_SYNC);
PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(bookmarkURI, newTags, SOURCE_SYNC);
PlacesUtils.tagging.untagURI(dummyURI, null, SOURCE_SYNC);
return newTags;
// `PlacesUtils.bookmarks.update` checks if we've supplied enough properties,
// but doesn't know about additional livemark properties. We check this to avoid
// having it throw in case we only pass properties like `{ guid, feedURI }`.
function shouldUpdateBookmark(bookmarkInfo) {
return bookmarkInfo.hasOwnProperty("parentGuid") ||
bookmarkInfo.hasOwnProperty("title") ||
var getTagFolder = Task.async(function* (tag) {
let db = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
let results = yield db.executeCached(`SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks
WHERE parent = :tagsFolder AND title = :tag LIMIT 1`,
{ tagsFolder: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsFolder, tag });
return results.length ? results[0].getResultByName("id") : null;
var getOrCreateTagFolder = Task.async(function* (tag) {
let id = yield getTagFolder(tag);
if (id) {
return id;
// Create the tag if it doesn't exist.
let item = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid,
title: tag,
source: SOURCE_SYNC,
return PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(item.guid);
// Converts a Places bookmark or livemark to a Sync bookmark. This function
// maps Places GUIDs to sync IDs and filters out extra Places properties like
// date added, last modified, and index.
var placesBookmarkToSyncBookmark = Task.async(function* (bookmarkItem) {
let item = {};
for (let prop in bookmarkItem) {
switch (prop) {
// Sync IDs are identical to Places GUIDs for all items except roots.
case "guid":
item.syncId = BookmarkSyncUtils.guidToSyncId(bookmarkItem.guid);
case "parentGuid":
item.parentSyncId =
// Sync uses kinds instead of types, which distinguish between folders,
// livemarks, bookmarks, and queries.
case "type":
item.kind = yield getKindForItem(bookmarkItem);
case "title":
case "url":
item[prop] = bookmarkItem[prop];
// Livemark objects contain additional properties. The feed URL is
// required; the site URL is optional.
case "feedURI":
item.feed = new URL(bookmarkItem.feedURI.spec);
case "siteURI":
if (bookmarkItem.siteURI) { = new URL(bookmarkItem.siteURI.spec);
return item;
// Converts a Sync bookmark object to a Places bookmark or livemark object.
// This function maps sync IDs to Places GUIDs, and filters out extra Sync
// properties like keywords, tags, and descriptions. Returns an object that can
// be passed to `PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark` or
// `PlacesUtils.bookmarks.{insert, update}`.
function syncBookmarkToPlacesBookmark(info) {
let bookmarkInfo = {
source: SOURCE_SYNC,
for (let prop in info) {
switch (prop) {
case "kind":
bookmarkInfo.type = getTypeForKind(info.kind);
// Convert sync IDs to Places GUIDs for roots.
case "syncId":
bookmarkInfo.guid = BookmarkSyncUtils.syncIdToGuid(info.syncId);
case "parentSyncId":
bookmarkInfo.parentGuid =
// Instead of providing an index, Sync reorders children at the end of
// the sync using `BookmarkSyncUtils.order`. We explicitly specify the
// default index here to prevent `PlacesUtils.bookmarks.update` and
// `PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark` from throwing.
bookmarkInfo.index = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX;
case "title":
case "url":
bookmarkInfo[prop] = info[prop];
// Livemark-specific properties.
case "feed":
bookmarkInfo.feedURI = PlacesUtils.toURI(info.feed);
case "site":
if ( {
bookmarkInfo.siteURI = PlacesUtils.toURI(;
return bookmarkInfo;
// Creates and returns a Sync bookmark object containing the bookmark's
// tags, keyword, description, and whether it loads in the sidebar.
var fetchBookmarkItem = Task.async(function* (bookmarkItem) {
let item = yield placesBookmarkToSyncBookmark(bookmarkItem);
if (!item.title) {
item.title = "";
item.tags = PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(
PlacesUtils.toURI(bookmarkItem.url), {});
let keywordEntry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({
url: bookmarkItem.url,
if (keywordEntry) {
item.keyword = keywordEntry.keyword;
let description = yield getAnno(bookmarkItem.guid,
if (description) {
item.description = description;
item.loadInSidebar = !!(yield getAnno(bookmarkItem.guid,
return item;
// Creates and returns a Sync bookmark object containing the folder's
// description and children.
var fetchFolderItem = Task.async(function* (bookmarkItem) {
let item = yield placesBookmarkToSyncBookmark(bookmarkItem);
if (!item.title) {
item.title = "";
let description = yield getAnno(bookmarkItem.guid,
if (description) {
item.description = description;
let db = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
let children = yield fetchAllChildren(db, bookmarkItem.guid);
item.childSyncIds = =>
return item;
// Creates and returns a Sync bookmark object containing the livemark's
// description, children (none), feed URI, and site URI.
var fetchLivemarkItem = Task.async(function* (bookmarkItem) {
let item = yield placesBookmarkToSyncBookmark(bookmarkItem);
if (!item.title) {
item.title = "";
let description = yield getAnno(bookmarkItem.guid,
if (description) {
item.description = description;
let feedAnno = yield getAnno(bookmarkItem.guid, PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI);
item.feed = new URL(feedAnno);
let siteAnno = yield getAnno(bookmarkItem.guid, PlacesUtils.LMANNO_SITEURI);
if (siteAnno) { = new URL(siteAnno);
return item;
// Creates and returns a Sync bookmark object containing the query's tag
// folder name and smart bookmark query ID.
var fetchQueryItem = Task.async(function* (bookmarkItem) {
let item = yield placesBookmarkToSyncBookmark(bookmarkItem);
let description = yield getAnno(bookmarkItem.guid,
if (description) {
item.description = description;
let folder = null;
let params = new URLSearchParams(bookmarkItem.url.pathname);
let tagFolderId = +params.get("folder");
if (tagFolderId) {
try {
let tagFolderGuid = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemGuid(tagFolderId);
let tagFolder = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch(tagFolderGuid);
folder = tagFolder.title;
} catch (ex) {
BookmarkSyncLog.warn("fetchQueryItem: Query " + bookmarkItem.url.href +
" points to nonexistent folder " + tagFolderId, ex);
if (folder != null) {
item.folder = folder;
let query = yield getAnno(bookmarkItem.guid,
if (query) {
item.query = query;
return item;