
454 lines
16 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["HostManifestManager", "NativeApp"];
/* globals NativeApp */
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
const {EventEmitter} = Cu.import("resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js", {});
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AsyncShutdown",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ExtensionChild",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "OS",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Schemas",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Subprocess",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "clearTimeout",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "setTimeout",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "WindowsRegistry",
const HOST_MANIFEST_SCHEMA = "chrome://extensions/content/schemas/native_host_manifest.json";
const VALID_APPLICATION = /^\w+(\.\w+)*$/;
// For a graceful shutdown (i.e., when the extension is unloaded or when it
// explicitly calls disconnect() on a native port), how long we give the native
// application to exit before we start trying to kill it. (in milliseconds)
// Hard limits on maximum message size that can be read/written
// These are defined in the native messaging documentation, note that
// the write limit is imposed by the "wire protocol" in which message
// boundaries are defined by preceding each message with its length as
// 4-byte unsigned integer so this is the largest value that can be
// represented. Good luck generating a serialized message that large,
// the practical write limit is likely to be dictated by available memory.
const MAX_READ = 1024 * 1024;
const MAX_WRITE = 0xffffffff;
// Preferences that can lower the message size limits above,
// used for testing the limits.
const PREF_MAX_READ = "webextensions.native-messaging.max-input-message-bytes";
const PREF_MAX_WRITE = "webextensions.native-messaging.max-output-message-bytes";
const REGPATH = "Software\\Mozilla\\NativeMessagingHosts";
this.HostManifestManager = {
_initializePromise: null,
_lookup: null,
init() {
if (!this._initializePromise) {
let platform = "linux";
#elif XP_WIN
let platform = "win";
let platform = "macosx";
let platform = "android";
#elif XP_LINUX
let platform = "linux";
let platform = "other";
if (platform == "win") {
this._lookup = this._winLookup;
} else if (platform == "macosx" || platform == "linux") {
let dirs = [
Services.dirsvc.get("XREUserNativeMessaging", Ci.nsIFile).path,
Services.dirsvc.get("XRESysNativeMessaging", Ci.nsIFile).path,
this._lookup = (application, context) => this._tryPaths(application, dirs, context);
} else {
throw new Error(`Native messaging is not supported on ${platform}`);
this._initializePromise = Schemas.load(HOST_MANIFEST_SCHEMA);
return this._initializePromise;
_winLookup(application, context) {
const REGISTRY = Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey;
let regPath = `${REGPATH}\\${application}`;
let path = WindowsRegistry.readRegKey(REGISTRY.ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER,
regPath, "", REGISTRY.WOW64_64);
if (!path) {
path = WindowsRegistry.readRegKey(Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey.ROOT_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
regPath, "", REGISTRY.WOW64_64);
if (!path) {
return null;
return this._tryPath(path, application, context)
.then(manifest => manifest ? {path, manifest} : null);
_tryPath(path, application, context) {
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() =>, {encoding: "utf-8"}))
.then(data => {
let manifest;
try {
manifest = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (ex) {
let msg = `Error parsing native host manifest ${path}: ${ex.message}`;
return null;
let normalized = Schemas.normalize(manifest, "manifest.NativeHostManifest", context);
if (normalized.error) {
return null;
manifest = normalized.value;
if ( != application) {
let msg = `Native host manifest ${path} has name property ${} (expected ${application})`;
return null;
return normalized.value;
}).catch(ex => {
if (ex instanceof OS.File.Error && ex.becauseNoSuchFile) {
return null;
throw ex;
_tryPaths: Task.async(function* (application, dirs, context) {
for (let dir of dirs) {
let path = OS.Path.join(dir, `${application}.json`);
let manifest = yield this._tryPath(path, application, context);
if (manifest) {
return {path, manifest};
return null;
* Search for a valid native host manifest for the given application name.
* The directories searched and rules for manifest validation are all
* detailed in the native messaging documentation.
* @param {string} application The name of the applciation to search for.
* @param {object} context A context object as expected by Schemas.normalize.
* @returns {object} The contents of the validated manifest, or null if
* no valid manifest can be found for this application.
lookupApplication(application, context) {
if (!VALID_APPLICATION.test(application)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid application "${application}"`);
return this.init().then(() => this._lookup(application, context));
this.NativeApp = class extends EventEmitter {
* @param {BaseContext} context The context that initiated the native app.
* @param {string} application The identifier of the native app.
constructor(context, application) {
this.context = context; = application;
// We want a close() notification when the window is destroyed.
this.proc = null;
this.readPromise = null;
this.sendQueue = [];
this.writePromise = null;
this.sentDisconnect = false;
this.startupPromise = HostManifestManager.lookupApplication(application, context)
.then(hostInfo => {
// Put the two errors together to not leak information about whether a native
// application is installed to addons that do not have the right permission.
if (!hostInfo || !hostInfo.manifest.allowed_extensions.includes( {
throw new context.cloneScope.Error(`This extension does not have permission to use native application ${application} (or the application is not installed)`);
let command = hostInfo.manifest.path;
#if XP_WIN
// OS.Path.join() ignores anything before the last absolute path
// it sees, so if command is already absolute, it remains unchanged
// here. If it is relative, we get the proper absolute path here.
command = OS.Path.join(OS.Path.dirname(hostInfo.path), command);
let subprocessOpts = {
command: command,
arguments: [hostInfo.path],
workdir: OS.Path.dirname(command),
stderr: "pipe",
}).then(proc => {
this.startupPromise = null;
this.proc = proc;
}).catch(err => {
this.startupPromise = null;
Cu.reportError(err instanceof Error ? err : err.message);
* Open a connection to a native messaging host.
* @param {BaseContext} context The context associated with the port.
* @param {nsIMessageSender} messageManager The message manager used to send
* and receive messages from the port's creator.
* @param {string} portId A unique internal ID that identifies the port.
* @param {object} sender The object describing the creator of the connection
* request.
* @param {string} application The name of the native messaging host.
static onConnectNative(context, messageManager, portId, sender, application) {
let app = new NativeApp(context, application);
let port = new ExtensionChild.Port(context, messageManager, [], "", portId, sender, sender);
app.once("disconnect", (what, err) => port.disconnect(err));
/* eslint-disable mozilla/balanced-listeners */
app.on("message", (what, msg) => port.postMessage(msg));
/* eslint-enable mozilla/balanced-listeners */
port.registerOnMessage(msg => app.send(msg));
port.registerOnDisconnect(msg => app.close());
* @param {BaseContext} context The scope from where `message` originates.
* @param {*} message A message from the extension, meant for a native app.
* @returns {ArrayBuffer} An ArrayBuffer that can be sent to the native app.
static encodeMessage(context, message) {
message = context.jsonStringify(message);
let buffer = new TextEncoder().encode(message).buffer;
if (buffer.byteLength > NativeApp.maxWrite) {
throw new context.cloneScope.Error("Write too big");
return buffer;
// A port is definitely "alive" if this.proc is non-null. But we have
// to provide a live port object immediately when connecting so we also
// need to consider a port alive if proc is null but the startupPromise
// is still pending.
get _isDisconnected() {
return (!this.proc && !this.startupPromise);
_startRead() {
if (this.readPromise) {
throw new Error("Entered _startRead() while readPromise is non-null");
this.readPromise = this.proc.stdout.readUint32()
.then(len => {
if (len > NativeApp.maxRead) {
throw new this.context.cloneScope.Error(`Native application tried to send a message of ${len} bytes, which exceeds the limit of ${NativeApp.maxRead} bytes.`);
return this.proc.stdout.readJSON(len);
}).then(msg => {
this.emit("message", msg);
this.readPromise = null;
}).catch(err => {
if (err.errorCode != Subprocess.ERROR_END_OF_FILE) {
Cu.reportError(err instanceof Error ? err : err.message);
_startWrite() {
if (this.sendQueue.length == 0) {
if (this.writePromise) {
throw new Error("Entered _startWrite() while writePromise is non-null");
let buffer = this.sendQueue.shift();
let uintArray = Uint32Array.of(buffer.byteLength);
this.writePromise = Promise.all([
]).then(() => {
this.writePromise = null;
}).catch(err => {
_startStderrRead() {
let proc = this.proc;
let app =;
Task.spawn(function* () {
let partial = "";
while (true) {
let data = yield proc.stderr.readString();
if (data.length == 0) {
// We have hit EOF, just stop reading
if (partial) {
Services.console.logStringMessage(`stderr output from native app ${app}: ${partial}`);
let lines = data.split(/\r?\n/);
lines[0] = partial + lines[0];
partial = lines.pop();
for (let line of lines) {
Services.console.logStringMessage(`stderr output from native app ${app}: ${line}`);
send(msg) {
if (this._isDisconnected) {
throw new this.context.cloneScope.Error("Attempt to postMessage on disconnected port");
if (Cu.getClassName(msg, true) != "ArrayBuffer") {
// This error cannot be triggered by extensions; it indicates an error in
// our implementation.
throw new Error("The message to the native messaging host is not an ArrayBuffer");
let buffer = msg;
if (buffer.byteLength > NativeApp.maxWrite) {
throw new this.context.cloneScope.Error("Write too big");
if (!this.startupPromise && !this.writePromise) {
// Shut down the native application and also signal to the extension
// that the connect has been disconnected.
_cleanup(err) {
let doCleanup = () => {
// Set a timer to kill the process gracefully after one timeout
// interval and kill it forcefully after two intervals.
let timer = setTimeout(() => {
let promise = Promise.all([
.catch(err => {
if (err.errorCode != Subprocess.ERROR_END_OF_FILE) {
throw err;
]).then(() => {
this.proc = null;
`Native Messaging: Wait for application ${} to exit`,
promise.then(() => {
return promise;
if (this.proc) {
} else if (this.startupPromise) {
if (!this.sentDisconnect) {
this.sentDisconnect = true;
if (err && err.errorCode == Subprocess.ERROR_END_OF_FILE) {
err = null;
this.emit("disconnect", err);
// Called from Context when the extension is shut down.
close() {
sendMessage(msg) {
let responsePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.once("message", (what, msg) => { resolve(msg); });
this.once("disconnect", (what, err) => { reject(err); });
let result = this.startupPromise.then(() => {
return responsePromise;
result.then(() => {
}, () => {
// Prevent the response promise from being reported as an
// unchecked rejection if the startup promise fails.
responsePromise.catch(() => {});
return result;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(NativeApp, "maxRead", PREF_MAX_READ, MAX_READ);
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(NativeApp, "maxWrite", PREF_MAX_WRITE, MAX_WRITE);