
112 lines
3.7 KiB

'use strict';
const pushNotifier = Cc[';1']
add_task(function* test_observer_remoting() {
if (isParent) {
yield testInParent();
} else {
yield testInChild();
const childTests = [{
text: 'Hello from child!',
principal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(),
const parentTests = [{
text: 'Hello from parent!',
principal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(),
function* testInParent() {
// Register observers for notifications from the child, then run the test in
// the child and wait for the notifications.
let promiseNotifications = childTests.reduce(
(p, test) => p.then(_ => waitForNotifierObservers(test, /* shouldNotify = */ false)),
let promiseFinished = run_test_in_child('./test_observer_remoting.js');
yield promiseNotifications;
// Wait until the child is listening for notifications from the parent.
yield do_await_remote_message('push_test_observer_remoting_child_ready');
// Fire an observer notification in the parent that should be forwarded to
// the child.
yield parentTests.reduce(
(p, test) => p.then(_ => waitForNotifierObservers(test, /* shouldNotify = */ true)),
// Wait for the child to exit.
yield promiseFinished;
function* testInChild() {
// Fire an observer notification in the child that should be forwarded to
// the parent.
yield childTests.reduce(
(p, test) => p.then(_ => waitForNotifierObservers(test, /* shouldNotify = */ true)),
// Register observers for notifications from the parent, let the parent know
// we're ready, and wait for the notifications.
let promiseNotifierObservers = parentTests.reduce(
(p, test) => p.then(_ => waitForNotifierObservers(test, /* shouldNotify = */ false)),
yield promiseNotifierObservers;
var waitForNotifierObservers = Task.async(function* ({ text, principal }, shouldNotify = false) {
let notifyPromise = promiseObserverNotification(
let subChangePromise = promiseObserverNotification(
let subModifiedPromise = promiseObserverNotification(
let scope = 'chrome://test-scope';
let data = new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode(text);
if (shouldNotify) {
pushNotifier.notifyPushWithData(scope, principal, '', data.length, data);
pushNotifier.notifySubscriptionChange(scope, principal);
pushNotifier.notifySubscriptionModified(scope, principal);
let {
data: notifyScope,
subject: notifySubject,
} = yield notifyPromise;
equal(notifyScope, scope,
'Should fire push notifications with the correct scope');
let message = notifySubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPushMessage);
equal(message.principal, principal,
'Should include the principal in the push message');
strictEqual(, text, 'Should include data');
let {
data: subChangeScope,
subject: subChangePrincipal,
} = yield subChangePromise;
equal(subChangeScope, scope,
'Should fire subscription change notifications with the correct scope');
equal(subChangePrincipal, principal,
'Should pass the principal as the subject of a change notification');
let {
data: subModifiedScope,
subject: subModifiedPrincipal,
} = yield subModifiedPromise;
equal(subModifiedScope, scope,
'Should fire subscription modified notifications with the correct scope');
equal(subModifiedPrincipal, principal,
'Should pass the principal as the subject of a modified notification');